UIApplication has the handy applicationState property that allows you to see if your application is in the background or not. In action (and share) extensions, use of UIApplication is illegal, and even if you do get an instance of it within an extension it always reports applicationState=UIApplicationStateBackground. I also tried observing UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, it never fires.
Is there a way to effectively tell if an extension is running within an app that's in the foreground or background?
Post iOS 8.2, You can observe the notifications listed here.
Be sure to check that you are on a device of the appropriate version before signing up for these notifications, or your extension will crash, as they will be nil.
I tested:
UIControl().sendAction(#selector(URLSessionTask.suspend), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)
which is for putting app on background and it works.
How do I put app back on foreground?
I tried:
UIControl().sendAction(#selector(URLSessionTask.resume), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)
But eventually it crashes...
Thank you
Since you've indicated that you're looking for any technical solution, even those not compatible with the App Store or Apple's terms, this should be possible using the Private API LSApplicationWorkspace: openApplicationWithBundleID. Try something like this:
Create a .h file and set up an interface to the LSApplicationWorkspace class and list the required method. You will need to #import "PrivateHeaders.h" in your bridging header.
// PrivateHeaders.h
#ifndef PrivateHeaders_h
#define PrivateHeaders_h
#interface LSApplicationWorkspace : NSObject
- (bool)openApplicationWithBundleID:(id)arg1;
#endif /* PrivateHeaders_h */
You should then be able to call this function and pass in the Bundle Identifier of your app as an string.
// SomeClass.swift
import MobileCoreServices
let workspace = LSApplicationWorkspace()
Launch an App given its bundle identifier
- parameter bundleIdentifier: The bundle identifier of the app to launch
- returns: True if app is launched, otherwise false
func openApp(withBundleIdentifier bundleIdentifier: String) -> Bool {
// Call the Private API LSApplicationWorkspace method
return workspace.openApplication(withBundleID: bundleIdentifier)
What you are doing is likely a violation of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines (although the "Don’t Quit Programmatically" is no longer specifically defined), so as the comments have said, it is not suited to the App Store. Regardless, once your app is suspended in this way, I don't expect that there is a way to resume it programmatically, unless you can hook into a Background Operation to run URLSessionTask.resume, but I have not tested it and am unsure whether it can work.
Apps can be launched (and hence brought into the foreground) programmatically from another app or today extension by using a Custom URL Scheme, or via a Push Notification. It isn't possible to launch the app from the Background Operation via a URL Scheme, since it is part of the UIKit framework, which must be run in the main thread.
In summary, I think your best option is to try to use a Notification. This just means that the user will need to click on the notification to bring your app back into the foreground.
Closing/opening the app should be done explicitly by the user. Any other way of closing or opening the app is not supported by Apple and will be rejected when uploaded to app store. iOS Human Interface Guideline states:
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS application
programmatically because people tend to interpret this as a crash.
However, if external circumstances prevent your application from
functioning as intended, you need to tell your users about the
situation and explain what they can do about it. Depending on how
severe the application malfunction is, you have two choices.
an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures usersthat
there’s nothing wrong with your application. It puts usersin control,
letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and
continue using your application or press the Home button and open a
different application
*If only some of your application's features are
not working, display either a screen or an alert when people activate
the feature. Display the alert only when people try to accessthe
feature that isn’t functioning
Just as a follow up to Jordan's excellent answer I want to give an explanation for why your code works in the first place and why that alone will get your app rejected, even without any functionality to make it active again and bring it to the foreground.
As maddy pointed out in a comment, you're basically calling a method from UIApplication's private API. This works due to the Objective-C runtime's dynamic linking. You might wonder "But I am using Swift, what does that have to do with Objective-C?" The answer lies in #selector mechanism. A Selector is basically just a symbol that the Objective-C runtime looks up in a table to get a method it invokes (for you). This is why it's technically not correct to say you "call a method" when you do something like myObjectInstance.someMethod(). The correct way to phrase that would be to "send a message" to the object, because that's what is happening in the runtime. The target-action mechanism is build around that. The sendAction(_: Selector?, to: Any?) method does the same thing. So in effect your code does the following:
Get the symbol that corresponds to URLSessionTask's suspend() method.
Tell the shared instance of UIApplication to invoke the method that it has for that symbol.
Now usually that would result in a crash with the typical "unknown selector sent to instance..." error message. But here, by sure coincidence UIApplication also has a method for that instance (or rather, the runtime also has one of its methods listed in its table for that symbol). You kind of "found" a method that is not declared in its public header. You successfully circumvented a compile-time check for this and invoke a method that is part of a private API. This is explicitly forbidden in the Apple Developer Program License Agreement
Besides all that, I would strongly advise against trying to design an app that way in the first place. As maddy pointed out it's also likely considered to violate the HIGs. Even if you're not trying to do anything malicious and properly explain the feature in your app's description, that won't make Apple let it slide (I assume). Personally, as a user, I'd also find it annoying if the app did something the system already has a specific mechanic for in a different manner, at least in terms of app's coming to background and foreground.
I don't think it can be done without user interaction
The option is you can generate a push notification to tell the user to bring the application to foreground
When the operating system delivers push notification and the target application is not running in the foreground, it presents the notification.
If there is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks the action button (or moves the action slider), the application launches and calls a method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification payload.
I tested:
UIControl().sendAction(#selector(URLSessionTask.suspend), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)
which is for putting app on background and it works.
How do I put app back on foreground?
I tried:
UIControl().sendAction(#selector(URLSessionTask.resume), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)
But eventually it crashes...
Thank you
Since you've indicated that you're looking for any technical solution, even those not compatible with the App Store or Apple's terms, this should be possible using the Private API LSApplicationWorkspace: openApplicationWithBundleID. Try something like this:
Create a .h file and set up an interface to the LSApplicationWorkspace class and list the required method. You will need to #import "PrivateHeaders.h" in your bridging header.
// PrivateHeaders.h
#ifndef PrivateHeaders_h
#define PrivateHeaders_h
#interface LSApplicationWorkspace : NSObject
- (bool)openApplicationWithBundleID:(id)arg1;
#endif /* PrivateHeaders_h */
You should then be able to call this function and pass in the Bundle Identifier of your app as an string.
// SomeClass.swift
import MobileCoreServices
let workspace = LSApplicationWorkspace()
Launch an App given its bundle identifier
- parameter bundleIdentifier: The bundle identifier of the app to launch
- returns: True if app is launched, otherwise false
func openApp(withBundleIdentifier bundleIdentifier: String) -> Bool {
// Call the Private API LSApplicationWorkspace method
return workspace.openApplication(withBundleID: bundleIdentifier)
What you are doing is likely a violation of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines (although the "Don’t Quit Programmatically" is no longer specifically defined), so as the comments have said, it is not suited to the App Store. Regardless, once your app is suspended in this way, I don't expect that there is a way to resume it programmatically, unless you can hook into a Background Operation to run URLSessionTask.resume, but I have not tested it and am unsure whether it can work.
Apps can be launched (and hence brought into the foreground) programmatically from another app or today extension by using a Custom URL Scheme, or via a Push Notification. It isn't possible to launch the app from the Background Operation via a URL Scheme, since it is part of the UIKit framework, which must be run in the main thread.
In summary, I think your best option is to try to use a Notification. This just means that the user will need to click on the notification to bring your app back into the foreground.
Closing/opening the app should be done explicitly by the user. Any other way of closing or opening the app is not supported by Apple and will be rejected when uploaded to app store. iOS Human Interface Guideline states:
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS application
programmatically because people tend to interpret this as a crash.
However, if external circumstances prevent your application from
functioning as intended, you need to tell your users about the
situation and explain what they can do about it. Depending on how
severe the application malfunction is, you have two choices.
an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures usersthat
there’s nothing wrong with your application. It puts usersin control,
letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and
continue using your application or press the Home button and open a
different application
*If only some of your application's features are
not working, display either a screen or an alert when people activate
the feature. Display the alert only when people try to accessthe
feature that isn’t functioning
Just as a follow up to Jordan's excellent answer I want to give an explanation for why your code works in the first place and why that alone will get your app rejected, even without any functionality to make it active again and bring it to the foreground.
As maddy pointed out in a comment, you're basically calling a method from UIApplication's private API. This works due to the Objective-C runtime's dynamic linking. You might wonder "But I am using Swift, what does that have to do with Objective-C?" The answer lies in #selector mechanism. A Selector is basically just a symbol that the Objective-C runtime looks up in a table to get a method it invokes (for you). This is why it's technically not correct to say you "call a method" when you do something like myObjectInstance.someMethod(). The correct way to phrase that would be to "send a message" to the object, because that's what is happening in the runtime. The target-action mechanism is build around that. The sendAction(_: Selector?, to: Any?) method does the same thing. So in effect your code does the following:
Get the symbol that corresponds to URLSessionTask's suspend() method.
Tell the shared instance of UIApplication to invoke the method that it has for that symbol.
Now usually that would result in a crash with the typical "unknown selector sent to instance..." error message. But here, by sure coincidence UIApplication also has a method for that instance (or rather, the runtime also has one of its methods listed in its table for that symbol). You kind of "found" a method that is not declared in its public header. You successfully circumvented a compile-time check for this and invoke a method that is part of a private API. This is explicitly forbidden in the Apple Developer Program License Agreement
Besides all that, I would strongly advise against trying to design an app that way in the first place. As maddy pointed out it's also likely considered to violate the HIGs. Even if you're not trying to do anything malicious and properly explain the feature in your app's description, that won't make Apple let it slide (I assume). Personally, as a user, I'd also find it annoying if the app did something the system already has a specific mechanic for in a different manner, at least in terms of app's coming to background and foreground.
I don't think it can be done without user interaction
The option is you can generate a push notification to tell the user to bring the application to foreground
When the operating system delivers push notification and the target application is not running in the foreground, it presents the notification.
If there is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks the action button (or moves the action slider), the application launches and calls a method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification payload.
Is there A way to guarantee that the applicationWillTerminate method in the AppDelegate delegate will be hit? Something like a key in the info.plist file, etc..?
My goal: I'm working in a beacon app, the piece of code is in this article. My problem is that the message from the didEnterRegion keeps poping even when i'm beside the beacon. To solve that I'm setting a flag to control the message. My code below:
if(!UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: Constants.EnterZoneMsgShowName)){
let notification = UILocalNotification()
notification.alertBody = "Hi, you are about to arrive at CIDMA's office. Please open de demo app and turn on the bluetooth on your device to enrich your experience. "
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: Constants.EnterZoneMsgShowName)
I want to set this flag to false when I close the app. I tried to put it at the applicationWillTerminate but this method is not hit every time.
I would like to know how to guarantee that this code will be hit or if there is a better place to put the code: UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: Constants.EnterZoneMsgShowName)
applicationWillTerminate(_:) - Tells the delegate when the app is about
to terminate.
For apps that do not support background execution or are linked against iOS 3.x or earlier, this method is always called when the user quits the app.
For apps that support background execution, this method is generally not called when the user quits the app because the app simply moves to the background in that case. However, this method may be called in situations where the app is running in the background (not suspended) and the system needs to terminate it for some reason.
What you want to call is applicationDidEnterBackground if your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
When setting up a WCSession in a watchOS app, does the WCSessionDelegate's sessionReachabilityDidChange: method always get invoked immediately after calling activateSession? From my testing this seems to be true but I am not finding any confirmation of this in documentation.
I ask because if I can rely on sessionReachabilityDidChange: being called immediately after activating the session, I can remove some redundant code from applicationDidBecomeActive that checks for a reachable session and sends some initial messages to the iPhone app.
Why not just call it yourself after you are done doing all your set up? That way you don't rely on any undocumented behavior, yet you don't have to duplicate code in two places
I am developing an iPhone app with a Today Extension. The app has a Model module that loads from/saves toNSUserDefaults. Since I want this information to be available to both the main app and the extension, I use an app group:
let storage = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "group.etc.etc.etc...")
Both the app and the extension can access the information without any problem.
The main app occasionally might create a local notification to present to the user. That notification has two actions associated with it (UIUserNotificationAction). One of those actions triggers some code run on the background on the main app. That code changes the NSUserDefaults information and triggers a synchronization. My code is something like this:
func application(application: UIApplication, handleActionWithIdentifier id: String?, forLocalNotification not: UILocalNotification, completionHandler: () -> ()) {
// Interact with model here
// New information gets saved to NSUserDefaults
Now, on the Today Ext. I naturally observe any changes made to the information on NSUserDefaults so that I can reload the interface on the widget:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { _ in
Now, here's my issue:
The main app schedules a UILocalNotification. I open the today view and look at my today widget.
When the notification fires, a banner appears on the top of the screen.
I slide down on that banner to reveal the two actions and I select the one that I mentioned earlier (the today widget is still live and on screen).
I know for a fact that the action runs correctly in the background, and that the changes are being made to the information on NSUserDefaults.
However, even though the today widget has been active and on screen all this time, no reload action is triggered. After further investigation, I can confirm that the NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification is not being fired (I placed a breakpoint and it did not trigger, and did some other checks as well).
I know the changes are being made by the notification action because if I force a reload of the widget (by closing and opening the today view) the widget updates correctly.
I have seen various tutorials online where the first thing they say is to listen to this notification and update the widget so that "the widget is in sync with NSUserDefaults". But the thing is that AFAICT this notification is absolutely useless! How come??
Note 1: When I change the information on NSUserDefaults from within the today widget the notification fires correctly.
Note 2: Debugging a today widget is absolutely horrible, btw. It is always necessary to tell Xcode to "Attach to process by name..." before it can react to breakpoints and crashes. And iOS is constantly creating a new process for the widget so I have to constantly tell Xcode to attach again.
From doc here:
Cocoa includes two types of notification centers:
The NSNotificationCenter class manages notifications within a single
process. The NSDistributedNotificationCenter class manages
notifications across multiple processes on a single computer.
Apparently the containing app and today extension are different processes, since when you debug today extension you want to attach containing app process, but NSNotificationCenter only work within a single process.
In order to communicate between containing app and extensions, you can use
Darwin Notify Center CFNotificationCenterthat works like NSDistributedNotificationCenter, which is only available for osx.
The idea is use a file inside the group folder that they share. in containing app, you write the data you want to send into the file, then post a CFNotification, which will be received by today extension.
In today extension, use CFNotificationCenterAddObserver to observer the CFNotification, upon receiving it, callback will be called, in which a NSNotification has to be posted due to callback is a C style function and "userInfo" cannot be passed in the CFNotification, after receiving this NSNotification object, it starts to read data from the file, which is used to update the today extension view in Notification center.
You can use this github code to implement force loading the today extension view. It works for me.
Here is a great post on this. http://www.atomicbird.com/blog/sharing-with-app-extensions
Another option is to use setHasContent function. When you schedule a local identifier, set has content to false to hide the view, in handleActionWithIdentifier set it to true to show the view. This way, when you stay in notification center, you will not see the view for a moment, but when you see it, it will be the updated data.
let widgetController = NCWidgetController.widgetController()
widgetController.setHasContent(false, forWidgetWithBundleIdentifier: "YourTodayWidgetBundleIdentifier")
But I think the whole problem is a rare case, which doesn't need to be fixed since you can get the updated data reloading the notification center or switch to notification tab and switch back to today tab.