I want to draw a border on chart.Basically its a rectangular chart. So I can use plotxsize,plotysize,plotleft,plottop to draw border as rectangle.
'stroke-width' : 2,
'stroke' : '#3fa9f5',
'fill' : 'none'
But is there any way to remove that rectangular border.
Or is there a way to update plotborderwidth and plotbordercolor dynamically?
Keeping rendered object in variable, allows to show/hide SVG object by show/hide option.
- http://jsfiddle.net/n9tLuf92/
var r = chart.renderer,
borderColor = '#346691',
borderWidth = 2,
top = chart.plotTop,
width = chart.plotWidth,
left = chart.plotLeft,
height = chart.plotHeight,
border = r.path(['M', left, top, 'L', left + width, top, 'L', left + width, top + height, 'L', left, top + height, 'Z'])
'visible': true,
'stroke': borderColor,
'stroke-width': borderWidth
- http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#Renderer.path
By attr() function you can manipulate params.
'stroke': 'green'
I want to put some images as SVG on each point in Gantt chart, I've tried something like below:
function (chartt) { // on complete
But after running this code, the image will be shown on the corner of the page. I want to draw images on each point in the chart and set their position related to its point.
Live Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/meysamm22/x41wdu5z/
You need to use the right x and y attributes, calculate them based on plotX and plotY point's properties:
function(chartt) { // on complete
var points = chartt.series[0].points,
width = 30,
height = 30;
points.forEach(function(point) {
point.plotX + chartt.plotLeft + point.shapeArgs.width / 2 - width / 2,
point.plotY + chartt.plotTop - height / 2,
zIndex: 5
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/r4ph3ykz/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts.SVGRenderer#image
How do I make a button to add a horizontal line with 3 points?
1. Height
2. Beginning
3. The end
As in the example below.
Thank you very much!
enter image description here
You can use Highcharts.SVGRenderer class to add the line. For example:
document.getElementById('addLine').addEventListener('click', function() {
var height = document.getElementById('height').value,
start = document.getElementById('start').value,
end = document.getElementById('end').value,
xAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
x1 = xAxis.toPixels(start),
x2 = xAxis.toPixels(end),
y = chart.yAxis[0].toPixels(height);
chart.renderer.path(['M', x1, y, 'L', x2, y])
'stroke-width': 5,
stroke: 'red',
zIndex: 4
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/6m4e8x0y/4782/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts.SVGRenderer#path
I need some help for the handles in the navigator of highstock.
My set options do not work in my example:
Please take a look at line 5 to 9:
borderColor: '#666',
width: 10,
height: 35,
borderRadius: 2,
borderWidth: 0.5
thanks a lot!
Those options are not supported. You would have to extend Highcharts to enable them. It is possible to override function that handles creating of handles.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/v4vhy01j/
(function (H) {
H.wrap(H.Scroller.prototype, 'drawHandle', function (proceed, x, index) {
var scroller = this,
chart = scroller.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
elementsToDestroy = scroller.elementsToDestroy,
handles = scroller.handles,
handlesOptions = scroller.navigatorOptions.handles,
borderWidth = H.pick(handlesOptions.borderWidth, 1),
borderRadius = H.pick(handlesOptions.borderRadius, 0),
width = H.pick(handlesOptions.width, 9),
height = H.pick(handlesOptions.height, 16),
attr = {
fill: handlesOptions.backgroundColor,
stroke: handlesOptions.borderColor,
'stroke-width': borderWidth
// create the elements
if (!scroller.rendered) {
// the group
handles[index] = renderer.g('navigator-handle-' + ['left', 'right'][index])
cursor: 'ew-resize'
zIndex: 4 - index
}) // zIndex = 3 for right handle, 4 for left
// the rectangle
tempElem = renderer.rect(-5, 9 - height/2, width, height, borderRadius)
// the rifles
tempElem = renderer.path([
'M', -1.5, 13 - height/2,
'L', -1.5, 5 + height/2,
0.5, 13 - height/2,
0.5, 5 + height/2]).attr(attr)
// Place it
handles[index][chart.isResizing ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
translateX: scroller.scrollerLeft + scroller.scrollbarHeight + parseInt(x, 10),
translateY: scroller.top + scroller.height / 2 - 8
The Highstock navigator does not support all those options. Here's what the documentation says:
handles: Object
Options for the handles for dragging the zoomed area. Available options are backgroundColor (defaults to #ebe7e8) and borderColor (defaults to #b2b1b6).
Is there any way to increase the height of the handles in the highstock navigator component? Right now, the only options available are to change the color and the border-color. How about the height and width of the handles?
You can wrap drawHandles function and modify it to have increased height.
var height = 20;
(function (H) {
H.wrap(H.Scroller.prototype, 'drawHandle', function (proceed, x, index) {
var scroller = this,
chart = scroller.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
elementsToDestroy = scroller.elementsToDestroy,
handles = scroller.handles,
handlesOptions = scroller.navigatorOptions.handles,
attr = {
fill: handlesOptions.backgroundColor,
stroke: handlesOptions.borderColor,
'stroke-width': 1
// create the elements
if (!scroller.rendered) {
// the group
handles[index] = renderer.g('navigator-handle-' + ['left', 'right'][index])
cursor: 'e-resize'
zIndex: 4 - index
}) // zIndex = 3 for right handle, 4 for left
// the rectangle
tempElem = renderer.rect(-4.5, 0, 9, height, 0, 1)
// the rifles
tempElem = renderer.path([
'M', -1.5, 4,
'L', -1.5, 12,
0.5, 4,
0.5, 12]).attr(attr)
// Place it
handles[index][chart.isResizing ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
translateX: scroller.scrollerLeft + scroller.scrollbarHeight + parseInt(x, 10),
translateY: scroller.top + scroller.height / 2 - 8
There is an option for increasing the height of the navigator too..
Check this fiddle:
navigator: {
height: 100
I'm working with Highcharts spider web chart at the moment and wanted to see if I can do the following
How do I zoom polar charts? (or is it possible?)
How do I put background-color in each of the segment?
How do I zoom polar charts? (or is it possible?)
If you want a zoom like zoomType then no. zoomType is disabled for polar charts by highcharts-more.js. From source:
// Disable certain features on angular and polar axes
chart.inverted = false;
chartOptions.chart.zoomType = null;
How do I put background-color in each of the segment?
You can use math and Chart.renderer to create and fill paths to color the background of the segments. For example you might do it like this:
var colors = [ "pink", "yellow", "blue", "red", "green", "cyan", "teal", "indigo" ];
var parts = 6;
for(var i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
centerX = chart.plotLeft + chart.yAxis[0].center[0];
centerY = chart.plotTop + chart.yAxis[0].center[1];
axisLength = chart.yAxis[0].height;
angleOffset = -Math.PI/2;
angleSegment = Math.PI/(parts/2);
firstPointX = centerX + (axisLength * Math.cos(angleOffset + (angleSegment * i)));
firstPointY = centerY + (axisLength * Math.sin(angleOffset + (angleSegment * i)));
secondPointX = centerX + (axisLength * Math.cos(angleOffset + (angleSegment * (i+1))));
secondPointY = centerY + (axisLength * Math.sin(angleOffset + (angleSegment * (i+1))));
'M', centerX, centerY,
'L', firstPointX, firstPointY,
'L', secondPointX, secondPointY,
fill: colors[i % colors.length],
'stroke-width': 1,
'opacity': 1
As seen in this JSFiddle demonstration. You just have to match number of categories with the parts variable.