How do I compile libffi for iOS & macOS? - ios

I'm trying to use libffi in one of my projects, but I can't seem to compile for iOS (or macOS, for that matter). Here is one of the various errors I've encountered while building for the iOS Simulator:
bash: src/arm/ No such file or directory
Update 1: Since the question remains unanswered, I've decided to open an issue at the official repository as well.
Update 2: Question has been answered and the issue has been closed!

If you check the repository you will see that the file you require was deleted in this commit. You can find the last version of this file here. and the libffi.xcodeproj need to be updated to include all currently relevant source files.
The script is not needed anymore and the current upstream xcodeproj is not up to date either with compilation settings and to be included source files for 64-bit on iOS. A patched fork can be found at

python --only-ios
open libffi.xcodeproj
select scheme libffi-iOS and device Generic iOS Device
click "Product - Build"
If success, you would see a "Product/libffi.a" in the side bar, you can right click it to get the lib in the finder.

Please make sure you are following the installing libffi instructions released on the TBD or git project:
Here some of the main Highlights:
First you must configure the distribution for your particular
system. Go to the directory you wish to build libffi in and run the
"configure" program found in the root directory of the libffi source
If you're building libffi directly from version control, configure won't
exist yet; run ./ first.
You may want to tell configure where to install the libffi library and
header files. To do that, use the --prefix configure switch. Libffi
will install under /usr/local by default.
If you want to enable extra run-time debugging checks use the the
--enable-debug configure switch. This is useful when your program dies
mysteriously while using libffi.
Another useful configure switch is --enable-purify-safety. Using this
will add some extra code which will suppress certain warnings when you
are using Purify with libffi. Only use this switch when using
Purify, as it will slow down the library.
For iOS builds, the 'libffi.xcodeproj' Xcode project is available.
Configure has many other options. Use "configure --help" to see them all.
Once configure has finished, type "make". Note that you must be using
GNU make. You can ftp GNU make from .
To ensure that libffi is working as advertised, type "make check".
This will require that you have DejaGNU installed.
To install the library and header files, type "make install".
Alternatively, try merging one of the following git projects to your project in order to include the missing files. Please make sure the files are not outdated before merging.


Using ZMQ on iOS

I am trying to build an iOS app that is exposed to a fairly extensive Rust project, but I am having issues with one of the dependencies in the project. The Rust project has a ZMQ dependency, and while I am able to build the project on my Mac, when I try to incorporate the Rust project I get the following error:
error: failed to run custom build command for `zmq-sys v0.8.3`
Caused by:
process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/lisa/company/project/project_detail/target/debug/build/zmq-sys-16dfc88dff84d855/build-script-build` (exit status: 101)
--- stdout
--- stderr
thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to locate libzmq:
pkg-config has not been configured to support cross-compilation.
Install a sysroot for the target platform and configure it via
cross-compiling wrapper for pkg-config and set it via
PKG_CONFIG environment variable.', /Users/lisa/.cargo/registry/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
I am trying to build the appropriate library for the iOS and iOS simulator architectures without relying on pkg-config, but if someone can provide useful instructions for configuring pkg-config for cross-compilation, I am not opposed to it, I just don't know how and can't find any up to date resources.
I have cloned the libzmq project from this github:, then navigate into libzmq.
Inside libzmq, I run ./ followed by ./configure --prefix [directory location] --target "aarch64-apple-ios", then make and make install.
The above procedure without the --target flag is how I got the project to compile on my Mac in the first place, and with the target flag in place make and make install both complete successfully, but when I try to build the project using PROJECT_DIR="${PWD}/ProjectName" ./ProjectName/,
I get the previously posted error.
I am following the Swift-Bridge Book ( to try to load the Rust libraries into Xcode.
One thing to note: In the libzmq git hub, there is a folder called builds/ios/ and inside this folder is what looks to be a build file for all of the iOS archs, but I haven't been able to get the repo to build with that file. I think figuring out how to use the build file as opposed to the standard provided might be the answer, but I've tried dropping where is, and ./ doesn't work, because it complains that it can't find, even though this file does exist.

How to use meson to build glib

I need to upgrade glib for a specific project. It currently uses glib 2.28.8. I have three problems.
I've never used meson and ninja before, so I checked glib's and it just said to run meson _build followed by ninja -C _build. So I ran meson _build and got the following output:
$ meson _build
The Meson build system
Version: 0.47.2
Source dir: /srv/devel/build/glib-2.65.0
Build dir: /srv/devel/build/glib-2.65.0/_build
Build type: native build WARNING: Identifier 'in' will become a reserved keyword in a future release. Please rename it. ERROR: Expecting eol got id.
if vs_crt_opt in ['mdd', 'mtd']
So the basic build doesn't work. Why?
For our purposes, we use the following configure command:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(OUTPUT_DIR)/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=$(OUTPUT_DIR) --disable-dtrace --disable-selinux ac_cv_path_MSGFMT=/bin/true CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -I$(OUTPUT_DIR)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(OUTPUT_DIR)/lib" --enable-static --disable-shared
How do I specify that in meson?
I will also need to build in Windows. Any gotchas there?
EDIT: I tried older versions of glib, going back to 2.62.0 and when I run meson _build I get the error ERROR: Meson version is 0.47.2 but project requires >= 0.49.2.. So that's probably a big part of the problem for question (1). This is running on CentOS 6 & 7, so I'll probably have to get and install a current meson package.
So the basic build doesn't work. Why?
You correctly figured this out in your edit: GLib 2.64 requires Meson 0.49.2, and it seems that Meson 0.47.2 is so old as to not be able to correctly parse GLib’s
It looks from your build output that you’re trying to build GLib 2.65.0. Note that 2.65 is an unstable release series. Even minor versions of GLib (2.62.x, 2.64.x, etc.) are stable; odd ones are unstable. Using an unstable release is fine, as long as you know what you’ve signed up for: it may contain bugs, and new APIs introduced in that unstable series may change or be removed before the first stable release (in the case of 2.65.x, the corresponding first stable release will be 2.66.0).
For our purposes, we use the following configure command:
You’ll want something like:
meson --prefix "$(OUTPUT_DIR)" -Dselinux=disabled -Ddefault_library=static _build
You can see from the b_staticpic option’s default value that -fPIC is the default for static libraries, so (I believe) doesn’t need to be explicitly specified.
There should be no need to disable dtrace support since it’s disabled by default. If you did need to disable it, you’d do that with -Ddtrace=false.
The custom -L and -I arguments should be covered by use of --prefix.
Overriding the msgfmt tool to disable internationalisation is not a supported way of building GLib and you’re on your own with that one.
There is some good documentation on the built-in options in Meson here and here.
I will also need to build in Windows. Any gotchas there?
That’s too broad a question to be answered on StackOverflow.

How does one build a OpenSSL library for Project Catalyst?

I have to support OpenSSL in my project in building my iPad app for UIKitForMac. Currently, I get these errors.
Building for UIKit for Mac, but the linked library 'libssl.a' was built for freestanding. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this library should be linked in the target editor.
Building for UIKit for Mac, but the linked library 'libcrypto.a' was built for freestanding. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this library should be linked in the target editor.
I was reading about XCFrameworks, but Apple really hasn't put out much information here. Has anyone figured out build scenarios?
The solution in the comments doesn't work for me. However, I just build to different libs: iOS as I used to and another one for Catalyst by adding the build parameters: -target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi and defining Mac SDK in -isysroot. After that, I just conditionally add each of the libraries for each build version and it works.
Amid mounting frustration following many failed attempts and Google searches, I successfully built openSSL 1.1.1g for Catalyst, compiled my project, linked openSSL and launched the app on my Mac by doing the following:
I used the same directory in to which I had previously extracted and built openSSL for IOS.
Following instructions here, I edited <openSSL directory>/Configurations/10-main.conf. Scrolling down to the "darwin64-x86_64-cc" section, I added a second CFLAGS line:
CFLAGS => add("-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi"),
In the openSSL directory, execute ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc -shared Note that I've seen several other versions of this Configure statement, some with many more options. This command worked for me, but I'm not sure what all the other variations do. You may want to research this further.
Execute make clean to clear all the objects from the prior IOS build
Execute make This successfully built openSSL.
In Xcode, under -> General -> "Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content" I removed both libcrypto.a and libssl.a this was a critical step
Switching tabs to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries, verify both archives are removed from this section as well. (It appeared that removing them in step 5 also cleared them in step 6, but I'm not certain).
Back on General -> Frameworks, click the + to add new entries, select "add other" in the lower left corner of the popup window, then provide the path to the newly built libcrypto.a. Repeat for libssl.a
Delete the derived data in a terminal window (I'm not certain this was necessary, but did it out of an abundance of caution):
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode
mv DerivedData DerivedData.old
Build the project in Xcode. This successfully completed.
Steps 5-7 turned out to be critical. Even though I moved and/or completely replaced the prior libraries, when I tried to build in Xcode I would get linker errors that I was building for MacOS Catalina but trying to link something built for MacOS x86.

How do I install clang-format without root privileges and without installing LLVM?

I have clang-format version 3.8.0 (tags/RELEASE_380/final) in my ~/bin folder on a Fedora machine with no root privileges. It works, but it is very old and I'd like to upgrade. I just want the clang-format tool, so I would like to avoid going through the full installation process for LLVM or clang if I can avoid it. I assume I can avoid it, since my old clang-format works without either of those installed. I don't remember how clang-format got in my ~/bin directory, and I can't figure out how to update it.
The first thing I tried was following this post which said I should be able to download a prebuilt binary from this page (I tried, then just set up a symlink to bin/clang-format. This did not work for me. When I type /path/to/bin/clang-format --help I get the error error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
The next thing I tried is downloading the clang source code and compiling that with
mkdir build && cd build && CC=$(which gcc) CXX=$(which g++) cmake ..
but when I did I got the error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:36 (message):
llvm-config not found -- LLVM_CONFIG-NOTFOUND
Which I guess means I'd need to install the LLVM to go this route?
Any help getting an updated clang-format (vesion 5.0 at minimum) without root access would be appreciated. Bonus points for minimal installation (i.e. no clang or llvm).
=== EDIT ===
By downloading a bunch of different versions of prebuilt binaries, I've discovered that older versions (<4.0) have clang-formats that work out of the box, but at 4.0 and up give the same error about libtinfo. I guess that means I'll have to live with older versions unless I want to go through a painful installation process.
When you download llvm 6.0, make sure the directory structure is as follows:
|----> tools
|----> extra
If you just want to build clang-format, then you can cd into
llvm-build-dir/tools/clang/tools/extra/clang-format and then execute make -j8 all
later you can make a symbolic link in your /bin folder

Setup of React Native using ndenv on OS X

I'm running into PATH difficulty setting up a new React Native iOS project in Xcode 7.1. I'm trying to use ndenv to manage node versions, which means ~/.ndenv/shims needs to be on PATH. To that end, I have PATH set as a user-defined project setting as $PATH:~/.ndenv/shims. The Xcode settings UI shows the correct expanded PATH value.
Yet the project, generated by react-native init, still fails to build. The custom build script fails to find react-native:
../node_modules/react-native/packager/ line 36: react-native: command not found
react-native is installed correctly, but the environment variables dump in the build output makes clear that ~/.ndenv/shims isn't on PATH. My PATH settings don't appear in the build environment. However, if I set a random user-defined setting (e.g. FOOBAR=baz), that does correctly show up in the build environment.
That result plus further inspection of PATH in the build environment makes clear that Xcode is overriding PATH somewhere along the line.
So in order of preference:
How do I correctly append to PATH for a custom build script in Xcode 7?
Alternatively, what's the best (least hacky?) way of getting ndenv-managed npm modules on PATH for the build script?
Modifying is out of the question, since that's a part of the external react-native npm module.
As a temporary workaround, I've bailed on ndenv and installed node via homebrew. This puts react-native on the (apparently-hardcoded) Xcode path at /usr/local/bin, and works to get the build running. I'm not going to submit or accept this as a solution, since it doesn't allow the repeatable control of node versions that ndenv does.
The problem seems to be that the script depends on the react-native-cli package to be in PATH. This issue was reported to the project in these two issues on Github:
I expect a fix to be implemented quite soon, because this is a major problem for anyone using the react-native cli to create new projects.
There are a few work arounds for this problem, but none of them are perfect. Which one would work for you depends on your node / npm setup:
I myself installed node via nvm and just needed to add export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.shbefore running the
For this to work you need to have react-native-cli installed globally.
If you need help finding a solution for your specific setup, please give me some more information about your node setup. ( or you can try one of the other solutions pointed out in the issues I linked above. )
Had the same issue. The work around called out in the link below is working for me. Haven't found a permanent solution.
The XCode $PATH differs from terminal $PATH and it doesn't include path of nvm nodes (~/.nvm/versions/...). This can be temporarily fixed by adding source ~/.bash_profile to the beginig of
This issue was effectively fixed when facebook/react-native#5518 landed. now respects a NODE_BINARY environment variable that tells it where to find node on the build system. Under your app's target, see Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images and set the shell script code to:
export NODE_BINARY=$HOME/.ndenv/shims/node
If your node is in a different location, change the value of NODE_BINARY to suit your installation. Here's a screencap from Xcode 7.1 to aid navigation:
It looks like a fix for this was just published as release 0.14.2
