Is it possible to define a recursive function within Erlang shell? - erlang

I am reading Programming Erlang, when I type these into erlang REPL:
perms([]) -> [[]];
perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
* 1: syntax error before: '->'
I know I cannot define functions this way in shell, so I change it to:
2> Perms = fun([]) -> [[]];(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- Perms(L--[H])] end.
* 1: variable 'Perms' is unbound
Does this mean I cannot define a recursive function within shell?

Since OTP 17.0 there are named funs:
Funs can now be given names
More details in README:
OTP-11537 Funs can now be a given a name. Thanks to to Richard O'Keefe
for the idea (EEP37) and to Anthony Ramine for the
1> Perms = fun F([]) -> [[]];
F(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- F(L--[H])]
2> Perms([a,b,c]).
In older releases, you have to be a little bit more clever but once you get it:
1> Perms = fun(List) ->
G = fun(_, []) -> [[]];
(F, L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- F(F, L--[H])]
G(G, List)
2> Perms([a,b,c]).


How to walk through directory in Erlang to take only folders?

main() ->
folders(PATH) ->
{_,DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [{H,filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H)}|| H <-DD],
% R is a list of all folders inside PATH
R = [PATH++X|| {X,Y} <- A, Y =:= true],
io:fwrite("~p~n", [R]),
case R of
[] -> ok;
% How call again folders function with the first element of the list?
% And save the result in some kind of structure
Sorry for the beginner question, but I'm still new to Erlang. I would like to know how I can call the function again until saves the results in a kind of list, tuple or structure...
{"C:/Users/David/test/log/a", "C:/Users/David/test/log/b"}},
{"C:/Users/David/test/logb/1", "C:/Users/David/test/logb/2","C:/Users/David/test/logb/3"}},
Few things:
These 2 calls can be simplified.
A = [{H,filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H)}|| H <-DD],
R = [PATH++X|| {X,Y} <- A, Y =:= true],
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H) =:= true],
In terms of representation, sub-folders should be in list format, not tuple. It will be difficult to work with if they were tuples.
Sample structure: {Folder, [Subfolder1, Subfolder2, ...]}, where SubfolderX will have the same definition and structure, recursively.
Folders are like tree, so need to have recursive call here. Hope you are already familiar with the concept. Below is one way to do it using list comprehension - there are other ways anyway, e.g. by using lists:foldl function.
folders(PATH) ->
{_, DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ "/" ++ H) =:= true],
%%io:format("Path: ~p, A: ~p~n", [Path, A]),
case A of
[] -> %%Base case, i.e. folder has no sub-folders -> stop here
{PATH, []};
_ -> %%Recursive case, i.e. folder has sub-folders -> call #folders
{PATH, [folders(PATH ++ "/" ++ H2) || H2 <- A]}
For consistency reason, you need to call the main function without a forward slash at the end, as this will be added in the function itself.
Folders = folders("C:/Users/David/test"). %% <- without forward slash
A helper function pretty_print below can be used to visualize the output on the Erlang shell
Full code:
main() ->
Folders = folders("C:/Users/David/test"),
pretty_print(Folders, 0),
folders(PATH) ->
{_, DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ "/" ++ H) =:= true], %%please note the "/" is added here
%%io:format("Path: ~p, A: ~p~n", [Path, A]),
case A of
[] -> %%Base case, i.e. folder has no sub-folders -> stop here
{PATH, []};
_ -> %%Recursive case, i.e. folder has sub-folders -> call #folders
{PATH, [folders(PATH ++ "/" ++ H2) || H2 <- A]}
pretty_print(Folders, Depth) ->
{CurrrentFolder, ListSubfolders} = Folders,
SignTemp = lists:duplicate(Depth, "-"),
case Depth of
0 -> Sign = SignTemp;
_ -> Sign = "|" ++ SignTemp
io:format("~s~s~n", [Sign, CurrrentFolder]),
[pretty_print(Subfolder, Depth+1) || Subfolder <- ListSubfolders].

Funs names in Erlang 17

Erlang 17 was released. And according to Erlang OTP 17.0 has been released:
Funs can now be given names
No examples are given.
Any ideas how to assign names to funs in Erlang 17?
Joe Armstrong explains it in his blog post with an example.
1> F = fun F(0) -> 1;
F(N) -> N * F(N - 1)
Previously you have to pass in the function as one of the args for anonymous recursive calls. (Think of y-combinator).
1> F = fun(F, 0) -> 1;
(F, N) -> N*F(F, N-1)
Named funs are a implementation of EEP37 see the link for a detailed description and rationale.
This version doesn't need to pass in the function as one of the args:
1> Fac = fun(Num) ->
Foo = fun(F, 0) -> 1;
(F, N) when N > 0, is_integer(N) -> N * F(F, N -1) end,
Foo(Foo, Num) end.

Higher order functions in Erlang

How to write the following higher order Haskell function in Erlang?
applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyTwice f x = f (f x)
1> Apply2 = fun(F, X) -> F(F(X)) end.
2> F = fun(Arg) -> Arg * 2 end.
3> Apply2(F, 10).
The problem is that, I'm not sure if it's what you actually need. Cause in Haskell, you can use applyTwice f as function, but not in Erlang (there is no built-in partial or curry functionality). You also can't do in Erlang something like
applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyTwice f = f . f

Shuffling Elements in a List (randomly re-arrange List Elements)

Part of my program requires me to be able to randomly shuffle list elements. I need a function such that when i give it a list, it will pseudo-randomly re-arrange the elements in the list. A change in arrangement Must be visible at each call with the same list. My implementation seems to work just fine but i feel that its rather long and is increasing my code base and also, i have a feeling that it ain't the best solution for doing this. So i need a much shorter implementation. Here is my implementation:
Len = length(L),
Nums = lists:seq(1,Len),
shuffle([],_,Buffer)-> Buffer;
{Pos,NewNums} = pick_position(Nums),
pick_position([N])-> {N,[]};
T = lists:max(Nos),
(case random:seed(now()) of
undefined ->
NN = element(3,now()),
Any -> Any
T2 = random:uniform(Max),
case lists:member(T2,From) of
false -> pick(From,Max);
true -> {T2,From -- [T2]}
On running it in shell:
F:\> erl
Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G)
1> c(shuffle).
2> shuffle:list([a,b,c,d,e]).
3> shuffle:list([a,b,c,d,e]).
4> shuffle:list([a,b,c,d,e]).
5> shuffle:list([a,b,c,d,e]).
6> shuffle:list([a,b,c,d,e]).
I am motivated by the fact that in the STDLIB there is no such function. Somewhere in my game, i need to shuffle things up and also i need to find the best efficient solution to the problem, not just one that works.
Could some one help build a shorter version of the solution ? probably even more efficient ? Thank you
1> L = lists:seq(1,10).
Associate a random number R with each element X in L by making a list of tuples {R, X}. Sort this list and unpack the tuples to get a shuffled version of L.
1> [X||{_,X} <- lists:sort([ {random:uniform(), N} || N <- L])].
Please note that karl's answer is much more concise and simple.
Here's a fairly simple solution, although not necessarily the most efficient:
list([]) -> [];
list([Elem]) -> [Elem];
list(List) -> list(List, length(List), []).
list([], 0, Result) ->
list(List, Len, Result) ->
{Elem, Rest} = nth_rest(random:uniform(Len), List),
list(Rest, Len - 1, [Elem|Result]).
nth_rest(N, List) -> nth_rest(N, List, []).
nth_rest(1, [E|List], Prefix) -> {E, Prefix ++ List};
nth_rest(N, [E|List], Prefix) -> nth_rest(N - 1, List, [E|Prefix]).
For example, one could probably do away with the ++ operation in nth_rest/3. You don't need to seed the random algorithm in every call to random. Seed it initially when you start your program, like so: random:seed(now()). If you seed it for every call to uniform/1 your results become skewed (try with [shuffle:list([1,2,3]) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 100)]).
shuffle(L) ->
shuffle(list_to_tuple(L), length(L)).
shuffle(T, 0)->
shuffle(T, Len)->
Rand = random:uniform(Len),
A = element(Len, T),
B = element(Rand, T),
T1 = setelement(Len, T, B),
T2 = setelement(Rand, T1, A),
shuffle(T2, Len - 1).
shuffle(lists:seq(1, 10)).
This will be a bit faster than the above solution, listed here as do2 for timing comparison.
time(N) ->
L = lists:seq(1,N),
{Time, _} = timer:tc(shuffle, do, [L]),
time2(N) ->
L = lists:seq(1,N),
{Time, _} = timer:tc(shuffle, do2, [L]),
do2(List) ->
[X||{_,X} <- lists:sort([ {rand:uniform(), N} || N <- List])].
do(List) ->
List2 = cut(List),
AccInit = {[],[],[],[],[]},
{L1,L2,L3,L4,L5} = lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) ->
P = rand:uniform(5),
L = element(P, Acc),
setelement(P, Acc, [E|L])
end, AccInit, List2),
cut(List) ->
{A,B}=lists:split(Rand, List),

Convert clause to a Fun

How to represent this clause in one line using Fun.
perms([]) -> [[]];
perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
I believe what you are seeking is for a fun to be "self-recursive".
The fun syntax is not able to refer to itself inside the fun body, so one need to use a trick where the fun to call is a parameter. This is commonly referred to as the ycombinator.
Some example code will likely describe it better:
permutator() ->
([], _F) ->
(L, F) ->
[ [H|T] || H <- L, T <- F(L--[H], F)]
do_permutate(L) ->
P = permutator(),
P(L, P).
As you can see this is quite awkward. If you just wanted to refer to the perms functions of yours, you can use the code: fun perms/1.
I also got another answer similar to Christian.
5> Perms = fun(X) -> Fun = fun([],F) -> [[]]; (L,F) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- F(L--[H],F)] end, Fun(X, Fun) end.
6> Perms("cat").
