Indent every child of a depth first search (ruby on rails)? - ruby-on-rails

I am new to rails, and I was wondering if there was a simple (or not simple) way to indent every child of a DPS?
I have a model called "Comment" that has_many :comments and belongs_to :comment. In my view I've implemented a DPS to display each comment and each comment on that comment, and each comment on that comment, etc.
My code looks like this:
<div class=feed>
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<% if comment.comment_id == nil # display all original comments %>
<!-- subject -->
<div class="subject">
<%= comment.subject %>:
<!-- create array of replies -->
<% replies = %>
<% replies.push(comment) %>
<% while replies.any? %>
<% reply = replies[0] %>
<% replies.delete_at(0) %>
<!--- name -->
<div class="comment">
<%= User.find(reply.user_id).name %>
<!-- comment -->
<%= reply.body %>
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= link_to "reply", new_comment_comment_path( %>
<% end %>
<% reply.comments.each do |further_replies| %>
<% replies.push(further_replies) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
where I push each comment onto "replies" and visit each reply one by one.
Is there a good way to indent each child comment?

You can use act_as_tree structure, in that case your model will be like -
class Comment
has_many :replies, class_name: 'Comment', foreign_key :comment_id
belongs_to :user
Your html code will be very simple in that case like
<div class=feed>
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<div class="subject">
<%= comment.subject %>:
<% comment.replies.each do |reply| %>
<div class="comment">
<%= %>
<%= reply.body %>
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= link_to "reply", new_comment_comment_path( %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

I figured out a different approach that worked well. I implemented a recursive depth first search in "CommentsController" that returned a hash of { comments => amount_to_indent }, where comments are in the order that they were visited. In the view file iterated though the hash, using comment and amount_of_indent where appropriate.
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def index
#comments = Comment.all
# depth first search
#visited =
#comments.each do |comment|
if !comment.comment_id # has not parent comment
indent = 0
comment_array = DFS(comment, #visited, indent)
def DFS(comment, visited, indent)
visited[comment] = indent # add elements in order in which they are visited
comment.comments.each do |reply|
DFS(reply, visited, indent + 4)
And in the view file:
<div class="feed">
<% #visited.each do |reply, indent| %>
<!-- display subject of all parent comments -->
<div class="subject">
<% if !reply.comment_id? %>
<%= reply.subject %>:
<% end %>
<!--- name and content -->
<div class="comment">
<!-- preceed comment with indent -->
<%= raw(('&nbsp') * indent) %>
<%= User.find(reply.user_id).name + ":" + reply.body %>
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= link_to "reply", new_comment_comment_path( %>
<!--%= link_to 'delete', response, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %-->
<% end %>
<% end %>
If anyone runs into the same issue I did!


One to many relationship fom_for take the last 3 from all the model attributes

I have one to many relationship(oferta have many sigs) and I want to show the last three sigs from all the oferta
I tried this code but it show the last 3 sigs from each oferta
In home index.erb
<% #oferta.each do |o| %>
<% if o.sigs.exists? %>
<% for item in o.sigs.order("created_at asc").last(3).each %>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="coll">
<%= link_to item do %>
<%= image_tag item.image.url(), skip_pipeline: true ,id: "img",height: "200px"%>
<% end %>
<h4><%=link_to,item %></h4>
<p id="comment"><%= item.comment %></p>
<%= link_to "read more..", item %>
<p id="price"><%= item.price %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
In the controller
def index
#oferta = Ofertum.unscoped.first(3)
In ofertum model
has_many :sigs
In sig model
belongs_to :ofertum
You can do it in both ways,
#last_3_sigs = Sigs.last(3)
for getting latest records first use this
#last_3_sigs = Sig.order(created_at: :desc).limit(3)

Rails: how to create a list with conditional links

I am working on a RAILS application where I create a view which lists all available resources of a given model species.rb.
The view partial is:
<% i= #s
for species in #species %>
<%= %>, <%= %> <%= %>
<% i -= 1
end %>
Some of the resources species have an related article, others have only the name. I would like to loop through the partial and add a link only to the entries which have an associated article.
Something like: add link if species.article is present else just put without link + loop through it for all entries.
How can I do this?
Thanks to #jvillian and #fool-dev I was able to progress. In my case I wanted to add a link if the resource has a description in a description row of its table.
<% #species.each do |species| %>
<div class="entry">
<p><i><%= link_to_if(species.txtlandscape.present?, "#{}, #{}, #{}. 2014", :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => species) %></i></p>
<% end %>
Now that a link is added I was wondering if it can be used to load a partial to a target such as in, where ArticleRequest is a JS function I have:
<% # species.each do | species | %>
<div id="species-<%= %>" class="species-entry">
<a onClick="ArticleRequest('/species/show/<%= %>', 'species-<%= %>');">
<p><%= %></p>
<% end %>
Until I find a way to do this with link_to_if, I will use something like:
<% for species in #species %>
<% if species.txtlandscape.present? %>
<a onClick="ArticleRequest('/species/show/<%= %>', 'species-<%= %>');">
<p><%= %>, <%= %> <%= %></p>
<% else %>
<p><%= %>, <%= %> <%= %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
According to the docs, it seems you should be able to do:
<% #species.each do |specie| %>
<%= link_to_if(specie.article,, specie_article_path(specie.article)) %>
<% end %>
I made the path name up, you'll have to make that match your actual routes.
BTW, this:
for species in #species
Is super non-idiomatic.
You can do this, see the below
<% for species in #species %>
<% if species.article.present? %> #=> I thin it will be articles because table name is articles, anyway, you know better
<%= link_to, link_path(species.article) %>, #=> on the link_path it will be your proper link just replace this
<% else %>
<%= %>,
<% end %>
<%= %> <%= %>
<% end %>
You can do this with Rails each method like below
<% #species.each do |species| %>
<% if species.article.present? %> #=> I thin it will be articles because table name is articles, anyway, you know better
<%= link_to, link_path(species.article) %>, #=> on the link_path it will be your proper link just replace this
<% else %>
<%= %>,
<% end %>
<%= %> <%= %>
<% end %>
Or you can use link_to_if it is also most easier to understand
<% #species.each do |species| %>
<%= link_to_if(species.article.present?, "#{},", link_path(species.article)) %>
<%= %> <%= %>
<% end %>
Hope it will help.

Undefined method each with nested resources

I'm trying to follow Ryan Bates Polymorphic association tutorial in order to put some comments to my site.
The thing is I have nested resources:
#Nesting Resources
resources :users do
resources :photos do
resources :comments
resources :tags
So I'm getting an error in my view (photos/show)
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
I suppose the problem is in my controller, with comments, that is not defined correctly, but since I have nested resources, I don't know how to do it.
Photos Controller
def show
#photo = Photo.friendly.find(params[:id])
#user = #photo.user
#commentable = #photo
#comments = #commentable.comments
#comment =
New Comment Partial
<% if #comments.any? %>
<%= render "comments/comments" %>
<% else %>
Todavía no hay comentarios
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= render "comments/form" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Form partial (comments/form)
<%= form_for [#commentable, #comment] do |f| %>
<% if #comment.errors.any? %>
<div class="error_messages">
<h2>Please correct the following errors.</h2>
<% #comment.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.text_area :content, rows: 8 %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Comments partial (comments/comments)
<div id="comments">
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<div class="comment">
<%= simple_format comment.content %>
<% end %>
Your error says undefined method each for nil:NilClass. As you can guess you are calling each on a nil object. Here your #comments is nil and hence giving your trouble.
In your view try something like this:
<div id="comments">
<% if #comments %>
<% #comments.each do |comment| %>
<div class="comment">
<%= simple_format comment.content %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
So if you look at your code you have #comments till here:
<% if #comments.any? %>
<%= render "comments/comments" %>
<% else %>
#do stuff
<% end %>
it's after you call your partial that your #comment is lost so try this:
<% if #comments.any? %>
<%= render "comments/comments", comments: #comment %>
<% else %>
#do stuff
<% end %>
and then in your view use
<div id="comments">
<% comments.each do |comment| %>
<div class="comment">
<%= simple_format comment.content %>
<% end %>

If Condition in each do Rails

Hi i need to print out just the candidates where active is == 0 here is my code in the view.
I can print if active is yes or no.. But in the each do loop i just want to print the active candidates.
So how can i add the condition to my each do loop, thanks.
<% #candidates.each do |candidate| %>
<div id="candidateper">
<div class="avatth" ><div class="avat_min">
<% if candidate.avatar.present? %>
<%= link_to (image_tag candidate.avatar.url(:thumb)), (candidate_path(candidate)) %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to (image_tag ("espanol/playersample.png")), (candidate_path(candidate)) %>
<% end %>
<div class="nameth"><%= %></div>
<div class="activeth"><%= ? t('generales.yess') : t('generales.noo') %></div>
<div class="generalth">
<% if candidate.user.purchased_at.present? %>
<%= candidate.user.purchase_defeated? ? t('generales.defeated') : t('') %>
<% else %>
<%= t('generales.noo') %>
<% end %>
<div class="actionsth"><%= link_to t(''), candidate_path(candidate) %>
<% if current_user.user_type == 'admin' %>
<%= link_to t('generales.delete'), candidate_path(candidate), method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('generales.delete_candidate_confirm') } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I`ve tried this
no luck syntax error on all my ideas :P
If is actually a boolean then you could say:
<% #candidates.reject(&:active).each do |candidate| %>
<% end %>
If #candidates is actually an ActiveRecord::Relation then you could probably say:
<% #candidates.where(:active => false).each do |candidate| %>
<% end %>
to avoid pulling a bunch of stuff out of the database when you don't want it.
If active is actually a number (inside the database and outside the database) then you could say:
<% do |candidate| %>
<% end %>
<% #candidates.where(:active => 0).each do |candidate| %>
<% end %>

Sort association models in Rails 3?

Menu has_many :dishes.
I want to sort the dishes by Dish.number.
Currently in my view it looks like:
<table class="menu">
<% #menu.dishes.each do |dish| %>
<div class="dish">
<div class="dish_div dish_name">
<% if != 'Övrigt' && != 'Box to go' %>
<span class="dish_name"><%= "#{dish.number}. #{}" %></span>
<% else %>
<span class="dish_name"><%= "#{}" %></span>
<% end %>
<% if dish.strength_id == 2 %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<% elsif dish.strength_id == 3 %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<% elsif dish.strength_id == 4 %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<%= image_tag('chili.png') %>
<% end %>
<div class="dish_div"><%= "#{dish.description}" %></div>
<div class="dish_div dish_price"><%= "#{dish.price} kr" %></div>
<% end %>
How do I do that?
Should it be in the view or controller?
Neither! :) --- do it in your model definitions
If you always want to order on strength:
class Menu
has_many :dishes, :order=>'strength_id DESC'
class Dish
belongs_to :menu
Otherwise, just order in the view:
<% #menu.dishes.sort_by{|dish| dish.strength_id}.each do |dish| %>
In your controller:
def list
#dishes = #menu.dishes.all(:order => :number)
In your view:
<% #dishes.each do |dish| %>
I'm not sure if I understood what you're trying to do, but … to iterate the dishes sorted by their number attribute, you just need to use the :order option on the dishes:
<% #menu.dishes.all(:order => :number).each do |dish| %>
<% end %>
You can use the order method:
<% #menu.dishes.order(number: :asc).each do |dish| %>
