Check if Campaign Has Changes - google-ads-api

I'm currently working with Adwords API and I like to ask if there is a way on how can check if a campaign has changed? (Campaigns's name, keywords, etc etc...) As far as I researched the only way to check is by using the customer sync services, but it only checks for the campaign's common settings. Keywords and Text Ads are not included. I'm using Java by the way.


Google ads api list all accounts and their campaigns

I am totally new to google ads, I have a google ads account setup. I have a customer id (which I believe is the parent account id), under this I have a lot of 'Accounts' (url: setup. Every account have a list of campaigns. I want to prepare a report to fetch all campaigns and there settings. I am using postman to hit google apis (
I want to know what apis I can use to list all customer accounts and their campaigns?
Using the rest API for this sort of operation is not advised. It's expensive and there's an extremely tight limit.
It's advised to use the gRPC client libraries as they use search operations. You can learn more here:
Each of the client libraries has a robust set of examples and sample code that demonstrates exactly what you're trying to achieve (called list_accessible_accounts or similar). If you let me know what language you're using I can point you to the correct one.

Adobe Analytics - Custom product level dimensions

I have a question about Adobe Analytics.
I mainly work with Google Analytics and I wonder is there an equivalent to product level custom dimensions in Adobe?
For example, I want to capture extra information about the product such as supplier ID or color, how will I be able to do so in Adobe Analytics?
The only thing I found is merchandising evars, but from the documentation I am not sure if it will work as it is information specific to each product.
I can simply use a evar for this when the purchase is only 1 product, but when the purchase has multiple products, how can I capture extra product information?
Yes, you can use merchandising eVar for this. Make sure when you configure the eVar within the Adobe Analytics interface, to enable it as a merchandising eVar, and set it as Product Syntax. Then in your code, populate it within the s.products string on a product level.
An alternative common practice is to create SAINT classifications for the product id/sku (e.g. prodsku1, above), and upload the meta data to Adobe Analytics via FTP or API endpoint with a separate server-side process.

How to extract conversion results based on different attribution models from the Google Adwords API

I need to extract data from the adwords API to allow me to see the impact of different attribution models on conversion. I'm visualising my adwords data in the Klipfolio tool. My adwords account is set up to use the position based model but I'd also like to show last click conversions. This is essentially the data which is available in the adwords manager interface. I'm making my API calls via the supermetrics tool but can also create them directly in Klipfolio.
I'm not entirely familiar with the adwords query language but it does look like that there is a field for attribution type.
I've got as far as extracting data via this, using the Klipfolio interface:
DURING {date.add(-7).format('yyyyMMdd')},{'yyyyMMdd')}
Exactly what I'm looking for is WHERE function where I can specify a different type of attribution model from the current.
I cannot obtain this data from our Google Analytics data as our conversion data from GA is, unfortunately, duplicated. We're using the adword's conversion tags de-duplication functions to get around this issue.
I'd be very grateful if anyone could share an example of how an API request could look with the attribution model field present or, indeed, give some feedback on whether this is even possible.
Hi you can find more information about the CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT report here
You can find there the WHERE and SELECT fields like this:
SELECT CampaignName, Clicks, Impressions, Cost
WHERE Impressions < 10
Usually the reason for the duplications it's the selection of SELECT parameters, but I cannot say this for sure without more information.

Custom user tracking or 3rd party service for page referral analytics

The question I'm trying to answer for a set of users is how other users end up on their page. There are about 5 different ways a user can end up on your page. For example, they could have searched your name, clicked a link from a newsfeed or received an e-mail with a link to your page.
What is the best way to accomplish tracking these events? I'm initially inclined to create a table to track this. Each link would send an async event to the server to be added to the table. However, I'm also aware that there are many tracking services out there such as Google Analytics and Mixpanel. I've looked at their docs briefly and they don't seem to fit my need.
Am I missing something? Is it worth it to create a "custom" even tracking system to accomplish this?
It is not worth creating your own service. Plus you cannot add async link to search engine result pages or emails (that would require tracking code that you cannot implement in search engines or that would not be executed in mail clients).
Web analytics software tracks traffic sources by analyzing the incoming traffic via its http headers. If there is a referrer set the traffic will be attributed to, well, the referring site, unless the traffic is included in a list of known search engines in which case it will be attributed to organic search traffic etc.
In most systems you can customize source attribution by adding query parameters in the url (obviously this will not work with search engines and the like, since you cannot add parameters to organic search results). For example with Google Analytics you can add custom campaign parameters in email links or advertising campaigns. If people click on those links the parameter value will be send to GA and the source/medium/campaign information will be set accordingly (e.g. traffic from web mail clients would usually be attributed as a referrer, but campaign parameters allow to attribute the link to your mail campaigns).
There might be reasons to create your own system, but channel attribution is not one of them; GA and every other system I know of has this thoroughly covered.

How can I search users on Twitter using multiple filters?

There are Twitter platforms like or that allow you search users using filters such as genre, country, language, bio, age, profile photo...
How can they find users with these conditions? I didn't find on Twitter API documentation any method for that.
For example, if you look for "marketing" on ManageFlitter it returns us 700k users with that word in their bio. How they are getting that amount? Twitter API only returns 1000 users using search/users method.
I found there are Google commands like [ bio:*keyword -inurl:status] which return every user with a keyword in their bio. Are these platforms using something like this?
There isn't a way to do that with the API, which is limited on every endpoint. The only way to access this much Twitter information is via a data provider. Twitter acquired Gnip, who was one of these companies and there are others. You can subscribe to their service and get the entire history of tweets plus other value-added benefit each of them offers. Unlike the API, you'll have to pay, but the trade-off is that you receive better features and service.
