Debug Angular's $http.jsonp(); on Safari iOS - ios

I have this code on my Angular App controller:
$http.jsonp('', config).success(function (data) {
vm.lightSensor = data.a0-vm.lightThreshold;
vm.detected = (data.d2==1) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
vm.toggle = (data.d7==1) ? 'on' : 'off';
vm.jsonerror = false;
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
vm.jsonerror = true;
It throws a 404 status error when I do the alert, however, this happens on Safari iOS but not on iOS Chrome, where the request works fine.
I think, as the server is an Arduino, that it may be something to do with the request headers that Safari iOS is sending, that maybe the Arduino server doesn't like and returns a 404 error.
I tried to debug it with weinre, but it doesn't show any xhr requests (at least for me).
What other not-too-tedious ways are there to debug the request so I can see what headers are being sent considering that I don't have a Mac?

I already solved it. I could look at the headers by modifying the Arduino server to output the headers in the arduino serial console.
Turns out the problem was the arduino server itself, it didn't return a 200 code so it failed in Safari iOS. Somehow it still worked on the rest of the browsers, but I have no clue why.


Cannot POST with ESP8266 (espruino)

I cannot make post request (get works fine) with espruino.
I've already checked the documentation and it seems pretty equal
here is my code:
let json = JSON.stringify({v:"1"});
let options = {
host: 'https://******,
protocol: 'https',
path: '/api/post/*****',
method: 'POST',
let post = require("http").request(options, function(res){
res.on('data', function(data){
console.log('data: ' + data);
res.on('close', function(data){
console.log('Connection closed');
The espruino console only return the 'connection closed' console.log.
The node.js server console (hosted on heroku and tested with postman) dont return anything.
Obv the esp8266 is connected to the network
What you're doing looks fine (an HTTP Post example is here), however Espruino doesn't support HTTPS on ESP8266 at the moment (there isn't enough memory on the chips for JS and HTTPS).
So Espruino will be ignoring the https in the URL and going via HTTP. It's possible that your server supports HTTP GET requests, but POST requests have to be made via HTTPS which is why it's not working?
If you did need to use HTTPS with Espruino then there's always the official Espruino WiFi boards, or I believe ESP32 supports it fine too.
you're using a package called "http" and then trying to send a request over https. You should also log out 'data' in the res.close so you can get some errors to work with.

Ajax Error callback not firing for iPhone

Error callback does not work if async request is sent but success does! and it works perfectly fine in Android and browser.
In iPhone it works for synchronous request. here is my code.
other apis work perfectly fine.
type: 'POST',
url: "",
data: {
"login": useremail,
"password": password
success: function (resp) {
console.log('User logged-in successfully');
error: function (e) {
API returns status code 200 for correct email and password but 401 for incorrect one so if status code is 200 its works well I get response in success.
This seems to be a very common issue with Cordova + iOS + jQuery combo.
Seems like there are few ways to resolve this 401 error response handling issue. One is to add timeout time out attribute while making AJAX request and handling the error. The other approach is to handle it in the server side by sending request over HTTPS and returning back authentication token with error details in case of 401 error.
Request you to have a look at this post for more info.
Also currently you cannot differentiate these two errors (401 and 408 errors) in iOS as i could see this defect still open in official Apache Cordova Bug Tracking System.Request you to check out this bug

Debugging an API request

I'm trying to post a user status update to the Goodreads API.
Most of the time my request returns 200 OK and does nothing. Every now and then, though, it returns 201 Created and the status is updated. When it works it's always the first time I try to make the call after running the app in iOS simulator. Subsequent calls never work.
I don't think the problem is the API itself, since the official Goodreads iOS app uses the same call and it always works.
Their API is famous for having problems with calls that include brackets in the parameters, but I can make other calls that contain brackets and they work fine, the problem is just this one.
I'm using OAuthSwift and this is my code:
parameters: ["user_status[page]" : 168, "user_status[book_id]" : 6366035, "format" : "xml"],
//headers: ["Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
success: {
data, response in
failure: {
error in
(The commented out parts are alternatives I have tried unsuccessfully.)
I'm printing the base string that gets signed and it looks the same for the calls that work and the ones that don't, except for the nonce and the timestamp, obviously.
In the headers is also included the oauth_signature, which changes every time and sometimes contains characters that are encoded by OAuthSwift, so that could account for the call working just some of the time (it could work only when the signature doesn't contain a certain character)… but I'm printing out the headers too and I don't see any patterns or any discernible difference between the headers of the calls that work and those of the calls that don't.
So now I don't know what to test anymore… I'm checking the base string and the headers for calls that work and for calls that don't and they look the same… Could anybody think of something else that changes between calls and I should check? I have no idea what could be causing this and I don't know how to debug it.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: Very weird… I tried my request with Paw, a Mac REST client, and with Chrome's Postman extension. If I use https I get 404 on my first call, then 201 on the second, then 404 on the third, 201 on the forth and so on. It works every other time. The time it works it doesn't matter if I use http or https, it works as long as there was a failed https request just before.
So I tried doing the same in my app: I added two https calls one after the other… in my app they always return 404.
So it seems like Postman, Paw and OAuthSwift are handling the requests differently. I don't know what could be the difference between those clients… the signature base string seems to be the same for all three, the headers too… so what else could change between them?
In the newer versions of Xcode you can only communicate with a HTTPS server. I expect Google support that so you can change the URL. Or you can edit your Info.plist file.
App Transport Security Settings > Allow Arbitrary Loads > YES

Alamofire http request to local webserver

I'm developing an iPhone app and the plan is to send a JSON packet every so often from the app to a local webserver. To do this, I had planned to use Alamofire. My POST method looks like this:
Alamofire.request(Alamofire.Method.POST, "http://XXX.XX.X.XX:3000/update", parameters: dictPoints, encoding: .JSON)
.responseJSON {(request, response, JSON, error) in
The IP address is marked out, but I've made sure that this corresponds to the IPv4 wireless address of my local server. The server is set to listen to port 3000. The server configuration looks like this:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', function (callback) {
console.log("MongoDB connection is open.");
// Mongoose Schema definition
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var LocationSchema = new Schema({
//some schema here
// Mongoose Model definition
var LocationsCollection = mongoose.model('locations', LocationSchema);
// URL management
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
app.get('/update', function (req, res) {
console.log("Got something from the phone!");
// Start the server
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port
console.log('App listening at %s:%s',host, port)
So, this server seems to work ok. I can test it in my browser and type the URL: and it will feed me the index.html file. If I type in then I get the "Got something from the phone!" message. However, when I run my app (making sure my phone is on the same wireless network as the server) and the Alamofire method gets called... the response I get is nil. I also don't see the "Got something from the phone!" message. Can anyone let me know why that would be happening... or better yet, how to fix it?
A few thoughts:
You are creating a POST request in Alamofire, but you've told Express to handle GET requests for /update. Use if you want to handle it as a POST.
Your Alamofire code is looking for JSON response, but you don't appear to be creating a JSON response. In the short term, you could use responseString rather than responseJSON, but I presume you really want to change your web service to respond with JSON (to make it easier for the app to parse the responses).
Your Alamofire code sending a JSON request (but clearly when you send a request via the web browser, it's not JSON). Are you sure you wanted to send JSON request? (This is not to be confused with the JSON response issue.) Did you want to use the .URL encoding type parameter, rather than .JSON?
Whenever you have a request that works correctly from a web browser, but not from the app, it's useful to watch both using a tool like Charles and you can then compare how they differ and diagnose the source of the different behavior.
If you are running Express server and iOS Simulator on the same machine, try to use<port>/<url> instead of the actual IP, it helped in my case.
It sounds like the node server is not bound to the address you expect it to be. You should verify that when you type in the actual IP address in your "http://XXX.XX.X.XX:3000/update" in your web browser that it responds. Your question details suggest you've just been using the loopback address.

404 not found with api call - Angular to RoR

I am a newbie with Ruby on Rails and I am trying to figure out ways to connect Angular to RoR in a very simple way
Here is my service
mWebApp.service('mWebSrvc', function($http, $log) {
this.getCustomers = function() {
method : 'GET',
url : ''
}).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
angular.forEach(data, function(c) {
customers = data;
return customers;
When I look under the Net tab in Firebug, I see OPTIONS /api/customers/ 404 Not Found, but if I click on the Response tab within, then I see the JSON file - WTF? And not the JSON tab - again, WTF?
Under Firebug's console -
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://numberForLocalHost:3000/api/customers/"
My Rails server is running in daemon mode - numberForLocalHost:3000 - is this what the issue might be? That it should be calling a true api
If I paste the URL above into any web browser, then I can see the JSON
As usual, thanks in advance
You're getting an OPTIONS request because your browser believes this is a cross origin request.
See this question for example. Is your RoR app also serving your client side angular? If not, you should decide whether it can be (there shouldn't be a reason not to), or you need to reply to the pre-flight OPTIONS request from your server that you are seeing.
I had the very same issue with my Rails + Angular app. I had my cors well set up in my rails app but still nothing, I still got a 404 not found in the angular app. This could be the reason:
Perhaps you have "angular-in-memory-web-api": '0.x.x' in your package.json and also imported in your app.module.ts, as InMemoryWebApiModule and InMemoryDataService. These apparently intercept all calls to an API preventing them from ever reaching your back-end server. When I Removed those dependencies and their declarations, all of a sudden my app started working normally!
Look at this answer for more information.
