iPhone 6 Screenshot Size - ios

I am using iTunes Connect to submit an iOS app and I wanted to get screenshots of the app on an iPhone 5 (4 inch screen) and an iPhone 6 (4.7 inch screen), both of which I own. Apple says the image sizes for the screenshots need to be 640x1136 and 750x1334 respectively
When I took a screenshot on the iPhone 6 of the app and sent it to myself through email, as the "actual size", the image was 640x1136, not 750x1334. Why is this?
In Xcode the iOS Simulator makes the app look much worse (lower quality imagery and glitching in some tables/images) so I don't want to take a screenshot from that. How should I go about getting a screenshot of the proper sizes?

Your iPhone 6 is in Zoom-Mode. You have to change it to normal mode. Go to Setting - Display & Brightness - View-zoom (translated from Germany).
The iOS Simulator brings full scale screenshots even if the simulator is scaled down due to your computers screen size.
the iOS Simulator no longer brings full scale screenshots if scaled down, you have to scale to 100% to get the right dimensions on the simulator


Disable native resolution ONLY for iPhone 6 Plus

I need my app to not use iPhone 6 Plus' native resolution and rather scale up from iPhone 5/6.
I have removed the Launch Screen File and cleared "Retina HD 5.5" from the Launch Image, yet when people run it on iPhone 6 Plus, the app is still using its native resolution.
Note that removing the "Retina HD 5.5" was sufficient to bypass iTunesConnect App Screenshots validation for iPhone 6 Plus, yet the app itself is not honoring that.
Is there anything else to remove to eliminate iPhone 6 Plus native resolution?
There is not. You can only support 6 and 6 Plus together or none of them. As soon as you use the Launch Screen File Xcode assumes you want to support them.
I really don't know why you want to do that, but there are some tricks to resize fields and buttons (I assume you want to do that)
You should be able to determine the screen size/native screen size so you can resize your CGRects for example.
create an global function or variable to multiply your current width and heigth by, for example native width of 6+ = 1242*0,60306 = 750 native.
i'm not sure if you need 1080 or 1242 because of downscaling
More info about iphone 6+ resolution

Launch Screen Image size for all iOS screen sizes

I am trying to create a lunch screen image for my iOS app. But I am not sure whats the right size for it.
According to apple website for iPhone 6 the size should be 750 x 1334 (#2x) for portrait.
But my question is, how to create a launch screen image that will fit for all screen sizes such as iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, iPads etc?
Whats the correct way of doing this?
Go to images.xcassets
there you can see launch image sizes.Just Enable iOS version from right side.
iPhone Portrait iOS 8:- 1242*2208 (5.5 inch)
750*1334 (4.7 HD)
iPhone Landscape iOS 8:-2208*1242 (5.5inch)
iphone Portrait iOS 7,8 :- 640*960 (#2x)
640*1136 (Retina)
iPhone Portrait 5,6 :- 320*480 (#x)
640*960 (#2x)
640*1136 (retina4)
But my question is, how to create a launch screen image that will fit
for all screen sizes such as iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, iPads etc?
That will be very hard to do. The devices have different aspect ratios and the difference in size between say iPhone 5 and iPad Air is pretty big to use one image for all. If you want to use the classical launch screen with a screenshot, resizing one image won't look the same as the user interface on different devices. If you want a launch bitmap image you will need to supply all the necessary sizes.
Whats the correct way of doing this?
You can create either launch PNG image or launch screen as a storyboard.
For launch image, your project has an assets catalog. Either use existing or add new iOS launch image. The editor will show you all required sizes.
For a storyboard, your application probably already has LaunchScreen.storyboard. You typically won't create specific size or sizes here, but use auto layout that will resize the screen appropriately.

How to Support All iPhone Screen Sizes

I have an app in Xcode 6.2 with the storyboard supporting all devices. For some reason, whenever I load the application on the iPhone 6+, or iPhone 4s, or iPad, the screen doesn't take the size of the iPhone/iPad. However, on an iPhone 6, 5s, and 5, the screen takes the full size of the iPhone. Why is this? I am very unfamiliar with sizes and how to properly support all sizes. Right now, I have set the screen sizes in the storyboard for each view controller to 320 x 568. The width is "Compact" and the height is "Any".
If this has anything to do with this, my iPad screen comes out blank. It's just white. Apple recently rejected my external testers app submission due to this.
I have done lots of research on these 2 questions, but I had a hard time understanding anything, as I am new to iOS Development.
To properly handle varying sizes and how that affects your layout you will want to use auto layout. Check out this great tutorial from ray wenderlich to get you started. Once you get started feel free to post more specific questions about any roadblocks you run into. Good luck!
When you want your app to work on any device, ideally you should keep the width and height both set to "Any". You should switch to "Compact" or "Regular" width or height only if you have any requirement specific to a particular device. To understand things in detail read more on Size classes. It is very nicely documented in this Apple developer site.
iphone 4- 320x480
iphone 5- 320x568
iphone 6- 375x667
iphone 6plus - 414x736
and also ipad:
ipad mini - 768x1024
ipad air - 768x1024
ipad pro 10.5 - 834x1112
ipad pro 12.9 - 1024x1336

iphone app size smaller than screen

I'm developing an app and have come against a strange issue I can't find the answer for - when testing the app on an iPhone 5 the whole app display window is shrunk down to what looks like a 3.5 size display (the top and bottom of the screen are black and even the status bar is pushed down). When I test the app on an iPhone 5s running iOS 8 it displays full screen as expected.
Also when testing in the iOS simulator for iphone 5, and 5s it displays as expected. I'm using xcode 6 for development.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to set splash screen for your app. Otherwise it will take 3.5 screen size.
Just set the splash screen and you will be done.
So from iOS8, you can use a .xib as your Launch image, but if you have to support past versions of iOS, you have to provide static SplashScreens.
here is a link about replacing the launch image with a .xib file
If you have to use static Launch images, you have to add every supported resolutions:
320 x 480 - not retina iPhones
640 x 960 - retina 3.5" iPhones
640 x 1136 - retina 4" iPhones
750 x 1334 - iPhone 6
1242 x 2208 - iPhone 6 Plus
use size class approach on any height and any width. Hope you will get your solution from the following link
just clarify on the other answers, make sure you also set the 'Launch Image Source' under 'General' -> 'App Icon and Launch Images'
screen shots....
...mine used to be....
...and i changed it to... (and set an image)

Retina iPad Simulator display issue?

I'm making a retina iPad app. When I test with iPad simulator I get a nice display of my icons and buttons etc...
But when I switch to the retina simulator I get big buttons and images... Is that normal? Unfortunately I haven't a real iPad to test on.
Yes it is normal.
The reason being is the resolution of the retina display is 2048x1536 while the regular iPad is 1024x768.
When you test your app in the regular simulator, you'll see your app in 1024x768, which will appear "regular sized" on your display. When you test your app in the retina simulator, you'll be seeing your app in the full 2048x1536 resolution. And since chances are very good your computer monitor is not a retina display, you'll see it a bigger window with scaled up UI elements.
If you test your app on an iPad with a retina display you'll see everything is the same size as on a non retina iPad, since the physical screen size is the same.
