How to use Kendo UI in Sitefinity's MVC Widget? -

How can we use Kendo UI in Sitefinity's MVC Widgets?
I read that we need to use CDN to use Kendo UI with Sitefinity MVC Widgets but I've Try it and the HTMLHelper 'Kendo' Is not Recognized.
Which steps should we take to use kendo ui and its Helpers in Sitefinity MVC widgets(razor views)?
I've done multiple things that was install and trying to configure the project to use kendo ui. but as sitefinity comes with kendo libraries I leaved that approach because it seems incorrect.
I've also tried to use cdn to charge the libraries but the kendo helpers were not load. Probably I'm missing somehthing. Kendo Ui Helpers probably are in the Server Side but I don't know how to use them in sitefinity
Any Help with code or defined steps would be very appreciated

I found it, and it was simpler than I was thinking.
To user the Kendo UI Html Helpers I just needed to:
1- get the Kendo.Mvc.Ui.dll
2- add reference in my project
3- Import the dll #using kendo.Mvc.Ui in the top of the view
4- add cdn references so that you can avoid conflicts with other sitefinity's widgets


how to use angularjs template for a kendo ui grid

I am trying to use a kendo ui controls with angularjs. Most examples i have seen use kendo templates instead of angular templates to define a grid should look.
Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible; Check this demo -

add pagination control for mvc

I am new to MVC. I am trying to understand how to add pagination for a list of items using MVC without code for a view. I am using nunit testing to check whether pager option is tested or not
There is no built-in pagination for a vanilla MVC project -- you'll need to write one yourself or find something off the shelf.
See PagedList, which is also available on NuGet.

ASP.Net MVC Kendo UI Grid draggable, how to implement

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and Kendo UI. In my project I'm using kendo UI grid and need to implement the drag and drop functionality form grid to other component. Basically I've referring following example.
But my grid is created in an .cshtml file in razor syntax. Not in java script or JQuery like in the example. My question is how can I bind the data source to the grid and the events and pass to controller if I initialize the grid using java script like shown in the example.
The Kendo Beta Q1 2014 Brings a SORTABLE framework feature into the battle. Check it out here.

Component similar to DevExpress ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) but for ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking for a component similar to ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) from DevExpress, but suitable to use in MVC 4:
My general requirements are:
tree structure with a few additional columns,
possibility of using images in some cells,
possibility of sorting by each column (optional).
I was looking at Kendo UI with it's TreeView control with it's templating option:
Problem is that probably it's not possible to fully simulate table layout using a tree based on ul/li elements. Maybe there are any jQuery solutions which solve that problem?
Thanks in advance for help!
The DevExpress MVC TreeList extension is available in the latest release: DXperience ASP.NET v2012.2
You can take a look at jqGrid and its TreeGrid functionality (the demo is in the "New in version 3.5" section).
You can also check following demos of how to use it in ASP.NET MVC:
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC - Strongly typed helper
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor
There is an equivalent for MVC from DevExpress. The component offer almost all the functionalities of the webform's one.
Look at the MVC's demo page

Need MVC 3 Grid with AJAX paging/sorting with unobtrusive javascript

I'm fairly new to MVC 3 and and looking for a grid component that allows sorting and paging, but will also use progressive enhancement so provide fully AJAX based sorting and paging.
Ideally I'd like the generated markup to be very clean and customizable with minimal JS embedded on the page
Get a look at
There are various nuget packages and codeplex projects developped to easilyintegrate these with mvc such as this one:
