Regular Expressions in iOS [duplicate] - ios

I'm creating a regexp for password validation to be used in a Java application as a configuration parameter.
The regexp is:
The password policy is:
At least 8 chars
Contains at least one digit
Contains at least one lower alpha char and one upper alpha char
Contains at least one char within a set of special chars (##%$^ etc.)
Does not contain space, tab, etc.
I’m missing just point 5. I'm not able to have the regexp check for space, tab, carriage return, etc.
Could anyone help me?

Try this:
^ # start-of-string
(?=.*[0-9]) # a digit must occur at least once
(?=.*[a-z]) # a lower case letter must occur at least once
(?=.*[A-Z]) # an upper case letter must occur at least once
(?=.*[##$%^&+=]) # a special character must occur at least once
(?=\S+$) # no whitespace allowed in the entire string
.{8,} # anything, at least eight places though
$ # end-of-string
It's easy to add, modify or remove individual rules, since every rule is an independent "module".
The (?=.*[xyz]) construct eats the entire string (.*) and backtracks to the first occurrence where [xyz] can match. It succeeds if [xyz] is found, it fails otherwise.
The alternative would be using a reluctant qualifier: (?=.*?[xyz]). For a password check, this will hardly make any difference, for much longer strings it could be the more efficient variant.
The most efficient variant (but hardest to read and maintain, therefore the most error-prone) would be (?=[^xyz]*[xyz]), of course. For a regex of this length and for this purpose, I would dis-recommend doing it that way, as it has no real benefits.

simple example using regex
public class passwordvalidation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String passwd = "aaZZa44#";
String pattern = "(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[##$%^&+=])(?=\\S+$).{8,}";
(?=.*[0-9]) a digit must occur at least once
(?=.*[a-z]) a lower case letter must occur at least once
(?=.*[A-Z]) an upper case letter must occur at least once
(?=.*[##$%^&+=]) a special character must occur at least once
(?=\\S+$) no whitespace allowed in the entire string
.{8,} at least 8 characters

All the previously given answers use the same (correct) technique to use a separate lookahead for each requirement. But they contain a couple of inefficiencies and a potentially massive bug, depending on the back end that will actually use the password.
I'll start with the regex from the accepted answer:
First of all, since Java supports \A and \z I prefer to use those to make sure the entire string is validated, independently of Pattern.MULTILINE. This doesn't affect performance, but avoids mistakes when regexes are recycled.
Checking that the password does not contain whitespace and checking its minimum length can be done in a single pass by using the all at once by putting variable quantifier {8,} on the shorthand \S that limits the allowed characters:
If the provided password does contain a space, all the checks will be done, only to have the final check fail on the space. This can be avoided by replacing all the dots with \S:
The dot should only be used if you really want to allow any character. Otherwise, use a (negated) character class to limit your regex to only those characters that are really permitted. Though it makes little difference in this case, not using the dot when something else is more appropriate is a very good habit. I see far too many cases of catastrophic backtracking because the developer was too lazy to use something more appropriate than the dot.
Since there's a good chance the initial tests will find an appropriate character in the first half of the password, a lazy quantifier can be more efficient:
But now for the really important issue: none of the answers mentions the fact that the original question seems to be written by somebody who thinks in ASCII. But in Java strings are Unicode. Are non-ASCII characters allowed in passwords? If they are, are only ASCII spaces disallowed, or should all Unicode whitespace be excluded.
By default \s matches only ASCII whitespace, so its inverse \S matches all Unicode characters (whitespace or not) and all non-whitespace ASCII characters. If Unicode characters are allowed but Unicode spaces are not, the UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS flag can be specified to make \S exclude Unicode whitespace. If Unicode characters are not allowed, then [\x21-\x7E] can be used instead of \S to match all ASCII characters that are not a space or a control character.
Which brings us to the next potential issue: do we want to allow control characters? The first step in writing a proper regex is to exactly specify what you want to match and what you don't. The only 100% technically correct answer is that the password specification in the question is ambiguous because it does not state whether certain ranges of characters like control characters or non-ASCII characters are permitted or not.

You should not use overly complex Regex (if you can avoid them) because they are
hard to read (at least for everyone but yourself)
hard to extend
hard to debug
Although there might be a small performance overhead in using many small regular expressions, the points above outweight it easily.
I would implement like this:
bool matchesPolicy(pwd) {
if (pwd.length < 8) return false;
if (not pwd =~ /[0-9]/) return false;
if (not pwd =~ /[a-z]/) return false;
if (not pwd =~ /[A-Z]/) return false;
if (not pwd =~ /[%#$^]/) return false;
if (pwd =~ /\s/) return false;
return true;

Thanks for all answers, based on all them but extending sphecial characters:
#SuppressWarnings({"regexp", "RegExpUnexpectedAnchor", "RegExpRedundantEscape"})
String PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHARS = "##$%^`<>&+=\"!ºª·#~%&'¿¡€,:;*/+-.=_\\[\\]\\(\\)\\|\\_\\?\\\\";
String PASSWORD_REGEXP = "^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[" + PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHARS + "])(?=\\S+$).{"+PASSWORD_MIN_SIZE+",}$";
Unit tested:

Password Requirement :
Password should be at least eight (8) characters in length where the system can support it.
Passwords must include characters from at least two (2) of these groupings: alpha, numeric, and special characters.
I tested it and it works

For anyone interested in minimum requirements for each type of character, I would suggest making the following extension over Tomalak's accepted answer:
Notice that this is a formatting string and not the final regex pattern. Just substitute %d with the minimum required occurrences for: digits, lowercase, uppercase, non-digit/character, and entire password (respectively). Maximum occurrences are unlikely (unless you want a max of 0, effectively rejecting any such characters) but those could be easily added as well. Notice the extra grouping around each type so that the min/max constraints allow for non-consecutive matches. This worked wonders for a system where we could centrally configure how many of each type of character we required and then have the website as well as two different mobile platforms fetch that information in order to construct the regex pattern based on the above formatting string.

This one checks for every special character :

Java Method ready for you, with parameters
Just copy and paste and set your desired parameters.
If you don't want a module, just comment it or add an "if" as done by me for special char
* Validation Password */
private static boolean validation_Password(final String PASSWORD_Arg) {
boolean result = false;
try {
if (PASSWORD_Arg!=null) {
final String MIN_LENGHT="8";
final String MAX_LENGHT="20";
final boolean SPECIAL_CHAR_NEEDED=true;
final String ONE_DIGIT = "(?=.*[0-9])"; //(?=.*[0-9]) a digit must occur at least once
final String LOWER_CASE = "(?=.*[a-z])"; //(?=.*[a-z]) a lower case letter must occur at least once
final String UPPER_CASE = "(?=.*[A-Z])"; //(?=.*[A-Z]) an upper case letter must occur at least once
final String NO_SPACE = "(?=\\S+$)"; //(?=\\S+$) no whitespace allowed in the entire string
//final String MIN_CHAR = ".{" + MIN_LENGHT + ",}"; //.{8,} at least 8 characters
final String MIN_MAX_CHAR = ".{" + MIN_LENGHT + "," + MAX_LENGHT + "}"; //.{5,10} represents minimum of 5 characters and maximum of 10 characters
final String SPECIAL_CHAR;
if (SPECIAL_CHAR_NEEDED==true) SPECIAL_CHAR= "(?=.*[##$%^&+=])"; //(?=.*[##$%^&+=]) a special character must occur at least once
//String pattern = "(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[##$%^&+=])(?=\\S+$).{8,}";
result = PASSWORD_Arg.matches(PATTERN);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return result;

Also You Can Do like This.
public boolean isPasswordValid(String password) {
String regExpn =
CharSequence inputStr = password;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regExpn,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);
return true;
return false;

Use Passay library which is powerful api.

I think this can do it also (as a simpler mode):
[Regex Demo]

easy one
("^ (?=.* [0-9]) (?=.* [a-z]) (?=.* [A-Z]) (?=.* [\\W_])[\\S]{8,10}$")
(?= anything ) ->means positive looks forward in all input string and make sure for this condition is written .sample(?=.*[0-9])-> means ensure one digit number is written in the all string.if not written return false
(?! anything ) ->(vise versa) means negative looks forward if condition is written return false.
close meaning ^(condition)(condition)(condition)(condition)[\S]{8,10}$

String s=pwd;
int n=0;
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
out.print("Password format correct <b>Accepted</b><br>");
out.print("Password must be alphanumeric <b>Declined</b><br>");
First set the password as a string and create integer set o.
Then check the each and every char by for loop.
If it finds number in the string then the n add 5. Then jump to the
next for loop. Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))
This loop check any alphabets placed in the string. If its find then
add one more 5 in n. Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i))
Now check the integer n by the way of if condition. If n=10 is true
given string is alphanumeric else its not.

Sample code block for strong password:
at least 6 digits
up to 18 digits
one number
one lowercase
one uppercase
can contain all special characters

RegEx is -
at least 8 digits {8,}
at least one number (?=.*\d)
at least one lowercase (?=.*[a-z])
at least one uppercase (?=.*[A-Z])
at least one special character (?=.*[##$%^&+=])
No space [^\s]

A more general answer which accepts all the special characters including _ would be slightly different:
The difference (?=.*[\W|\_]) translates to "at least one of all the special characters including the underscore".


How to specify a range in Ruby

I've been looking for a good way to see if a string of items are all numbers, and thought there might be a way of specifying a range from 0 to 9 and seeing if they're included in the string, but all that I've looked up online has really confused me.
def validate_pin(pin)
(pin.length == 4 || pin.length == 6) && pin.count("0-9") == pin.length
The code above is someone else's work and I've been trying to identify how it works. It's a pin checker - takes in a set of characters and ensures the string is either 4 or 6 digits and all numbers - but how does the range work?
When I did this problem I tried to use to_a? Integer and a bunch of other things including ranges such as (0..9) and ("0..9) and ("0".."9") to validate a character is an integer. When I saw ("0-9) it confused the heck out of me, and half an hour of googling and youtube has only left me with regex tutorials (which I'm interested in, but currently just trying to get the basics down)
So to sum this up, my goal is to understand a more semantic/concise way to identify if a character is an integer. Whatever is the simplest way. All and any feedback is welcome. I am a new rubyist and trying to get down my fundamentals. Thank You.
Regex really is the right way to do this. It's specifically for testing patterns in strings. This is how you'd test "do all characters in this string fall in the range of characters 0-9?":
This regex says "Does this string start and end with at least one of the characters 0-9, with nothing else in between?" - the \A and \z are start-of-string and end-of-string matchers, and the [0-9]+ matches any one or more of any character in that range.
You could even do your entire check in one line of regex:
Which says "Does this string consist of the characters 0-9 repeated exactly 4 times, or the characters 0-9, repeated exactly 6 times?"
Ruby's String#count method does something similar to this, though it just counts the number of occurrences of the characters passed, and it uses something similar to regex ranges to allow you to specify character ranges.
The sequence c1-c2 means all characters between c1 and c2.
Thus, it expands the parameter "0-9" into the list of characters "0123456789", and then it tests how many of the characters in the string match that list of characters.
This will work to verify that a certain number of numbers exist in the string, and the length checks let you implicitly test that no other characters exist in the string. However, regexes let you assert that directly, by ensuring that the whole string matches a given pattern, including length constraints.
Count everything non-digit in pin and check if this count is zero:
Since you seem to be looking for answers outside regex and since Chris already spelled out how the count method was being implemented in the example above, I'll try to add one more idea for testing whether a string is an Integer or not:
pin.to_i.to_s == pin
What we're doing is converting the string to an integer, converting that result back to a string, and then testing to see if anything changed during the process. If the result is =>true, then you know nothing changed during the conversion to an integer and therefore the string is only an Integer.
The example above only works if the entire string is an Integer and won’t properly deal with leading zeros. If you want to check to make sure each and every character is an Integer then do something like this instead:
pin.prepend(“1”).to_i.to_s(1..-1) == pin
Part of the question seems to be exactly HOW the following portion of code is doing its job:
This piece of the code is simply returning a count of how many instances of the numbers 0 through 9 exist in the string. That's only one piece of the relevant section of code though. You need to look at the rest of the line to make sense of it:
pin.count("0-9") == pin.length
The first part counts how many instances then the second part compares that to the length of the string. If they are equal (==) then that means every character in the string is an Integer.
Sometimes negation can be used to advantage:
!pin.match?(/\D/) && [4,6].include?(pin.length)
pin.match?(/\D/) returns true if the string contains a character other than a digit (matching /\D/), in which case it it would be negated to false.
One advantage of using negation here is that if the string contains a character other than a digit pin.match?(/\D/) would return true as soon as a non-digit is found, as opposed to methods that examine all the characters in the string.

Check password length with regex [duplicate]

I want a regular expression to check that:
A password contains at least eight characters, including at least one number and includes both lower and uppercase letters and special characters, for example #, ?, !.
It cannot be your old password or contain your username, "password", or "websitename"
And here is my validation expression which is for eight characters including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character.
How can I write it for a password must be eight characters including one uppercase letter, one special character and alphanumeric characters?
Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number:
Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character:
Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number:
Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:
Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:
You may use this regex with multiple lookahead assertions (conditions):
This regex will enforce these rules:
At least one upper case English letter, (?=.*?[A-Z])
At least one lower case English letter, (?=.*?[a-z])
At least one digit, (?=.*?[0-9])
At least one special character, (?=.*?[#?!#$%^&*-])
Minimum eight in length .{8,} (with the anchors)
Regular expressions don't have an AND operator, so it's pretty hard to write a regex that matches valid passwords, when validity is defined by something AND something else AND something else...
But, regular expressions do have an OR operator, so just apply DeMorgan's theorem, and write a regex that matches invalid passwords:
Anything with less than eight characters OR anything with no numbers OR anything with no uppercase OR or anything with no lowercase OR anything with no special characters.
If anything matches that, then it's an invalid password.
Use the following Regex to satisfy the below conditions:
Min 1 uppercase letter.
Min 1 lowercase letter.
Min 1 special character.
Min 1 number.
Min 8 characters.
Max 30 characters.
Just a small improvement for #anubhava's answer: Since special character are limited to the ones in the keyboard, use this for any special character:
This regex will enforce these rules:
At least one upper case English letter
At least one lower case English letter
At least one digit
At least one special character
Minimum eight in length
I had some difficulty following the most popular answer for my circumstances. For example, my validation was failing with characters such as ; or [. I was not interested in white-listing my special characters, so I instead leveraged [^\w\s] as a test - simply put - match non word characters (including numeric) and non white space characters. To summarize, here is what worked for me...
at least 8 characters
at least 1 numeric character
at least 1 lowercase letter
at least 1 uppercase letter
at least 1 special character
JSFiddle Link - simple demo covering various cases
✅ The following 4 regex patterns can help you to write almost any password validation
Pattern 1:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one special character, no space, and it must be 8-16 characters long.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\W)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
(?=.*[0-9]) means that the password must contain a single digit from 1 to 9.
(?=.*[a-z]) means that the password must contain one lowercase letter.
(?=.*[A-Z]) means that the password must contain one uppercase letter.
(?=.*\W) means that the password must contain one special character.
.{8,16} means that the password must be 8-16 characters long. We must use this at the end of the regex, just before the $ symbol.
What are ^ and $:
^ indicates the beginning of the string. $ indicates the end of the string.
If we don't use these ^ & $, the regex will not be able to determine the maximum length of the password. In the above example, we have a condition that the password can't be longer than 16 characters, to make that condition work, we have used these ^ & $
Remove maximum length restriction:
Instead of .{8,16}, if we used .{8,}, it would mean that the password must be at least 8 characters long. So, there will not be any condition for checking the maximum length of the password.
Don't accept any number(digit):
Instead of (?=.*[0-9]), if we used (?!.*[0-9]), it would mean that the password must not contain any digit from 1-9 (Difference with the (?=.*[0-9]) is the use of ! instead of =)
Don't accept any spcecial character:
Instead of (?=.*\W), if we used (?!.*\W), it would mean that the password must not contain any special characters (The difference with the (?=.*\W) is the use of ! instead of =)
Alternative Syntax for number(digit):
Instead of (?=.*[0-9]), we could have used (?=.*\d). (?=.*\d) also means that the password must contain a single digit from 1 to 9.
Pattern 2:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one underscore but no other special character, no space and it must be 8-16 characters long.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*_)(?!.*\W)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
Difference with the Pattern 1
Here, we have used (?=.*_) which wasn't on the Pattern 1.
(?=.*_)(?!.*\W) means that the password must contain an underscore but can not contain any other special character.
Pattern 3:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one underscore, no space and it must be 8-16 characters long. Usage of any other special character other than underscore is optional.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*_)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
Difference with the Pattern 2
Here, we have not used (?!.*\W) what was on the Pattern 2.
But it still has the (?=.*_)
By just removing the (?!.*\W), special characters have become optional. Now, one underscore is required but any other special character can be used or not as it's optional.
Pattern 4:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one underscore, and it must be 8-16 characters long. Usage of any other special character and usage of space is optional.
Difference with the Pattern 3
Here, we have not used (?=.*_) & (?!.* ) which was on the Pattern 3.
By removing (?=.*_), it's no longer mandatory to pass one underscore. Now, passing special characters is optional.
By removing the (?!.* ), usage of space has become optional too.
I would reply to Peter Mortensen, but I don't have enough reputation.
His expressions are perfect for each of the specified minimum requirements. The problem with his expressions that don't require special characters is that they also don't ALLOW special characters, so they also enforce maximum requirements, which I don't believe the OP requested. Normally you want to allow your users to make their password as strong as they want; why restrict strong passwords?
So, his "minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number" expression:
achieves the minimum requirement, but the remaining characters can only be letter and numbers. To allow (but not require) special characters, you should use something like:
^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d).{8,}$ to allow any characters
^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*#?&]{8,}$ to allow specific special characters
Likewise, "minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number:"
meets that minimum requirement, but only allows letters and numbers. Use:
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).{8,}$ to allow any characters
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*?&]{8,} to allow specific special characters.
A more "generic" version(?), allowing none English letters as special characters.
var pwdList = [
re = /^(?=\S*[a-z])(?=\S*[A-Z])(?=\S*\d)(?=\S*[^\w\s])\S{8,}$/;
pwdList.forEach(function (pw) {
document.write('<span style="color:'+ (re.test(pw) ? 'green':'red') + '">' + pw + '</span><br/>');
Import the JavaScript file jquery.validate.min.js.
You can use this method:
$.validator.addMethod("pwcheck", function (value) {
return /[\#\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\!]/.test(value) && /[a-z]/.test(value) && /[0-9]/.test(value) && /[A-Z]/.test(value)
At least one upper case English letter
At least one lower case English letter
At least one digit
At least one special character
For standard password requirements I found this to be useful:
At least 1 alphabet
At least 1 digit
Contains no space
Optional special characters e.g. #$!%*#?&^_-
Minimum 8 characters long
You can also set the upper limit for example {8,32} up to 32 characters long.
Try this one:
Minimum six characters
At least one uppercase character
At least one lowercase character
At least one special character
"/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[$#$!%*?&.])[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*?&.]{6, 20}/"
Optional Special Characters:
At least one special character
At least one number
Special characters are optional
Minimum six characters and maximum 16 characters
If the min and max condition is not required then remove .{6, 16}
6 is minimum character limit
20 is maximum character limit
?= means match expression
This worked for me:
At least 8 characters long;
One lowercase, one uppercase, one number and one special character;
No whitespaces.
Not directly answering the question, but does it really have to be a regex?
I used to do lots of Perl, and got used to solving problems with regexes. However, when they get more complicated with all the look-aheads and other quirks, you need to write dozens of unit tests to kill all those little bugs.
Furthermore, a regex is typically a few times slower than an imperative or a functional solution.
For example, the following (not very FP) Scala function solves the original question about three times faster than the regex of the most popular answer. What it does is also so clear that you don't need a unit test at all:
def validatePassword(password: String): Boolean = {
if (password.length < 8)
return false
var lower = false
var upper = false
var numbers = false
var special = false
password.foreach { c =>
if (c.isDigit) numbers = true
else if (c.isLower) lower = true
else if (c.isUpper) upper = true
else special = true
lower && upper && numbers && special
For a more strict validation where the following is required:
At least One Upper Case Character
At least one Lower Case character
At least one digit
At least one symbol/special character #$!%*#?&^_-
Minimum 8 characters/digits
I hope it helps someone with a more stringent.
What about considering the following regex solution:
Which validates the following:
At least one lowercase
At least one uppercase
At least one digit
At least one special character
At least it should have 8 characters long.
Check it out working at the following link
Another option is to make use of contrast in the lookahead assertions using a negated character class, optionally matching any character except that is listed before matching the character that should be matched.
See a regex demo
In parts, the pattern matches:
^ Start of string
(?=[^A-Z\n]*[A-Z]) Positive lookahead, assert 0+ times any char except A-Z or a newline. Then match a char A-Z
(?=[^a-z\n]*[a-z]) The same approach for a char a-z
(?=[^0-9\n]*[0-9]) The same approach for a digit 0-9
(?=[^#?!#$%^&*\n-]*[#?!#$%^&*-]) The same approach for a char that you would consider special
.{8,} Match 8 or more times any character except a newline
$ End of string
A dot can also match a space. If you do not want to allow matching a space, then .{8,} can be changed to \S{8,} to match 8 or more non whitespace characters
Using either . or \S can match more characters than are specified in the lookahead assertions. If you only want to match the characters that are used in the assertions, you can change .{8,} to match only the allowed characters [#?!#$%^&*A-Za-z0-9-]{8,} using a character class
const regex = /^(?=[^A-Z\n]*[A-Z])(?=[^a-z\n]*[a-z])(?=[^0-9\n]*[0-9])(?=[^#?!#$%^&*\n-]*[#?!#$%^&*-]).{8,}$/;
"# a f F1 ;",
].forEach(s =>
console.log(regex.test(s) ? `Match --> ${s}` : `No match --> ${s}`)
this the simple way to use it while validate atleast 1 uppercase 1 lowercase and 1 number
and this is the example while I use in express validation
.withMessage('Password cannot be null')
.isLength({ min: 6 })
.withMessage('Password must be at least 6 characters')
'Must have atleast 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number'
Testing this one in 2020:
Verify yourself
const regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d#$!%*?&]{8,}$/;
const str = `some12*Nuts`;
let m;
if ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);
#ClasG has already suggested:
but it does not accept _(underscore) as a special character (eg. Aa12345_).
An improved one is:
I've found many problems here, so I made my own.
Here it is in all it's glory, with tests:
Things to look out for:
doesn't use \w because that includes _, which I'm testing for.
I've had lots of troubles matching symbols, without matching the end of the line.
Doesn't specify symbols specifically, this is also because different locales may have different symbols on their keyboards that they may want to use.
function password_check() {
pass = document.getElementById("password").value;
regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d#$!%*?&]{8,}$/;
if (regex.exec(pass) == null) {
alert('invalid password!')
else {
<input type="text" id="password" value="Sample#1">
<input type="button" id="submit" onclick="password_check()" value="submit">
var strongRegex = new RegExp("^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!##\$%\^&\*])(?=.{8,})");
var mediumRegex = new RegExp("^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})");
Best For javascript
Keep it simple stupid:
This should do the trick for you, always.
Regex: ^(.{0,7}|[^a-z]{1,}|[^A-Z]{1,}|[^\d]{1,}|[^\W]{1,})$|[\s]
If your password matches the regex above, it is invalid.
If there's no match, your password is valid and contains has at least 8 characters, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one symbol or special character. And it also contains no spaces, tabs or line breaks.
Breakdown of Regex
.{0,7} - matches if password has between 0 to 7 characters.
[^a-z]{1,} - matches if no lower case is found
[^A-Z]{1,} - matches if no upper case is found
[^\d]{1,} - matches if no number (between [0-9]) is found
[\s] - matches if a white space, tab or line break is found.
With this approach there's no limit or restriction in terms of symbols allowed. If you want to limit to few symbols allowable, just change [^\W] with [^YourSymbols].
According to your need this pattern should work just fine. Try this,
Just create a string variable, assign the pattern, and create a boolean method which returns true if the pattern is correct, else false.
String pattern = "^(?=(.*\d){1})(.*\S)(?=.*[a-zA-Z\S])[0-9a-zA-Z\S]{8,}";
String password_string = "Type the password here"
private boolean isValidPassword(String password_string) {
return password_string.matches(Constants.passwordPattern);
Use the following Regex to satisfy the below conditions:
Conditions: 1] Min 1 special character.
2] Min 1 number.
3] Min 8 characters or More
Regex: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$#!%&*?])[A-Za-z\d#$#!%&*?]{8,}$
Can Test Online:
Just we can do this by using HTML5.
Use below code in pattern attribute,
It will work perfectly.
You can use the below regular expression pattern to check the password whether it matches your expectations or not.

How can I replace a character in of the middle of a string with a random character?

I am checking the values of a string that is a unique identifier for a third party service that has some strict rules about the identifier, if a duplicate is generated I need to catch it and replace a character to make it unique. The Rules: It must be a string, it must be <= 21 characters long, the last four characters are significant and come preset and can't be altered, the first 15 characters are significant come preset and can't be altered, so I only have two characters that I can alter, and finally another third party system sets the string and will gladly duplicate them if the circumstances are right. They're always right. like. always... lol
At first I thought of using! but that violates the last four rule. Then I tried str.insert(-5, rand(9).to_s) That would alter one of the correct characters and make the string unique, but it violates the <=21 characters rule.
str = "abcdefghijklmnoXX_123" (I can safely alter the XX)! (makes it unique but violates last four rule)
str.insert(-5, rand(9).to_s) (alters the correct characters and makes it unique, but violates the str.length rule.
How can I replace the correct character set without altering the string length or violating any further rules? Oh, It is also preferred that I not shorten the string length if possible.
I have assumed that the characters being replaced do not have to be random, but simply different from each other and different from all of the other characters in the string. If they are for some reason to be selected randomly, further specificity is required, specifically the collection of characters from which characters are to be drawn randomly. I have a further comment on this at the end of my answer.
PERMITTED_CHARS = ('a'..'z').to_a.join
#=> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
str = "abcdefrqsjklmnoXX_123"
nbr_replacements = str.size - REQD_BEGIN - REQD_END
#=> 2
available_chars =
PERMITTED_CHARS.delete(str[0,REQD_BEGIN].downcase +
str[-REQD_END, REQD_END].downcase)
#=> "ghiptuvwxyz"
str[0, REQD_BEGIN] + available_chars[0, nbr_replacements] +
#=> "abcdefrqsjklmnogh_123"
This does not modify ("mutate) str. To mutate the string, change the last line to:
s[REQD_BEGIN, nbr_replacements] = available_chars[0, nbr_replacements]
#=> "gh"
s #=> "abcdefrqsjklmnogh_123"
If the replacement characters are to be selected randomly (but satisfy the uniqueness properties set out at the onset), the constant PERMITTED_CHARS would be set equal to a string containing the characters from which a random sample would be drawn. available_chars would be computed as now, but available_chars[0, nbr_replacements] would be changed to available_chars.sample(nbr_replacements).
Clearest for me would be something like:
prefix = str[0..14]
middle = str[15..17]
suffix = str[18..-1]
unique_id = prefix + + suffix
If I understand right.

Swift - Complex Regular Expression on Password Field [duplicate]

I want a regular expression to check that:
A password contains at least eight characters, including at least one number and includes both lower and uppercase letters and special characters, for example #, ?, !.
It cannot be your old password or contain your username, "password", or "websitename"
And here is my validation expression which is for eight characters including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character.
How can I write it for a password must be eight characters including one uppercase letter, one special character and alphanumeric characters?
Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number:
Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character:
Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number:
Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:
Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:
You may use this regex with multiple lookahead assertions (conditions):
This regex will enforce these rules:
At least one upper case English letter, (?=.*?[A-Z])
At least one lower case English letter, (?=.*?[a-z])
At least one digit, (?=.*?[0-9])
At least one special character, (?=.*?[#?!#$%^&*-])
Minimum eight in length .{8,} (with the anchors)
Regular expressions don't have an AND operator, so it's pretty hard to write a regex that matches valid passwords, when validity is defined by something AND something else AND something else...
But, regular expressions do have an OR operator, so just apply DeMorgan's theorem, and write a regex that matches invalid passwords:
Anything with less than eight characters OR anything with no numbers OR anything with no uppercase OR or anything with no lowercase OR anything with no special characters.
If anything matches that, then it's an invalid password.
Use the following Regex to satisfy the below conditions:
Min 1 uppercase letter.
Min 1 lowercase letter.
Min 1 special character.
Min 1 number.
Min 8 characters.
Max 30 characters.
Just a small improvement for #anubhava's answer: Since special character are limited to the ones in the keyboard, use this for any special character:
This regex will enforce these rules:
At least one upper case English letter
At least one lower case English letter
At least one digit
At least one special character
Minimum eight in length
I had some difficulty following the most popular answer for my circumstances. For example, my validation was failing with characters such as ; or [. I was not interested in white-listing my special characters, so I instead leveraged [^\w\s] as a test - simply put - match non word characters (including numeric) and non white space characters. To summarize, here is what worked for me...
at least 8 characters
at least 1 numeric character
at least 1 lowercase letter
at least 1 uppercase letter
at least 1 special character
JSFiddle Link - simple demo covering various cases
✅ The following 4 regex patterns can help you to write almost any password validation
Pattern 1:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one special character, no space, and it must be 8-16 characters long.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\W)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
(?=.*[0-9]) means that the password must contain a single digit from 1 to 9.
(?=.*[a-z]) means that the password must contain one lowercase letter.
(?=.*[A-Z]) means that the password must contain one uppercase letter.
(?=.*\W) means that the password must contain one special character.
.{8,16} means that the password must be 8-16 characters long. We must use this at the end of the regex, just before the $ symbol.
What are ^ and $:
^ indicates the beginning of the string. $ indicates the end of the string.
If we don't use these ^ & $, the regex will not be able to determine the maximum length of the password. In the above example, we have a condition that the password can't be longer than 16 characters, to make that condition work, we have used these ^ & $
Remove maximum length restriction:
Instead of .{8,16}, if we used .{8,}, it would mean that the password must be at least 8 characters long. So, there will not be any condition for checking the maximum length of the password.
Don't accept any number(digit):
Instead of (?=.*[0-9]), if we used (?!.*[0-9]), it would mean that the password must not contain any digit from 1-9 (Difference with the (?=.*[0-9]) is the use of ! instead of =)
Don't accept any spcecial character:
Instead of (?=.*\W), if we used (?!.*\W), it would mean that the password must not contain any special characters (The difference with the (?=.*\W) is the use of ! instead of =)
Alternative Syntax for number(digit):
Instead of (?=.*[0-9]), we could have used (?=.*\d). (?=.*\d) also means that the password must contain a single digit from 1 to 9.
Pattern 2:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one underscore but no other special character, no space and it must be 8-16 characters long.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*_)(?!.*\W)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
Difference with the Pattern 1
Here, we have used (?=.*_) which wasn't on the Pattern 1.
(?=.*_)(?!.*\W) means that the password must contain an underscore but can not contain any other special character.
Pattern 3:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one underscore, no space and it must be 8-16 characters long. Usage of any other special character other than underscore is optional.
/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*_)(?!.* ).{8,16}$/
Difference with the Pattern 2
Here, we have not used (?!.*\W) what was on the Pattern 2.
But it still has the (?=.*_)
By just removing the (?!.*\W), special characters have become optional. Now, one underscore is required but any other special character can be used or not as it's optional.
Pattern 4:
Password must contain one digit from 1 to 9, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one underscore, and it must be 8-16 characters long. Usage of any other special character and usage of space is optional.
Difference with the Pattern 3
Here, we have not used (?=.*_) & (?!.* ) which was on the Pattern 3.
By removing (?=.*_), it's no longer mandatory to pass one underscore. Now, passing special characters is optional.
By removing the (?!.* ), usage of space has become optional too.
I would reply to Peter Mortensen, but I don't have enough reputation.
His expressions are perfect for each of the specified minimum requirements. The problem with his expressions that don't require special characters is that they also don't ALLOW special characters, so they also enforce maximum requirements, which I don't believe the OP requested. Normally you want to allow your users to make their password as strong as they want; why restrict strong passwords?
So, his "minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number" expression:
achieves the minimum requirement, but the remaining characters can only be letter and numbers. To allow (but not require) special characters, you should use something like:
^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d).{8,}$ to allow any characters
^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*#?&]{8,}$ to allow specific special characters
Likewise, "minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number:"
meets that minimum requirement, but only allows letters and numbers. Use:
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).{8,}$ to allow any characters
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*?&]{8,} to allow specific special characters.
A more "generic" version(?), allowing none English letters as special characters.
var pwdList = [
re = /^(?=\S*[a-z])(?=\S*[A-Z])(?=\S*\d)(?=\S*[^\w\s])\S{8,}$/;
pwdList.forEach(function (pw) {
document.write('<span style="color:'+ (re.test(pw) ? 'green':'red') + '">' + pw + '</span><br/>');
Import the JavaScript file jquery.validate.min.js.
You can use this method:
$.validator.addMethod("pwcheck", function (value) {
return /[\#\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\!]/.test(value) && /[a-z]/.test(value) && /[0-9]/.test(value) && /[A-Z]/.test(value)
At least one upper case English letter
At least one lower case English letter
At least one digit
At least one special character
For standard password requirements I found this to be useful:
At least 1 alphabet
At least 1 digit
Contains no space
Optional special characters e.g. #$!%*#?&^_-
Minimum 8 characters long
You can also set the upper limit for example {8,32} up to 32 characters long.
Try this one:
Minimum six characters
At least one uppercase character
At least one lowercase character
At least one special character
"/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[$#$!%*?&.])[A-Za-z\d$#$!%*?&.]{6, 20}/"
Optional Special Characters:
At least one special character
At least one number
Special characters are optional
Minimum six characters and maximum 16 characters
If the min and max condition is not required then remove .{6, 16}
6 is minimum character limit
20 is maximum character limit
?= means match expression
This worked for me:
At least 8 characters long;
One lowercase, one uppercase, one number and one special character;
No whitespaces.
Not directly answering the question, but does it really have to be a regex?
I used to do lots of Perl, and got used to solving problems with regexes. However, when they get more complicated with all the look-aheads and other quirks, you need to write dozens of unit tests to kill all those little bugs.
Furthermore, a regex is typically a few times slower than an imperative or a functional solution.
For example, the following (not very FP) Scala function solves the original question about three times faster than the regex of the most popular answer. What it does is also so clear that you don't need a unit test at all:
def validatePassword(password: String): Boolean = {
if (password.length < 8)
return false
var lower = false
var upper = false
var numbers = false
var special = false
password.foreach { c =>
if (c.isDigit) numbers = true
else if (c.isLower) lower = true
else if (c.isUpper) upper = true
else special = true
lower && upper && numbers && special
For a more strict validation where the following is required:
At least One Upper Case Character
At least one Lower Case character
At least one digit
At least one symbol/special character #$!%*#?&^_-
Minimum 8 characters/digits
I hope it helps someone with a more stringent.
What about considering the following regex solution:
Which validates the following:
At least one lowercase
At least one uppercase
At least one digit
At least one special character
At least it should have 8 characters long.
Check it out working at the following link
Another option is to make use of contrast in the lookahead assertions using a negated character class, optionally matching any character except that is listed before matching the character that should be matched.
See a regex demo
In parts, the pattern matches:
^ Start of string
(?=[^A-Z\n]*[A-Z]) Positive lookahead, assert 0+ times any char except A-Z or a newline. Then match a char A-Z
(?=[^a-z\n]*[a-z]) The same approach for a char a-z
(?=[^0-9\n]*[0-9]) The same approach for a digit 0-9
(?=[^#?!#$%^&*\n-]*[#?!#$%^&*-]) The same approach for a char that you would consider special
.{8,} Match 8 or more times any character except a newline
$ End of string
A dot can also match a space. If you do not want to allow matching a space, then .{8,} can be changed to \S{8,} to match 8 or more non whitespace characters
Using either . or \S can match more characters than are specified in the lookahead assertions. If you only want to match the characters that are used in the assertions, you can change .{8,} to match only the allowed characters [#?!#$%^&*A-Za-z0-9-]{8,} using a character class
const regex = /^(?=[^A-Z\n]*[A-Z])(?=[^a-z\n]*[a-z])(?=[^0-9\n]*[0-9])(?=[^#?!#$%^&*\n-]*[#?!#$%^&*-]).{8,}$/;
"# a f F1 ;",
].forEach(s =>
console.log(regex.test(s) ? `Match --> ${s}` : `No match --> ${s}`)
this the simple way to use it while validate atleast 1 uppercase 1 lowercase and 1 number
and this is the example while I use in express validation
.withMessage('Password cannot be null')
.isLength({ min: 6 })
.withMessage('Password must be at least 6 characters')
'Must have atleast 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number'
Testing this one in 2020:
Verify yourself
const regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d#$!%*?&]{8,}$/;
const str = `some12*Nuts`;
let m;
if ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);
#ClasG has already suggested:
but it does not accept _(underscore) as a special character (eg. Aa12345_).
An improved one is:
I've found many problems here, so I made my own.
Here it is in all it's glory, with tests:
Things to look out for:
doesn't use \w because that includes _, which I'm testing for.
I've had lots of troubles matching symbols, without matching the end of the line.
Doesn't specify symbols specifically, this is also because different locales may have different symbols on their keyboards that they may want to use.
function password_check() {
pass = document.getElementById("password").value;
regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d#$!%*?&]{8,}$/;
if (regex.exec(pass) == null) {
alert('invalid password!')
else {
<input type="text" id="password" value="Sample#1">
<input type="button" id="submit" onclick="password_check()" value="submit">
var strongRegex = new RegExp("^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!##\$%\^&\*])(?=.{8,})");
var mediumRegex = new RegExp("^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})");
Best For javascript
Keep it simple stupid:
This should do the trick for you, always.
Regex: ^(.{0,7}|[^a-z]{1,}|[^A-Z]{1,}|[^\d]{1,}|[^\W]{1,})$|[\s]
If your password matches the regex above, it is invalid.
If there's no match, your password is valid and contains has at least 8 characters, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one symbol or special character. And it also contains no spaces, tabs or line breaks.
Breakdown of Regex
.{0,7} - matches if password has between 0 to 7 characters.
[^a-z]{1,} - matches if no lower case is found
[^A-Z]{1,} - matches if no upper case is found
[^\d]{1,} - matches if no number (between [0-9]) is found
[\s] - matches if a white space, tab or line break is found.
With this approach there's no limit or restriction in terms of symbols allowed. If you want to limit to few symbols allowable, just change [^\W] with [^YourSymbols].
According to your need this pattern should work just fine. Try this,
Just create a string variable, assign the pattern, and create a boolean method which returns true if the pattern is correct, else false.
String pattern = "^(?=(.*\d){1})(.*\S)(?=.*[a-zA-Z\S])[0-9a-zA-Z\S]{8,}";
String password_string = "Type the password here"
private boolean isValidPassword(String password_string) {
return password_string.matches(Constants.passwordPattern);
Use the following Regex to satisfy the below conditions:
Conditions: 1] Min 1 special character.
2] Min 1 number.
3] Min 8 characters or More
Regex: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$#!%&*?])[A-Za-z\d#$#!%&*?]{8,}$
Can Test Online:
Just we can do this by using HTML5.
Use below code in pattern attribute,
It will work perfectly.
You can use the below regular expression pattern to check the password whether it matches your expectations or not.

Parsing RTF non-breaking space

I am making a simple parser from RTF to HTML.
I have the following raw RTF:
According to the RTF specification \~ is the keyword for a non-breaking space.
The end of a keyword is marked by a Delimiter which is defined as follows:
A space. This serves only to delimit a control word and is ignored in subsequent processing.
A numeric digit or an ASCII minus sign (-), which indicates that a numeric parameter is associated with the control word. The subsequent digital sequence is then delimited by any character other than an ASCII digit (commonly another control word that begins with a backslash). The parameter can be a positive or negative decimal number. The range of the values for the number is nominally –32768 through 32767, i.e., a signed 16-bit integer. A small number of control words take values in the range −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32-bit signed integer). These control words include \binN, \revdttmN, \rsidN related control words and some picture properties like \bliptagN. Here N stands for the numeric parameter. An RTF parser must allow for up to 10 digits optionally preceded by a minus sign. If the delimiter is a space, it is discarded, that is, it’s not included in subsequent processing.
Any character other than a letter or a digit. In this case, the delimiting character terminates the control word and is not part of the control word. Such as a backslash “\”, which means a new control word or a control symbol follows.
As i understand it, the highlighted part above, is the rule used in this particular instance. But if that is the case, then my parser would read until the ~ sign, and conclude that since this is not a letter or a digit, it is not part of the keyword.
This currently results in the following output:
I have the following code for reading a keyword:
public GetKeyword(index: number): KeywordSet {
var keywordarray: string[] = [];
var valuearray: string[] = [];
while (index < this.m_input.length) {
var remainint = this.m_input.substr(index);
//Keep going until we hit a delimiter
if (this.m_input[index] == " ") {
} else if (this.IsNumber(this.m_input[index])) {
} else if (this.IsDelimiter(this.m_input[index])) {
} else keywordarray.push(this.m_input[index]);
var value: number = null;
if (valuearray.length > 0) value = parseInt(valuearray.join(""));
var keywordset = new KeywordSet(keywordarray.join(""), index, value);
return keywordset;
private IsDelimiter(char: string): boolean {
if (char == "*" || char == "'") return false;
return !this.IsLetterOrDigit(char);
When GetKeyword() reaches "~" it recognises it as a delimiter, and stops reading, resulting in an empty keyword as return value.
I do not have an AST constructed for this. Don't think it is necessary for this?
The quote in your question describes the syntax of an entity called control word but the \~ is actually a different entity called control symbol. Control symbols have a different syntax:
Control Symbol
A control symbol consists of a backslash followed by a single, non-alphabetical character. For example, \~ (backslash tilde) represents a non-breaking space. Control symbols do not have delimiters, i.e., a space following a control symbol is treated as text, not a delimiter.
See page 9 of Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1.
