How to solve Bridiging header error in swift - ios

Trying to call objective c code in swift code but it don't let me to do, it tell header file is missing.

The easiest way to create an Objective-C bridging header and all the project settings to support it is to add any Objective-C file to your project.
Go to File\New\File…, select iOS\Source\Cocoa Touch Class and then click Next. Enter FakeObjectiveCClass as the Class name and choose NSObject as the subclass. Also, make sure the Language is set to Objective-C! Click Next, then Create.
When prompted Would you like to configure an Objective-C bridging header? select Yes.
You’ve successfully created an Objective-C bridging header. You can delete FakeObjectiveCClass.m and FakeObjectiveCClass.h from the project now, since you really just needed the bridging header.

I got an solution for bridging-header.h file does not exit. Just want to share, hope it may help others too.
Follow below steps:-
First of all delete all header file if you have implemented any.
Add new header file from the ios templet. Hope you know how to add any new file, just follow in same manner.
Now go to the buid setting and there search for objective-c bridging header, simply put the header file name with .h extension too.
please see the image how to add the file name in objective-c Bridging Header

In Xcode, add a new class with Objective-C as the language. When prompted to create a bridging header file, click yes.
You will have a file added to your project named: YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h.
Add all your imports to this file.
In your Swift classes, import the bridging-header file.


How do I create an Objective-C bridging header?

I'm following this guide on adding OneSignal to React Native, and there is one section where is says:
Open NotificationService.m or NotificationService.swift and replace the whole file contents with the code below:
<provides code to add>
If you are using Swift, make sure to create a separate Objective-C Bridging Header for your OneSignalNotificationExtensionService and add the following import:
#import "RCTOneSignalExtensionService.h"
Then you need to tell your Xcode project settings what your bridging header is named, like this.
I added the code they provided to NotificationService.swift because that's the only one of the two files that exists in my project. So I assume I'm "using swift" as they put it. The problem is that when they say to create a separate Objective-C Bridging Header, I don't know how to do that. All I've been able to find online is that when you import Objective-C code into your swift project, Xcode should automatically prompt you to create a bridging header. Xcode hasn't done that for me.
Does anyone know how I can create an Objective-C bridging header?
You have to create a new objective c class:
then you name it and specify as objective-c class at language
then you select your directory and hit create. At this point xcode is going to ask you whether or not you want to create bridging header. Yep do it.
And at the end it should look more or less like this at your project.
hope that helps you.

objective-c Bridging header not found in swift compiler-code generation

I am doing an ios app in swift 3. And I want to add ARKitwhich is available in objective-c. I dragged all objective-c files into my project then it asked to create bridging header. So I let it to create. And I imported all objective-c.h files inside that like this.
But when I try to build its showing 22 number of issues like UIViewcannot identify etc..
Then I tried to add the bridging headerpath to build settings under swift compiler - code generation. But I dont see objective-c Bridging headersection under that.
Please help me. What can I do to add these objective-c files into my swift 3 project successfully.
The Objective-C bridging header setting can be found under Swift Compiler - General under Build Settings.
But I like to add the bridging header by having Xcode generate it for me. I add a junk Objective-C class by File > New > File... and it will ask me if I want to add a bridging header to my project.
If you do that, you'll only need to move whatever you have in your bridging header now to that one and delete the header you have now. The header will be set properly in the project's settings.
Make sure your build setting is selected as "All" and "Combined" look at below link
Swift Compiler - General is missing in Xcode 9.1

Bridging header error -- "xxx-Bridging-Header.h"file does not exit in SWIFT

How to resolve Bridging header error -- "xxx-Bridging-Header.h"file does not exit in SWIFT
Check the bridging header file name in the following location in Xcode.
Go to Project traget -> Build Settings -> Objective-C Bridging Header
Set this as your Projectfolder/projectname-Bridging-Header.h
I got an solution for bridging-header.h file does not exit. Just want to share, hope it may help others too.
Follow below steps:-
First of all delete all header file if you have implemented any.
Add new header file from the ios templet. Hope you know how to add any new file, just follow in same manner.
Now go to the buid setting and there search for objective-c bridging header, simply put the header file name with .h extension too.
please see the image how to add the file name in objective-c Bridging Header

When I import OBJ-C classes in swift, Xcode doesn't prompt me to add a Bridging-header.h

When I first import an OBJ-C class into a swift project, Xcode doesn't prompt me to add a bridging-header file.
so I fixed in the same way as in Swift Bridging Header and visibility of Obj-C class
But when I want to import another Obj-C class, if I do the same thing again, the file's url will be mixed so that Xcode can't distinguish them.
I tried to make a bridging-header file by myself , but didn't work either.
Help please.
To make bridging header manually first create header file. Name it whatever you want. Then Click your project's target and open Build Settings tab and search "Bridging". You will see "Objective-C Bridging Header" option. Double click it and write your bridging header name like this format TargetName/BrdgingFile.h
ok,NOW I fixed this problem and in addition I figured out how "bridging header"file works.
Actually I followed the method of the question I mentioned above, but what I need to drag is exactly the "bridging-header" file, rather than other implicit header file (because you can only import one header file there.)
So I created a header file called "myproject-bridging-header.h" (actually the name doesn't matter) and dragged it to the item, and in the header file I imported other header files
Bingo! It works smoothly~

Swift "Bridging-Header.h" file not allowing me to instantiate objective-c classes in .swift files

When X-code tries to create a bridging header automatically, it crashes every single time, so I followed the instructions on how to manually create a bridging header.
(Create a .h file, name it <#PROJECT_NAME>-Bridging-Header.h, import all the .h files you need?)
Problem is, when I try to instantiate a class in the .swift file that's included in that header, nothing happens (it says that class doesn't exist) Also, in the Bridging Header it doesn't seem to autocomplete my filenames when I try to include them, leading me to believe somethings not linking properly.
Has anyone run into this? Does anyone know how to fix it?
You need to add it to your target's build settings:
In Xcode, if you go into the build settings for your target, and scroll all the way down you'll find a "Swift Compiler - Code Generation" section.
Set "Objective-C Bridging Header" to <#PROJECT_NAME>-Bridging-Header.h
I'm not sure of the correct value for "Install Objective-C Compatibility Header", but it's a yes/no, so you can toggle that if it doesn't work at first.
I tried to create a bridging header myself but for some reason Xcode didn't like it.
So i deleted my custom one, imported an Obj C file which made Xcode ask if I wanted it to create one for me.
I clicked yes, and it worked!
1) create a file called "FMDB-Bridging-Header.h"
inside this file type the following:
#import "FMDB.h"
3) go to Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Code Generation
- add to 'Objective-C Bridging Header': FMDB-Bridging-Header.h
or if it was placed inside a folder in your project:
Add a header file to your project with the name "[your-project-name]-Bridging-Header.h
Go to Build Settings > Build Options and set "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" to "Yes"
Go to Build Settings > Linking and add "#executable_path/Frameworks" to Runpath Search Paths
Build your project now!
it could help setting the name of the bridging header with its Project root, as "MyProject/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h" into the string value of the Swift Compiler Build key 'Objective-C Bridging Header'
