Retrieving Youtube comments with fullscreen/yt - ruby-on-rails

I'm using to interact with Youtube API, but after a couple of hours of testing I'm unable to fetch comments from a video.
I suspect the reason is I'm requesting the wrong permissions, but I can't find anything clear in Google docs about what scope to ask. I appears from the OAuth playground it's
but still, I'm not able to make it work.
This is the omniauth provider line to request a new token:
provider :google_oauth2, key, secret, {:scope => ',email,profile,youtube,youtube.force-ssl'}
And this is how I try to retrieve the comments:
Yt.configure do |config|
config.client_id = key
config.client_secret = secret
youtube_client = access_token: 'yadayada'
video = id: 'foobar', auth: youtube_client
puts video.comments
What I get is:
Yt::Errors::Forbidden: A request to YouTube API was considered forbidden by the server:
{"error"=>{"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"insufficientPermissions", "message"=>"Insufficient Permission"}], "code"=>403, "message"=>"Insufficient Permission"}}
I've tried pretty much the same on channels too, same problem, that's why I guessed there's something wrong with my access_token.
Has someone done this? What am I doing wrong? Any example?

As per the documentation on the page you have shared the link of, I am not able to see this line of code:
account = authorization_code: '4/Ja60jJ7_Kw0', redirect_uri: redirect_uri
Every user who authorizes your app will be redirected to the redirect_uri with an extra code parameter that looks something like 4/Ja60jJ7_Kw0. Just pass the code to the following method to authenticate and initialize the account:
If this does not workout try Configuring with environment variables
As an alternative to the approach above, you can configure your app with variables. Setting the following environment variables:
export YT_CLIENT_ID=""
export YT_CLIENT_SECRET="1234567890"
export YT_API_KEY="123456789012345678901234567890"
is equivalent to configuring your app with the initializer:
Yt.configure do |config|
config.client_id = ''
config.client_secret = '1234567890'
config.api_key = '123456789012345678901234567890'
so use the approach that you prefer. If a variable is set in both places, then Yt.configure takes precedence.
Hope this Helps!!


Unautorized API calls JwtCreator

I'm playing around with the DocuSign's Ruby Quickstart app and I've done the following:
have an Admin account
have an organization
created an Integration(Connected App) for which I've granted signature impersonation scopes in the Admin Dashboard(made RSA keys, put callback urls, etc)
even if I've done the above, I've also made the request to the consent URL in a browser: SERVER/oauth/auth?response_type=code &scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Integration appears to have everything enabled
Then in the JwtCreator class the check_jwt_token returns true, updates account info correctly.
But when I try the following(or any other API call):
envelope_api = create_envelope_api(#args)
options =
options.from_date = ( - 30).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
The api call raises an exception with DocuSign_eSign::ApiError (Unauthorized):
Args are:
#args = {
account_id: session[:ds_account_id],
base_path: session[:ds_base_path],
access_token: session[:ds_access_token]
All with correct info.
What am I missing?
For clarity, I was using some classes from the Quickstart app(like JwtCreator, ApiCreator, etc) along my code.
Not sure at this point if it's my mistake or part of the Quickstart app but this call:
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
the account_id was something like this "82xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx95e" and I was always getting Unauthorized responses.
On a tutorial the author used the 1xxxxxx account_id and with this form, it worked.

Rails - gem instagram - issues on access token and sandbox

I need to put on a website the complete instagram feed of my customer. I have tried several ways to access to instagram and get the whole feed, but I get some errors.
Using the gem "instagram" (the easiest and simplest method) i got the following error when I try to get the access token.
Instagram::BadRequest: POST 400: OAuthException: Matching code was not found or was already used.
I tried to follow the indication on the instagram documentation using my browser and I can get the access token, but I am not able to do the http calls manually in ruby.
I need to download all the data and keep it inside my database (as I always done) so I need everything in the controller.
my code is very simple:
accessToken = Instagram.get_access_token(Instagram.client_id, :redirect_uri => CALLBACK_URL)
client = Instagram.client(access_token: accessToken)
response = client.user_recent_media
#other code to cycle inside posts and put everything in db
i'm sure to have included the same redirect_url in my instragram registration app and in my code.
As shown in the sample application in the gem's repo, you will need to call authorize_url first:
Instagram.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => CALLBACK_URL)
and then you will get request on the CALLBACK_URL, where you should have an action with the code that you provided:
response = Instagram.get_access_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => CALLBACK_URL)
client = Instagram.client(:access_token => response.access_token)
# do stuff with the client
I have misunderstood the usage of the api.
I got my access token following this
and i can access my posts using in my model:
access_token = Instagram.access_token
client = Instagram.client(access_token: access_token)
response = client.user_recent_media
and in my config file:
Instagram.configure do |config|
config.client_id = "CLIENT_ID"
config.client_secret = "CLIENT_SECRET"
config.access_token = "ACCESS_TOKEN"
thanks a lot for your support
you should get the token when processing the callback in the omniauth.auth hash: request.env['omniauth.auth']['credentials']['token']

Yahoo API with Ruby on Rails and OAUTH2

I have an RoR site that gets data from stock exchanges and I am using Yahoo's finance table via the Yahoo API. I need authorization to gain full access to YQL, which requires that I use Oauth2. I need help getting OAuth access to Yahoo.
This is what I have tried:
client =,oauth_consumer_secret, {
access_token_path: '/oauth/v2/get_token',
authorize_path: '/oauth/v2/request_auth',
authorize_url: '',
request_token_path: '/oauth/v2/get_request_token',
site: ''
puts client.auth_code.authorize_url( redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000")
code = gets.chomp
token = client.auth_code.get_token(code, redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000")
I don't know which "code" I must use. Authorize_url returns me this URL, but it is unclear what the "code". I was inspired by this Question.
Don't ask me why but Yahoo has made it very hard to find their OAuth 2.0 documention. I found it, though!
Also, pretty "awesome" that you get a refresh_token without needing to explicitly ask the user for "offline" permissions. In my opinion, this is a security concern for Yahoo. Both Google and Microsoft require explicit "offline" access.
require 'oauth2', Rails.application.secrets.yahoo_consumer_secret, site: '', authorize_url: '/oauth2/request_auth', token_url: '/oauth2/get_token')
client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri, headers: { "Authorization" => basic_authorization })
token = client.auth_code.get_token(code, redirect_uri: redirect_uri)
# Later
As per quatermain's request, I post my solution as answer here:
P/S: There is some mistype I made within the document, as below:
The sentence: "I don't this this URL affect to authentication process..." --> shoud be "I don't think this URL affect to authentication process..."
The word "and ready through" --> should be "and read through"

Trouble authenticating with Google Content API for Shopping

I'm trying to use OAuth2 for Server to Server Applications in conjunction with Google's Content API for Shopping using the google-api-client gem and Ruby on Rails 3.2.5. Also, I have already set up my merchant account as prescribed in the Content API documentation.
This was the best way I found to be able to:
create/update products in the background
have created products fall under my company's Google Products 'umbrella'
not require every user to authenticate/authorize when their token expires
Using lines 1 - 23 from this sample as a starting point, I've begun to write the following module for use in background jobs:
require 'httparty'
require 'google/api_client'
module GoogleProducts
GOOGLE_CONFIG = YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, "config", "google.yml"))[Rails.env]
SCOPE = ""
KEY_FILE_PATH = File.join(Rails.root, "config", "my-privatekey.p12")
def self.add_item(item_id)
xml = self.gen_item_xml(item_id)
headers = {"Content-type" => "application/atom+xml", "Content-Length" => xml.length.to_s}
url = "{MERCHANT_ID}/items/products/generic?access_token=#{$gp_token}"
response =, :body => xml, :headers => headers).parsed_response
def self.gen_item_xml(item_id)
#building product xml
def self.fetch_token
api_client = => :oauth2)
key = Google::APIClient::PKCS12.load_key(KEY_FILE_PATH, KEY_FILE_PASS)
asserter =, SCOPE, key)
api_client.authorization = asserter.authorize
#todo - store in something other than a global
$gp_token = api_client.authorization.access_token
rescue Signet::AuthorizationError => e
puts e.message
return $gp_token
Everything seemingly works fine - the authentication, the handling of the auth token - until I attempt to actually add an item, which I get the following when I do:
<errors xmlns=''>
<internalReason>Could not find authenticated customer</internalReason>
Any ideas?
After much anguish and mental toil, I've finally solved my issue!
Since I am using OAuth 2 Server to Server authentication the suggestion hjblok gave didn't apply (thanks for giving it a shot, though!).
I simply added the email address that was associated with my Service Account key from the Google API Console (e.g. to my Google Merchant account (Settings > Users on the merchant admin page), and it worked.
If there's any clarification needed, please feel free to comment!
The Google Content API documentation says you need to set it up in the Settings page of the Google Merchant Center:
EDIT rewrote the answer after diving into the Google's API documentation
Did you already try to use Google's OAuth 2.0 playground? I was able to successfully access{MERCHANT_ID}/items/products/generic.
In "Step 1" I've chosen the "Content API for Shopping" and then authorized the API with my account.
Then in "Step 2" I've "exchanged authorization code for tokens", which results in a "refresh token" and an "access token".
Then in "Step 3" I've invoked a GET request to Because 1234567 is not a valid MERCHANT_ID it returns an Error. But the Error Messages contains a MERCHANT_ID which actually belongs to your account.
I repeated "Step 3" but now with the correct MERCHANT_ID. Which returns a HTTP/1.1 200 OK with the requested items in the body.
Furthermore I'm not sure, but doesn't Google API expect an Authorization header to be present with the access_token ($gp_token)? Within the OAuth 2.0 playground this Authorization header is used to sent the access_token.
I also found the Structured Content API demo page (, which is more specific to the Content API for Shopping.

Linkedin Oauth with Rails

We have been connecting to Linkedin for awhile now successfully. However, we get some errors from time to time and I'm hoping someone can help shed some light on this. Here's our code:
def linkedin_login
request_token = Linkedin.client.request_token(oauth_callback: "http://#{SITE_URL}/linkedin/auth/")
session[:linkedin_request_token] = request_token.token
session[:linkedin_request_secret] = request_token.secret
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
def linkedin_auth
raise "Don't have proper session or oauth_verifier" if session[:linkedin_request_token].blank? or session[:linkedin_request_secret].blank? or params[:oauth_verifier].blank?
access_token = Linkedin.client.authorize_from_request(session[:linkedin_request_token], session[:linkedin_request_secret], params[:oauth_verifier])
raise "Nil access token" if access_token.blank?
redirect_to linkedin_process_path(token: access_token.first, secret: access_token.second)
We're hitting the "raise 'Don't have proper session or oauth_verifier'" more than I would expect. When looking at the ENV for the errors, those people don't have the session values set from the original method. We have before_filters set on the application controller so initialize the session, so I know it's active.
My next thought was whether "request_token" was generating a value request_token, and I've tried many times and they all bring something back. We get many of these a day. After the error, if the user tries again, it works fine, which is why I'm so confused.
any thoughts on what could cause this?
Based on your code, it looks like you're making the request token call every time the user logs into your application. That's not the proper method to authenticate. You really only need to fetch the request token once, then use that to upgrade for an access token (as you're doing in your linkedin_auth method). From there, just save the access token and secret in your DB and fetch it anytime you need to make an API call for that particular user.
Our authentication is described more in detail here:
Also, this is just a personal preference, but I like using the OAuth gem for Rails as opposed to using a LinkedIn wrapper. It's easy to use and light weight.
Just as an example, you could do your auth this way:
require 'oauth'
def auth
api_key = 'XXXXXXXXX'
api_secret = 'XXXXXXXXX'
configuration = { :site => '',
:authorize_path => '',
:request_token_path => '',
:access_token_path => '' }
consumer =, api_secret, configuration)
#Request token
request_token = consumer.get_request_token
# Output request URL to console
puts "Please visit this URL:" + request_token.token + " in your browser and then input the numerical code you are provided here: "
# Set verifier code
verifier = $stdin.gets.strip
# Retrieve access token object
#access_token = request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => verifier)
You would only need to invoke this method when the user first authorizes your app. Save their access token then use it for subsequent API calls. Note, my example makes use of the console to enter the PIN verifier. In a real world example you'd want to programmatically save the PIN in a session variable or in memory, then use it to get the access token.
