Display loading image and hide it - dart

In my application, when the user clicks on item’s name within one custom element (navigator-element), the item is loaded as another custom element (main-element). This loading can take time depending on the size of the item, as there may be many nested items within it. To let the user know that loading is in process, I want to show a spinner.
Here is how I am currently attempting to achieve this:
In main-element, I have one div which contains the spinner image, and has a hidden?="{{!loading}}" attribute.
When the user clicks an item’s name in the navigator-element, the variable bool loading is turned to true, and when loading is done and all nested custom elements have been attached, the application turns loading to false.
However, the spinner div never gets displayed, even though the loading does change to true and then to false, correctly. It seems that Polymer is suppressing intermediate UI changes until all are complete
If I include a button, clicking on which toggles the value of loading, the change are displayed correctly.
I also removed all unresolved attributes from everywhere in my application to see if it matters, however it made no difference.
What must I do to display spinner div, when a long duration process is underway?

Most likely you can fix this by just waiting one animation frame between setting loading = true, and doing the more expensive operation. If you do it all at once the browser won't render anything new until all your work is done because you are blocking the ui thread.


Using Tampermonkey to give focus to cross-origin iframe

There's a web page where I'm trying to use Tampermonkey to give focus to an element in an iframe which is cross-origin to the top document. Copious use of console.log() tells me that my script is executing, getting the proper element, and calling focus() or click() on it, but the component isn't scrolling when I press space; I have to manually click on the element for it to scroll from keyboard input (the page is otherwise responding to keyboard input just fine). I used "inspect" on the element I want and then entered $0 into the console to make sure that I referring to the correct element in my script. I even have my Tampermonkey script use the setTimeout() trick, with a timeout of 1 second, but that's of no help.
A few other things of note:
While the page is loading I can scroll up and down using the arrow keys, but as soon as it finishes loading it won't respond to those keys again until I click the element with my mouse.
If I click on the element, press Tab to give focus to the next element, then press Shift-Tab to cycle backwards,
the result is that there's that thin blue outline around my desired element, seeming to indicate that it has focus, yet pressing space or the arrow keys won't scroll it.
I'm using Chrome 68.0.3440.106
EDIT: The pages in question are rented books from VitalSource viewed with their in-browser book viewer. Unless you already have a book with them that's currently valid you won't be able to view the problem pages.

How to reload parent view in Vaadin without table reseting sort order

I'm using PagedFilterTable in Vaadin to manage pagination. When loading default page, I have set something like this - and I include sorting by some field:
if(this.sortField != null){
table.setColumnWidth(this.sortField, 80);
So that happens when the page is loaded and that is fine. After I submit new entry (entries are being added through new, popup window), table gets new row, but the table loses it's sort order in view after popup closes, so sorting is no longer keeped. Problem is I do not know how to get to that table element from that popup window and set sorting again. Why table is being updated and I see it, and sort doesen't? Problem is bigger because I have both windows in separate files and seems to me I can't grab table element easily without modifiying the logic because I am in another window.
How to reload table so that the sort stays same?
I managed to do this after submit:
With that it works, but I am not satisfied. After that line of code, everything reloads again (meaning all queries execute again). Result is good but I don't want after submit whole reloading of page happens (also because none of my other buttons do reload). So I would like only to reload table in parent window.
How can I grab table object from outside window and for example set it's change to immediate and correct change?
Something like this I suppose needs to be written:
Or better question, how to manage to table sort remains the same after inserting new entry through new window?
I managed to solve it. On the parent window in the windowCloseListener I just added:
myTable.sortTable(); // my custom method that was Invoked on the page load too

Dojo Tabs - Populating w/ HTML/JS & Anchor links

I'm developing a web application that is making use of tabs. I've run one issue that seems small, but I haven't been able to locate a solution and I'm worried it is indicative of larger problems with my code.
My application has one main page that includes a tab container with several content panes then inserted as children. I figured that having each content pane load an external HTML file and loading it that way was a good solution - it seemed to provide modular design and allow for easy changing of the contents of an individual tab. The issue I am running into now is that while everything loads correctly, I'm unable to provide anchor links in inside a tab or between tabs. Here is some sample code:
var tabs = new TabContainer({
style: "height: 100%; width: 100%;"
}, "tab-container");
var metadata = new ContentPane({
title: "Metadata",
id: "Metadata"
/* repeat for the non-metadata content panes */
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
/* repeat for each pane */
For my metadata page I want it to contain information about the datasets I am providing to users. Ideally, it would have a table of contents with anchor links to the proper entries. However, when I implement an anchor link, like so:
Click me to jump down the page!
<!-- some content here -->
<div id="test">We made it!</div>
The link is clickable and it does in fact bring you to the proper location, but it seems to invariably load this in a new frame that requires a user to reload the page if they wish to do anything else. I've tried playing with tag properties but it's been to no avail. I'm also hoping to be able to link between tabs (say, if a user is querying on one of the query pages I have presented them and then wants to know where a dataset came from or other information).
Here is a simple imgur album showing what happens: http://imgur.com/a/JCnlH
After clicking the link in the first image, you're sent down the page. However, the tab bar and the navigation bar of the page disappear completely, even when you scroll back up. I don't know why this is.
So, this has been a long question, but here is the core of it:
What am I doing wrong with anchor links?
To answer your first question:
You should put all JavaScript inside your main page, not inside partials. This is not considered a best practice with JavaScript because it means you will have to eval() the content and usually when you start doing that when you don't need to, then you're doing something wrong.
In this case you can easily add all JavaScript code to the main page. If you need to wait for a specific tab to be opened or loaded, you can use the onShow or onLoad events on the dijit/layout/ContentPane widgets.
Also, when you're using ContentPane you should use the proper setters for adding content/HTML to it.
Rather than doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
dojo.byId("Splash").innerHTML = results;
You should be doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
Or if you don't have a reference anymore to the splash variable, you should be using registry.byId("splash").set("content", results).
About the hyperlinks, I have no idea. I'm not getting the same behavior, so could you explain a bit further on that?
Here's a (as far as I can see) working example: http://jsfiddle.net/n4515tsz/
In my case, this behavior seems to be caused by interaction of the overflow: hidden CSS property of my website's body interacting with the height: 100% property of my tab container. I didn't realize that the overflow: hidden property was set because it was part of a framework I was using. By changing the overflow property I have been able to achieve the desired behavior.

jQuery UI droppable problem

I have a script that uses jQuery UI's graggable and droppable functionality.
Items are dragged from left panel into main area and dropped.
There are two scenarios:
Items are dropped into other boxes, preset on page load or can be dropped into main area to create a new box. The items can be moved between the boxes. Everything works fine with this setup.
In second scenario there are no preset boxes in main area. They are supposed to be created whn an item is dragged and dropped from the left panel. However, for some reason it only allows me to create one box. Here's an example.
My level of UI proficiency is not high enough to spot what the problem is.
Your problem is that in this code:
$.when(createEmptyStack()).then(function(data) { ... }
data is always "" meaning that you're attempting to add a new element to the page with the same id over and over again (your AJAX request to createEmptyStack is not returning anything in the response). This is why it works fine the first time; the id doesn't exist and so the code works as expected.
When you drag another item into the main area, the element may be successfully appended, but it has a duplicate id. This code:
(in the same block as the code above)
Is always called with the draggable object and just STACK as the newstackId.
In short, this is a problem with your server-side code not returning a stack id. According to Firebug, your AJAX request isn't returning anything at all.

Initialize content of a jQuery remote tab on initial page load

I'm using the jQuery tabs library to create a set of remote (i.e., ajax loaded) tabs.
However, to avoid the initial page load being empty until the ajax request finishes, I'd like to include the content for the initial tab with the initial page download.
I've got this generally working by providing a div in the initial page load that matches the title of the tab, but even though this content appears immediately, as soon as I initialize the tabs it does the ajax request IN ADDITION which is both wasteful and causes a flicker. My basic question is how can I get jQuery tabs to NOT do an ajax request for the initially selected tab, and get this content as part of the initial page load, while still loading the other tabs dynamically.
The complication is that I can't hard code the ids/hrefs for which tab is the "initial" one since the initial tab will change based on available content.
I'm sure there is some kind of hacky way to do this with javascript rewriting the URLs of tabs dynamically before I initialize the tabs but I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
Any ideas?
Are you using a specific tab control to do this? It's pretty dependent on how your tabs are implemented...
If you want the data to be included without a delayed load, you will have to include it server side.
Give me some more details and I'll see what I can do!
The best way to do it is using server side implementation to add the starting text. In the JQuery documentation the default text it is not loaded through AJAX.
I'm not sure exactly what you are doing but if that is not your case, then a simple boolean "hack" could be used like this:
var initial=true;
Then, in your tabs code:
select: function(event, ui) { if(initial) { initial=false; return false; }
This will prevent to execute the ajax call the very first time.
There's an option called "spinner" which holds the text, gif-animation or whatever to be displayed.
$( ".selector" ).tabs( { spinner: 'Retrieving data...' } );
