Lucene full-text index: all indexed nodes with same score? - neo4j

I have been trying solving this issue since days.
I want to do a START query against full-text, ordered by relevance, so to paginate results.
Gladly, I finally found this thread on full-text indexing and neo (and using python as driver).
I had imported my db with batch super-importer, and got a reply of #Michaelhunger who kindly noticed there was a bug, all scores would had been imported the same value.
So, now I am recreating the index, and checking the score via REST (&order=score)
and noticed that entries have still the same score.
(You've got to do an ajax query to see it cause if you use the web console you won't see all data!!)
My code to recreate a full-text lucene index, having each node property 'name':
(here using neo4j-rest-client, but I will try also with py2neo as in the Google discussion):
from neo4jrestclient.client import GraphDatabase
gdb = GraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
myIndex = gdb.nodes.indexes.create("myIndex", type="fulltext", provider="lucene")
data Object {id: 17062920, name: "DNA damage theory of aging"}
VM995:10 **score 11.097855567932129**
data Object {id: 17022698, name: "DNA (film)"}
VM995:10 **score 11.097855567932129**
In the documentation:
it is written that Lucene does the sorting itself very well, so I understood it creates a ranking by itself in import; it does not.
What am I doing wrong or missing?

I believe the issue you are seeing is related to a combination of the text you are indexing, the query term(s) and as Michael Hunger pointed out the current lucene configuration in Neo4j which has OMITNORMS=true. With this setting a lucene query, as in your posted examples, where there is text of different size but the query term appears once in each document often results in the same lucene relevancy score. The reason is that the size/length of the document being indexed (field length normalization) is NOT taken into account when OMITNORMS is true.
Looking at your examples it is not clear what your expected results are. For example, are you expecting documents with shorter text to appear first?
In my own experience using lucene and Neo4j I have seen many instances where the relevancy scores being returned are different across different queries.

The goal of my question is to obtain a list of results ordered by relevance of nodes' names matching the queried keywords.
#mfkilgore point out this work-around:
start n=node:topic('name:(keyword1* AND keyword2*)') MATCH (n) with n order by length(split(," ")) asc limit 20 return n
This workaround counts the chars in a node's name, and then order by length of string.


Why Neo4j index not working with order by?

why neo4j order by is very slow for large database :(
here is the example query:
and in result it's read all records but i already used index on name property.
here is the result
Click here to see results
it reads all nodes, it's real mess for large number of records.
any solution for this?
or neo4j is not good choice too for us :(
and any way to get last record from nodes?
Your question and problem are not very clear.
1) Are you sure that you added the index correctly?
In the Neo4j browser execute :schema to see all your indexes.
2) How many Items does your database hold and what running time are you expecting and achieving?
3) What do you mean by 'last record from nodes'?
Indexes are currently only used to find entry points into the graph, but not for other uses including ordering of results.
Indexed-backed ORDER BY operations have been a highly requested feature for awhile, and while we've been tracking and ordering its priority, we've had several other features that took priority over this work.
I believe indexed-backed ORDER BY operations are currently scheduled very soon, for our 3.5 release coming in the last few months of 2018.

Neo4j Recommendation Cypher Query Optimization

I am using Neo4j community edition embedded in java application for recommendation purpose. I made a custom function which contains a complex logic of comparing two entities, namely product and users. Both entities are present as nodes in graph and has more than 20 properties each for comparison purpose. For eg. I am calling this function in following format:
match (e:User {user_id:"some-id"}) with e
match (f:Product {product_id:"some-id"}) with e,f
return e,f,findComparisonValue(e,f) as pref_value;
This function call on an average takes about 4-5 ms to run. Now, to recommend best product to a particular user, I wrote a cypher query which iterates over all products, calculate the pref_value and rank them. My cypher query looks like this:
MATCH (source:User) WHERE id(source)={id} with source
MATCH (reco:Product) WHERE reco.is_active='t'
with reco, source, findComparisonValue(source, reco) as score_result
RETURN distinct reco, score_result.score as score, score_result.params as params, score_result.matched_keywords as matched_keywords
order by score desc
Some insights on graph structure:
Total Number of nodes: 2 million
Total Number of relationships: 20 million
Total Number of Users: 0.2 million
Total Number of Products: 1.8 million
The above cypher query is taking more than 10 seconds as it is iterating over all the products. On top of this cypher query, I am using graphaware-reco module for my recommendation needs (Using precompute, filteing, post processing etc). I thought of parallelising this but community edition does not support clustering. Now, as number of users in system is increasing day by day, I need to think of a scalable solution.
Can anyone help me out here, on how to optimize the query.
As others have commented, doing a significant calculation potentially millions of times in a single query is going to be slow, and does not take advantage of neo4j's strengths. You should investigate modifying your data model and calculation so that you can leverage relationships and/or indexes.
In the meantime, there are a number of things to suggest with your second query:
Make sure you have created an index for :Product(is_active), so that it is not necessary to scan all products. (By the way, if that property is actually supposed to be a boolean, then consider making it a boolean rather than a string.)
The RETURN clause should not need the DISTINCT operator, since all the result rows should be distinct anyway. This is because every reco value is already distinct. Removing that keyword should improve performance.

Search queries in neo4j: how to sort results in neo4j in START query with internal TFIDF / levenshtein or other algorithms?

I am working on a model using wikipedia topics' names for my experiments in full-text index.
I set up and index on 'topic' (legacy), and do a full text search for : 'united states':
start n=node:topic('name:(united states)') return n
The first results are not relevant at all:
'List of United States National Historic Landmarks in United States commonwealths and territories, associated states, and foreign states'
and the actual 'united states' is buried deep down the list.
As such, it raises the problem that, in order to find the best match (e.g. levershtein, bi-gram, and so on algorithms) on results, you first must fetch all the items matching the pattern.
That would be a serious constraint, cause just in this case I have 21K rows, ~4 seconds.
Which algorithms does neo4j use to order the results of a full-text search (START)?
Which rationale does it use to sort result and how to change it using cypher?
In the doc is written to use JAVA api to apply sort() - it would be very useful to have a tutorial for appointing to which files to modify and also to know which ranking rationale is used before any tweak.
EDITED based on comments below - pagination of results is possible as:
n=node:topic('name:(united states)') return n skip 10 limit 50;
(skip before limit) but I need to ensure first results are meaningful before pagination.
I don't know which order algorithms does lucene use to order the results.
However, about the pagination, if you change the order of limit and skip like follows, should be ok.
start n=node:topic('name:(united states)') return n skip 10 limit 50 ;
I would also add that if you are performing full-text search maybe a solution like solr is more appropriate.
For just a lucene index lookup with scoring you might be better off with this:

Solr join and non-Join queries give different results

I am trying to link two types of documents in my Solr index. The parent is named "house" and the child is named "available". So, I want to return a list of houses that have available documents with some filtering. However, the following query gives me around 18 documents, which is wrong. It should return 0 documents.
&fq={!join from=house_id_fk to=house_id}doctype:available AND discount:[1 TO *] AND start_date:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY%2B21DAYS]
&fq={!join from=house_id_fk to=house_id}doctype:available AND sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11
To debug it, I tried first to check whether there is any available documents with the given filter queries. So, I tried the following query:
&fq=doctype:available AND discount:[1 TO *] AND start_date:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY%2B21DAYS]
&fq=doctype:available AND sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11
The query gives 0 results, which is correct. So as you can see both queries are the same, the different is using the join query parser. I am a bit confused, why the first query gives results. My understanding is that this should not happen because the second query shows that there is no any available documents that satisfy the given filter queries.
I have figured it out.
The reason is simply the type of join in Solr. It is an outer join. Since both filter queries are executed separately, a house that has available documents with discount > 1 or (sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11) will be returned even though my intention was applying bother conditions at the same time.
However, in the second case, both conditions are applied at same time to find available documents, then houses based on the matching available documents are returned. Since there is no any available document that satisfies both conditions, then there is no any matching house which gives zero results.
It really took sometime to figure this out, I hope this will help someone else.

Neo4j 2.0: Indexing array-valued properties with schema indexing

I have nodes with multiple "sourceIds" in one array-valued property called "sourceIds", just because there could be multiple resources a node could be derived from (I'm assembling multiple databases into one Neo4j model).
I want to be able to look up nodes by any of their source IDs. With legacy indexing this was no problem, I would just add a node to the index associated with each element of the sourceIds property array.
Now I wanted to switch to indexing with labels and I'm wondering how that kind of index works here. I can do
CREATE INDEX ON :<label>(sourceIds)
but what does that actually do? I hoped it would just create index entries for each array element, but that doesn't seem to be the case. With
MATCH n:<label> WHERE "testid" in n.sourceIds RETURN n
the query takes between 300ms and 500ms which is too long for an index lookup (other schema indexes work three to five times faster). With
MATCH n:<label> WHERE n.sourceIds="testid" RETURN n
I don't get a result. That's clear because it's an array property but I just gave it a try since it would make sense if array properties would be broken down to their elements for indexing purposes.
So, is there a way to handle array properties with schema indexing or are there plans or will I just have to stick to legacy indexing here? My problem with the legacy Lucene index was that I hit the max number of boolean clauses (1024). Another question thus would be: Can I raise this number? Lucene allows that, but can I do this with the Lucene index used by Neo4j?
Thanks and best regards!
Edit: A bit more elaboration on why I hit the boolean clauses max limit: I need to export specific parts of the database into custom file formats for text processing pipelines. These pipelines use components I cannot (be it for the sake of accessibility or time) change to query Neo4j directly, so I'd rather stay with the defined required file format(s). I do the export via the pattern "give me all IDs in the DB; now, for batches of IDs, query the desired information (e.g. specific paths) from Neo4j and store the results to file". Why I use batches at all? Well, if I don't, things are slowed down significantly via the connection overhead. Thus, large batches are a kind of optimization here.
Schema indexes can only do exact matches right now. Your "testid" in n.sourceIds does not use the index (as shown by your query times). I think there are plans to make this behave better, but I'm waiting for them just as eagerly as you are.
I've actually hit a lower max in the lucene query: 512. If there is a way to increase it I'd love to hear of it. The way I got around it is just doing more than one query if I have one of the rare cases that actually goes over 512 ids. What query are you doing where you need more?
