Async App Server versus Multiple Blocking Servers - ruby-on-rails

tl;dr Many Rails apps or one Vertx/Play! app?
I've been having discussions with other members of my team on the pros and cons of using an async app server such as the Play! Framework (built on Netty) versus spinning up multiple instances of a Rails app server.
I know that Netty is asynchronous/non-blocking, meaning during a database query, network request, or something similar an async call will allow the event loop thread to switch from the blocked request to another request ready to be processed/served. This will keep the CPUs busy instead of blocking and waiting.
I'm arguing in favor or using something such as the Play! Framework or, something that is non-blocking... Scalable. My team members, on the other hand, are saying that you can get the same benefit by using multiple instances of a Rails app, which out of the box only comes with one thread and doesn't have true concurrency as do apps on the JVM. They are saying just use enough app instances to match the performance of one Play! application (or however many Play! apps we use), and when a Rails app blocks the OS will switch processes to a different Rails app. In the end, they are saying that the CPUs will be doing the same amount of work and we will get the same performance.
So here are my questions:
Are there any logical fallacies in the arguments above? Would the OS manage the Rails app instances as well as Netty (which also runs on the JVM, which maps threads to cores very well) manages requests in its event loop?
Would the OS be as performant in switching on blocking calls as would something like Netty or Vertx, or even something built on Ruby's own EventMachine?
With enough Rails app instances to match the performance Play! apps, would there be a cost noticeable cost difference in running the servers? If there are no cost difference it wouldn't really matter what method is used, in my opinion. Shoot if it was cheaper financially to run up a million Rails apps than one Play! app I would rather do that.
What are some other benefits to using either of these approaches that I may be failing to ask about?

Both approaches can and have worked. So if switching would incur a high development cost and/or schedule hit then it's probably not worth the effort...yet. Make the switch when the costs become unacceptably high. Think of using microservices as a gradual switching strategy.
If you are early on in your development cycle then making the switch early may make sense. Rewriting is a pain.
Or perhaps you'll never have to switch and rails will work for your use case like a charm. And you've been so successful at making your customers happy that the cash is just rolling in.
Some of the downsides of a blocking single server approach:
Increased memory usage. Sources: multiple processes, memory leaks, lack of shared datastructures (which increases communication costs and brings up consistency issues).
Lack of parallelism. This has two consequences: more boxes and more latency. You'll need potentially a much larger box count to handle the same load. So if you need to scale and have money concerns then this can be a problem. If it isn't a concern then it doesn't matter. In the server it means increased latency, the sort of latency which can't be improved by multiplying processes, which may be a killer argument depending on your app.
Some examples of those who had made such a switch from rails to node.js and golang:
LinkedIn Moved From Rails To Node: 27 Servers Cut And Up To 20x Faster :
Why Timehop Chose Go to Replace Our Rails App :
How We Moved Our API From Ruby to Go and Saved Our Sanity :
How We Went from 30 Servers to 2: Go :
These posts represent arguments that are probably illustrative of what your group is going through. The decision is unfortunately not an obvious one.
It depends on the nature of what you are building, the nature of your team, the nature of resources, the nature of your skills, the nature of your goals and how you value all the different tradeoffs.
Would costs really drop? Isn't the same amount of computation done no matter the number of servers?
Depends on the type and scale of the work being done. Typically web services are IO bound, waiting on responses from other services like databases, caches, etc.
If you are using a single threaded server the process is blocked on IO a lot so it is doing nothing a lot. In contrast the nonblocking server will be able to handle many many requests while the single threaded server is blocked. You can keep adding processes, but there are only so many processes a single machine can run. A nonblocking server can have the same number of processes while keeping the CPU busy as possible handling requests. It's often possible to handle higher loads on smaller cheaper machines when using nonblocking servers.
If your expected request rate can be handled by an acceptable number of boxes and you don't expect huge spikes then you would be fine with single threaded servers. Nonblocking servers are great at soaking up load spikes without necessarily having to add machines.
If your work is such that response latencies don't really matter then you can get by with fewer nodes.
If your workload is CPU bound then you'll need more boxes anyway because there won't be the same opportunity for parallelism because the servers won't be blocking on IO.


What makes erlang scalable?

I am working on an article describing fundamentals of technologies used by scalable systems. I have worked on Erlang before in a self-learning excercise. I have gone through several articles but have not been able to answer the following questions:
What is in the implementation of Erlang that makes it scalable? What makes it able to run concurrent processes more efficiently than technologies like Java?
What is the relation between functional programming and parallelization? With the declarative syntax of Erlang, do we achieve run-time efficiency?
Does process state not make it heavy? If we have thousands of concurrent users and spawn and equal number of processes as gen_server or any other equivalent pattern, each process would maintain a state. With so many processes, will it not be a drain on the RAM?
If a process has to make DB operations and we spawn multiple instances of that process, eventually the DB will become a bottleneck. This happens even if we use traditional models like Apache-PHP. Almost every business application needs DB access. What then do we gain from using Erlang?
How does process restart help? A process crashes when something is wrong in its logic or in the data. OTP allows you to restart a process. If the logic or data does not change, why would the process not crash again and keep crashing always?
Most articles sing praises about Erlang citing its use in Facebook and Whatsapp. I salute Erlang for being scalable, but also want to technically justify its scalability.
Even if I find answers to these queries on an existing link, that will help.
It's unmutable. You have no variables, only terms, tuples and atoms. Program execution can be divided by breakpoint at any place. Fully transactional model.
Processes are even lightweight than .NET threads and isolated.
It's made for communications. Millions of connections? Fully asynchronous? Maximum thread safety? Big cross-platform environment, which built only for one purpose — scale&communicate? It's all Ericsson language — first in this sphere.
You can choose some impersonators like F#, Scala/Akka, Haskell — they are trying to copy features from Erlang, but only Erlang born from and born for only one purpose — telecom.
Answers to other questions you can find on and I'm suggesting you to visit handbook. Erlang built for other aims, so it's not for every task, and if you asking about awful things like php, Erlang will not be your language.
I'm no Erlang developer (yet) but from what I have read about it some of the features that makes it very scalable is that Erlang has its own lightweight processes that are using message passing to communicate with each other. Because of this there is no such thing as shared state and locking which is the case when using for example a multi threaded Java application.
Another difference compared to Java is that the Erlang VM does garbage collection on every little process that is running which does not take any time at all compared to Java which does garbage collection only per VM.
If you get problem with bottlenecks from database connection you could start by using a database pooling app running against maybe a replicated PostgreSQL cluster or if you still have bottlenecks use a multi replicated NoSQL setup with Mnesia, Riak or CouchDB.
I think process restarts can be very useful when you are experiencing rare bugs that only appear randomly and only when specific criteria is fulfilled. Bugs that cause the application to crash as soon as you restart the app should optimally be fixed or taken care of with a circuit breaker so that it does not spread further.
Here is one way process restart helps. By not having to deal with all possible error cases. Say you have a program that divides numbers. Some guy enters a zero to divide by. Instead of checking for that possible error (and tons more), just code the "happy case" and let process crash when he enters 3/0. It just restarts, and he can figure out what he did wrong.
You an extend this into an infinite number of situations (attempting to read from a non-existent file because the user misspelled it, etc).
The big reason for process restart being valuable is that not every error happens every time, and checking that it worked is verbose.
Error handling is verbose typically, so writing it interspersed with the logic handling doing a task can make it harder to understand the code. Moving that logic outside of the task allows you to more clearly distinguish between "doing things" code, and "it broke" code. You just let the thing that had a problem fail, and handle it as needed by a supervising party.
Since most errors don't mean that the entire program must stop, only that that particular thing isn't working right, by just restarting the part that broke, you can keep operating in a state of degraded functionality, instead of being down, while you repair the problem.
It should also be noted that the failure recovery is bounded. You have to lay out the limits for how much failure in a certain period of time is too much. If you exceed that limit, the failure propagates to another level of supervision. Each restart includes doing any needed process initialization, which is sometimes enough to fix the problem. For example, in dev, I've accidentally deleted a database file associated with a process. The crashes cascaded up to the level where the file was first created, at which point the problem rectified itself, and everything carried on.

Erlang OTP based application - architecture ideas

I'm trying to write an Erlang application (OTP) that would parse a list of users and then launch workers that will work 24X7 to collect user-data (using three different APIs) from remote servers and store it in ets.
What would be the ideal architecture for this kind of application. Do I launch a bunch of workers - one for each user (assuming small number users)? What will happen if number of users increases very rapidly?
Also, to call different APIs I need to put up a Timer mechanism in the worker process.
Any hint will be really appreciated.
Spawning new process for each user is not a such bad idea. There are http servers that do this for each connection, and they doing quite fine.
First of all cost of creating new process is minimal. And cost of maintaining processes is even smaller. If one of the has nothing to do, it won't do anything; there is none (almost) runtime overhead from inactive processes, which in the end means that you are doing only the work you have to do (this is in fact the source of Erlang systems reactivity).
Some issue might be memory usage. Each process has it's own memory stack, and in use-case when they actually do not need to store any internal data, you might be allocating some unnecessary memory. But this also could be modified (even during runtime), and in most cases such memory will be garbage collected.
Actually I would not worry about such things too soon. Issues you might encounter might depend on many things, mostly amount of outside data or user activity, and you can not really design this. Most probably you won't encounter any of them for quite some time. There's no need for premature optimization, especially if you could bind yourself to design that would slow down rest of your development process. In Erlang, with processes being main source of abstraction you can easily swap this process-per-user with pool-of-workers, and ets with external service. But only if you really need it.
What's most important is fact that representing "user" as process would be closest to problem domain. "Users" are independent entities, and deserve separate processes (they have their own state, and they can act or react independent to each other). It is quite similar to using Objects and Classes in other languages (it is over-simplification, but it should get you going).
If you were writing this in Python or C++ would you worry about how many objects you were creating? Only in extreme cases. In Erlang the same general rule applies for processes. Don't worry about how many you are creating.
As for architecture, the only element that is an architectural issue in your question is whether you should design a fixed worker pool or a 1-for-1 worker pool. The shape of the supervision tree would be an outcome of whichever way you choose.
If you are scraping data your real bottleneck isn't going to be how many processes you have, it will be how many network requests you are able to make per second on each API you are trying to access. You will almost certainly get throttled.
(A few months ago I wrote a test demonstration of a very similar system to what you are describing. The limiting factor was API request limits from providers like fb, YouTube, g+, Yahoo, not number of processes.)
As always with Erlang, write some system first, and then benchmark it for real before worrying about performance. You will usually find that performance isn't an issue, and the times that it is you will discover that it is much easier to optimize one small part of an existing system than to design an optimized system from scratch. So just go for it and write something that basically does what you want right now, and worry about optimization tweaks after you have something that basically does what you want. After getting some concrete performance data (memory, request latency, etc.) is the time to start thinking about performance.
Your problem will almost certainly be on the API providers' side or your network latency, not congestion within the Erlang VM.

Concurrent SOAP api requests taking collectively longer time

I'm using savon gem to interact with a soap api. I'm trying to send three parallel request to the api using parallel gem. Normally each request takes around 13 seconds to complete so for three requests it takes around 39 seconds. After using parallel gem and sending three parallel requests using 3 threads it takes around 23 seconds to complete all three requests which is really nice but I'm not able to figure out why its not completing it in like 14-15 seconds. I really need to lower the total time as it directly affects the response time of my website. Any ideas on why it is happening? Are network requests blocking in nature?
I'm sending the requests as follows["GDSSpecialReturn", "Normal", "LCCSpecialReturn"], :in_threads => 3){ |promo_plan| self.search_request(promo_plan) }
I tried using multiple processes also but no use.
I have 2 theories:
Part of the work load can't run in parallel, so you don't see 3x speedup, but a bit less than that. It's very rare to see multithreaded tasks speedup 100% proportionally to the number of CPUs used, because there are always a few bits that have to run one at a time. See Amdahl's Law, which provides equations to describe this, and states that:
The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel computing is limited by the time needed for the sequential fraction of the program
Disk I/O is involved, and this runs slower in parallel because of disk seek time, limiting the IO per second. Remember that unless you're on an SSD, the disk has to make part of a physical rotation every time you look for something different on it. With 3 requests at once, the disk is skipping repeatedly over the disk to try to fulfill I/O requests in 3 different places. This is why random I/O on hard drives is much slower than sequential I/O. Even on an SSD, random I/O can be a bit slower, especially if small-block read-write is involved.
I think option 2 is the culprit if you're running your database on the same system. The problem is that when the SOAP calls hit the DB, it gets hit on both of these factors. Even blazing-fast 15000 RPM server hard drives can only manage ~200 IO operations per second. SSDs will do 10,000-100,000+ IO/s. See figures on Wikipedia for ballparks. Though, most databases do some clever memory caching to mitigate the problems.
A clever way to test if it's factor 2 is to run an H2 Database in-memory DB and test SOAP calls using this. They'll complete much faster, probably, and you should see similar execution time for 1,3, or $CPU-COUNT requests at once.
That's actually is big question, it depends on many factors.
1. Ruby language implementation
It could be different between MRI, Rubinus, JRuby. Tho I am not sure if the parallel gem
support Rubinus and JRuby.
2. Your Machine
How many CPU cores do you have in your machine, you can leverage this using parallel process? Have you tried using process do this if you have multiple cores?["GDSSpecialReturn", "Normal", "LCCSpecialReturn"]){ |promo_plan| self.search_request(promo_plan) } # by default it will use [number] of processes if you have [number] of CPUs
3. What happened underline self.search_request?
If you running this in MRI env, cause the GIL, it actually running your code not concurrently. Or put it precisely, the IO call won't block(MRI implementation), so only the network call part will be running concurrently, but not all others. That's why I am interesting about what other works you did inside self.search_request, cause that would have impact on the overall performance.
So I recommend you can test your code in different environments and different machines(it could be different between your local machine and the real production machine, so please do try tune and benchmark) to get the best result.
Btw, if you want to know more about the threads/process in ruby, highly recommend Jesse Storimer's Working with ruby threads, he did a pretty good job explaining all this things.
Hope it helps, thanks.

Unicorn CPU usage spiking during load tests, ways to optimize

I am interested in ways to optimize my Unicorn setup for my Ruby on Rails 3.1.3 app. I'm currently spawning 14 worker processes on High-CPU Extra Large Instance since my application appears to be CPU bound during load tests. At about 20 requests per second replaying requests on a simulation load tests, all 8 cores on my instance get peaked out, and the box load spikes up to 7-8. Each unicorn instance is utilizing about 56-60% CPU.
I'm curious what are ways that I can optimize this? I'd like to be able to funnel more requests per second onto an instance of this size. Memory is completely fine as is all other I/O. CPU is getting tanked during my tests.
If you are CPU bound you want to use no more unicorn processes than you have cores, otherwise you overload the system and slow down the scheduler. You can test this on a dev box using ab. You will notice that 2 unicorns will outperform 20 (number depends on cores, but the concept will hold true).
The exception to this rule is if your IO bound. In which case add as many unicorns as memory can hold.
A good performance trick is to route IO bound requests to a different app server hosting many unicorns. For example, if you have a request that uses a slow sql query, or your waiting on an external request, such as a credit card transaction. If using nginx, define an upstream server for the IO bound requests, forward those urls to a box with 40 unicorns. CPU bound or really fast requests, forward to a box with 8 unicorns (you stated you have 8 cores, but on aws you might want to try 4-6 as their schedulers are hypervised and already very busy).
Also, I'm not sure you can count on aws giving you reliable CPU usage, as your getting a percentage of an obscure percentage.
First off, you probably don't want instances at 45-60% cpu. In that case, if you get a traffic spike, all of your instances will choke.
Next, 14 Unicorn instances seems large. Unicorn does not use threading. Rather, each process runs with a single thread. Unicorn's master process will only select a thread if it is able to handle it. Because of this, the number of cores isn't a metric you should use to measure performance with Unicorn.
A more conservative setup may use 4 or so Unicorn processes per instance, responding to maybe 5-8 requests per second. Then, adjust the number of instances until your CPU use is around 35%. This will ensure stability under the stressful '20 requests per second scenario.'
Lastly, you can get more gritty stats and details by using God.
For a high CPU extra large instance, 20 requests per second is very low. It is likely there is an issue with the code. A unicorn-specific problem seems less likely. If you are in doubt, you could try a different app server and confirm it still happens.
In this scenario, questions I'd be thinking about...
1 - Are you doing something CPU intensive in code--maybe something that should really be in the database. For example, if you are bringing back a large recordset and looping through it in ruby/rails to sort it or do some other operation, that would explain a CPU bottleneck at this level as opposed to within the database. The recommendation in this case is to revamp the query to do more and take the burden off of rails. For example, if you are sorting the result set in your controller, rather than through sql, that would cause an issue like this.
2 - Are you doing anything unusual compared to a vanilla crud app, like accessing a shared resource, or anything where contention could be an issue?
3 - Do you have any loops that might burn CPU, especially if there was contention for a resource?
4 - Try unhooking various parts of the controller logic in question. For example, how well does it scale if you hack your code to just return a static hello world response instead? I bet suddenly unicorn will be blazlingly fast. Then try adding back in parts of your code until you discover the source of the slowness.

Practical Queuing Theory

I want to learn enough simple/practical queuing theory to model the behavior of a standard web application stack: Load balancer with multiple application server backends.
Given a simple traffic pattern extracted from a tool like NewRelic showing percentage of traffic to a given part of an application and average response time for that part of the application, I think I should be able to model different queueing behaviors with loadbalancer configuration, number of app servers, and queuing models.
Can anyone help point me to queuing theory introductory/fundamentals I would need to represent this system mathematically? I'm embarrassed to say I knew how to do this as an undergrad but have since forgotten all of the fundamentals.
My goal is to model different load-balancer and app-server queuing models and measure the results.
For example, it seems clear an N-mongrel Ruby on Rails application stack will have worse latency/wait time with a queue on each Mongrel than a Unicorn/Passenger system with a single queue for each group of app workers.
I can't point you at theory, but there are a few basic methods in popular usage:
Blind (linear or weighted) round-robining - requests are cycled through n servers, maybe according to some weighting. Each backend maintains a request queue. A slow-running request backs up that worker's request queue. A worker that stops returning results is eventually dropped out of the balancer pool, with all requests currently queued on it getting dropped. This is common for haproxy/nginx balancing setups.
Global pooling - a master queue maintains a list of requests, and workers report when they are free to accept a new request. The master hands off the front of the queue to the available worker. If a worker goes down, only the currently-being-handled request is lost. Results in slightly diminished performance under ideal circumstances (all workers up and returning requests quickly), since communication between queue master and backends is prerequisite to a job actually being handed off, but with the benefit of naturally avoiding slow, dead, or stalled workers. Passenger uses this balancing algorithm by default, and haproxy uses uses a variant on it with its "leastconn" balancing algorithm.
Hashed balancing - some component of the request is hashed, and the resulting hash determines which backend to use. memcached uses this sort of strategy for sharded setups. The downside is that if your cluster configuration changes, all the previous hashes become invalid, and may map to different backends than before. In the case of memcached specifically, this results in a likely invalidation of most or all of your cached data (reddit suffered some massive performance problems recently due to this sort of problem).
Generally speaking, for web apps, I tend to prefer the global pooling method, since it maintains the smoothest user experience when you have slow or dead workers.
