Adding funcs, and triggers to test db - ruby-on-rails

I have some custom functions and triggers, that were run as migrations and added into dev db. However when i run my tests - it seems like test db doesn't have these functions and triggers, and throws errors in specs, which using queries that requires these db-functions. I've tried to manually run
rake db:test:clone - but that copies only db structure, not its functions and triggers. How do i create full duplicate for db, keeping not only its structure, but also custom db functions, triggers and views?
PS: Db: postgres

I recommend you use this setting:
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
This would create a real sql file containing all details of your db.
And it would be loaded whenever you use rake db:setup
Before changing the setting, you could use rake db:structure:dump to create the sql file.


What generates the structurel.sql file in Rails?

I have 3 different schemas in one Rails application. My preparation of the test database using rake db:test:prepare fails with:
psql:/Users/me/myapp/db/structure.sql:7417: ERROR: relation "schema_migrations" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20131213203...
That's because it is not proper setting the Postgres search_path before doing all the insertions to the schema_migrations table. I haven't messed with this code in about 8 months and can't remember what I did. I haven't the faintest idea of how I even got those other schema to dump.
You may want to try rake db:structure:dump and / or rake db:schema:dump and try re-running rake db:test:prepare. The former should create the structure.sql and the later the schema.db
I was able to accomplish what I needed by doing two things:
Overriding the purge task under db:test in AR's railties to call a custom drop_database_objects method.
Using a little-known attribute in my database.yml: schema_search_path: public
The first thing lets me drop only the database objects I want, leaving my other support databases intact.
The second thing just creates the structure from my main database, and doesn't try to create the structure from the other databases. It looks like a bug in that it structure:dump doesn't set the schema search path appropriately at the end of the structure.sql script, right before the inserts into the schema_migrations table in a multi-schema instance. These fixes make that not necessary.

Use migrations to setup test database in Rails 3

I have some raw sql statements that create triggers and functions in my migrations. They are not invoked in the tests.
How can I use normal migrations to setup the test database? And why isn't that the default method?
Reason is that the test database is restored from schema.rb file. And Schema dump doesnt create procedures,functions, fkeys etc. The reason for that is Rails doesnt encourage using them. You can however change the schema dump format to sql.
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
See following thread Why does rake db:migrate in Rails not add functions to the schema file?
Check this article as well

Create Sequence In Migration Not Reflected In Schema

I have an application that requires a sequence to be present in the database. I have a migration that does the following:
class CreateSequence < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
execute "CREATE SEQUENCE sequence"
def self.down
execute "DROP SEQUENCE sequence"
This does not modify the schema.rb and thus breaks rake db:setup. How can I force the schema to include the sequence?
Note: The sequence exists after running rake db:migrate.
Rails Migrations because they aim toward a schema of tables and fields, instead of a complete database representation including stored procedures, functions, seed data.
When you run rake db:setup, this will create the db, load the schema and then load the seed data.
A few solutions for you to consider:
Choice 1: create your own rake task that does these migrations independent of the Rails Migration up/down. Rails Migrations are just normal classes, and you can make use of them however you like. For example:
rake db:create_sequence
Choice 2: run your specific migration after you load the schema like this:
rake db:setup
rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20080906120000
Choice 3: create your sequence as seed data, because it's essentially providing data (rather than altering the schema).
Choice 4 and my personal preference: run the migrations up to a known good point, including your sequence, and save that blank database. Change rake db:setup to clone that blank database. This is a bit trickier and it sacrifices some capabilities - having all migrations be reversible, having migrations work on top of multiple database vendors, etc. In my experience these are fine tradeoffs. For example:
rake db:fresh #=> clones the blank database, which you store in version control
All the above suggestions are good. however, I think I found a better solution. basically in your development.rb put
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
For more info see my answer to this issue -
rake test not copying development postgres db with sequences
Check out the pg_sequencer gem. It manages Pg sequences for you as you wish. The one flaw that I can see right now is that it doesn't play nicely with db/schema.rb -- Rails will generate a CREATE SEQUENCE for your tables with a serial field, and pg_sequencer will also generate a sequence itself. (Working to fix that.)

How to create mysql function in rails test database?

I wrote a Mysql function for my rails app and i added it to my database by manual.
When i want to test the function using Rails UNIT test, it through the errors like below
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: FUNCTION mydatabase.fn_Sample_Function does not exist:
How to add the function, out of the test suite or beginning of test run ?
Thanks in Advance,
I can't see the error. But I assume the problem is your schema format.
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
in application.rb should be what you need to do.
The reason behind that is by default your test database is not made from a schema only dump of your development database, but, instead from db/schema.rb - which knows nothing about mysql functions.
an sql schema format will do a mysqldump (or pg_dump) with the schema only flag set to true and create a development_structure.sql file.

Populate a constant values table

In a Rails application, I need a table in my database to contain constant data.
This table content is not intended to change for the moment but I do not want to put the content in the code, to be able to change it whenever needed.
I tried filling this table in the migration that created it, but this does not seem to work with the test environment and breaks my unit tests. In test environment, my model is never able to return any value while it is ok in my development environment.
Is there a way to fill that database correctly even in test environment ? Is there another way of handling these kind of data that should not be in code ?
Thanks all for your answers and especially Vlad R for explaining the problem.
I now understand why my data are not loaded in test. This is because the test environment uses the db:load rake command which directly loads the schema instead of running the migrations. Having put my values in the migration only and not in the schema, these values are not loaded for test.
What you are probably observing is that the test framework is not running the migrations (db:migrate), but loading db/schema.rb directly (db:load) instead.
You have two options:
continue to use the migration for production and development; for the test environment, add your constant data to the corresponding yml files in db/fixtures
leave the existing db/fixtures files untouched, and create another set of yml files (containing the constant data) in the same vein as db/fixtures, but usable by both test and production/development environments when doing a rake db:load schema initialization
To cover those scenarios that use db:load (instead of db:migrate - e.g. test, bringing up a new database on a new development machine using the faster db:load instead of db:migrate, etc.) is create a drop-in rakefile in RAILS_APP/lib/tasks to augment the db:load task by loading your constant intialization data from "seed" yml files (one for each model) into the database.
Use the db:seed rake task as an example. Put your seed data in db/seeds/.yml
#the command is: rake:db:load
namespace :db do
desc 'Initialize data from YAML.'
task :load => :environment do
require 'active_record/fixtures'
Dir.glob(RAILS_ROOT + '/db/seeds/*.yml').each do |file|
Fixtures.create_fixtures('db/seeds', File.basename(file, '.*'))
To cover the incremental scenarios (db:migrate), define one migration that does the same thing as the task defined above.
If your seed data ever changes, you will need to add another migration to remove the old seed data and load the new one instead, which may be non-trivial in case of foreign-key dependencies etc.
Take a look at my article on loading seed data.
There's a number of ways to do this. I like a rake task called db:populate which lets you specify your fixed data in normal ActiveRecord create statements. For getting the data into tests, I've just be loading this populate file in my test_helper. However, I think I am going to switch to a test database that already has the seed data populated.
There's also plugin called SeedFu that helps with this problem.
Whatever you do, I recommend against using fixtures for this, because they don't validate your data, so it's very easy to create invalid records.
