Grails3 generate-all generates faulty create action code - grails

When I use generate-all package.DomainObject, it generates a controller where create action is generated as:
def create() {
respond new DomainObject(params)
When I call the localhost:8080/DomainObject/create even without making any code change, it throws an exception:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: controller for
class: package.DomainObject
It looks like introspection is failing for properties that params map has and DomainObject does not have. This is surprising because in the grails 2, introspection used to just ignore the non-matching properties and it also used to do necessary type conversions on fields as well (now if DomainObject has an int property, it will throw a type mismatch exception because params map passes it as String). This is really inconvenient. Did something change or I am missing something?

Using the map constructor and setting properties in bulk with a map in Grails is basically the same as in Groovy, but it has logic to exclude 'controller', 'action', and 'format' keys to keep controller code like this uncluttered. That broke in 3.x and has been reported in the issue tracker. It's not marked fixed but works correctly for me in a simple 3.0.4 test app.
As a temporary workaround you can copy the params map and remove values stored under those keys and use the 'fixed' map for the constructor:
def create() {
def fixedParams = ([:] + params) // copy
['controller', 'format', 'action'].each { fixedParams.remove it }
respond new Thing(fixedParams)


Grails json views : opaque view selection - picks out default template in another directory

I am using Grails 3.3.9 and json views 1.2.10.
In another test I have a url mapping like this
And I have an empty views/test folder, and I don't have a Test domain object.
But I do have a Device domain entity, and have a views/device/_device.gson template in that directory to help render a device object.
The TestController's show action looks like this
def show (Device device) {
if(device == null) {
render status:404
} else {
respond device}
This looks for a Device in domain model and populates into Shows parameter list, and I respond with the device.
There is however no show.gson in the views/test directory (it's empty).
However when you hit the url in the browser "http://localhost:8080/api/test/1", grails renders a response using the "views/device/_device.gson" template.
This is very confusing as it's very hard to figure exactly view view respond is actually using (unless you force it using a view:'xxx' map variable.
How/why is the TestController/show action response return, picking up "views/device/_device.gson" template ?
(Posted answer on behalf of the question author).
Step 1) if you create a new controller (I used grails create-controller <controller>, and then edit the generated controller to extend from RestfulController<domain type> (but don't override any methods). Then Setup the URL mapping for your controller, in my example this was
for which I have the corresponding domain class 'OrgRoleInstance' in my model.
The create-controller action also generates an empty view package 'views/orgRoleInstance' (no gson files are generated)
a) if you do the run app now and open the url
then your still get a rendered response (like this) !
Ipso facto there is some 'default framework logic' that tries to render the default implementation of the 'index' (and 'show' etc) action inherited from RestfulController'. This is done even with with no pre-existing gson - no warnings are provided.
Step 2: next stop the app (it's still caching the previous 'default' behaviour).
Now go to the empty view directory and create an 'index.gson' like this with no model
json ([1,2,3])
Then restart the app in your IDE. Now when it starts, it detects that an index.gson exists, and when you call the url 'http://localhost:8080/api/org' what you get is the rendered json for the static list [1,2,3]
step 3: gson views are using static compilation under the covers and very fiddly to get exactly right. However in the case of default RestfulController index action , a list of OrgRoleInstances is selected from the domain model and passed as a lit to the view. if you want the databinding to the view to work, then if your domain object is type T, the you get a List<T> returned.
The internal default in the code base, is if you get List<T> returned to respond then, the data model in the view is assumed to be List<T> <T>List i.e. in my example this would be
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgRoleInstanceList in the gson view model. Now with a revised index.gson (you can edit this without stop/start of server in dev mode)
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgRoleInstanceList
json {
recordCount orgRoleInstanceList.size()
Now when you Get the URL you get a json response with the size of the list:
Note that if you add an extra variable to your model like this:
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgRoleInstanceList
Integer orgRoleInstanceCount
json {
recordCount orgRoleInstanceList.size()
size orgRoleInstanceCount
and modify the index.gson to print the new Integer variable - then it is not data bound from the default respond action.
Browser response looks like this:
Option 4: - look at invoking a 'template' class. Having set up a model that's expecting a List<T>, the runTime type built via data binding is an instance of "grails.orm.PagedResultList". This is an Iterable type.
This is very confusing to read in the documentation - it's really not clear however if you create a file called _<file>.gson. Then this is treated is a template gson file.
This can have its own model/json, but because all this is statically compiled you have to get the types exactly matching and where necessary declare the 'name' of the model variable when calling the template (either via g.render or implicit tmpl.<file>.
When you call the template from the parent view you can pass either an the List<T> iterable model type or iterate in the parent view and pass each <T> to the template. You have to ensure that the model type you pass to the tmpl is declared as the same type in the tmpl model.
e.g. assuming a List<T> in the parent view but a <T> in the template, you need to invoke the tmpl for each item in the list. e.g.
if you have a tmpl like this "_orgRoleInstance.gson".
If you have the parent view like this (note single <T> declared and model variable named 'org'
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
OrgRoleInstance org
json {
Then the parent view "index.gson" you need something like this that invokes the tmpl as many times as you have entries in the list, but I've had to tell the framework that the tmpl model variable name is 'org' by passing a map. This will render as you expect.
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgRoleInstanceList
Integer orgRoleInstanceCount
orgRoleInstanceList.each { OrgRoleInstance org ->
json tmpl.orgRoleInstance(org:org)
If you declare the tmpl variable to be "def org", it still works but as this is statically typed, the variable is passed as static instance of Object (run time type is correct, but you cant just access the properties as the static type is Object), and it gets hard sorting out the casts required to access the properties.
If you want the parent view to pass the model List<T> variable to the tmpl, you can = but you have to ensure that the model variable in the tmpl is List<T> else the data binding doesn't work.
Now in the template you can invoke the json and iterate over the List
e.g. with a modified tmpl like this
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
//OrgRoleInstance org
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgs
json {
and a revised parent view like this to invoke the tmpl:
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgRoleInstanceList
Integer orgRoleInstanceCount
orgRoleInstanceList.each { OrgRoleInstance org ->
json tmpl.orgRoleInstance(orgs:org)
//alternate approach
json tmpl.orgRoleInstance (orgs:orgRoleInstanceList)
What get rendered is this:
You will note that there is a single json clause so it iterates all the ids first and the all the names second.
If this is not what you want you have to iterate over the list to do each in turn
i.e. a modified tmpl like this will iterate over each entry in turn
import com.softwood.domain.OrgRoleInstance
model {
//OrgRoleInstance org
List<OrgRoleInstance> orgs
json (orgs) {OrgRoleInstance org ->
and produce this in the browser
For anyone else who is confused by Grails Views, I hope this shows how this works between url mappings (you can use the Gradle "urlMappingsReport" to see these) and shows what urls are mapped to what actions. You then need gson views created with the same name as these actions, and configure your gson views and any tmpl you create to be aware of the implicit behaviour that the JsonViews applies when processing your code.

Grails - Pass data from view to controller

I'm trying to pass Param data from view to controller and I'm having trouble. Here's what I'm currently trying to do.
<form action="${doStuffURL}" method='post' params="[keyId: ${[i]}]"><g:actionSubmit value="doStuff"/></form>
def myObjectService //inject service object
def doStuff = {
myObjectService.doStuff("${params.keyId}") //this blows up because it's value of NULL
myObjectService.doStuff(8) //this works fine
It gets to the method block because the error log says "no signature of method MyObject.doStuff() is applicable for argument types: values: [null]." Also, I'm able to see ${[i]} data from another field, so the data is definitely in the view.
How can I get the controller to read the Param data?
err lots wrong here:
<form action="${doStuffURL}" method='post' params="[keyId: ${[i]}]"><g:actionSubmit value="doStuff"/></form>
why not use:
<g:form name="something" controller="yourController" action="youraction">
As you can see above you are having to generate
form url (maybe you have your reasons)
def doStuff = {
Differences between action and methods in Grails controllers
So firstly why you should change controller but my actual concern here is
is MyObject.doStuff a static method ?
since that is only when a call like this would work. The link shows a static method. gets called here and it may confuse you due to it calling it via executor.registerSenderFault due to how it is generated working - expandability - for future classes that do same thing. this could have been EmailExecutor.registerSenderFault which is the full class in uppercase like you have declared.
surely it should be a service notice starting with lower case.
If above is some real method in MyObject and is not a static method then you need to instantiate the class
MyObject myObject = new MyObject()
but in short this is why services exist it is all there to save you all the hassle since they just get injected.
I suggest you do some reading looking around
def doStuff = {
println "my params are $params "
//do you see keyId in there ?
//if so what is doStuff expecting as input a string ?:
// since if you do
println "${params.keyId.getClass()}"
//by default it will be a string you may need to change it from:
myObjectService.doStuff(params.keyId as Long)
Personally I don't think it is any of the above edited comments, it still relates to how/what you are injecting. I have seen similar issues. I would suggest you create a brand new service and inject new service as a test and start again - not convinced you were injecting it correctly or if you are the service may be some abstract class rather than a normal service. Or.... you are making some form of similar mistake in the uppercase/lowercase declaration of the service name so you may have created:
MyObjectnameService and calling it using myObjectNameService difference in N in those or.... even worse you have created actual service as myObjectNameService with lowercase name.
test this all again using a much simpler naming convention and create a new service as a test
grails create service MyService
and try again using this service

Unable to Invoke Post Operation When Using a DTO for Grails

I would like to use a DTOs when I'm working with grails. My DTO basically looks like this:
class ProjectDTO {
Long id
Long version
String name
I've put the file in src/groovy so grails understands this isn't a domain model.
I also have a converter to transfrom my projectDTO into a project object.
def save(ProjectDTO projectInstance) {
if (projectInstance == null) {
render status: NOT_FOUND
ProjectDTOConverter converter = new ProjectDTOConverter()
Project p = converter.convertFromDTOForSave(projectInstance)
p =
List<ProjectDTO> r = converter.convertToDTO(p)
respond r, [status: CREATED]
This strategy seems to work fine for GET, POST, and DELETE operations, but not for PUT operations. It seems that for put operations, grails always considers my projectInstance variable to be null, even though it is passed in properly.
I did a SQL spool and it seems that when you pass in any object into a PUT operation, grails assumes you're working with a domain object, and issues a SQL statement to try retrieve the object from the database. If the object can't be retrieved, the projectInstance is nulled out for some reason.
Does anyone know if there is a way to instruct Grails that the object i'm passing in for a PUT operation is not a domain model, and grails shouldn't retrieve it from the database?

Grails Session scope for service not working as expected

I'm making a web app that stores reports of various types as domain objects, so I have a domain object HeadOfHousehold which contains name data, and references to other domain objects such as the reports, addresses, and any dependants. I am trying to build a list of recently viewed/created HeadOfHousehold objects. After multiple Google searches, and scouring the manual, it appeared that a service would be an appropriate solution. So I created ClientListService:
class ClientListService {
static scope = "session"
String message // right now I'll be happy to just see the same message across
// pages I can add a list and manipulate it later.
I thought I could then reference it in my various controllers, and it would persist Something like this:
def clientListService
def index(){
hasSearched = false
clientListService = new ClientListService(message: "Hello")
[errorMessage: params.errorMessage, clients:clientListService]
Which should be available in a later controller:
class HeadOfHouseHoldController {
def clientListService
def index() {
[customer: HeadOfHousehold.get(, clients: clientListService]
However when I try to get the message, it appears as if the object is null.
From my index.gsp:
So I don't know if I am not defining session properly (I'm not doing anything special to do so), if I'm misunderstanding how the session scope works, or something else. I do see the proper message on the original page which has defined the object, however I don't see it on any subsequent pages.
Also, I'm not sure if this is the proper way to go about this; right now all I really need is the list of HeadOfHouseholds that I would need (so I can add to the list from other pages), however I can see possibly adding other logic and items into such a class.
I think you understood the session scope correctly. Each Spring bean with a session scope is bound to the HTTP session.
But your first controller listing does it all wrong. You are not supposed to instantiate the service class yourself. This is what Spring (Grails) does.
class FooController {
def clientListService // gets autowired by Grails/Spring
def index(){
hasSearched = false
clientListService.message = 'Hello' // only assign a String value to the service
[errorMessage: params.errorMessage, clients:clientListService]
This means you cannot not do something like
clientListService = new ClientListService(message: "Hello")
and expect your code to work. Hope this helps.

Does Grails have a neat way of copy domain properties from a URL query string?

I know Grails has a map based constructor for domain objects, to which you can pass the params of a URL to and it will apply the appropriate field settings to the object using introspection, like this...
myDomainInstance = new MyObject(params)
I was wondering whether there was an equivalent method of taking the params and applying them to an existing object and updating values in the same way that the map constructor must work, something like...
myDomainInstance = params
myDomainInstance = fromParams(params)
Am I just wishful thinking or does such a thing exist? I can code it up myself but would rather not if it exists already.
Adapted from the grails user guide:
obj = MyObject.get(1) = params
Check out the documentation for 'params' under the controller section for more information.
It really depends on what you are trying to do but an equivalent approach use databinding.
def sc = new SaveCommand()
bindData(sc, params)
This give you the benefit of using custom binding. If let say your date format is not the default one you can redefine it through a bean like this:
public class CustomPropertyEditorRegistrar implements PropertyEditorRegistrar {
public void registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
registry.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"), true));
