UIScrollView Getting stuck - ios

I am working on application in which I have UIScrollView which contains 3 subViews(UIView) and each subView has different controls & has different height. This all works fine but when I added constraint to UIScrollView and subView then UIScrollView isn't working.
I also added constraint to all the controls in subviews.
So please suggest me how to solve this problem?

It happened because UIScrollView content height and width dynamic at run time.
So whenever you apply constraint on UIScrollView then add
1.X position
2.y Position
Take a View as SubView on UIScrollView now apply Constraint
1.Leading on UIScrollView
2.Trailing on ScrollView
Then it work fine

For constraints to work properly,
You need to add a child view to UIScrollView and add your 3 views to that child view.
The main UIView and child view should have equal width constraint set.
For reference see this


UIScrollView bounces back when let go

I have a followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard) to embed a scrollview in a viewcontroller (Mine is vertically instead of horizontally).
All the constrains are working except the fact that the view bounces back when it is let go. I have tried a lot of different solution, but none is working! Please help, I'm using autolayouts my main goal is to be able to show all the buttons on the screen through scrolling.
I have been trying all types of ways to increase the contentSize, but nothing happens - the scrollview won't scroll properly. I tried different codes from people with the same problem, but the bouncing won't stop. Am I doing anything wrong on my constraints? This is extremely frustrating, please help. My constraints (using autolayout) (as I said, I followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard))
You have to increase your scrollView's contentSize to fit all of it's sub views.
You should add subview to scrollview, then add all other views to that subview.
Then add constraints between scrollView and contentView (leading, trailing, top, bottom) and contentView should have width and height constraints set properly (set width equal to scrollView width)... the content size will be calculated automatically.... just set height

UIScrollView from IB does not scroll

I am trying to implement a UIScrollView into my application.
ScreenSize: Freeform ( 345 ; 1000 )
Everything made with IB rather than programatically.
Auto Layout is activated in the application
view hierarchy:
I was doing the following steps:
Setting the ViewController to free form and 345/1000 px
Implementing a UIScrollView by dragging on screen
UIScrollView Size made 345/1000px
Dragging in anotherUIView named containerView.
All UIElements are put in the containerView.
Setting Constraints.
From here on I was trying several things. e.g. setting User Defined Runtime Attributes.
But it is still not scrollable.
Is there a way to fix this?
set bottom constraint of the last view in container view to the container view.
lastView.bottom = x + containerView.bottom

Placing a UIView under a UIScrollView with autolayout

How can I display a UIView under a UIScrollview with autolayout ?
I have a scrollview and a UIView below it(the grey box in image below).
Adding it has a footer inside the scrollview is not what I want because as you can see I have tabs that can scroll horizontally... The same view needs to be under each tabs. I programatically add child view's to my scroll view.
Is it possible to put a UIView outside the uiscrollview ? If not, how can I add it above every child view at the bottom ?
I have tried messing around with the constraints but nothing worked. I am stuck.
Thanks in advance !
Storyboard :
ScrollView constraints :
UIView constraints :
I found the solution. You need to drag a UIView above the UIScrollView and add a space to the top and bottom layout. Also, I added a leading and trailing space constraint.

UIScrollViews subviews not resizing themselves on Portrait to Landscape Orientation Change

In my app, I have a hierarchy like Main view -> UIScrollView - > UISearchBar. The search bar covers the whole width of screen. But when it switches to landscape the scrollview adjust itself according to landscape and cover whole screen but its subviews like UISearchBar width remain same as in portrait. Plus I'm using Autolayout and I've correctly set their constraints (Leading and Trailing, width (greater than equal to 320) etc) in storyboard.
Also I know there are several answers for this in SO but almost everyone is saying set width again in willAutororate. But I have around 15 subviews in UIScrollview which I think is not possible to set programatically (as increase LOC) plus I think Autolayout must have some solution to it.
Scrollviews don't play very well with constraints. Here's an approach using constraints and Interface Builder that worked for me for having a vertically scrolling scrollview that doesn't require any manual or content size finagling and works with rotation:
Scrollview in a view controller positioned with constraints
A container (UIView) that is a subview of the scrollview positioned with constraints pinning each edge to the superview
Add all your additional subviews to the container view instead. Use constraints. Exceed the height of the scrollview to get a vertically scrolling scrollview.
There is one trick however to get rotation resizing to work automagically:
You have to add an additional constraint to the container view to match its width to the UIScrollview's width. It's strange that you have to do this, since pinning each side to the scrollview should do the trick, but alas it won't work with rotation if you don't add the additional constraint.
Here's what I mean:
try this :
this problem will solve by constraints only. I created a project and by using correct constraints its working fine for me ,
here I am going to show you how to add correct constraint one by one :
add scrollview and add constraints for scrollview only like in the screenshots :
2. now add search bar and add constraints for search bar too,
here below you can find out complete constraints for scrollview and search together:
You could use UIViewAutoresizing mask (autoresizingMask property) of your subviews.

UIScrollView Not Scrolling?

I have a UIScrollView created in interface builder with a bunch of UITextView and UIImageView objects already added. I have it connected to an IBOutlet, and under -(void)viewDidLoad I set its content size to 1200x2000. User interaction Enabled, Multitouch, Scrolling Enabled and shows vertical and horizontal scroll indicators are all set to YES. When I launch the app in the iOS simulator, it doesn't scroll. What could possibly be the cause of this behavior?
viewDidLoad is to soon. You must wait until after the layout of the views has taken place. Try setting the contentSize in viewDidAppear.
Are you using autolayout? If so, check out the following answer (and forget 1.):
UIScrollView doesn't use autolayout constraints.
The best way I know how to overcome this problem without resorting to writing code is that it all can be done within a storyboard and here is how:
Leave autolayout enabled.
Make a generic UIView a subview of the UIScrollView. 2.1)Put all your View components inside this generic UIView.
Make a autolayout constraint between a subview and the UIScrollView. You must pin the right and/or bottom of the last subview to the right and/or bottom of the UIScrollView. This is how the UIScrollView knows the content size.
viewDidLoad is indeed too soon, but viewDidAppear:animated might not be late enough either. The ideal place to set the contentOffset is inside viewDidLayoutSubviews.
If you're using Autolayout, make sure you put the code to set Content size within
I use a custom view on the UIScrollView, for pull to refresh function, and the scroll view is not scrollable. I try set contentSize with AutoLayout, and try set it by codes too. The scroll view still cannot scroll.
After spending 3 ~ 4 hours, I solve it by contentInset. It will tell scroll view to add some extra space for scrolling.
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
// Add extra 15pt on the `top` of scrollView.
//self.scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(15, 0, 0, 0)
// Add extra 2pt on the `bottom` of scrollView, let it be scrollable. And the UI is more beautiful in my case.
self.scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 2, 0)
Reference docs:
Understanding the contentOffset and contentInset properties of the UIScrollView class #blog
What's the UIScrollView contentInset property for? #Stackoverflow
This is a good walk-through of scroll-views in case anyone forgot after not using them for a while: https://medium.com/#pradeep_chauhan/how-to-configure-a-uiscrollview-with-auto-layout-in-interface-builder-218dcb4022d7.
Basically, make sure you have view -> scrollview -> view, like so:
1. Set scroll view constraint (top, bottom, leading and trailing) to (0,0,0,0).
2. Set inner view constraint (top, bottom, leading and trailing) to (0,0,0,0).
3. Set inner view to have equal width and equal height with parent view.
4. Select height constraint of inner view and set priority to low (250).
