Current routes has been defined as:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :users do
resources :mapps
resources :listings
resources :likes
get 'followers' => 'connections#followers'
get 'following' => 'connections#following'
post 'unfollow' => 'connections#unfollow'
get ':username' => 'users#public_profile'
I would like make routes like facebook:
:username/:controller/:action => users/:controller/:action
For example, If user hit a URL as /myusername/posts/12 then request must goes to controller file inside user folder & User:Posts
I have seen many related questions but did not work with Rails 4.2.3
An example from
scope ':username' do
resources :mapps
resources :listings
resources :likes
get 'followers' => 'connections#followers'
get 'following' => 'connections#following'
post 'unfollow' => 'connections#unfollow'
I have installed Rails4 (rails (4.1.1))
I Installed Ckeditor+paperclip (
But if I try to upload images, I get this error in log:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/ckeditor/EDITOR.config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl"):
i need help please! This was worked In rails 4.0.0.
My route list
... mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor'
I use Ckeditor with Paperclip
My config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :binaries
resources :uploads
resources :coms
resources :comments
mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor/'
resources :parts
get "/parts/page/:id" => "parts#page"
resources :answer_types
resources :from_sender_msgs
resources :ufknews
get "/general" => "ufknews#general"
get 'ufk13/ufk13pol'
get 'ufk13/governance'
get 'ufk13/contacts'
get "errors/error_404"
get "errors/error_403"
devise_for :users
devise_scope :user do
get "sign_in" => "devise/sessions#new"
get "logout" => "devise/sessions#destroy"
delete "logout" => "devise/sessions#destroy"
get "users" => "users#index"
get "users/:id" => "users#show" , as: :user_root, as: :user
get "users/:id/edit" => "users#edit" , as: :user_edit
get "users/delete" => "users#delete"
put "users" => "users#update"
get 'persons/profile'
resources :budget_types
resources :positions
resources :message_types
resources :message_states
resources :messages
resources :senders
resources :organisations
root 'ufknews#general'
get 'home/index'
get 'home/about'
get 'home/contacts'
get 'home/dufk'
get 'home/photo'
get "/*other" => redirect("/errors/error_404")
So, you can modify your routes to use POST request instead PUT while try to update data with ckeditor.
For example, if you have in your routes.rb:
resources :pages
you can update this to:
resources :pages, :except => ['update']
post 'pages/:id' => 'pages#update'
It's all!
This method kill a two rabbits:
Modify route for ckeditor;
Improve your project to update big fields over header size limits on your backend of client browser.
I'm attempting to create some urls for a model that I want display. I have articles, which belong to sections which belong to issues.
I would like my URLs for the article show action to look like this:
/issue-slug/section-slug/article-slug issues articles and sections have slugs that are stored in the db.
Right now I have a backend section called 'pressroom' and I have the following routes for that. Here is the whole routes.rb file
MaskmagazineCom::Application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users, :path_names => { :sign_up => "register"}, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }
# The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority.
# See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes".
root 'magazine#index'
get 'users/' => 'users#index'
# Lobby Routes
# /log-in
devise_scope :user do
get '/sign-in' => 'devise/sessions#new'
# /subscribe
get 'subscribe' => 'subscribe#stepone'
get 'subscribe/sliding-scale' => 'subscribe#steptwo'
get 'subscribe/sliding-scale/subscriber' => 'subscribe#subscriber'
get 'subscribe/sliding-scale/supporter' => 'subscribe#supporter'
get 'subscribe/sliding-scale/sustainer' => 'subscribe#sustainer'
post 'subscribe/sliding-scale/:type' => 'subscribe#createSubscription'
# Pressroom Routes
get '/pressroom' => 'pressroom#index'
scope 'pressroom' do
resources :issues, :articles, :sections, :users, :authors
How can I pull out the show action and route it to the url that I described?
I've come up with what i want it to do in the routes file, but i need the corresponding controller code:
get '/:issue_slug/:section_slug/:article_slug' => 'article#show'
I'd recommend checking out friendly_id for the slugs.
for the routes, you'll want your routes to read:
# Mag Routes
get '/mag' => 'mag#index' #or wherever you're headed
scope 'mag' do
resources :issues do
resources :sections do
resources :articles
When I put the following code in my routes config :
resources :users do
I get all the CRUD operations routes. i.e
and so on.
How do I configure routes so I get route like this :
And when users reaches this routes he/she should be taked to lookup method of my controller
I would do :
resources :users do
get :lookup, on: :collection
And I would pass the search_query as a parameter. With that you will be more flexible.
resources :users do
get '/lookup/:search_query' => 'users#lookup', on: :collection
resources :users do
match '/users/lookup/:search_query' => "users#lookup", :as => :user_lookup
I have multiple resources (:countries, :states, :schools etc.) but would like a single "Dashboard" controller to handle all the actions.
I would like to be able to do the following:
countries_path would direct me to a show_countries action in the DashboardController and be accesible by '/dashboard/countries.
Likewise for states, schools, etc.
I've read up on Rails routing and have been messing around with various options. I ended up with the following in my routes.rb file:
scope "toolbox" do
resources :countries, :controller => "toolbox", :only => :index do
get 'show_countries', :on => :collection
Running rake routes gives me the following for the code above:
show_countries_countries GET /toolbox/countries/show_countries(.:format) {:action=>"show_countries", :controller=>"toolbox"}
countries GET /toolbox/countries(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"toolbox"}
I've tried this:
scope "toolbox" do
resources :countries, :controller => "toolbox", :only => :index, :action => "show_countries"
only to get this route:
countries GET /toolbox/countries(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"toolbox"}
What I really want is this:
countries GET /toolbox/countries(.:format) {:action=>"show_countries", :controller=>"toolbox"}
Any ideas?
You just have to think outside of the 'resources' box:
scope "toolbox", :controller => :toolbox do
get 'countries' => :show_countries
get 'states' => :show_states
get 'schools' => :show_shools
Should output routes like this:
countries GET /toolbox/countries(.:format) toolbox#show_countries
I have a few reoccurring patterns in my routes.rb and I would like to make it DRY by creating a method that creates those routes for me.
An example of what I want to accomplish can be seen in the Devise gem where you can use the following syntax:
devise_for :users
Which will generate all the routes necessary for Devise. I would like to create something similar. Say for example that I have the following routes:
resources :posts do
member do
get 'new_file'
post 'add_file'
match 'files/:id' => 'posts#destroy_file', :via => :delete, :as => :destroy_file
resources :articles do
member do
get 'new_file'
post 'add_file'
match 'files/:id' => 'articles#destroy_file', :via => :delete, :as => :destroy_file
This starts getting messy quite quickly so I would like to find a way to do it like this instead:
resources_with_files :posts
resources_with_files :articles
So my question is, how can I create the resources_with_files method?
Put this in something like lib/routes_helper.rb:
class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper
def resources_with_files(*resources)
resources.each do |r|
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources r do
member do
get 'new_file'
post 'add_file'
delete 'files' => :destroy_file
and require it in config/routes.rb