WatchConnectivity connection in iPhone -> Watch direction - ios

I'm trying to make WCSession (Xcode 7.0 beta 5) work in the Phone -> Watch direction on real devices (in a simulator it works perfectly) but every time get an error:
Error: "Domain=WCErrorDomain Code=7006 Watch app is not installed".
I mean everything works in the Watch -> Phone direction (sendMessage:, updateApplicationContext:, CoreLocation, etc.). In order to exclude code-related problems I'm using the Apple's Potloc application for tests.
It seems I've tried everything and here's a full list:
Paired/Unpaired Watch.
Rebooted iPhone/Watch.
Reset Watch.
Reset iPhone (reset all settings).
Reinstalled iPhone/Watch applications a bunch of times.
Switched on/off "Show App on Apple Watch" in "My Watch" application on iPhone.
The only way iPhone is able to communicate with Watch is to answer using a callback in WCSession methods.
What else can I do?

As expected the problem has been solved in Xcode 7.0 beta6. A project just has been rebuilt without any additional configuration and then the item #6 from my aforementioned list has solved the problem:
Switched on/off "Show App on Apple Watch" in "My Watch" application on iPhone.

This seems similar to this:
WatchOS 2 (beta 5): watchAppInstalled returns false
Did you watch out for "isWatchAppInstalled"? If yes, did it say YES or NO?
Maybe the other solutions mentioned over there work for you?


Swift WCSession not reachable and counterpart app not installed (WatchConnectivity)

I have an iOS app (MyApp) with a corresponding watch app (MyAppWatch). Using WatchConnectivity, I want to establish a connection between both device. Activating a WC session on both devices is succesful, but when testing the connection, something does wrong. It turns out that my session.isReachable returns false. Also, I get a message that WCSession counterpart app not installed. It may be interesting to add that session.isPaired (on iOS) returns true, so nothing seems to be wrong in the connection between the devices. I need isReachable to be true by installing the counterpart app on the watch, before being able to sendMessage(). But how? And why is this failing?
What I've tried so far:
Removing the app on both devices
Cleaning Build Folder
Restarting XCode
Adding to the Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded content of MyApp Target
Enabling and disabling Supports Runnings Without iOS App Installation (MyAppWatch Target)
All possible combinations of this
Can someone please help fixing this, I'm struggeling for days now.

Requesting an In App Purchase in iOS 13 fails

I use SwiftyStoreKit to request In App Purchases and get only this error with iOS 13:
Error: Optional(Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=507 "Error decoding object" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error decoding object, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Attempted to decode store response})
I cannot request information about the products, nor make purchases with a sand box account. However, it works fine in iOS 12.1 on my device. It does not work with the iPhone 11 simulator or an actual device with iOS 13.
I have found a lot, that the Xcode 11 GM seed 1 beta simulator had this problem, but have not found a solution yet. I also tested it with the new released Xcode 11 GM seed 2 version, but there was no fix for me.
Does anyone have a solution on how I can request and purchase In App Purchases again with iOS 13 installed?
Restarting Xcode and simulator did the trick: now my in-app purchases load properly in iOS 13 simulator.
EDIT: This happens in release Xcode 11 too. And happens once in a while, but restarting Xcode and simulators still helps.
EDIT 2: In Xcode 12 beta this bug is also present. But the solution is to create new StoreKit Configuration file (in File -> New menu)
Then add all your products there. Use the same product id's as in AppStore Connect.
Then add this file to Run Scheme configuration.
I had the same issue, iOS13 Simulators produced the same error, iOS12 Simulators were working well.
I then tried out on the iPhone with iOS13 installed, there the calls were working flawlessly too.
Hoping that it'll be fixed soon in Xcode Simulators, I guess until then we are stuck with the error.
Now it seems to work also in iOS 13 Simulator Devices.
Note: I've updated the answer, read the Edit part.
To share my experience, it seems that this problem does not exist any more in Xcode 11.1 GM Seed. There's no need to restart Simulators or Xcode to make in-app purchases work anymore.
I had submitted an app for review and it was rejected because of that particular error. As it turns out, it was rejected for a stupid reason as it wasn't my app's bug, however I spent hours trying to get around it.
So, just update to Xcode 11.1 GM Seed and run again. Everything will be okay.
The issue still exists in Xcode 11.1 and apparently I was just lucky that it didn't happen to me again. However, I had a second rejection for the exact same reason. What eventually worked and made my app get approved was this:
I had to update my IAP record on App Store by editing and saving it again.
So, I recommend you to try the same; change something temporarily in your IAPs, save and then revert your changes (and save again) so records on the App Store to be refreshed.
FYI, after the second rejection Apple invalidated my IAP and therefore showed me the way. It looks like to be a known issue to them at the end.
For details read this discussion I wrote on Reddit.
For those that has this issue in iOS 14.0, you still need to create the storekit configuration file as per #silvansky answer. Rather than adding it to the target, we can actully start an SKTestSession before making any product request in order to avoid the error.
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
do {
let session = try SKTestSession(configurationFileNamed: "Your_StoreKit_Configuration_File_Name")
session.disableDialogs = true
} catch {
// catch error here
// Start your product request here
let productIdentifiers = Set(["product_identifier_1", "product_identifier_2"])
let productsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productIdentifiers)
productsRequest.delegate = self
// Run the request
You can refer to Apple's documentation for SKTestSession for more info:

Xamarin.UITests - testing on real device - iOS - app permissions popups issue

I've iOS app that needs some privileges (GPS, Push notifications).
When app starts for a first time iOS asks user if they're ok with granting those permissions to application.
I've written some UITests and want to automate running them on locally connected iPhone.
The problem is that I cannot override permissions questions and my tests fails.
I found out that application deployed by IDE (Xamarin Studio) will ask for permissions, but application deployed via UITests will not.
So I tried with .AppBundle(path_to_app) but it says this is only valid for deploying to Simulator.
SetUp : System.Exception : This app bundle is not valid for running on
a simulator. To fix this issue please ensure that your target device
is a simulator. DTPlatformName is 'iphoneos', not 'iphonesimulator' in
the apps Info.plist.
Like it's trying to deploy iPhone app to Simulator. But Target in Xamarin Studio is set to real device.
I tried to add .DeviceIdentifier. When Used with .InstalledApp it was starting up (still asking for permissions).
But when I used DeviceIdentifier and AppBundle there was the same error as above.
My tests works fine on Test Cloud. They work fine on Simulator.
They work fine when I deploy to device manually, start app and approve permissions then run UI tests.
What I cannot achieve is to make UITests override permissions questions on real device.
Anyone made this work?
Last thing is that I found is in documentation for AppBundle method
"Will force a run on simulator"
So I may be doomed with the task but maybe someone knows a workaround?
You can dismiss system dialogs with UITest by using InvokeUIA. The test below works by tapping the "OK" button of an iOS system alert:
public void AppLaunches ()
app.Screenshot ("First screen.");
app.InvokeUia ("uia.query('[:view {:marked \"OK\"}]')");
app.InvokeUia ("uia.tapMark(\"OK\")");
A working sample app & UITest is also here:
Warning about system dialogs in Test Cloud
The reason that you don't see this issue in Test Cloud is because Test Cloud automatically dismisses the system alerts; so usually you don't have to worry about it. However, if your alert launches too soon; so that it appears before the automation has fully started your app, then it will be unable to detect & dismiss the alert and cause your test to fail.
So you want to make sure that when running your app in Test Cloud that the request for permissions are delayed, or you can even deactivate them if they aren't explicitly needed for a particular test. More information is available in this Calabash guide:
(Even though it's Calabash, you can use the same strategy in UITest; albeit with a C# syntax.)
Update for Xcode 8 / iOS 10
Xcode 8 / iOS 10 removed UIAutomation, so the InvokeUIA workaround will only continue to be possible if you're using Xcode 7 and iOS 7-9. References:
For real devices you dont need any of those.
app = ConfigureApp
this piece of code is good enough, if you are connecting real device to the system, then select that before running.
We use this to execute the UI tests on iPhones:
InstalledApp requires you to build an IPA using the Debug
configuration & a valid provisioning profile, and preinstalling it on
the target device.
To confirm system dialogs we use this:
private Query ConfirmLocalNetworkPermissionDialogButton
=> AppInitializer.Platform == Platform.iOS
? new Query(x => x.ClassFull("_UIAlertControllerActionView").Marked("OK"))
: x => x.Class("AppCompatButton").Marked("button1");

CKQueryOperation iOS 9 only work plugged in

I am using CloudKit in my iOS 9 app and I have a CKQueryOperation that work fine and performs as expected when plugged into the Mac. As soon as the query is run when it is not plugged in to the Mac, it does not finish. There is no error message, the activity indicator I added never stops and the results are never displayed.
If I start the operation when unplugged, then plug it in it completes too.
The code was copied and adapted from an app built in Xcode 6.4 and works as expected in that app.
Any ideas why this could be happening? Could it be anything to do with app thinning in iOS 9?
Thank you
Adding this fixed the issue:
queryOperation.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfService.UserInitiated
The default QoS changed in iOS 9. If the query operation is user initiated, then it needs to be marked as such.
See CKOperation.h and the QualityOfService property.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS at lauch for EAGLContext renderbufferStorage: fromDrawable: in Cocos2d app whie debugging

Using default cocos2d-swift app I'm receiving the error EXC_BAD_ACCESS on my iPad Mini 2 at the line:
BOOL rb_status = [_context renderbufferStorage:GL_RENDERBUFFER fromDrawable:layer];
But if I try to launch the app without debug all works fine. If I use debug on any virtual device I receive no error too.
Why it doesn't work? How to remove this error?
Looks like this is an issue on certain devices on iOS 8.3+. It works for me on almost all devices but the iPad mini 2 fails for me as well. The short of it is that there's nothing wrong with the call itself. Seems to be an Xcode bug with those devices for some reason. You can get around it (until Apple fixes it) by:
In Xcode, go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme ...
And for the Run Debug configuration (on left side) choose "Options" (on right side) and configure "GPU Frame Capture" as Disabled.
For more information, check out this thread:
I found the device hadn't got the last iOS version. When I updated the iOS version of the devices the error has removed.
