Display the content of a module in Front-end Preview - contao

I am integrating a module in Contao CMS version 3.4.5. The module is working fine in the backend. The module is about discussions and forums and the users can create discussions and other users can answer on it. I have set up the front-end module for the module. I wanted to display the discussion forums in the front-end. But it's not working.


How to manage static content in a rails app

I'm running a rails app for interactive learning for kids. We also have quite a few static pages like, landing pages, team pages, case studies etc. This is also deployed in the same rails app.
I would like a easy way for my team to manage the content without depending on the tech team. I can build an admin interface to edit these pages, but I don't want to recreate a CMS. I checked out Jekyll but the markdown syntax makes some tech novices uneasy.
Someone suggested using weebly/ wordpress and host it in a subdomain. I don't want to go overboard and add an additional layer of maintenance to the app.
I've a mongoid project and would appreciate any mongoid gems.
RefineryCMS is a popular content management solution for Rails apps. You can add it to your existing Rails app, as described in the guide. RefineryCMS is targeted at the end user experience, you don't need extensive technological knowledge to use it.
There's an online demo of the CMS which you can find here. You don't have to edit the pages using Markdown, it has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor as well.
If you're looking for another CMS, you can find other solutions quite easily with the Ruby Toolbox.

Extend Rails app with standard content pages

I developed an App with Rails 3.2
We realized that we may end up having many 'standard' content pages, mainly text documenting the application itself. Nothing the application users will be playing with.
Is there an extension (plugin, gem) I could use to add page to my app like we would normally do on a standard CMS?
I want to be able to delegate the addition/nodfication of content to the admin rather than coding it in HTML.
We had a similar problem with our knowledge base, and chose to use nanoc for it.
This gives us something similar to developer.github.com in term of end-user. And the code is written in markdown (developer.github.com is open source).
This way, all our documentation is written in markdown in static files.
Support people can write them without having to know about programming. With the GitHub Mac App, they can very easily push and pull from a repository.

Rails: Single page website, How to organise controllers/views etc

I have a single page website using ruby on rails as the framework.
On the single page I have a
section 1
section 2
section 3 etc
The problem I am having is this, how do I organise the layouts/views/controllers.
Only in one section I have a form which needs processing and is linked to a database table (model). Can anyone advise me on how I can organise my ROR application?
The question on "how to make a single-page application in Rails" has been asked numerous times on SO like here, here and here.
You can try to look for Single Page Application (SPA) tutorials and there is a video on Vimeo here where Prateek Mohan Dayal shows off how to make a single-page application in Rails and Backbone.js.
On Back-End of an SPA
On the backend side you're most likely going to arrange your controllers and models the same way as usual with Rails, but you'll be retrieving JSON-data as views (i.e. AJAX stuff) as they're the easiest way to handle data client-side.
So think about what models you have and how you're going to work with them in controllers an arrange the code as usual.
As to how to do things AJAXy with sending JSON data to and from Rails you can have a look at Yehuda Katz Rails 3 book in this SO answer or you could have a look at this simple example that uses Rabl to develop a JSON API.
On Front-End of an SPA
It seems that most Rails developers are using either Backbone.js or Ember.js for single page application development. Both of them have some powerful javascript based view-model and databinding concepts which helps out developing the web app.
Another way to get started is to look at Addi Osmani's TodoMVC project that is a single page application (i.e. a web based todo-list) developed in many different javascript MVC frameworks. Both frameworks mentioned above are available for your perusal:
TodoMVC Backbone version - source code
TodoMVC Ember version - source code
Here are some screencasts:
Peepcode also has some starter projects and a video tutorial on Backbone.JS though like with all it's screencast's it costs.
Code school also has some tutorials for Backbone.JS where the introduction level is free.
Well, if you don't create a new layout, everything is going to be in the application layout (app/views/layous/application.html.erb), in this file you're going to create you html for the header and the foother. Also in this file you'll see a <%= yield %>, this yield is going to show you view of your controller.
Sorry about my english, I hope this help you. Also you could check the Rails Tutorial
is very helpful and very descriptive. Also you could check the RailsCast videos.
For the section 1 and section 2 you could check the rails guide to undertand how to show something in any numbers of yields. Here is the link Understanding yield

Trying to implement Time table in grails

I'm working on university project and it has many domains like Course,department,Faculty etc.I want to make a time-table for a student on semester basis. So Is there any plugin available likewise we have for calender?
You might (or might not) benefit from using FullCalendar (a JavaScript-based solution similar to Google Calendar). There is a plugin available for it here:
There is also some blog posts about integrating FullCalendar in Grails here:

Rails 3.1 - Developing with Mountable Engines

I am developing 2 apps for 2 separate clients, and a 3rd for myself. All 3 apps will have an address book, emailing, and user authentication. Finally, I want the apps to be created "modular" so that I can add (or remove) modules as they are needed.
I have watched the Mountable Engines Railscast and it looks like what I need, yet I am still unclear on the following:
How do you develop each engine module (user authentication, emailing, address book) separately without a common base application?
How do you develop the address book module when it requires user authentication, which is a separate module altogether?
I'm guessing that you develop the user authentication first, and include that in the dummy app of the engine module, but I'm getting confused with the namespacing of the engine.
It might be useful to note that I come from a C# background and I am new to web-development.
People have already written authentication and emailing plugins. For most apps, the only work left to be done for those modules is customization.
You might want to write a engine to share some of the customizations and to share some of the address book functionality. In in that case, you can consider developing an example app which has as little custom code as possible to clearly define the address book api.
