How to properly connect ROR with Oracle database with Ruby-OCI8 gem? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to use Oracle Database Xe on my ruby on rails app
but I'm having a lot of trouble with my database connection I'm currently not sure what the problem is, but according to what I have read I may have a problem with my TNS setup the error message that I'am having is
OCIError: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
The error appears every time I try to run rake db:migrate
on my rails console I try to run and it gives me this error
OCIError: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
I'm pretty much stuck and I'm really not sure what to do here.
(address = (protocol = TCP)(host = = 1521))
(connect_data =
Database.yml :
adapter: oracle_enhanced
database: metro
username: metro
password: imperium

Looks like you are missing the port in database.yml file.
adapter: oracle_enhanced
host: localhost
port: 1521
database: xe
username: user
password: secret


Can't connect Rails app to Postgres using PG gem

I'm trying to connect a rails app to a remote Postgres database (using the PG gem) and getting issues.
I set my database.yaml file
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: testdb
username: testuser
password: "*******"
host: **.***.***.***
port: 5432
Then in my rails controller I have this line to connect to the db
conn = PG.connect( :dbname => 'testdb' )
And I get this error in response
"status": "error",
"message": "could not connect to server: No such file or directory\n\tIs the server running locally and accepting\n\tconnections on Unix domain socket \"/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432\"?\n"
I was under the impression that PG would pull from the database connection loaded in rails. If I do an inspect on the db configuration I see that it's pulling the database.yaml parameters
#<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::HashConfig:0x00007fd5ae0562d0 #env_name="development", #name="primary", #configuration_hash={:adapter=>"postgresql", :encoding=>"unicode", :database=>"testdb", :username=>"testuser", :password=>"*****", :host=>"**.***.***.***", :port=>5432}>
I'm able to successfully connect though if I pass in the necessary variables or connection string to PG instead
conn = "postgresql://testuser:*******#**.***.***.***:5432/testdb" )

Postgresql won't accept password

I just created a new app and installed the 'pg' gem, created a psql user and database, and created a database.yml file. However, the server won't accept my password, even though it's the correct one.
Here are the commands I ran to create my user and database:
Project$ sudo -i -u postgres
postgres#user-F243:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER Project WITH PASSWORD 'Project' CREATEDB;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE Project OWNER Project;
which all went through with no errors. Then I created the following database.yml file:
adapter: postgresql
database: Project
username: Project
password: Project
host: localhost
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
adapter: postgresql
database: Project
username: Project
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
adapter: postgresql
database: Project
username: Project
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
But when I start my rails server and try to load a page, I get this error:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Project" FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Project"
Extracted source (around line #56):
#54 ### Convenience alias for
#55 def self::connect( *args )
#56 return *args ) #line 56
#57 end
I have tried multiple different passwords and user/database names, and I tried making the user a superuser, but I always get the same result. I've done all this a million times and it's always worked. What's going on??
postgres=# CREATE USER Project WITH PASSWORD 'Project' CREATEDB;
This code creates user 'project' instead of 'Project'. If you really want to use uppercase in user names, you have to double quote them:
postgres=# CREATE USER "Project" WITH PASSWORD 'Project' CREATEDB;
The same goes with table and column names - both creating and querying them.
Try removing host: localhost from the development: group. I've had similar problems in the past and this fixed them for me.

Postgree too many connections in rails console

I am developing a Ruby on Rails app using postgre gem and this is how my database.yml looks like:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf-8
pool: 5
username: "hytxlzju"
password: "xxxxx"
host: ""
port: "5432"
database: "hytxlzju"
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf-8
pool: 5
username: "hytxlzju"
password: "xxxxxx"
host: ""
port: "5432"
database: "hytxlzju"
Whenever I am connecting to this db locally, from the rails console I am getting too many connections. How can I kill a connection in the code, once the user logged out, in the code, and how can I kill one in my rails console, after I finished altering the tables?
This is the error message:
22:in `initialize': FATAL: too many connections for role "hytxlzju" (PG::ConnectionBad)
[EDIT] I added my initilizer, still no success:
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
config['pool'] = ENV['DB_POOL'] || ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5
You can try the below approach
Active Record limits the total number of connections per application
through a database setting pool; this is the maximum size of the
connections your app can have to the database
in config/datbase.yml
pool: <%= ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5 %>
If you are using puma then use ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] more here
It might solve the problem.
Somehow my demo app was not finding the entries in the tables, so it was creating multiple pools connections, without closing them, because before closing the connection, a 500 error was getting thrown, hence that bit of code where I closed the pool was never closed. More abut postgre session here

Error connecting external DB to Rails 4 App

I am attempting to add a Postgresql Redshift Database to my Rails 4 app, for use locally and in production. I am testing in Development first.
I have altered my database.yml file to look like this:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: new_db
pool: 5
username: test
password: password
port: 5439
Now, when I hit localhost:3000 I get this error:
permission denied to set parameter "client_min_messages" to "warning"
: SET client_min_messages TO 'warning'
I can't seem to find out what is causing this - It seems like maybe my new DB isn't allow the SET command? I'm not really sure, but any help is appreciated.
Just answered this somewhere else, but I had the same issues today, here's what I did and it's working now:
class DataWarehouse < ActiveRecord::Base
establish_connection "redshift_staging"
#or, if you want to have a db per environment
#establish_connection "redshift_#{Rails.env}"
Note that we are connecting on 5439, not the default 5432 so I specify the port
Also, I specify a schema, beta, which is what we use for our unstable aggregates, you could either have a different db per environment as mentioned above, or use various schemas and include them in the search path for ActiveRecord
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
database: db03
port: 5439
pool: 5
schema_search_path: 'beta'
username: admin
password: supersecretpassword
host: #your remote host here, might be an aws url from Redshift admin console
###OPTION 2, a direct PG Connection
class DataWarehouse < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :conn
def initialize
#conn = PG.connect(
database: 'db03',
port: 5439,
pool: 5,
schema_search_path: 'beta',
username: 'admin',
password: 'supersecretpassword',
host: ''
[DEV] main:0> redshift = DataWarehouse
E, [2014-07-17T11:09:17.758957 #44535] ERROR -- : PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied to set parameter "client_min_messages" to "notice" : SET client_min_messages TO 'notice'
(pry) output error: #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied to set parameter "client_min_messages" to "notice" : SET client_min_messages TO 'notice'>
I ended up going with option 1, but using this adapter for now for multiple reasons:
Reason 1: ActiveRecord postgresql adapter sets client_min_messages
Reason 2: adapter also attempts to set Time Zone, which redshift doesn't allow (
Reason 3: Even if you change the code in ActiveRecord for the first two errors, you run into additional errors that complain that Redshift is using Postgresql 8.0, at that point I moved on to the adapter, will revisit and update if I find something better later.
I renamed my table to base_aggregate_redshift_tests (notice plural) so ActiveRecord was easily able to connect, if you can't change your table names in redshift use the set_table method I have commented out below
gem 'activerecord4-redshift-adapter', github: 'aamine/activerecord4-redshift-adapter'
Option 1
adapter: redshift
encoding: utf8
database: db03
port: 5439
pool: 5
username: admin
password: supersecretpassword
timeout: 5000
#Model named to match my tables in Redshift, if you want you can set_table like I have commented out below
class BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest < ActiveRecord::Base
establish_connection "redshift_staging"
self.table_name = "beta.base_aggregates_v2"
in console using self.table_name -- notice it queries the right table, so you can name your models whatever you want
[DEV] main:0> redshift = BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest.first
D, [2014-07-17T15:31:58.678103 #43776] DEBUG -- : BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest Load (45.6ms) SELECT "beta"."base_aggregates_v2".* FROM "beta"."base_aggregates_v2" LIMIT 1
Option 2
class BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table "beta.base_aggregates_v2"
adapter: 'redshift',
encoding: 'utf8',
database: 'staging',
port: '5439',
pool: '5',
username: 'admin',
password: 'supersecretpassword',
search_schema: 'beta',
host: '',
timeout: '5000'
#in console, abbreviated example of first record, now it's using the new name for my redshift table, just assuming I've got the record at base_aggregates_redshift_tests because I didn't set the table_name
[DEV] main:0> redshift = BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest.first
D, [2014-07-17T15:09:39.388918 #11537] DEBUG -- : BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest Load (45.3ms) SELECT "base_aggregates_redshift_tests".* FROM "base_aggregates_redshift_tests" LIMIT 1
#<BaseAggregatesRedshiftTest:0x007fd8c4a12580> {
:truncated_month => Thu, 31 Jan 2013 19:00:00 EST -05:00,
:dma => "Cityville",
:group_id => 9712338,
:dma_id => 9999
Good luck!
What's your postgresql version? or middle ware version? it's not a original postgresql version?
you can use \set VERBOSITY verbose
and then do it again, find which function#code raise the error.
and then analyze why you cann't set client_min_messages.
I use postgresql 9.3.3 no this problem.
super and normal user can set client_min_messages correct.
digoal=# \c digoal digoal
You are now connected to database "digoal" as user "digoal".
digoal=> set client_min_messages=debug;
digoal=> set client_min_messages=warning;
digoal=> SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
digoal=> \c postgres digoal
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
postgres=> SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
I was able to solve the issue by opening up the postgresql adapter for Activerecord and commenting out all of the SET commands.
However, this is not a best practice at all. At the end of editing the postgresql adapter I was faced with errors due to an outdated postgres version (80002).
The right answer is just updating postgres, which unfortunately isn't possible amongst my shared Redshift DB that lives at Amazon.

Ruby on rails - "cannot load Java class"

I am using:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTC
JRuby 1.7.2
Rails 3.2.12
DB2 C express 10.1
My database.yml file looks like this:
adapter: jdbc
url: localhost:50001/devdb
host: localhost
port: 50001
database: devdb
username: db2inst1
password: mypass
But in when I stats my server and open the home page "localhost:3000/" and click on "About your application’s environment" I get the following error:
cannot load Java class
Could you advice?
The only thing that I have found as suggestion was to add the driver in my JRUBY_HOME/bin/ folder but this do not solve my issue.
Copy db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar to jruby/lib directory.
You are getting that error because you need the DB2 Universal JDBC driver jars in your classpath
