Devise: Create users without password - ruby-on-rails

In our application we have normal users. However, we want to be able to make invitations, to invite certain people. Note that an invitation is directly coupled to a user, as we want to be able to set certain settings for these users already. (We are mitigating clients from our old software to the new).
An admin should be able to create a new user and change its settings.
When someone follows a link with their invitation_token, they should see a form where they can set a password for their account.
What I am having trouble with, is how to enable the admin to create an user account, bypassing the normal password validation. It would be a horrible solution if a default password would need to be set, as this would create a severe security flaw.
How to create a new User in Devise without providing a password?

There are at least two ways to do what you want:
Method 1:
Overload Devise's password_required? method
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :skip_password_validation # virtual attribute to skip password validation while saving
def password_required?
return false if skip_password_validation
#user.skip_password_validation = true
Method 2:
Disable validation with validate: false option: false)
This will skip validation of all fields (not only password). In this case you should make sure that all other fields are valid.
But I advise you to not create users without password in your particular case. I would create some additional table (for example, invitations) and store all required information including the fields that you want to be assigned to a user after confirmation.

user.define_singleton_method(:password_required?) { false }
class MockDeviseUser
def password_required?
class User < MockDeviseUser
def is_password_required?
puts password_required?
unrequired_password_user =
unrequired_password_user.define_singleton_method(:password_required?) { false }
regular_user =

You can now use the DeviseInvitable gem for this.
It allows you to do exactly what you're asking.

If you need to completely overwrite the password requirement just define the following on your model:
def password_required?


Devise - bypass_sign_in without active_for_authentication? callback

I have functionality of inactive account in my application for handling this i override active_for_authentication? method as below
def active_for_authentication?
super && activated?
But In my application super admin can also directly login in to other user account, whether it is active or not active
I used above method for by pass sign in, it allows me to directly sign in only for activated user, when i login for non activated user it goes in infinite loop .
Any solutions to over come this issue or don't run active_for_authentication? callback when bypass_sign_in?
When admin logs in to another user account you can store some additional data in session, that makes it clear that this is the super admin mode.
def login_as(another_user)
return unless current_user.super_admin?
session[:super_admin_mode] = true
Unfortunately, you can't access session in Rails models, but you can store needed session information in some per-request global variable that is available in models. The solution might be like this:
module SessionInfo
def self.super_user_mode?
def self.super_user_mode=(value)
Thread.current[:super_user_mode] = value
In the ApplicationController:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :store_session_info
def store_session_info
SessionInfo.super_user_mode = session[:super_admin_mode]
In the model:
def active_for_authentication?
super && (activated? || SessionInfo.super_user_mode?)
Also, you should make sure that the :super_admin_mode flag is removed from session when the super user logs out. Maybe it happens automatically, I am not sure. Maybe you will need to do it manually overriding Devise::SessionsController#destroy method (see the example below)
def destroy
session[:super_admin_mode] = nil
Also read this for better understanding of how devise handles session Stop Devise from clearing session
I recently came across a similar issue where I needed to allow an Admin to sign in as regular Users who were not active in Devise. I came up with the following solution that doesn't involve using Thread.current (which after looking into further online it seems like using Thread.current could be a precarious solution to this problem).
You can create a subclass of User called ProxyUser that has the active_for_authentication? return true. Something like this:
class ProxyUser < User
# If you have a type column on User then uncomment this line below
# as you dont want to expect ProxyUser to have type 'ProxyUser'
# self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled
devise :database_authenticatable
def active_for_authentication?
Then in the controller you want something like this:
proxy_user = ProxyUser.find(params[:user_id])
sign_in :proxy_user, proxy_user
Also in your routes you will need devise to expect ProxyUser so include:
devise_for :proxy_users
And finally when you sign this user out (assuming you can sign the user out in your controller code) make sure to tell devise the scope of the sign out, so you would do
sign_out :proxy_user
And then finally note that in your app you may be expecting current_user in different places (such as if you use CanCanCan for authorization) and now when you sign in as a proxy_user your app will return current_user as nil. Your app will instead have an object called current_proxy_user that will be your signed-in ProxyUser object. There are many ways to handle the issues resulting from your current_user returning nil in this case (including overwriting current_user in your application controller).

Displaying User Password With Devise Confirmation Page

I'm attempting to display a users password along in his confirmation page sent by the Devise mailer. The confirmation page is the default
You can confirm your account email through the link below:
Confirm my account
However, I wish to have
Your password is currently DASADSADS
You can confirm your account email through the link below:
Confirm my account
How do I access the user object in the view? Do I need to override the mailer controller with a custom one? If so, how do I tell what the methods of the current mailer do (tried looking at documentation but can't find any clues)?
I noticed that #email and #resource are used in the view. Can I use any of these to access the current password in its unhashed form?
Note that I am sending this email manually with user.find(1).send_confirmation_instructions
Although this can be done, I would caution very strongly against doing so. Hashed passwords are specifically used so that the password cannot be recreated easily. Passing the original password back to the user will cause it to be sent back in plain text which sort of defeats the whole purpose. Also, shouldn't the user already know their password (they did type it in twice after all)?!?
To do this, you would need to capture the original (unhashed) password in the registration create action and send the email at that point (passing along the password). You can do this by overriding the sign_up method - you can do this in an initializer:
class Devise::RegistrationsController < DeviseController
def sign_up(resource_name, resource)
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
resource.unhashed_password = resource_params[:password]
Alternatively, you can derive a new controller from Devise::RegistrationsController and put this override code there (the recommended approach - but then again, this whole operation isn't really recommended). You'll need to add the unhashed_password accessor for this to work:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :unhashed_password
And then you can update your confirmation view (at app/views/devise/mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb) to contain this:
<p>Your password is currently <%= #resource.unhashed_password %></p>
Devise save password in encrypted form: You can decrypt it using,
Generate new migration:
$ rails g migration AddLegacyPasswordToUser legacy_password:boolean
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20120508083355_add_legacy_password_to_users.rb
$ rake db:migrate
Using legacy_password method in following code you can decrypt your password:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def valid_password?(password)
if self.legacy_password?
# Use Devise's secure_compare to avoid timing attacks
if Devise.secure_compare(self.encrypted_password, User.legacy_password(password))
self.password = password
self.password_confirmation = password
self.legacy_password = false!
return false
# Put your legacy password hashing method here
def self.legacy_password(password)
return Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{password}-salty-herring");
You can just use request.request_parameters[:user][:password] to get the plain text password on the create or update action.

How can I suppress the assignment of one or more fields in a Ruby-On-Rails mass-assignment?

I'm a bit confused about this mass assignment issue. Here's my question
Say I have a user model with the following attributes:
During an edit, the update method is triggered:
def update
#user = User.find(params[:id])
if #user.update_attributes(params[:user])
In my head it makes sense to protect most, if not all, of these attributes as i wouldn't want the password/email/login to be compromised. So I would do this in the model
attr_accessible :name
So every other attribute, asides from name, wouldn't be able to be mass assigned.
If I do this how would the valid edit form work though? Do I need to assign attributes one by one in the update method = params[:user][:email], etc? Or am I misunderstanding something (probably)?
To be more specific:
Usually you see examples with the admin attribute protected. And it makes sense.
But what about the password or email attributes? Those aren't usually protected. Why wouldn't the password be protected or the email? It could mean that potentially somebody could reset the email and do a password reset or reset the password attribute and gain access to the system, no?
Watch this railscasts
You are thinking about mass assignment security the wrong way. attr_accessbile does not make the password value open to the public (you will use filter_parameter to hide that value).
Think of it this way, you have a user form. You want the user to be able to create an account with a password but you do not want them to be able to add themselves as an admin (they could do this through sql injection or manipulating the POST parameters). To protect against this, you would add :name, :password, :email to attr_accessible and leave out the admin field.
The idea is to filter the params in your controller, as described here.
class PeopleController < ActionController::Base
# This will raise an ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributes exception because it's using mass assignment
# without an explicit permit step.
def create
# This will pass with flying colors as long as there's a person key in the parameters, otherwise
# it'll raise a ActionController::MissingParameter exception, which will get caught by
# ActionController::Base and turned into that 400 Bad Request reply.
def update
redirect_to current_account.people.find(params[:id]).tap do |person|
# Using a private method to encapsulate the permissible parameters is just a good pattern
# since you'll be able to reuse the same permit list between create and update. Also, you
# can specialize this method with per-user checking of permissible attributes.
def person_params
params.required(:person).permit(:name, :age)

User model, attr_accessible and admin

I'm building a simple blog-style application. I really only need admin and non-admin users, so it seems like having a simple column in the user model called admin (boolean) will suffice.
I'm using Devise for authorization right now, and I've got the admin column added. I'm trying to set up my default admin user (myself) in seeds.rb, however admin comes out as false unless I add the admin column to attr_accessible. It seems like this would be a security concern, however, and I don't generally want admin users to be able to be created except by another admin. What's the correct, and safe, way to do this?
You want to handle setting the admin boolean internally. Don't expose it to mass-assignment.
Have your user model automatically default the first user (you) to an admin. Use a before_create method for this...
# models/user.rb
before_create :make_first_user_an_admin
def make_first_user_an_admin
self.admin = self.class.count == 0 # sets true if no users exist, false otherwise
Then use an instance method to set adminship...
# models/user.rb
def toggle_admin
self.admin = !self.admin
guard this method in your controller...
# controllers/users_controller.rb
def change_adminship
if current_user.admin
raise "Can't do that."
You are very correct to leave admin as not attr_accessible, this just disables setting it via mass-assignment. You can still set admin in your seeds by setting it singularly. Example:
user = => 'joe') ...
user.admin = true

Rails 3 with Devise for Authentication - How do I manually create a user?

I would like to manually create new Users, without forcing them to verify their email address.
The idea is to allow existing users to automatically add their friends without requiring their registration. It makes sense for the business case I'm working to solve.
How can this be achieved with Devise?
The skip_confirmation! method is available to any confirmable model.
#user = params[:user]
#user.skip_confirmation! # Sets confirmed_at to, activating the account
The user account will be activated though. If you don't want that, continue reading.
Devise uses conditional callbacks to generate the confirmation token and send the email. The callbacks will be called only if confirmation_required? returns true. Redefine it on your model:
def confirmation_required?
However, this will make the active_for_authentication? method always return true because it takes whether or not confirmation is required into account. We have to redefine that as well:
def active_for_authentication?
confirmed? || confirmation_period_valid?
This way, the account will stay inactive and no confirmation email will be sent. You will have to manually activate the user by calling confirm! on the record or just setting confirmed_at to any date.
It's quite a hack, but it should work.
For reference: confirmable.rb
I just want to add for future reference that since Devise 2.2 there is now a skip_confirmation_notification! method available as well which basically does everything from Matheus' post without redefining the methods in the model.
