f# canopy testing framework assert == - f#

While this command is successful
".navbar-brand" == "AUP"
Can anyone tell me why this line:
(element ".navbar-brand") == "AUP"
results in this error?
Error: Can't check equality on OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebElement because it is not a string or
alert Url: http://myurl.com Stack: at
canopy.core.op_EqualsEquals[a](a item, String value) in
C:\projects\canopy \src\canopy\canopy.fs:line 437 at
Program.clo#24.Invoke(Unit _arg1) in
AUPE2ETest\CanopyTest\Program.fs:line 28 at
canopy.runner.runtest$cont#93(suite suite, Test test, Unit unitVar) in
C:\ projects\canopy\src\canopy\runner.fs:line 102
according to the docs both of these should be successful. I have several other places in my test where I attempt to pass an IWebElement into a assertion but all seem to have the same error. For example:
let bidHistoryResults = (elements ".table-striped")
let bidHistoryRows = bidHistoryResults.[2] |> elementsWithin "tr"
let firstRow = bidHistoryRows.[1] |> elementsWithin "td"
let secondRow = bidHistoryRows.[2] |> elementsWithin "td"
firstRow.[6] == "$15.93"
I am new to both F# and Canopy, hopefully someone can give me a push in the right direction.


XUnit/FsUnit framework throwing "Object reference not set to an instance of an objct"

I have written this simple test case for my code
module CustomerTests
open Xunit
open FsUnit
open MyProject.Customer
open MyProject.Customer.Domain
module ``When upgrading customer`` =
let customerVIP = {Id = 1; IsVip = true; Credit = 0.0M}
let customerSTD = {Id = 2; IsVip = false; Credit = 100.0M}
let ``should give VIP customer more credit`` () =
let expected = {customerVIP with Credit = customerVIP.Credit + 100.0M }
let actual = upgradeCustomer customerVIP
actual |> should equal expected
Very surprisingly this code fails with error
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.64] CustomerTests+When upgrading customer.should give VIP cstomer more credit [FAIL]
Failed CustomerTests+When upgrading customer.should give VIP cstomer more credit [3 ms]
Error Message:
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack Trace:
at CustomerTests.When upgrading customer.should give VIP cstomer more credit() in /Users/user/code/fsharp/CustomerProject/CustomerTests.fs:line 12
But line 12 is just a record being created so its not possible for that line to throw an Object reference not set to an instance of object. This is totally puzzling me.
In the dotnet fsi repl I can execute all my method and there is no object reference problem in my function which are being called from my tests here.
As this SO answer explains, XUnit loads the test in a way that skips initialization of those values. One easy fix is to use a class instead of a module:
type ``When upgrading customer``() =
let customerVIP = {Id = 1; isVip = true; Credit = 0.0M}
let customerSTD = {Id = 2; isVip = false; Credit = 100.0M}
let ``should give VIP cstomer more credit`` () =
let expected = {customerVIP with Credit = customerVIP.Credit + 100.0M }
let actual = upgradeCustomer customerVIP
actual |> should equal expected
That way, initialization of those values happens as it should.

Beam SQL Not Firing

I am building a simple prototype wherein I am reading data from Pubsub and using BeamSQL, code snippet as below
val eventStream: SCollection[String] = sc.pubsubSubscription[String]("projects/jayadeep-etl-platform/subscriptions/orders-dataflow")
val events: SCollection[DemoEvents] = eventStream.applyTransform(ParDo.of(new DoFnExample()))
events.map(row=>println("Input Stream:" + row))
val pickup_events = SideOutput[DemoEvents]()
val delivery_events = SideOutput[DemoEvents]()
val (mainOutput: SCollection[DemoEvents], sideOutputs: SideOutputCollections)= events
.withSideOutputs(pickup_events, delivery_events)
.flatMap {
case (evts, ctx) =>
evts.eventType match {
// Send to side outputs via `SideOutputContext`
case "pickup" => ctx.output(pickup_events,evts)
case "delivery" => ctx.output(delivery_events,evts)
val pickup: SCollection[DemoEvents] = sideOutputs(pickup_events)
val dropoff = sideOutputs(delivery_events)
pickup.map(row=>println("Pickup:" + row))
dropoff.map(row=>println("Delivery:" + row))
val consolidated_view = tsql"select $pickup.order_id as orderId, $pickup.area as pickup_location, $dropoff.area as dropoff_location , $pickup.restaurant_id as resturantId from $pickup as pickup left outer join $dropoff as dropoff ON $pickup.order_id = $dropoff.order_id ".as[Output]
consolidated_view.map(row => println("Output:" + row))
I am using Directrunner for testing it locally and I am able to see the results right until the beam sql is executed. The output from beam sql is not getting printed.
Input Stream:DemoEvents(false,pickup,Bangalore,Indiranagar,1566382242,49457442008,1566382242489,7106576,1566382242000,178258,7406545542,,false,null,htr23e22-329a-4b05-99c1-606a3ccf6a48,972)
Input Stream:DemoEvents(false,delivery,Bangalore,Indiranagar,1566382242,49457442008,2566382242489,7106576,1566382242000,178258,7406545542,,false,null,htr23e22-329a-4b05-99c1-606a3ccf6a48,972)
The issue was related to a bug in DirectRunner, when I changed the runner to DataflowRunner the code ran as exepected.

Incomplete structured construct

i am new with f# , will be great if some 1 can help , nearly half a day gone solving this problem Thank you
module Certificate =
type T = {
Id: int
IsECert: bool
IsPrintCert: bool
CertifiedBy: string
Categories: Category.T list
let createPending now toZonedDateTime toBeCertifiedByName (job: Models.Job.T) (certificateType: Models.CertificateType.T) (pendingCertificate: Models.PendingCertificate.T) visualization (categories: Category.T list) =
let forCompletion = Models.PendingCertificate.getCertificateForCompletion pendingCertificate
Id = forCompletion.Id |> CertificateId.toInt
IsECert = Models.PendingCertificate.isECertificate pendingCertificate
IsPrintCert = Models.PendingCertificate.isPrintCertificate pendingCertificate
CertifiedBy = toBeCertifiedByName
Categories = categories}
i am getting an error in "Incomplete structured construct at or before this point"
Your formatting is all off. I will assume here that this is just a result of posting to StackOverflow, and your actual code is well indented.
The error comes from the definition of createPending: this function does not have a result. All its body consists of defining a forCompletion value, but there is nothing after it. Here's a simpler example that has the same problem:
let f x =
let y = 5
This function will produce the same error, because it also doesn't have a result. In F#, every function has to return something. The body cannot contain only definitions of helper functions or values. For example, I could fix my broken function above like this:
let f x =
let y = 5
x + y
This function first defines a helper value y, then adds it to its argument x, and returns the result.
> f 2
> 7
> f 0
> 5
How exactly you need to fix your function depends on what exactly you want it to mean. I can't help you here, because you haven't provided that information.

Lua - calls only one operator in metatable

I'm new to Lua, so maybe missed something on tutorials but the problem is:
I have original table and metatable with several operators that I'm applying to it:
original = { 1, 2, 3 }
test = setmetatable(original, {
__add = function (lhs, rhs)
__mul = function (lhs, rhs)
Unfortunately when I'm doing operations like:
test = test + 3
test = test * 3
I receive an error:
attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'test' (a table value)
Didn't find any descriptions on this problem. Also I noticed that if metatable is a separate variable and passed to setmetatable method then it works..
test = test + 3
Is loosely equivalent to:
test = getmetatable(test).__add(test, 3)
You're assigning the return value of __add to test.
_add returns nothing, so after the first line, test is nil. Then you do it again:
test = getmetatable(test).__add(test, 3)
You can't index or get the metatable of nil.
An easy what to have discovered this, probably the first thing I would have tried:
test = test + 3
test = test * 3
The error I get is
attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'test' (a nil value)
This means that test is nil in the last line. You need to return something in __add.

F# Excel Range.AutoFilter() fails

I'm trying to turn on AutoFilter for the users who will consume the data.
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
let xl = ApplicationClass()
let wb = xl.Workbooks.Item(1)
let ws = wb.ActiveSheet :?> Worksheet
let rows = string ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
// AutoFilter method of Range class failed.
ws.Range("A7:I" + rows).AutoFilter() |> ignore
Thanks for any help you can offer.
According to the documentation, you need to pass 5 parameters to AutoFilter.
Unspecified parameters can be filled by System.Reflection.Missing.Value.
Something like
ws.Range("A7:I" + rows).AutoFilter(1, System.Reflection.Missing.Value,
System.Reflection.Missing.Value, true)
|> ignore
should work.
