OAuth Access token Validation with Microservices - oauth

I am currently thinking about building an application following the microservice architecture. To authorize the user I was thinking of using the OAuth protocol. Now the question is where/when to validate the Access Token.
I basically see two possibilities:
Each microservice is doing it on it's own (meaning one call that might involve 10 microservices would result in 10 token validations)
Introduce an API gateway (which needs to be there anyways I guess) which does the token validation and passes on the user ID, scopes, ... that the other microservices trust and use (which also means that some kind of authentication between the API gateway and the microservice must be there, e.g. client secret!?)
As you probably have already guessed, I tend to go with the second approach. Is that a valid one? Do you have some practical experiece with one of those approaches? Or yould you suggest another approach?
I'm looking forward to your comments/remarks on that!
Thanks and regards!

You almost definitely want a public/private split in your microservices architecture. The public side should be authenticating the token, and the private side is used to service calls from other API calls. This way you are only authenticating once per call.
You can accomplish this by, as you said, creating a gateway service, which dispatches those calls to the private services. This is a very common pattern. We have found it useful to authenticate the gateway side to the private API with client certificate authentication, sometimes referred to as two-way SSL. This is a little more secure than a shared-secret (which can easily leak).


Microservice architecture structure with docker-compose : .NET 6

An ex-employee planned a Microservice Architecture which is being implemented now. I've few question regarding the design and I'd highly appreciate your feedbacks.
Dematerialized UI has a matching dematerialized API.
Dematerailized API validates the user and generates token via SSO Library.
Flight API does the I/O validation & validate the request via validate request microservice
Flight API calls Booking API to get some bookings based on the UserId
Flight API calls Print Booking API to generate Messages using Generate Message Microservice
Print Booking API must call Data Access API to get data and then call Generate PDF microservices.
Data Access API calls the database for data.
My Project Structure
FlightBookingsMicroserice.V1 //solution
ApiGatways //folder
DMZ.API/DMZ.API.csproj //Folder/project
//Similar for all
Should I be using ocelot in DMZ.API.csproj, Flight API and Print Booking API.
Is my project structure a Microservice way of development
Should I continue to use ASP.NET Core Web API with .NET 6 for Dematerialized API in orange, Function API in blue and Microservice in purple projects.
For validation, since the SSO is passed from Dematerialized UI what if the token expires while CRUD operations
is already performed for some stages [rolling back changes is a hassle].
Should each API access to an identidy server and validate the user passed and generate its own token for its
services in purple.
Thank you in advance.
The core question is if you really need all those services and if you perhaps are making things too complicated. I think the important thing is to really consider and really make sure you justify why you want to go through this route.
If you do synchronous API calls between the services, that creates coupling and in the long run a distributed monolith.
For question #4, you typically use one access token for the user to access the public service, and then you use a different set of internal tokens (machine-to-machine also called client credentials in OpenID Connect parlor) between services that have a totally different lifetime.
q1: ocelot is an API GATEWAY which is the entry point for your requests. so it should be the first layer/service meet by user request in front of your services and it forwards the request to the service according to its configuration. so it is lay in the front for all services you have. some arch provide another api gateway for different reasons like specific api gateway for mobiles request for example.
q2: as looking separate services (i cant understand function api but i assume they are services also ) yes but the microservices development is not just about separating things, its about design and identifying the services from business context (Domain Driven Design).its very challenging to identify services and their size and the way they are communicate to each other (asynchronous communication and synchronous communication).
q3: microservices is not about languages and frameworks.one of benefits of microservices architecture is its not language or framework dependent. the may be multiple languages used in microservices. choosing languages it depends on organization policy or your own reasons. if you are .net developer then go for .net.
q4: all the services are registered with identity server and they validate the given token by it. the identity server generate token (there may be multiple tokens) with scopes . the request from identified users always has the token in the headers and the services validate incoming token by referring identity server. this tokens has lifetime and also identity server generates refresh tokens in case of expiry of current token. please look at Oauth docs and rfc. also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhfvbl_KbWo&list=PLOeFnOV9YBa7dnrjpOG6lMpcyd7Wn7E8V may helped. you can skip the basic topics. i learned a lot from this series.

PKCE vs DCR for OAuth2 and Mobile Applications

I’m developing my own OAuth2 + OpenID Connect implementation. I am a bit confused about how to handle OAuth flows for native (specifically, Mobile) clients. So far, I am seeing that I need to use an Authentication Code Flow. However, based on my research, there are some details that seem to contradict each other(at least based on my current understanding).
First, standard practice seems to say that mobile apps are not inherently private and, as such, standard flows that make use of a back channel should not be used. As a work around, the PKCE extension can be used (and utilize the built-in device browser as opposed to a web view so the tokens and sensitive information are less likely to be leaked).
However, under the Protocol’s Dynamic Client Registration specification, it is also mentioned that mobile apps should use this method of client registration to get a valid client ID and client secret... But, why would we do this when in an earlier section it was established that mobile applications were indeed public clients and couldn’t be trusted with confidential information like a client secret (which we are getting by using this DCR mechanism...
So, what am I not understanding? These two things seem to contradict one another. One claims mobile apps are public shouldn’t be trusted with a secret. Yet, in the recommended DCR mechanism, we assign them the secret we just established they can’t be trusted with.
A bit late, but hope it helps. So part of the OAuth2.0 protocol is two components, the client_id, and client secret. The client and server must agree on those two values outside the protocol i.e. before the protocol start. Usually, the process is as follows. The client communicates with the Authorization Server using an out-of-bound communication channel to get these values and be registered at the server. There is two way this client registration can happen, statically and dynamically. Statically mean the client_id and secret do change, i.e. the client gets them once when he registers with the server. Dynamic client registration refers to the process of registering a client_id every time the client wants to use to protocol, i.e. a client secret will be generated for him every time (also by an outbound communication).
Now, Why use dynamic registration?
Dynamic client registration is better at managing clients across replicated authorization servers., The original OAuth use cases revolved around single-location APIs, such as those from companies providing web services. These APIs require specialized clients to talk to them, and those clients will need to talk to only a single API provider. In these cases, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect client developers to put in the effort to register their client with the API, because there’s only one provider.
Does Dynamic Client registration offer any security advantages?
No, both are vulnerable if used with a JavaScript or a Native Mobile Client (JavaScript client can be inspected, and Mobile apps can be decompiled). Hence, both of them require PKCE as an extra layer of security.

Access Token/Authorization Between Microservices

I'm creating an online store REST API that will mainly be used by a mobile app. The plan is for a microservices architecture using the Spring Cloud framework and Spring Cloud OAuth for security.
My question is really on best practices for communication between microservices: Should I have each service register for their own token, or should they just pass the user's token around?
For example, I have 3 services: user-service, account-service, order-service.
I've been able to implement two procedures for creating an order: One passes the user's token around, and in the other each service gets their own token. I use Feign for both approaches.
So for option 1: order-service -> GET account-service/account/current
order-service calls the account-service which returns the account based on a userId in the token. Then the order-service creates an order for the account.
Or for option 2: order-service -> GET account-service/account/user-id/{userId}
order-service gets the userId from the sent token, calls the account-service with it's own token, then creates the order with the retrieved account.
I'm really not sure which option is best to use. One better separates information but then requires two Feign Clients. However the other doesn't require the 2 clients and it becomes easier to block off end certain endpoints to outside clients, however it requires extra endpoints to be created and almost every service to go digging into the Authentication object.
What are all your thoughts? Has anyone implemented their system in one way or another way entirely? Or perhaps I've got the completely wrong idea.
Any help is appreciated.
I have found below 3 options:
If each microservice is verifying the token then we can pass the same token. But the problem is - in between same token can be expired.
If we use client_credentials grant then there we are having two issues: one is, we need to send the username/id in next microservice. Another one is, we need to request two times - first for getting the access token, next for actual call.
If we do the token verification in API gateway only (not in microservices) then from the API gateway we need to send the username in every microservices. And microservices implementation needs to be changed to accept that param/header.
When you do server to server communication, you're not really acting on behalf of a user, but you're acting on behalf of the server itself. For that client credentials are used.
Using curl for exemple :
curl acme:acmesecret#localhost:9999/oauth/token -d grant_type=client_credentials
You should do the same with your http client and you will get the access token. use it to call other services.
You should use client tokens using the client_credentials flow for interservice communication. This flow is exposed by default on the /oauth/token endpoint in spring security oauth.
In addition to this, you could use private apis that are not exposed to the internet and are secured with a role that can only be given to oauth clients. This way, you can expose privileged apis that are maybe less restrictive and have less validation since you control the data passed to it.
In your example, you could expose an public endpoint GET account-service/account/current (no harm in getting information about yourself) and a private api GET account-service/internal/account/user-id/{userId} that could be used exclusively by oauth clients to query any existing user.

oAuth implementation from the beginning or later

I'm starting a new system creating using .NET MVC - which is a relatively large scale business management platform. There's some indication that we'll open the platform to public once it is released and pass the market test.
We will be using ExtJs for the front-end which leads us to implement most data mining work return in JSON format - this makes me think whether I should learn the OAuth right now and try to embed the OAuth concept right from the beginning?
Basically the platform we want to create will initially fully implemented internally with a widget system; our boss is thinking to learn from Twitter to build just a core database and spread out all different features into other modules that can be integrated into the platform. To secure that in the beginning I proposed intranet implementation which is safer without much authentication required; however they think it will be once-for-all efforts if we can get a good implementation like OAuth into the platform as we start? (We are team of 6 and none of us know much about OAuth in fact!)
I don't know much about OAuth, so if it's worth to implement at the beginning of our system, I'll have to take a look and have my vote next week for OAuth in our meeting. This may effect how we gonna implement the whole web service thing, so may I ask anyone who's done large-scale web service /application before give some thoughts and advice for me?
OAuth 1 is nice if you want to use HTTP connections. If you can simply enforce HTTPS connections for all users, you might want to use OAuth 2, which is hardly more than a shared token between the client and server that's sent for each single request, plus a pre-defined way to get permission from the user via a web interface.
If you have to accept plain HTTP as well, OAuth 1 is really nice. It protects against replay attacks, packet injection or modification, uses a shared secret instead of shared token, etc. It is, however, a bit harder to implement than OAuth 2.
OAuth 2 is mostly about how to exchange username/password combinations for an access token, while OAuth 1 is mostly about how make semi-secure requests to a server over an unencrypted connection. If you don't need any of that, don't use OAuth. In many cases, Basic HTTP Authentication via HTTPS will do just fine.
OAuth is a standard for authentication and authorization. You can read about it in many places and learn; Generally the standard lets a client register in the authentication server, and then whenever this client attempts to access a protected resource, he is directed to the auth-server to get a token (first he gets a code, then he exchanges it with a token). But this is only generally, there are tons of details and options here...
Basically, one needs a good reason to use oAuth. If a simpler authentication mechanism is good for you - go for it.

Will using a master login username and password when implementing web services considered secure

I am working on an asp.net mvc-4 web application and I have started implementing some web services which provides statistical information about my site. But to make sure that only authorized and authenticated consumers can call and consume the web services I am thinking of defining a master login username and password for each consumer, and when a consumer sends a web service request he should include these master login username and password (stored as a hash value ) in the web service calls.
For example the web service link to call specific web service from my web site will look as follow:-
So my question is whether the approach I am following will provide a secure solution to my web services and to the consumers? OR my approach have security holes I am unaware of ?
I am using the WebAPI controllers to implement the web services inside my asp.net mvc-4.**
Best Regards
There are a few ways to make sure things are secure.
http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/08/soa-softwares-api-management-platform-and-how-it-compares-to-its-sexy-counterparts/ This article just came out today highlighting some API tools. I'm not sure how big you are or are planning to be, but if you're looking for scale, these tools seem to be pretty popular (note: I haven't had a large scale API project myself, so I haven't used these).
You can use something like ServiceStack to build your API layer. It has authorization and authentication built in with a boatload of authentication providers. It scales well and, after a call to authenticate, is session-based so you don't have to authenticate each call.
You can use "signed" requests. Signed requests often look something like: "take all the parameters for the request as a querystring, append a 'secret consumer key' to the end of the request', and then sign the request by appending the md5 hash of the results (without the secret key!!) to the request." This is a safe way of doing things because even if the request is made client-side (AJAX) it is generated server-side using a secret key. So you can ensure that things weren't tampered with.
You can go the oauth/token route (which often still uses method #3 above).
You can go with a simple API key that can be revoked (again, fotne used with method #3). bit.ly uses this method I think.
Option #2 is my favorite. I like ServiceStack. But to be honest the learning curve for your first project can be a little steep.
A master username and hashed password feels weak to me, so I'd strongly consider at least looking around at how others are doing it.
I do not consider your way to be safe. If I could listen on the wire and cache the request I will have the login an the password to the service. There even does not matter if the password is hashed or not. I like the point 3. in Eli Gassert's answer. It sounds very useful and light weight and you are not exposing the password because it is hashed "somewhere" in the request.
