This is a simple implimentation of factorial function in F#
let rec fact =function
| 0->1
| n-> n * fact(n-1);;
fact 5
1- what is the role of the rec word here?
2- fact is the function, but it is never mentioned that it can have a parameter.
So technically it should face with an error, since in the signature
(let rec fact ) there is no parameter defined for it.
So how does it works?
1) rec is used to mark function as recursive. Without it you would not be able to call it from within the function implementation. Read more on MSDN: Recursive Functions: The rec Keyword (F#)
2) let rec fact = function is a shortcut for:
let rec fact argument =
match argument with
| 0 -> 1
| n -> n * fact (n-1)
As you can see, there is a single parameter which is pattern matched with provided conditions.
It's called a pattern matching function and is described on MSDN: Match Expressions (F#)
I'm trying to do this exercise:
I'm not sure how to use Type in F#, in F# interactive, I wrote type term = Term of float *int, Then I tried to create a value of type term by let x: term = (3.5,8);;But it gives an error.
Then I tried let x: term = Term (3.5,8);; and it worked. So Why is that?
For the first function, I tried:
let multiplyPolyByTerm (x:term, p:poly)=
match p with
But that gives an error on the line |[]->[] saying that the expression is expecting a type poly, but poly is a in fact a list right? So why is it wrong here? I fixed it by |Poly[]->Poly[]. Then I tried to finish the function by giving the recursive definition of multiplying each term of the polynomial by the given term: |Poly a::af-> This gives an error so I'm stuck on trying to break down the Poly list.
If anyone has suggestion on good readings about Type in F#, please share it.
I got all the methods now, However,I find myself unable to throw an exception when the polynomial is an empty list as the base case of my recursive function is an empty list. Also, I don't know how to group common term together, Please help, Here are my codes:
type poly=Poly of (float*int) list
type term = Term of float *int
exception EmptyList
let rec mergeCommonTerm(p:poly)=
let rec iterator ((a: float,b: int ), k: (float*int) list)=
match k with
|ki::kf-> if b= snd ki then (a+ fst ki,b)
match p with
|Poly [] -> Poly []
|Poly (a::af)-> match af with
|[]-> Poly [a]
|b::bf -> if snd a =snd b then Poly (fst a +fst b,snd a)::bf
let rec multiplyPolyByTerm (x:term, p:poly)=
match x with
| Term (coe,deg) -> match p with
|Poly[] -> Poly []
|Poly (a::af) -> match multiplyPolyByTerm (x,Poly af) with
|Poly recusivep-> Poly ((fst a *coe,snd a + deg)::recusivep)
let rec addTermToPoly (x:term, p:poly)=
match x with
|Term (coe, deg)-> match p with
|Poly[] -> Poly [(coe,deg)]
|Poly (a::af)-> if snd a=deg then Poly ((fst a+coe,deg)::af)
else match addTermToPoly (x,Poly af) with
|Poly recusivep-> Poly (a::recusivep)
let rec addPolys (x:poly, y: poly)=
match x with
|Poly []->y
|Poly (xh::xt)-> addPolys(Poly xt,addTermToPoly(Term xh, y))
let rec multPolys (x:poly,y:poly)=
match x with
|Poly []-> Poly[]
|Poly (xh::xt)->addPolys (multiplyPolyByTerm(Term xh,y),multPolys(Poly xt,y))
let evalTerm (values:float) (termmm : term) :float=
match termmm with
|Term (coe,deg)->coe*(values**float(deg))
let rec evalPoly (polyn : poly, v: float) :float=
match polyn with
|Poly []->0.0
|Poly (ph::pt)-> (evalTerm v (Term ph)) + evalPoly (Poly pt,v)
let rec diffPoly (p:poly) :poly=
match p with
|Poly []->Poly []
|Poly (ah::at)-> match diffPoly (Poly at) with
|Poly [] -> if snd ah = 0 then Poly []
else Poly [(float(snd ah)*fst ah,snd ah - 1)]
|Poly (bh::bt)->Poly ((float(snd ah)*fst ah,snd ah - 1)::bh::bt)
As I mentioned in a comment, reading will be very helpful for you. But let me give you some quick help to get you unstuck and starting to solve your immediate problems. You're on the right track, you're just struggling a little with the syntax (and operator precedence, which is part of the syntax).
First, load the MSDN operator precedence documentation in another tab while you read the rest of this answer. You'll want to look at it later on, but first I'll explain a subtlety of how F# treats discriminated unions that you probably haven't understood yet.
When you define a discriminated union type like poly, the name Poly acts like a constructor for the type. In F#, constructors are functions. So when you write Poly (something), the F# parser interprets this as "take the value (something) and pass it to the function named Poly". Here, the function Poly isn't one you had to define explicitly; it was implicitly defined as part of your type definition. To really make this clear, consider this example:
type Example =
| Number of int
| Text of string
5 // This has type int
Number 5 // This has type Example
Number // This has type (int -> Example), i.e. a function
"foo" // This has type string
Text "foo" // This has type Example
Text // This has type (string -> Example), i.e. a function
Now look at the operator precedence list that you loaded in another tab. Lowest precedence is at the top of the table, and highest precedence is at the bottom; in other words, the lower something is on the table, the more "tightly" it binds. As you can see, function application (f x, calling f with parameter x) binds very tightly, more tightly than the :: operator. So when you write f a::b, that is not read as f (a::b), but rather as (f a)::b. In other words, f a::b reads as "Item b is a list of some type which we'll call T, and the function call f a produces an item of type T that should go in front of list b". If you instead meant "take the list formed by putting item a at the head of list b, and then call f with the resulting list", then that needs parentheses: you have to write f (a::b) to get that meaning.
So when you write Poly a::af, that's interpreted as (Poly a)::af, which means "Here is a list. The first item is a Poly a, which means that a is a (float * int) list. The rest of the list will be called af". And since the value your passing into it is not a list, but rather a poly type, that is a type mismatch. (Note that items of type poly contain lists, but they are not themselves lists). What you needed to write was Poly (a::af), which would have meant "Here is an item of type poly that contains a list. That list should be split into the head, a, and the rest, af."
I hope that helped rather than muddle the waters further. If you didn't understand any part of this, let me know and I'll try to make it clearer.
P.S. Another point of syntax you might want to know: F# gives you many ways to signal an error condition (like an empty list in this assignment), but your professor has asked you to use exception EmptyList when invalid input is given. That means he expects your code to "throw" or "raise" an exception when you encounter an error. In C# the term is "throw", but in F# the term is "raise", and the syntax looks like this:
if someErrorCondition then
raise EmptyList
// Or ...
match listThatShouldNotBeEmpty with
| [] -> raise EmptyList
| head::rest -> // Do something with head, etc.
That should take care of the next question you would have needed to ask. :-)
Update 2: You've edited your question to clarify another issue you're having, where your recursive function boils down to an empty list as the base case — yet your professor asked you to consider an empty list as an invalid input. There are two ways to solve this. I'll discuss the more complicated one first, then I'll discuss the easier one.
The more complicated way to solve this is to have two separate functions, an "outer" one and an "inner" one, for each of the functions you have been asked to define. In each case, the "outer" one checks whether the input is an empty list and throws an exception if that's the case. If the input is not an empty list, then it passes the input to the "inner" function, which does the recursive algorithm (and does NOT consider an empty list to be an error). So the "outer" function is basically only doing error-checking, and the "inner" function is doing all the work. This is a VERY common approach in professional programming, where all your error-checking is done at the "edges" of your code, while the "inner" code never has to deal with errors. It's therefore a good approach to know about — but in your particular case, I think it's more complicated than you need.
The easier solution is to rewrite your functions to consider a single-item list as the base case, so that your recursive functions never go all the way to an empty list. Then you can always consider an empty list to be an error. Since this is homework I won't give you an example based on your actual code, but rather an example based on a simple "take the sum of a list of integers" exercise where an empty list would be considered an error:
let rec sumNonEmptyList (input : int list) : int =
match input with
| [] -> raise EmptyList
| [x] -> x
| x::rest -> x + sumNonEmptyList rest
The syntax [x] in a match expression means "This matches a list with exactly one item in it, and assigns the name x to the value of that item". In your case, you'd probably be matching against Poly [] to raise an exception, Poly [a] as the base case, and Poly (a::af) as the "more than one item" case. (That's as much of a clue as I think I should give you; you'll learn better if you work out the rest yourself).
I have been working with some f# parsers and some streaming software and I find myself using this pattern more and more. I find it to be a natural alternative to sequences and it has some natural advantages.
here are some example functions using the type.
type foldedSequence<'a> =
| Empty
| Value of ' a * (unit -> 'a foldedSequence)
let rec createFoldedSequence fn state =
match fn state with
| None -> Empty
| Some(value, nextState) ->
Value(value, (fun () -> unfold fn nextState))
let rec filter predicate =
| Empty -> Empty
| Value(value, nextValue) ->
let next() = filter predicate(nextValue())
if predicate value then Value(value, next)
else next()
let toSeq<'t> =
Seq.unfold<'t foldedSequence, 't>(function
| Empty -> None
| Value(value, nextValue) -> Some(value, nextValue()))
It has been very helpful I would like to know if it has a name so I can research some tips and tricks for it
To add to the existing answers, I think Haskellers might call a generalised version of this this a list monad transformer. The idea is that your type definition looks almost like ordinary F# list except that there is some additional aspect to it. You can imagine writing this as:
type ListTransformer<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * M<ListTransformer<'T>>
By supplying specific M, you can define a number of things:
M<'T> = 'T gives you the ordinary F# list type
M<'T> = unit -> 'T gives you your sequence that can be evaluated lazily
M<'T> = Lazy<'T> gives you LazyList (which caches already evaluated elements)
M<'T> = Async<'T> gives you asynchronous sequences
It is also worth noting that in this definition LazyTransformer<'T> is not itself a delayed/lazy/async value. This can cause problems in some cases - e.g. when you need to perform some async operation to decide whether the stream is empty - and so a better definition is:
type ListTransformer<'T> = M<ListTransformerInner<'T>>
and ListTransformerInner<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * ListTransformer<'T>
This sounds like LazyList which used to be in the "powerpack" and I think now lives here:
Your type is close to how an iteratee would be defined, and since you already mention streaming, this might be the concept you're looking for.
Iteratee IO is an approach to lazy IO outlined by Oleg Kiselyov. Apart from Haskell, implementations exist for major functional languages, including F# (as part of FSharpx.Extras).
This is how FSharpx defines an Iteratee:
type Iteratee<'Chunk,'T> =
| Done of 'T * Stream<'Chunk>
| Error of exn
| Continue of (Stream<'Chunk> -> Iteratee<'Chunk,'T>)
See also this blog post: Iteratee in F# - part 1. Note that there doesn't seem to be a part 2.
Put an F# infix operator in brackets, and it behaves like a function,
let foo = (*) 3 2 // foo = 6
let factorial n = [2..n] |> List.fold (*) 1 // n!
However, this doesn't work with the :: operator (cons operator),
let ls = (::) 1 [2..5] // Error: Unexpected symbol '::' in binding.
What's the reason for this?
You can use the static method:
let ls = List.Cons (1, [2..5])
or the operator's verbose name:
let ls = op_ColonColon (1, [2..5])
(checked with F# 3.0; older versions may behave differently. For instance, MSDN suggests op_Cons)
In both cases, there's no way to curry the arguments here. Numeric operators are defined like this:
let inline ( * ) (x:int) (y:int) = ...
The list concatenation, however, requires a tuple, and this also answers your question,
What's the reason for this?
In fact, (::) is not an usual operator (a standalone function or a type member), but a union case. Here's how the List<'T> is defined in F# sources:
type List<'T> =
| ([]) : 'T list
| (::) : Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list -> 'T list
So, if your purpose is partial application of arguments, the only nice solution would be writing a wrapper function as #pad has suggested.
Because (::) (and [] for that matter) is a symbolic keyword, you can't expect to use it as an infix operator. See F# specification, section 3.6 Symbolic keywords.
In this case, you have to define an extra function e.g.
let cons x xs = x :: xs
let ls = cons 1 [2..5]
I'm learning F# by writing a recursive descent parser using active patterns.
Since all my rules or partial active patterns I need to combine them in different manners, but I'm getting really frustrated with the syntax of passing active patterns as parameters.
The following example shows the trouble I'm having:
// Combines two patterns by chaining them.
let (|Chain|_|) (|Pattern1|_|) (* Should I use pipes here? *) (|Pattern2|_|) data =
match data with
|Pattern1 result ->
match result with
|Pattern2 result2 -> Some result2
|_ -> None
|_ -> None
// Stupid test patterns
let (|IfBiggerThan10ThenDouble|_|) value = if value > 10 then Some (value*2) else None
let (|IfLessThan100ThenDouble|_ |) value = if value < 100 then Some (value*2) else None
match 20 with
// Do I need pipes here?
|Chain (IfBiggerThan10ThenDouble IfLessThan100ThenDouble) value -> printfn "%A" value // Should print 80
| _ -> printfn "Did not match"
My main confusion seems to be about the '|' operator. Sometimes it seems to be a part of the type of the pattern and sometimes part of the name.
You do not really need to implement your own chaining of patterns, because you can directly nest the patterns which gives you the required result:
match 20 with
| IfBiggerThan10ThenDouble(IfLessThan100ThenDouble value) -> printfn "%A" value
| _ -> printfn "Did not match"
This will first call the IfBiggerThan10ThenDouble pattern which calculates 20*2 and passes the value to the nested pattern IfLessThan100ThenDouble. This again doubles the value and binds it to the value symbol (when it succeeds).
That said, your implementation of the Chain pattern actually works and can be called like this:
match 20 with
| Chain (|IfBiggerThan10ThenDouble|_|) (|IfLessThan100ThenDouble|_|) value ->
printfn "%A" value // Should print 80
| _ -> printfn "Did not match"
In general, active pattern (|P|_|) is really just a function with a special name. You can treat it as an ordinary function and call it by writing (|P|_|) argument or you can treat it as a value and pass it as an argument to other functions or parameterized active patterns. Your code would work if you implemented Chain as a pattern taking ordinary functions:
let (|Chain|_|) f g data =
f data |> Option.bind (fun r -> g data)
Then Chain <arg1> <arg2> <pat> is just calling the parameterized active pattern with two functions as an argument. When called, it binds the result to the pattern <pat>. In the above example, the two arguments are function values representing the patterns (these could be ordinary functions, but not lambda functions because of syntactic restrictions).
As I know, explicit type parameters in value definitions is a one way to overcome "value restriction" problem.
Is there another cases when I need to use them?
Upd: I mean "explicitly generic constructs", where type parameter is enclosed in angle brackets, i.e.
let f<'T> x = x
Polymorphic recursion is another case. That is, if you want to use a different generic instantiation within the function body, then you need to use explicit parameters on the definition:
// perfectly balanced tree
type 'a PerfectTree =
| Single of 'a
| Node of ('a*'a) PerfectTree
// need type parameters here
let rec fold<'a,'b> (f:'a -> 'b) (g:'b->'b->'b) : 'a PerfectTree -> 'b = function
| Single a -> f a
| Node t -> t |> fold (fun (a,b) -> g (f a) (f b)) g
let sum = fold id (+)
let ten = sum (Node(Node(Single((1,2),(3,4)))))
This would likely be rare, but when you want to prevent further generalization (§14.6.7):
Explicit type parameter definitions on value and member definitions can affect the process of type inference and generalization. In particular, a declaration that includes explicit generic parameters will not be generalized beyond those generic parameters. For example, consider this function:
let f<'T> (x : 'T) y = x
During type inference, this will result in a function of the following type, where '_b is a type inference variable that is yet to be resolved.
f<'T> : 'T -> '_b -> '_b
To permit generalization at these definitions, either remove the explicit generic parameters (if they can be inferred), or use the required number of parameters, as the following example shows:
let throw<'T,'U> (x:'T) (y:'U) = x
Of course, you could also accomplish this with type annotations.
Most obvious example: write a function to calculate the length of a string.
You have to write:
let f (a:string) = a.Length
and you need the annotation. Without the annotation, the compiler can't determine the type of a. Other similar examples exist - particularly when using libraries designed to be used from C#.
Dealing with updated answer:
The same problem applies - string becomes A<string> which has a method get that returns a string
let f (a:A<string>) = a.get().Length