How do I get an optional from decodeIntegerForKey instead of 0? - ios

My app saves settings to a file on an iOS device by archiving instances of a class with properties. The class uses the NSCoding protocol, and therefore, I encode these properties using encodeWithCoder. I then try to read these files back into memory using a command such as tempInt = decoder.decodeIntegerForKey("profileFlags") as Int
This has worked well so far, but now I need to be able to store additional properties and retrieve them. In essence, the structure of this archived object is being changed, but users will already have files with the old structure (which has fewer properties). If the user has a file with the new structure (additional properties), then I want to read them. If not, I want to be able to execute code to handle that and provide default values.
I tried using a nonexistent key tempInt = decoder.decodeIntegerForKey("nonExistentKey") as Int, expecting to get a nil value, but it returned a zero. Unfortunately, this is one place where I really need an optional, because 0 is a valid value.
The closest help article I can find is Swift: decodeObjectForKey crashes if key doesn't exist but that doesn't seem to apply here. It seems like decodeObjectForKey returns an optional and decodeIntegerForKey returns an Integer.
Any ideas on how to do this?

You can check using decoder.containsValueForKey("nonExistentKey") wether or not there is an actual value present and only if it is extract it with decodeIntegerForKey:
if decoder.containsValueForKey("nonExistentKey") {
let tempInt = decoder.decodeIntegerForKey("nonExistentKey")

You can use decodeObjectForKey that returns nil instead of zero. You just need to downcast to Int as follow:
decoder.decodeObjectForKey("profileFlags") as? Int

#luk2302 gave you the answer, but I wanted to adjust the syntax slightly and expand on it:
var tempInt: Int?
let key = "profileFlags"
let hasValue = decoder.containsValueForKey(key)
tempInt = hasValue ? decoder.decodeIntegerForKey(key) : nil
The last statement is using the "tertiary operator", which has the same effect as:
if hasValue
tempInt = decoder.decodeIntegerForKey(key)
tempInt = nil
...but all in 1 line. It's a little odd-looking until you get used to it, but it is a very concise way to express this sort of thing.


Dart: How to check if List of Objects is a List of Strings/ints/bools

For simple data types, you can use e.g.
object is String
to check whether an Object variable is of a more specific type.
But let's you have a List, but want to check if it is a List of Strings. Intuitively we might try
List list = ['string', 'other string'];
print(list is List<String>);
which returns false.
Similarly using the List.cast() method doesn't help, it will always succeed and only throw an error later on when using the list.
We could iterate over the entire list and check the type of each individual entry, but I was hoping there might be a better way.
There is no other way. What you have is a List<Object?>/List<dynamic> (because the type is inferred from the variable type, which is a raw List type which gets instantiated to its bound). The list currently only contains String objects, but nothing prevents you from adding a new Object() to it.
So, the object itself doesn't know that it only contains strings, you have to look at each element to check that.
Or, when you create a list, just declare the variable as List<String> list = ...; or var list = ...;, then the object will be a List<String>.
If you are not the one creating the list, it's back to list.every((e) => e is String).
Each element of a List may be of any type BUT IF YOU ARE SURE that all elements have the same type this approach may be useful
bool listElementIs<T>(List l) {
if (l.isEmpty) return true;
try {
if (l[0] is T) return true; // only try to access to check element
} catch (e) {
return false;
return false;
void main() {
List list = ['string', 'other string'];
print(listElementIs<String>(list)); // prints 'true'
print(listElementIs<int>(list)); // prints 'false'
I think a better way to do this is to be specific about your data types.
By specifying the types of variables, you can catch potential errors early on during the development process.
In addition, specifying the types of variables makes the code more readable and understandable.
Furthermore, specifying types can also improve the performance of your code, as the compiler can make certain optimizations based on the types of variables.
List<String> list = <String>['string', 'other string'];
print(list is List<String>); /// prints true.
You can use this linter rule to enforce it:

Using Xcode, Swift, and GRDB, why do I have to unwrap DatabaseQueue? before I can use its methods?

I'm using the GRDB library to integrate SQLite with my iOS application project. I declared a DatabaseQueue object in AppDelegate.swift like so:
var DB : DatabaseQueue!
In the same file, I had provided a function for connecting the above object to a SQLite database which is called when the app starts running. I had been able to use this in one of my controllers without problems (as in, the app doesn't have problems running using the database I connected to it), like so:
var building : Building?
do {
try DB.write { db in
let building = Building.fetchOne(db, "SELECT * FROM Building WHERE number = ?", arguments: [bldgNumber])
} catch {
However, in another controller, the same construct is met with an error,
Value of optional type 'DatabaseQueue?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'write' of wrapped base type 'DatabaseQueue'
with the only difference (aside from the code, of course) being that there are return statements inside the do-catch block, as the latter is inside a function (tableView for numberOfRowsInSection) that is supposed to return an integer. The erroneous section of code is shown below.
var locsCountInFloor : Int
do {
try DB.write { db in
if currentBuilding!.hasLGF == true {
locsCountInFloor = IndoorLocation.filter(bldg == currentBuilding! && level == floor).fetchCount(db)
} else {
locsCountInFloor = IndoorLocation.filter(bldg == currentBuilding! && level == floor + 1).fetchCount(db)
return locsCountInFloor
} catch {
return 0
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
As is often the case when you have a problem with a generic type in Swift, the error message is not helpful.
Here’s the real problem:
DB.write is generic in its argument and return type. It has a type parameter T. The closure argument’s return type is T, and the write method itself returns T.
The closure you’re passing is more than a single expression. It is a multi-statement closure. Swift does not deduce the type of a multi-statement closure from the statements in the closure. This is just a limitation of the compiler, for practical reasons.
Your program doesn’t specify the type T explicitly or otherwise provide constraints that would let Swift deduce the concrete type.
These characteristics of your program mean Swift doesn’t know concrete type to use for T. So the compiler’s type checker/deducer fails. You would expect to get an error message about this problem. (Possibly an inscrutable message, but presumably at least relevant).
But that’s not what you get, because you declared DB as DatabaseQueue!.
Since DB is an implicitly-unwrapped optional, the type checker handles it specially by (as you might guess) automatically unwrapping it if doing so makes the statement type-check when the statement would otherwise not type-check. In all other ways, the type of DB is just plain DatabaseQueue?, a regular Optional.
In this case, the statement won’t type-check even with automatic unwrapping, because of the error I described above: Swift can’t deduce the concrete type to substitute for T. Since the statement doesn’t type-check either way, Swift doesn’t insert the unwrapping for you. Then it carries on as if DB were declared DatabaseQueue?.
Since DatabaseQueue? doesn’t have a write method (because Optional doesn’t have a write method), the call DB.write is erroneous. So Swift wants to print an error message. But it “helpfully” sees that the wrapped type, DatabaseQueue, does have a write method. And by this point it has completely forgotten that DB was declared implicitly-unwrapped. So it tells you to unwrap DB to get to the write method, even though it would have done that automatically if it hadn’t encountered another error in this statement.
So anyway, you need to tell Swift what type to use for T. I suspect you meant to say this:
var locsCountInFloor: Int
do {
locsCountInFloor = try DB.write { db in
Assigning the result of the DB.write call to the outer locsCountInFloor is sufficient to fix the error, because you already explicitly defined the type of locsCountInFloor. From that, Swift can deduce the return type of this call to DB.write, and from that the type of the closure.

How do I create field with Bool type for Record Type?

When I try to add a new field to record type, there is no possibility to add a Bool type. How can I do this anyway?
Referring to Creating a Database Schema by Saving Records Apple Documentation, the following table contains CloudKit possible field types:
unfortunately, there is no Bool type found. What I find -logically- is the most suitable to be a replacement of Bool is the Int(64), because:
Int(64) class -as mentioned in the table- is NSNumber which has a boolValue which returns a Swift Bool:
The number object's value expressed as a Boolean value. A 0 value
always means false, and any nonzero value is interpreted as true.
For more details, check the NSNumber documentation.
Which leads to the ease of treating them as Bool inside your application. For example:
let myFalseNumber:NSNumber = 0.0
let myTrueNumber:NSNumber = 0.01232
let anotherTrueNumber: NSNumber = -99
print(myFalseNumber.boolValue) // false
print(myTrueNumber.boolValue) // true
print(anotherTrueNumber.boolValue) // true
Although both Int(64) and Double are treated as NSNumber, the reason why choosing Int(64) instead of Double (CloudKit Type) is the generality of treating "1 if true and 0 if false" (without any floating points). For more information, you might want to check Boolean data type - Generalities (Wikipedia).
Hope it helped.
There is no Bool type available for CKRecord.The best option is Int(64).
Source Apple Documentation

add dictionary to dictionary in swift

according to this page it is possible to add an entire dictionary to another
but running the code gave me compilation error
var dictionary = ["cat": 2,"dog":4,"snake":8]; // mutable dictionary
dictionary["lion"] = 7; // add element to dictionary
dictionary += ["bear":1,"mouse":6]; // add dictionary to dictionary
error :
[string: Int] is not identical to UInt8
is there a right way to do this functionality in swift ?
of i should add them 1 by 1 ?
The page you are referring to is wrong, += is not a valid operator for a dictionary, although it is for arrays. If you'd like to see all the defined += operators, you can write import Swift at the top of your playground and command+click on Swift, then search for +=. This will take you to the file where all of the major Swift types and functions are defined.
The page you linked to also includes some other erroneous information on quick glance in the array section where it says you can do this: array += "four". So, don't trust this page too much. I believe you used to be able to append elements like this to an array in earlier versions of Swift, but it was changed.
The good news is that with Swift you can define your own custom operators! The following is quick implementation that should do what you want.
func +=<U,T>(inout lhs: [U:T], rhs: [U:T]) {
for (key, value) in rhs {
lhs[key] = value
Almost invariably when swift complains something is not like UInt8, there's a casting error in your code that may not be obvious, especially in a complex expression.
The problem in this case is that the + and += operators are not defined for that data type. A very nifty way to join arrays is described here:
How do you add a Dictionary of items into another Dictionary

Inconsistent nil for pointer receiver (Go bug?)

I was doing a simple linked list interface to learn about Go interfaces when I stumbled upon this apparent inconsistency. nextT is always nil but the return value of next() isn't.
package main
import (
type LinkedList interface {
next() LinkedList
type T struct {
nextT *T
func (t *T) next() LinkedList {
//uncomment to see the difference
/*if t.nextT == nil {
return nil
return t.nextT//this is nil!
func main() {
t := new(T)
fmt.Println(t.nextT == nil)
var ll LinkedList
ll = t
fmt.Println( == nil)//why isn't this nil?
Without the nil check (which I shouldn't have to do) in next() I get
With it I get the expected result
Have I discovered a bug or is this surprise intentional for some reason? Running on Windows with Go version 1 using the zip installation (no MSI)
No, that's not a bug. An interface in Go, is basically a pair of two values: a type information and a pointer to the actual data. Assigning the untyped value nil to an interface, which also happens to be the zero value of an interface, means that the interface has neither a type information nor a pointer to any data stored.
On the other hand, assigning a *T pointer to an interface, will set the type information accordingly and let the data pointer point to this pointer. In that case, the interface isn't nil anymore, because you have stored a specific type with a specific value inside. In your case it just happens that the value you have stored is nil. You can use a type assertion (or the reflect package) to check if an interface has specific type assigned. The type assertion will only succeed if the type information matches (which can be obviously never be the case if you have assigned nil to that interface before). If the test succeeds, you will get a *T back, but this pointer might still have the value nil (which is a valid value for that type).
Take a look at the container/list package in the Go standard library to see a more idiomatic general linked-list implementation. There is also an excellent article by Russ Cox that contains an in-depth explanation of Go's interface type.
