pay from customer to another customer in my app use paypal or stripe? - ios

I am developing an application that has a function allow an customer pay to another customer.Can I use Paypal mobile or Stripe? how to implement it?

Stripe has a full solution of this. This is call stripe connect.
Suppose you have a marketplace and you have buyer and seller. Now you want to send money directly to your seller.
For this situation you can use stripe connect.
To use stripe connect your seller need to connect with his/ her stripe account (similar as facebook or social media login).
When you use stripe connect a charge will deduct from buyers account which is called stripe charge. Another type of charge you can deduct from your buyer which is called application fee. You can set your own application fee.
Money will send directly to seller's stripe account after deducting stripe charge and applicatipn fee. You also have full refund option in stripe comnect.

There're several options for you to implement a person-to-person payment function, but you may want to check with venmo as the most convenient way for an native APP integration

Stripe is one of the popular gateway for receiving payment in Canada, if you have user base of canada than i would recommend using stripe, you can find the integration kit here
Paypal is also good option you can get the documentation of paypal integration here.
For Paypal account you need to verify your email id & bank accounts same is for stripe.


iOS - Allow my app's users to take payment from their own customers?

I currently have an app that allows users to manage their customers. That said, I want my app's users to be able to take payment from their own customers, and have the funds deposit to their own bank accounts. Does anyone know if Stripe, Paypal, or Square has an SDK that would allow users to login to their own payment accounts to take payment? Any help and/or tips are super appreciated!
For PayPal, use a regular Checkout integration (Web JS SDK, Native SDK, and/or server-side REST API integration, as desired) and when creating the order specify a payee object with an email_address or merchant_id that is to receive the payment
See the documentation for details.

How to send payment to the customer from Stripe account using API in Rails?

One of my client Ruby on Rails project have a functionality of get payment from customer in his stripe account.
Now, He needs to pay that payment to the item owner after deducted commission. So, how we can pay from stripe account to particular customer account using API in Rails?
I have checked many API's but not clear which exactly use for it.
Any one have a idea or experience in it?
See the Stripe guide on Using Checkout with Rails.
I am not positive if a customer token can be used to send funds to, but if so or not, the following still applies.
If the customer has a connected account (or customer token), you can then use "transfer" to transfer the funds to them.

Can we use Apple Pay for Customer to Customer application?

I am new to Apple Pay. We need to develop an application in which we need to pay from Customer to Customer. I have checked out official documentation of ApplePay for payment from the documents given on below link.
They have mentioned that customer can pay to merchant for Service or goods.
But if we need to accept make payment one customer to other customer then it is possible or not? If it is possible then how can we accept it?
Thanks in advance!
Apple Pay can be used to make any payment into a merchant's account, using one of the payment providers that Apple Pay supports. Currently Apple Pay supports payments using Braintree, Stripe and others (see their web page). It's up to you what you do with the money once you receive it, you could transfer it to another user, but not using Apple Pay.
You'd want to use a payment provider that supports customer to customer payments, like Paypal.

how to pay through a Paypal Direct Payment if buyer have a paypal account?

I have to implement a Ruby on Rails e-commerce website, containing a shopping cart.
An option is to use PayPal as a payment gateway.
The merchant (PayPal business account owner) is from Italy.
There are two different PayPal payment workflows available:
1. Express checkout:
in 4 steps:
The web app submits a payment request to PayPal via some PayPal API (see below),
The buyer is redirected to PayPal web server and once there the buyer:
can login (with his paypal username and password), if they already possess a PayPal Account, or
can submit credit/debit card data, if they do not possess any PayPal ACCOUNT
confirm purchase on paypal's server,
the buyer is redirected back to the application server, "where the settlement must be done to complete payment".
2. Direct Payment:
the buyer submits credit/debit card data directly into the original web app.
I'd prefer to implement this second scenario.
About Paypal available APIs:
I read something here:
Paypal "REST" APIs are NOT still available out of the US, so I have to use Paypal "Classic" APIs.
Using gem 'paypal-sdk-merchant' seems clear to me about how to submit a payment from a credit/debit card.
I can't find any info about the possibility to submit a Direct Payment for a buyer that have a Paypal Account.
if a buyer pays through his Paypal Account:
:payer => {
:payment_method => "paypal" }
if a buyer pays through his credit card:
:payer => {
:payment_method => "credit_card"}
Can I use the Classic API for a live Italian Merchant User?
I'm asking because in PayPal sandbox it seems I can't set a test merchant user with country:IT ... maybe it's a sandbox limitation?
Can I do a direct payment with the Classic API supplying PayPal username/password (for users who have a PayPal account) instead of creditcard data (all other users)?
In short:
Yes, you can set up a merchant sandbox account on Paypal from Italy. You first need to login to Paypal with some real credentials (yours or your customer's), then go to to Paypal developers' page, select applications, then sandbox accounts.
I'm afraid direct payment is not part of the classic APIs, but I suggest you using the Paypal Express method. You can find docs here, and in Italian here.

paypal immediate, chained payment

I have a an application for digital goods which makes use of paypal.
I need to tackle the following scenario:
A buyer (german paypal account) buys an item, the application itself (german paypal account) should receive a fee and another party (german paypal account) should receive money.
So I started using adaptive payments (in rails I do use the active_paypal_adaptive_payment gem), which is working fine.
But as soon as the buyer is located in the us (paypal sandbox account for us seller) I have an unverified checking account. Consequently the payment remains pending until the receiver accepts the payment.
But this is not wanted, since I want to accept only payments which can be processed right away.
So is it possible to use paypal's immediate payment in conjunction with adaptive payment (preferably the active_merchant gem for reils) ?
