neo4jClient create node with dynamic label using paramters - neo4j

I am building an app that give users the ability to construct there own graphs. I have been using parameters for all queries and creates. But when I want to give users the ability to create a node where they can also Label it anything they want(respecting neo4j restrictions on empty string labels). How would I parameterize this type of transaction?
I tried this:
.CREATE("(a:{dynamicLabel})").WithParams(new {dynamicLabel = dlabel})...
But this yields a syntax error with neo. I am tempted to concatenate, but am worried that this may expose an injection risk to my application.
I am tempted to build up my-own class that reads the intended string and rejects any type of neo syntax, but this would limit my users a bit and I would rather not.

There is an open neo4j issue 4334, which is a feature request for adding the ability to parameterize labels during CREATE.So, this is not yet possible.
That issue contains a comment that suggests generating CREATE statements with hardcoded labels, which will work. It is, unfortunately, not as performant as using parameters (should it ever be supported in this case).

I searched like hell and finally found it out.
you can do it like that:
// create or update nodes with dynamic label from import data
WITH "file:///query.json" AS url
call apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value as u
UNWIND u.cis as ci
CALL apoc.merge.node([ ci.label ], {Id:ci.Id}, {}, {}) YIELD node
RETURN node;
The JSON looks like that:
"cis": [
"label": "Computer",
"Id": "1"
"label": "Service",
"Id": "2"
"label": "Person",
"Id": "3"
"relations": [
"end1Id": "1",
"Id": "4",
"end2Id": "2",
"label": "USES"
"end1Id": "3",
"Id": "5",
"end2Id": "1",
"label": "MANAGED_BY"

If you are using a Java client, then you can do it like this.
Node node = GraphDatabaseService.createNode();
Label label = new Label() {
public String name() {
return dynamicLabelVal;
You can then have a LabelCache which will avoid Label object creation for every node.


FastAPI swagger doesn't like list of strings passed via query parameter but endpoint works in browser

I have a problem with a REST API endpoint in FastAPI that accepts a list of strings via a single query parameter. An example of this endpoint's usage is:
Here, the parameter named 'response' accepts a list of strings as documented in FastAPI tutorial, section on Query Parameters and String Validation. The endpoint works as expected in the browser.
However, it does not work in Swagger docs. The button labeled 'Add string item' shakes upon clicking 'Execute' to test the endpoint. Swagger UI seems unable to create the expected URL with the embedded query parameters (as shown in Fig 1.).
The code for the endpoint is as follows. I have tried with and without validation.
async def getQuestion_byID(item_ID: int = Path(
title = "Numeric ID of the question",
description = "Specify a number between 1 and 999",
ge = 1,
le = 999
), response: Optional[List[str]] = Query(
title="Furnish an answer",
description="Answer can only have letters of the alphabet and is case-insensitive",
), short: bool = Query(
title="Set flag for short result",
description="Acceptable values are 1, True, true, on, yes"
Returns the quiz question or the result.
Accepts item ID as path parameter and
optionally response as query parameter.
Returns result when the response is passed with the item ID.
Otherwise, returns the quiz question.
item = question_bank.get(item_ID, None)
if not item:
return {"question": None}
if response:
return evaluate_response(item_ID, response, short)
return {"question": item["question"]}
Grateful for any help.
As described here, this happens due to that OpenAPI applies the pattern (as well as minimum and maximum constraints) to the schema of the array itself, not just the individual items in the array. If you checked the OpenAPI schema at, you would see that the schema for the response parameter appears as shown below (i.e., validations are being applied to the array itself as well):
"description": "Answer can only have letters of the alphabet and is case-insensitive",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"title": "Furnish an answer",
"maxLength": 99,
"minLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]+$",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"maxLength": 99,
"minLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]+$",
"type": "string"
"description": "Answer can only have letters of the alphabet and is case-insensitive",
"default": []
"name": "response",
"in": "query"
Solution 1
As mentioned here, you could use a Pydantic constr instead to specify items with that contraint:
my_constr = constr(regex="^[a-zA-Z]+$", min_length=3, max_length=99)
response: Optional[List[my_constr]] = Query([], title="Furnish an...", description="Answer can...")
Solution 2
Keep your response parameter as is. Copy the OpenAPI schema from, remove the pattern (as well as minimum and maximum attributes) from response's (array) schema and save the OpenAPI schema to a new file (e.g., my_openapi.json). It should look like this:
"description": "Answer can only have letters of the alphabet and is case-insensitive",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"title": "Furnish an answer",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"maxLength": 99,
"minLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]+$",
"type": "string"
"description": "Answer can only have letters of the alphabet and is case-insensitive",
"default": []
"name": "response",
"in": "query"
Then, in your app, instruct FastAPI to use that schema instead:
import json
app.openapi_schema = json.load(open("my_openapi.json"))
Solution 3
Since the above solution would require you to copy and edit the schema every time you make a change or add new endpoints/parameters, you would rather modify the OpenAPI schema as described here. This would save you from copying/editing the schema file. Make sure to add the below at the end of your code (after defining all the routes).
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
def custom_openapi():
if app.openapi_schema:
return app.openapi_schema
openapi_schema = get_openapi(
description="This is a very custom OpenAPI schema",
del openapi_schema["paths"]["/items/{item_ID}"]["get"]["parameters"][1]["schema"]["maxLength"]
del openapi_schema["paths"]["/items/{item_ID}"]["get"]["parameters"][1]["schema"]["minLength"]
del openapi_schema["paths"]["/items/{item_ID}"]["get"]["parameters"][1]["schema"]["pattern"]
app.openapi_schema = openapi_schema
return app.openapi_schema
app.openapi = custom_openapi
In all the above solutions, the constraints annotation that would normally be shown in OpenAPI under response (i.e., (query) maxLength: 99 minLength: 3 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]+$), won't appear (since Swagger would create that annotation from the constraints applied to the array, not the items), but there doesn't seem to be a way to preserve that. In Solutions 2 and 3, however, you could modify the "in" attribute, shown in the JSON code snippet above, to manually ddd the annotation. But, as HTML elements, etc., are controlled by Swagger, the whole annotation would appear inside parentheses and without line breaks between the constraints. Nevertheless, you could still inform users about the constraints applied to items, by specifying them in the description of your Query parameter.

Can jenkins extended choice parameter be made dependent on another parameter's value?

I am using extended choice parameter with JSON parameter type in my declarative Jenkins pipeline. I have found it very good for providing custom UI for parameters and it returns a json based on user inputs.
I have a use case where what options are shown to user depends upon another parameter's value. I can achieve such functionality with active choice parameter but then I am stuck with radio buttons, checkbox, html input etc.
I found a suitable option here where I can make a property inside json dependent on another property:
"title": "An object",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldOne": {
"title": "I should be changed to 'foo'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["foo","bar"],
"default": "bar"
"depender1": {
"title": "I depend on fieldOne to be 'foo'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["lorem","ipsum"],
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"fieldOne": "foo"
"depender2": {
"title": "I depend on fieldOne to be 'bar'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["dolor", "sit"],
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"fieldOne": "bar"
This works great when I try it here
But when I try the same on jenkins, it doesn't work. It shows all 3 textboxes. I saw the option of watching other params too but I couldn't find how to use it as an if else for my parameter.
This is a simple example, what I want to achieve requires UI of a dropdown-1 + Array(dropdown-2 + text field+text-field) where in array's text-field depend on value of dropdown-1, I cannot create the same UI in active choice.
Does any one know how options.dependencies could work in jenkins or same could be achieved using watch/other plugins?
if i got your question right, so you want to make it more smart way to select parameters.
So you can do it via groovy script.
Here is my example you can see on pic:
freestyle job config
Sorry, but i don't know how to better show freestyle job config.
So, logic is quite simple:
i'm collecting JSON on first parameter, and doing some parsing for it.
and then im using Environmets variable to show it's contents, depending on result from first part.
ps. i'm struggling right now with variable Hosts, as i don't know how to pass it in final steps without asking user for input.
But i believe you got the idea how you can do it.

return certain fields first in elastic search

I have a Rails application with term => definitions stored in nodes on Neo4j that I want my users to search using elastic search. Through usage we've found they far more commonly want to find the term name first before they want to search the description. But I'm having trouble finding the function that returns results for a certain field first over other fields.
"id": 1,
"data": {
"name": "Foo",
"description": "Something super awesome."
"id": 2,
"data": {
"name": "Bar",
"description": "Something that depends on Foo"
search for "Foo"
Because both terms contain the word Foo in either name or description, my app returns both in alphabetical order and since Bar is alphabetically before Foo, Bar appears first. This can get very tiring when my users search for a common term used in many other terms.
How do I return results from the name field first followed by the secondary results in the description?
I have a feeling this has more to do with neo4j than elastic search
Its possible by Adding term and fields frequency value to your type mapping.
name": {
"type": "string",
"store": true,
"norms": {
"enabled": false
"index_options": "docs"
let me known any queries.

Solr CollapsingQParserPlugin with group.facet=on style facet counts

I have a Solr index of about 5 million documents at 8GB using Solr 4.7.0. I require grouping in Solr, but find it to be too slow. Here is the group configuration:
The machine has ample memory at 24GB and 4GB is allocated to Solr itself. Queries are generally taking about 1200ms compared to 90ms when grouping is turned off.
I ran across a plugin called CollapsingQParserPlugin which uses a filter query to remove all but one of a group.
fq={!collapse field=workId}
It's designed for indexes that have a lot of unique groups. I have about 3.8 million. This approach is much much faster at about 120ms. It's a beautiful solution for me except for one thing. Because it filters out other members of the group, only facets from the representative document are counted. For instance, if I have the following three documents:
"docs": [
"id": "1",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "book"
"id": "2",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "ebook"
"id": "3",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "ebook"
once collapsed, only the top one shows up in the results. Because the other two get filtered out, the facet counts look like
"type": ["book":1]
instead of
"type": ["book":1, "ebook":1]
Is there a way to get group.facet counts using the collapse filter query?
According to Yonik Seeley, the correct group facet counts can be gathered using the JSON Facet API. His comments can be found at:
I tested out his method and it works great. I still use the CollapsingQParserPlugin to collapse the results, but I exclude the filter when counting up the facets like so:
fq={!tag=workId}{!collapse field=workId}
type: {
type: terms,
field: type,
facet: {
workCount: "unique(workId)"
domain: {
excludeTags: [workId]
And the result:
"facets": {
"count": 3,
"type": {
"buckets": [
"val": "ebook",
"count": 2,
"workCount": 1
"val": "book",
"count": 1,
"workCount": 1
I was unable to find a way to do this with Solr or plugin configurations, so I developed a work around to effectively create group facet counts while still using the CollapsingQParserPlugin.
I do this by making a duplicate of the fields I'll be faceting on and making sure all facet values for the entire group are in each document like so:
"docs": [
"id": "1",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "book",
"facetType": [
"id": "2",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "ebook",
"facetType": [
"id": "3",
"workId": "abc",
"type": "ebook",
"facetType": [
When I ask Solr to generate facet counts, I use the new field:
This ensures that all facet values are accounted for and that the counts represent groups. But when I use a filter query, I revert back to using the old field:
This way the correct document is chosen to represent the group.
I know this is a dirty, complex way to make it work, but it does work and that's what I needed. Also it requires the ability to query your documents before insertion into Solr, which calls for some development. If anyone has a simpler solution I would still love to hear it.

Set based updates in RavenDB

I am working with RavenDB documents. I need to change a field in all the documents at once. I read there is something called set based updates in Raven DB documentation. I need a little help to put me in right direction here.
A patron Document looks something like this:
"Privilege": [
"Level": "Gold",
"Code": "12312",
"EndDate": "12/12/2012"
"Phones": [
"Cell": "123123",
"Home": "9783041284",
"Office": "1234123412"
In Patrons document collection, there is a Privilege.Level field in each doc. I need to write a query to update it to "Gold" for all documents in that Patrons collection. This is what I know so far. I need to create an Index (ChangePrivilegeIndex) first:
from Patrons in docs.patrons
select new {Patrons.Privilege.Level}
and then write a curl statement to patch documents all at once something like this:
PATCH http://localhost:8080/bulk_docs/ChangePrivilegeIndex
{ "Type": "Set", "Name": "Privilege.Level", "Value": "Gold"}
I need help to get this to work .. thank you. I know there are lots of loose ends in the actual scripts.. that's why its not working. Can some one look at the scenario and the script above to put me in right direction.
