append data to an array rails 4 - ruby-on-rails

I need to append data to a variable
#celebrity = Celebrity.includes(:category).where('category_id = ?', params[:id])
test =[]
#celebrity.each do |celeb|
#vote = Vote.where('celebrity_id = ?', celeb).count
test << {vote_count:#vote}
when i debug 'test',
abort test.inspect
I am getting the result of
[{:vote_count=>2}, {:vote_count=>1}, {:vote_count=>0}]
but, my question is how can I append vote_count to #celebrity , can anyone please help me out

You should not do it this way, its terrible in terms of performance.
If you setup a counter_cache properly (see ref), you'd have data right away in your model instances as expected

#celebrity.each do |celeb|
celeb["vote_count"] = celeb.votes.count
+apneadiving is right. use counter_caches


Rails - Not hitting while loop when creating classes

I have a create method in Rails where I am trying to create multiple objects in a while loop. For some reason it doesn't seem to be hitting the while loop so no objects are being created. The code is below:
def create
#user = User.find(params[:participant][:user_id])
#activity = Activity.find(params[:activity_id])
weeks = #activity.weeks
i = 1
while i <= weeks do
puts "Test"
participant =
participant.user_id =
participant.activity_id =
participant.attended = false
participant.paid = false
participant.week = i
i = i+1
redirect_to user_activities_path(#user, :id =>
The form I am using to submit is working fine as I can see from the console, and the redirect_to method at the end is working, so it just seems to be missing the loop. If it helps, the value of weeks is 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If multiple Test have been output, try!, i think the participant save might fail, like some column not valid, so no objects are being created.
Please check if activity record is get fetched. I think your 3rd statement should be as follow.
#activity = Activity.find(params[:participant][:activity_id])

Rails - submitting JSONs to database from controller

I am working on a Rails app, and I am attempting to insert attributes from JSONs as database entries. I'm running into a problem, though, and would appreciate some guidance.
I've been able to jam a few things together and come up with something that sort of works...
def create
#report_group =
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
#new_report =
#new_report.user_id =
def report_params(params)
This is a good first step - this commits two entries to my database, one for each of the hashes pushed into #report_group, but it is suffering from a problem - the create action does not reference the report_params whitelist.
I have built several Rails apps where entries are submitted one at a time via the standard Rails form helpers, but I have never done it with multiple JSONs like this before. Trying out the syntax I'd use in a typical form helper situation
#new_report =
throws the expectable error undefined method permit' for #<Hash:0x007f966b35e270> but I am not sure what else to do here.
Big thanks to #oreoluwa for pointing me in the right direction. Here's the solution that I came up with.
def create
#report_group =
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
hash =
#new_report =
#new_report.user_id =
def report_params(params)
You're getting the error because a Hash is not the same as an ActionController::Parameters. In order to use the permit method with your Hash you may need to first convert it to ActionController::Parameters, as such:
hash = {location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}
parameter =
I don't know if that is what you're looking for, but I thought to point you in the right direction.

Rails: outputting data where record has more votes

Right now I have this
def index
#trips = Trip.all
And I'm outputting data like so:
- #trips.order('created_at desc').first(4).each do |trip|
- trip.trip_images.first(1).each do |image|
= trip.title_name.titleize
However, I have a votable table (from acts_as_votable gem) associated to trips. I was wondering if I can only output trips where trips have a certain amount of votes?
I can get the votes like this:
- #trips.order('created_at desc').first(4).each do |trip|
= trip.get_likes.size #this is where I can get the likes
- trip.trip_images.first(1).each do |image|
= trip.title_name.titleize
If I do this instead:
def index
#votes = ActsAsVotable::Vote.where(votable_type: 'Trip').group(:votable_id).count
#trips = Trip.where(#votes)
#votes gives me something like this:
{195=>1, 106=>1, 120=>1, 227=>1, 247=>1, 264=>1, 410=>1}
How do I get it where trip will only get the ids?
I think I figured it out...
def index
#votes = ActsAsVotable::Vote.where(votable_type: 'Trip').group(:votable_id).count
#trips = Trip.where(id: #votes.keys)
I got some kind of output. Is there a better way?
Yesterday I answered similar question.
This is how you could get the id(s) of trip with certain amount of votes (you can use =, >, <= and so on):
trip_ids = ActsAsVotable::Vote
.where(votable_type: 'Trip')
.having('count(votable_id) > 1') #any number of votes
Trip.where(id: trip_ids)
Have you considered making this a method in your Trip model?
Something like,
def popular_trip_images"likes > ?", 200)
Then use it something like,
trip.popular_trip_images.each do |image|
However, I have a votable table (from acts_as_votable gem) associated to trips. I was wondering if I can only output trips where trips have a certain amount of votes?
Sorry, missed this part. The gem has a find_liked_items method but don't see offhand how to set something like liked > 400 etc.
I've been trying to work through the comments, but right now, I've gotten this code to work:
def index
#votes = ActsAsVotable::Vote.where(votable_type: 'Trip').group(:votable_id).count
#votes = {|k,v| v > 1}
#trips = Trip.where(id: #votes.keys)
If someone else can come up with a better solution! I'll mark as correct.

Iterating through every record in a database - Ruby on Rails / ActiveRecord

n00b question. I'm trying to loop through every User record in my database. The pseudo code might look a little something like this:
def send_notifications
render :nothing => true
# Randomly select Message record from DB
#message = Message.offset(rand(Message.count)).first
random_message = #message.content
#user = User.all.entries.each do
#user = User.find(:id)
number_to_text = ""
#user.number = number_to_text #number is a User's phone number
puts #user.number
Can someone fill me in on the best approach for doing this? A little help with the syntax would be great too :)
Here is the correct syntax to iterate over all User :
User.all.each do |user|
#the code here is called once for each user
# user is accessible by 'user' variable
# WARNING: User.all performs poorly with large datasets
To improve performance and decrease load, use User.find_each (see doc) instead of User.all. Note that using find_each loses the ability to sort.
Also a possible one-liner for same purpose: { |u| u.number = ""; puts u.number }

Rails NoMethodError in loop when method exists

Good day all.
I'm running into a bit of a problem getting a script running on my production environment, even though it works just fine on my dev box. I've verified that all the requisite gems and such are the same version.
I should mention that the script is intended to be run with the script/runner command.
Here is a super-condensed version of what I'm trying to do, centered around the part that's broken:
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
deal = Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime,, 1])
return deal
markets = Market.find(all)
markets.each do |market|
deal = market.currentDeal
puts deal.subject
Now convertToTimeZone is a method attached to the model. So, this code works just fine on my dev machine, as stated. However, attempting to run it on my production machine results in:
undefined method `subject' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
If, however, I go into the console on the production box and do this:
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
deal = Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime,, 1])
return deal
market = Market.find(1)
deal = market.currentDeal
puts deal.subject
It returns the correct value, no problem. So what is going on?
This is on rails v 2.3.5, on both machines.
Thanks for any help
You are looping though all Markets on your production code, but your test snippet is only looking for one. The problem is that one of your Markets in your database has a currentDeal of nil (it has no object associated with it).
Run this on your production console instead.
markets = Market.find(all)
markets.each do |market|
deal = market.currentDeal
if deal
puts deal.subject
puts "NO currentDeal for Market with id: #{}"
This will tell you exactly which Market record is exploding without a currentDeal.
So the question is how to fix it? Either all Markets are expected to have a currentDeal, or sometimes they don't and that's ok. If Market's should always have a currentDeal, then you need to adjust your validations to now allow a Market to be saved without a currentDeal. But given that the currentDeal is a time based thing, I would be that there is times when no deal is scheduled and therefore currentDeal will return nil.
So, more likely, you need to allow for the current deal to be nil. Your test code doesn't do this. It asks the market for the deal, and then the deal for it's subject. If the market return a nil deal, then you immediately ask nil for it's subject and you get the exception because nil does not have a method named subject. A few simple ways to nil protect you code:
deal = market.currentDeal
# simple if
if deal
puts deal.subject
# rails try method returns nil if the receiver is nil
# or executes the method if the object supports it
puts deal.try(:subject)
# ternary
puts deal ? deal.subject : "NO DEAL!"
# conditional execution
puts deal && deal.subject
Lastly, a ruby tip. This method is more complicated than it needs to be.
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
deal = Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime,, 1])
return deal
Ruby will always return the last expression's result in a method, and a has based conditions finder will clean up that query quite a bit.
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time > ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime, id, true])
But this looks more like an association anyway. So you may want to use the association methods to clean this up further.
Clearly you are calling nil.subject, so Deal.find is returning nil in the production code. Your test case is only looking at one specific Market object, but the general case loops through Market objects. Your code needs to handle not finding a currentDeal for a Market object
