Apigility and index.phtml template - zend-framework2

I am trying to create a index.phtml page to my RESTful Apigility API. Steps i have taken is
1) Create a DB connected API any given it route "account"
2) Access the account API on /account with postman and got HAL and JSON to response to work
3) Create a new "Selector" under content negotiation with 3 view models. "ZF\ContentNegotiation\ViewModel", "ZF\Hal\View\HalJsonModel" and "Zend\View\Model\ViewModel"
4) Selected the newly created selector in the accounts API
5) Created a index.phtml under Account/view/index.phtml with code "Test"
6) Added
'view_manager' => array(
'template_path_stack' => array(
'account' => __DIR__ . '/../view',
to module.config.php
7) Using postman and accessed /account with
Accept application/json // works
Accept text/html // don't work
Would be great if someone could lend a hand to get a index.phtml template to work with a restful DB connect API

If you want to use ViewModel you should choose RPC API. You can create RPC API with following this documentation


Not able to executing watch method of gmail

I am using Restclient form my rails4 application and executing the post method for watch method of gmail,it needs topic and label as its parameter
This is my code
RestClient.post "https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/#{email}/watch?access_token=#{token}", {"topicName" => "projects/project_name/topics/my_topic","label" => "INBOX" , "Content-type" => "application/json"}
its giving me bad request , can any one suggest me whats the right way ?
Make sure you have done this in proper order
Enabled pubsub in google developer console
Create topic
Create pubsub subscription
grant publish rights

Conflict on 'action' parameter with controller action name

I have an API endpoint that handles requests from a third-party app. The problem is that the 3rd-party application sends out a parameter named 'action', and in rails, params[:action] is equivalent to the action name of the API endpoint.
How do I retrieve the actual value of the 'action' parameter that was sent from the request?
The endpoint by the way is a POST method. I tried
but the 'action' key is not present.

control actions and urls in yii

I am trying to perform different actions stored in the same controller using yii.
I have an action called "test" and I can access it by typing the url "localhost/blah/test", this url calls the method "actiontest()" in my controller, now what I want is by typing "localhost/blah/test/create" access the method "actioncreate()" which is in the same controller.
Is there any way to achieve that?
define in routes this rule in config:
'rules' => array(
'localhost/blah/test/create' => 'localhost/blah/create',

How do I check if a controller's action has a routed URL in CakePHP?

Is there a CakePHP method when requested a URL/link to be created (using a router array) that will respond with whether a matching pattern, and hence, friendly URL can be returned for the request?
Example: No routes matching array('controller' => 'thing', 'action' => 'show', 'abc' => 'def') will return the 'default' controller/action/params:values structure of /thing/show/abc:def.
I would like to know if a URL request was formed by a route. Otherwise the URL, and therefore the controller's action, should not be publicly accessible.
I have removed the require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php'; line from routes.php, so there should not be the 'default' matching of any controller/action, yet using the url method still returns the 'default' structured URL. It would be more convenient to use this result as a test for if a URL request is valid/publicly available.
I am aware that CakeRoute, which is used by Router, has the match() method which returns false on an unmatched URL after testing against all connected routes, but I can't figure out how to access this functionality from Router.

Access controller plugins in mapper in zf2

I am creating an application in zf2.
I have a Plugin (MyModule\Controller\Plugin\MyPlugin) that I can call in my controller without any problem.
I would like to be able to call it from a mapper (like it was possible in zf1 doing getStaticHelper().
I found that it is possible to get it in the view by doing Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance() and then call the plugin but this doesn't work in the mapper.
Is that possible?
I think you have to add to your module.config.php something like this:
'controller_plugins' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'userauthentication' => 'User\Controller\Plugin\UserAuthentication',
Then you should be able to call it from any controller:
