I have a Rails (4.2) engine for a gem I'm writing.
Running: rails g migration Anything just gives the command help info
rails new APP_PATH [options]
What am I missing from my gem/engine to run rails generators?
Update: I didn't create a namespaced engine. It works fine in my other engines so I must have done something different in this..
i added a gem "acts-as-taggable-on" and when i ran the rails g acts_as_taggable_on:migration command. i got this
Could not find generator 'acts_as_taggable_on:migration'. Maybe you meant 'active_record:migration', 'test_unit:integration' or 'migration'
Run rails generate --help for more options.
how to get this migration succesfull?
I am writing a small blog application using Rails. I am using Aptana Studio.
When I try to execute:
ruby script/generate scaffold post title:string body:text
from either Aptana Studio or going to the project folder and executing it from the shell, I get this error:
c:\Ruby200\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory -- script/generate (LoadError
I think you are meaning to do rails generate?
First create a new Rails app:
rails new random_app
cd random_app
rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text
When you "ruby" something, it looks for a file to execute.
Rails is the framework for abstraction and scaffolding.
See "Why does Ruby "script/generate" return "No such file or directory"?".
Rails 3 is the problem. Since Rails 3, all of the "script/whatever" commands have been replaced with "rails whatever".
So now you want rails generate ... or rails server instead.
I would like to create a new model for a Ruby on Rails application. I know that this should do:
$ ruby script/generate model Book
But it gives me:
ruby: No such file or directory -- script/generate (LoadError)
Why is that? How can I fix that? I am in my application folder.
What version of rails are you running? As far as I know it should be script/rails - but I am running rails 3.1.3
Edit: as #Jeremy bellow stated, in rails 3 and up it is script/rails - or of course, more generally, just rails
ruby script/rails -h
and you should see the available commands
ruby script/rails generate -h
to see what is available to generate
Alternatively, you should also just be able to run:
rails generate -h
I have never found the ruby script/rails portion to be necessary, it defaults to that automatically
If you're using Rails 3, you do it like this:
$ rails generate model Book
The way you tried is the old way. Maybe you're following an old tutorial or something.
I am looking at rails plugins to help me modularize my application. I have some basic questions that I am confused about.
Can a rails plugin have its own DB? My application is very little traffic, for internal use, so I am fine with the idea of separate sqlite DB's for each plugin. When I do a "rails plugin new" even if I use --full, there is no database.yml generated. If I create one and do a rake db:create, no sqlite db is created.
Is there a good tutorial available for creating a rails plugin with rails 3.2? Most I find are older and use the enginex gem which I think is now built into rails.
Can you run your plugin as a standalone app for testing, i.e. using WEBrick? When I run "rails server" in my plugin directory, it just says "Error: Command not recognized".
I guess that's it, I am just confused on how to begin.
Creating Migrations
The Rails Guide "Getting Started with Engines" instructs you to use 'rails g model post' from the root directory for your engine.
Getting Started with Engines
If you do this, it will create the db/migrate folder for you with the migration inside of it.
$ rails g model post
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20120517184738_create_my_engine_posts.rb
create app/models/my_engine/post.rb
invoke test_unit
create test/unit/my_engine/post_test.rb
create test/fixtures/my_engine/posts.yml
You can also generate migrations directly just the same, just as you do with a Rails app.
$ rails g migration AddMyEngineTable
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20120517185241_add_my_engine_table.rb
Running Rails Server
The Rails Guide also states to run 'rails s' from test/dummy, not from the root of your engine directory.
I see that from an ASCIICast on the subject which covered Rails 3.1 RC5 that you used to be able to run 'rails s' from the root directory of your engine/gem. This is no longer the case.
From the Rails issue posted on Github three months ago it appears that they needed to keep the scope of the engine separate from the scope of the dummy app.
Issue #4894: Mountable Engines Rails File
In short run from the engine root:
test/dummy/script/rails s
I just installed Rails 3 and created my first app. The install of Rails3 + ruby 1.9 went very smoothly but I am missing the generate script in script/generate.
I have created a new app from scratch with no options to verify.
Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?
all script/* commands has been removed from rails 3. You should use rails generate or rails g instead of script/generate, rails server or rails s instead of script/server and so on.
rails generate ...
the only script existing now is rails all others will be called as parameter of rails.
Take a look a the Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails