How do I efficiently search through an ordered list? - ios

I have a function that predicts a words being typed and returns the possibilities in an array. Unfortunately those aren’t sorted by frequency used. So I have a list of 10K ordered words listed by most frequent to less frequent. What would be an efficient way to compare the words in the array and the ordered list to return the most frequent one? (i.e the one it encounters first?)
I was tipped off by a friend to use a binary search tree but I really don't see how that helps me. From what I understood from the following website, only numerical values can be used.. Am I wrong in thinking so? Is there a better way of doing the aforementioned task?
Thanks in advance

You could create a dictionary with words as keys and frequencies as values. Then iterate over your result array, use the dictionary to obtain the frequency value for each item, and predict the item with the highest frequency.
I wouldn't use a vanilla binary search tree here. It would be possible - as Taylor Kirkpatrick says, you could just create a tree with words as keys and frequencies and use that to find the frequency for each result word, in much the same way as the dictionary solution.
The problem is that you cannot guarantee that a simple binary tree will be balanced. From the sound of it your data would probably be OK, since your words are in frequency order. The worst case would be if the words were in alphabetic order - then your binary tree would end up being identical to a linked list - it would never branch, since every node would attach to the right of the previous one. So the computational complexity of a search would be the same as iterating over the array of words - O(n) instead of O(log2N) (which is the best case for binary trees).
Of course, you could guard against this by randomising the list of words before doing the insert. But to my mind it's just easier to use a dictionary. I don't know what the actual implementation of Swift dictionaries is (and we won't until they open source it in a couple of months), but you can take it as read that it will out perform a vanilla BT for value retrieval.
I don't know what the background to this problem is - if you are learning CS it might be worth implementing the BST just for intellectual growth - in this case, with only 10,000 items you might find the performance differences are ultimately quite small. But if you are a working programmer trying to solve a problem, go with the dictionary approach.

You put all your words into a dictionary or a set. That's it. Dictionary if you have data associated with the words, set if you have no data and just want to know if the word is in the list or not.

You might want to use a Trie.
Put your word list into it. For every character entered, you traverse the Trie as deeply as you can and then show all paths to leaf nodes as possible completions.
Since the world like you have is likely static, you can precompute the Trie and load from disk/network/whatever at startup if performance is a concern.

You can use a binary search tree with anything as the actual value. To actually make use of the tree, use the frequency of the words as the numerical value. This is actually a pretty good solution to your problem. Each node of the tree will contain this word and a numeric value that represents the frequency of the word.
Here are a few links to help you out with making it.
Hope that helps.


How to use word embeddings/word2vec .. differently? With an actual, physical dictionary

If my title is incorrect/could be better, please let me know.
I've been trying to find an existing paper/article describing the problem that I'm having: I'm trying to create vectors for words so that they are equal to the sum of their parts.
For example: Cardinal(the bird) would be equal to the vectors of: red, bird, and ONLY that.
In order to train such a model, the input might be something like a dictionary, where each word is defined by it's attributes.
Something like:
Cardinal: bird, red, ....
Bluebird: blue, bird,....
Bird: warm-blooded, wings, beak, two eyes, claws....
Wings: Bone, feather....
So in this instance, each word-vector is equal to the sum of the word-vector of its parts, and so on.
I understand that in the original word2vec, semantic distance was preserved, such that Vec(Madrid)-Vec(Spain)+Vec(Paris) = approx Vec(Paris).
PS: Also, if it's possible, new words should be able to be added later on.
If you're going to be building a dictionary of the components you want, you don't really need word2vec at all. You've already defined the dimensions you want specified: just use them, e.g. in Python:
kb = {"wings": {"bone", "feather"},
"bird": {"wings", "warm-blooded", ...}, ...}
Since the values are sets, you can do set intersection:
kb["bird"] | kb["reptile"]
You'll need to do find some ways decompose the elements recursively for comparisons, simplifications, etc. These are decisions you'll have to make based on what you expect to happen during such operations.
This sort of manual dictionary development is quite an old fashioned approach. Folks like Schank and Abelson used to do stuff like this in the 1970's. The problem is, as these dictionaries get more complex, they become intractable to maintain and more inaccurate in their approximations. You're welcome to try as an exercise---it can be kind of fun!---but keep your expectations low.
You'll also find aspects of meaning lost in these sorts of decompositions. One of word2vec's remarkable properties is its sensitives to the gestalt of words---words may have meaning that is composed of parts, but there's a piece in that composition that makes the whole greater than the sum of the parts. In a decomposition, the gestalt is lost.
Rather than trying to build a dictionary, you might be best off exploring what W2V gives you anyway, from a large corpus, and seeing how you can leverage that information to your advantage. The linguistics of what exactly W2V renders from text aren't wholly understood, but in trying to do something specific with the embeddings, you might learn something new about language.

Optimal storage for string/integer pairs with fast lookup of strings?

I need to maintain correspondence between strings and integers, then lookup the string value and return the integer. What's the best structure to store this info that meets the following requirements:
Speed and memory size are important, in that order.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel and write my own sorting routine. A call to Sort(CompareFunction) is fine of course.
The integers are not guaranteed to be sequential, neither is there a 'start value' like 0 or 1
Number of data pairs can vary from 100 to 100000
The data are all read in at the beginning, there's no subsequent additions/deletions/modifications
FWIW the strings are the hex entry ID's that Outlook (MAPI?) uses to identify entries. Example: 00000000FE42AA0A18C71A10E8850B651C24000003000000040000000000000018000000000000001E7FDF4152B0E944BA66DFBF2C6A6416E4F52000487F22
There's so many options (TStringList (with objects or name/value pairs), TObjectList, TDictionary, ...) that I'd better ask for advice first...
I have read How can I search faster for name/value pairs in a Delphi TStringList? which suggest TDictionary for string/string pairs, and Sorting multidimensional array in Delphi 2007 which suggest TStringlist objects for string/integer but where sorting is done on the integers.
The second link that you include in the question is not applicable. That is a question concerning sorting rather than efficient lookup. Although you discuss sorting a number of times in your question, you do not have a requirement to sort. Your requirement is simply a dictionary, also known as an associative array. Of course, you can implement that by sorting an array and using binary search for your lookup, but sorting is not a requirement. You simply need an efficient dictionary.
Out of the box, the most efficient and convenient data structure for your problem is TDictionary<string, Integer>. This has lookup complexity of O(1) and so scales well for large collections. For smaller collections a binary search based lookup with lookup complexity of O(log n) can be competitive and can indeed out-perform a dictionary.
Cosmin Prund wrote an excellent answer here on SO where he compared the performance of dictionary lookup against binary search based lookup. I recommend you have a read. I would say that for small containers, performance is probably not that big a problem for you. So even though binary search may be quicker, it probably does not matter because your performance is good either way. But performance probably becomes an issue for larger containers and that's where the dictionary is always stronger. For large enough containers, the performance of binary search may become unacceptable.
I'm sure that it is possible to produce more efficient implementations of dictionaries than the Embarcadero one, but I'd also say that the Embarcadero implementation is perfectly solid. It uses a decent hash function and does not have any glaring weaknesses.
In terms of memory complexity, there's little to choose between a dictionary and a sorted array. It's not possible to improve on a sorted array for memory use.
I suggest that you start with TDictionary<string, Integer> and only look beyond that if your performance requirements are not met.
It seems you are going to lookup long evenly distributed strings. One of the fastest data structures for this kind of problem is Trie.
But your dataset size is rather small, and ready-to-use Delphi solutions like THashedStringList or TDictionary (more convenient) would provide a fairly high speed.

What is the most performing erlang module to store a large list of key/Term-Values under a Term

With focus on read performance, I want to create a Term such as an Orddict or Proplist that contains a large number (100,000s) entries, each containing an ID and a Term value. This encapsulating Term should be able to return the a value stored under its key, just like an Orddict is able to do.
K001 - Term001
K002 - Term002
K003 - Term003
The resulting Term containing the whole set needs to be passed from function to function, for several computing purposes without storing it on a persistence store to avoid disk I/O. I also chose not to use memory caching at this stage to avoid architectural complexity at this moment, therefore my focus is to have all of this to be simply key-searcheable.
Orddicts are key-sorted, which enhance the seek of a key, compared to a normal Dict. I am not aware of any other Erlang Module that can embed a more efficient indexing mechanism within its Term.
Any suggestions for an approach better than an Orddict ?
Actually, orddict is implemented as a sorted list (source), so it performs poorly both for insertion and lookup, especially when the keys are inserted in ascending order. Stay away from it; it won't work for your use case. dict is a hash-based data structure and offers solid insert/lookup performance. If the order of keys is important to you, consider using a tree-based map (such as gb_trees) as you can extract an ordered key sequence by taking the in-order tree walk.
If you want to share a large dataset between Erlang processes, you can try to use ETS.
It is fast in-memory key-value store, that only supports destructive updates.

Validate words against an English dictionary in Rails?

I've done some Google searching but couldn't find what I was looking for.
I'm developing a scrabble-type word game in rails, and was wondering if there was a simple way to validate what the player inputs in the game is actually a word. They'd be typing the word out.
Is validation against some sort of English language dictionary database loaded within the app best way to solve this problem? If so, are there any libraries that offer this kind of functionality? If not, what would you suggest?
Thanks for your help!
You need two things:
a word list
some code
The word list is the tricky part. On most Unix systems there's a word list at /usr/share/dict/words or /usr/dict/words -- see for more details. The one on my Mac has 234,936 words in it. But they're not all valid Scrabble words. So you'd have to somehow acquire a Scrabble dictionary, make sure you have the right license to use it, and process it so it's a text file.
(Update: The word list for LetterPress is now open source, and available on GitHub.)
The code is no problem in the simple case. Here's a script I whipped up just now:
words = {}"/usr/share/dict/words") do |file|
file.each do |line|
words[line.strip] = true
p words["magic"]
p words["saldkaj"]
This will output
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to make it into a proper Words object. (Technically it's not a Dictionary since it has no definitions.) Or to use a DAWG instead of a hash, even though a hash is probably fine for your needs.
A piece of language-agnostic advice here, is that if you only care about the existence of a word (which in such a case, you do), and you are planning to load the entire database into the application (which your query suggests you're considering) then a DAWG will enable you to check the existence in O(n) time complexity where n is the size of the word (dictionary size has no effect - overall the lookup is essentially O(1)), while being a relatively minimal structure in terms of memory (indeed, some insertions will actually reduce the size of the structure, a DAWG for "top, tap, taps, tops" has fewer nodes than one for "tops, tap").

How to detect tabular data from a variety of sources

In an experimental project I am playing with I want to be able to look at textual data and detect whether it contains data in a tabular format. Of course there are a lot of cases that could look like tabular data, so I was wondering what sort of algorithm I'd need to research to look for common features.
My first thought was to write a long switch/case statement that checked for data seperated by tabs, and then another case for data separated by pipe symbols and then yet another case for data separated in another way etc etc. Now of course I realize that I would have to come up with a list of different things to detect - but I wondered if there was a more intelligent way of detecting these features than doing a relatively slow search for each type.
I realize this question isn't especially eloquently put so I hope it makes some sense!
Any ideas?
(no idea how to tag this either - so help there is welcomed!)
The only reliable scheme would be to use machine-learning. You could, for example, train a perceptron classifier on a stack of examples of tabular and non-tabular materials.
A mixed solution might be appropriate, i.e. one whereby you handled the most common/obvious cases with simple heuristics (handled in "switch-like" manner) as you suggested, and to leave the harder cases, for automated-learning and other types of classifier-logic.
This assumes that you do not already have a defined types stored in the TSV.
A TSV file is typically
My suggestion would be to:
Count up all the tabs
Count up all of new lines
Count the total tabs in the first row
Divide the total number of tabs by the tabs in the first row
With the result of 4, if you get a remainder of 0 then you have a candidate of TSV files. From there you may either want to do the following things:
You can continue reading the data and ignoring the error of lines with less or more than the predicted tabs per line
You can scan each line before reading to make sure all are consistent
You can read up to the line that does not fit the format and then throw an error
Once you have a good prediction of the amount of tab separated values you can use a regular expression to parse out the values [as a group].
