IOS programmatically move apps into a folder at home screen - ios

I am new to IOS, I have a question which is
I have few separate apps. After installation of these apps. It show as different apps icon in the home screen and I have to manually move these apps together to form a folder with apps contains. Do we have any ways to make these apps install and form a folder automatically by programmatically ways?
If yes, can show me how it can be done?
Sorry for my lousy English.

Unfortunately, you cannot do this on a non jailbroken iOS device. Each app is only responsible for what's going on inside the app. There are some exceptions to this (you can run certain logics in the background, subscribe to be woken up as a result of a certain notification, or provide an extension for the user to add to their Today screen or use via other apps), but you have no control over the user's home screen. Positioning the icons there is in the sole responsibility of your user.


Is it possible to detect another application from the current app in iOS?

I need to create sticky button which is on screen like hike button in ios
If i detect that application(WhatsApp) state event so i solve this problem. Thats why i need to create another application launched event.
Thank you in advance.
Apps on iOS are sandboxed and can not directly communicate with other apps directly. There are some API's in the iOS SDK which allows some interaction, mostly audio, share of items.
Apple does not expose to you app if an other app is launched, so checking that an other is launched is not possible.
The second issue is that you can draw on de screen outside of you own apps windows. So you will not be able to draw a button on top of some other app.

Create home screen quick actions that do not open app?

I have home screen quick actions for my iOS 9 app, but I don't need it to open the app. It actually schedule reminders and that's it. Is there a way to make the home screen quick action not to open the app?
Quick actions are designed to be used to quickly navigate to a section of your app, eg on the camera app there is selfie mode, box mode, panorama mode, timelapse mode etc. These are all sections of the app. To the best of my knowledge you cant have a quick action that just runs code without opening the app. Otherwise how will the user know that the code has worked and it has been executed?
This functionality would be cool but i believe it is impossible as of current. The closest you can get is make it so it opens the app to a ViewController that just says "Reminder Scheduled".

Changing the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen

Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen? For instance, can an app, if active, provide a user with dynamic content, such as pictures, as the phone's background, and, in addition, allow a user to swipe left (in addition to swiping right, if they want to unlock the phone) to engage said content?
Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen?
For instance, can an app, if active...
iOS doesn't provide any API that would allow the sort of thing that you describe. It might be possible to modify or replace the lock screen if you jailbreak your phone -- all bets are off at that point. But an app that uses the Apple-provided API has no way to modify the lock screen.
Also, note that if the device is locked, your app won't be active. You may have intended a looser definition of "active," but looking at the linked chart of app states will help you understand that what you're looking to do isn't achievable with the current API. Apps have to be active to receive events, but a locked phone implies that your app will be in an inactive, background, or suspended state if it's running at all.
No. (Not if you're talking about an 'app' in the sense of the App Store)
The only way an app can interact with the lock screen is through notifications, and cannot alter the standard lock screen interface.
You can alter the lock screen with a MobileSubstrate tweak on a jailbroken phone, but this requires reverse-engineering SpringBoard (the iOS launcher app), can be quite complicated and obviously cannot be distributed through the App Store

Can I start iOS app by pressing home button for any times&

My question:
I have an iOS app, it is minimized, and I want it to start when user press home button three times (or, for example combination of buttons, like "HOME+Volume-" and so on). Can I make it for non-jailbroken devices, only with native iOS functions?
It's not possible to customise iOS like that.
Without jailbraking, apps can only be opened by using custom URL schemes from other apps or by normally tapping on the on the home screen. To have an app open like this you would have to modify the OS and there is no way you can do that without a jailbreak.
Standard OS functionality like pressing the home button multiple times cannot be overridden because Apple is really against modifying any part of way the user interacts with apps or the OS.
Not possible without jailbreak and then it would have to be some sort of preference in the OS settings.

Is there any way to remove an app from the most used list on blackberry programmatically?

I am trying to deploy a monitoring app and was wondering if one could prevent it from showing up in the most used list.
If you extend your app from Application instead of UiApplication it won't be shown on any home screen at all.
