Importrange() where the source columns/rows change - google-sheets

I have an importrange("key", "sheet1!D" & targetRow) formula, but I also need the column of the importrange() to be dynamic too in case I add/delete columns in the source data:
E.g. importrange("key", "sheet1!" &targetColumn &targetRow)
I researched query() language but being forced to use Col1, Col2 etc instead of named column identifiers makes this useless for what I'm trying to achieve.
Can someone help me with this? Easiest way to get column letters without a script? Thanks very much.

I've figured out a somewhat inelegant workaround:
=IMPORTRANGE("key", "Sheet!" & IMPORTRANGE("key", "Dept") & targetRow)
Where "Dept" is a single-cell named range that contains the column letter of the column I want.
The column letter (e.g. 'K') is the result of the following formula:
=substitute(address(row(K6), column(K6),4), row(K6),"")
Is there really no easier/more robust way of doing this? This will be used to calculate bonuses so it's actually a very critical spreadsheet.


Only apply complex arrayformula() to rows with certain value in dataset

I have a quite complext formula (i mean that is complex to me) that Tom Sharpe helped me building to aggregate values and ordering them by months in a row(you can find the details in the original post but i think you'll only need the final formula which is:
=ArrayFormula(mmult(sequence(1,counta(A2:A),1,0), if((C2:index(C:C,counta(C:C))<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:index(D:D,counta(D:D))>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:index(E:E,counta(E:E)),0)))
and here is the result -> [J1:U1]
Now, what i would need to do as the final step is to be able to group data by a certain label (John or Jane in the example) on separate rows, but mantaining the order/aggregate by month on the row. On the example, this would mean having one row with only 'John' data and below, one with 'Jane' values.
I am struggling to understand how to adapt the formula to do so.
I have tried:
Using another array to first return a list of these labels with query(unique()) or something like that, but then i struggle looping in it with the other formula.
A bit more simplistic but it could work after all: on the 1st row (the cell next to where the data will be returned) writing 'John', on row 2 'Jane' and then using filter() to only pull data that matches. The 'John, Jane' value is for the example but the real labels won't be that many, the list of labels don't need to be dynamic.
The thing with these solutions is that they work when used separately, but i can't figure out how to nest this in the first arrayformula() that Tom helped me with...As i am just beginning with the google sheets queries.
I don't really need necessarily the complete formula/code but maybe just directions or tips to visualize the way i could solve this.
Thanks to all who might contribute
With hindsight I might have done better to go down the route of using a query to calculate the sums on my previous answer rather than Mmult.
This uses the same method as before to create a 2d array of amounts vs dates (going across) and individuals (going down). Then it uses Textjoin to generate a query to group by name with the required number of columns.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1"))
This is the generated query
select Col1,sum(Col2),sum(Col3),sum(Col4),sum(Col5),sum(Col6),sum(Col7),sum(Col8),sum(Col9),sum(Col10),sum(Col11),sum(Col12),sum(Col13) where Col1 is not null group by Col1
Ideally there should be an extra section saying label sum(Col2) '' etc. to suppress the 'Sum' headers.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label sum(Col" & textjoin(") '', sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2)) & ") ''"))

Formula that will skip one column when calculating SUM() or similar functions

I'd like to run a =SUM(A1:G1), but always skip one column, regardless if it has value or not.
In this case, it should calculate A1+C1+E1+G1.
Is there another function I could append to SUM() or other similar functions as SUM in order to skip one column?
Thank you!
Using the following method you can calculate any number of alternate columns, without the need of manual +
Suppose your data is in second row onwards, use this formula
Simply a sumproduct of cell values and a array of {1,0,1,0,1...}
Another slight variation
But if the even columns contain letters instead of numbers this will give an error, so you can use instead
Comparing #AnilGoyal's answer, this works as well
You can use:
Or with Excel O365:
A bit more of a general solution:
Or with Excel O365:
Or even:
Since you included Google-Sheets, I'll throw in an option using QUERY():
=SUM(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(1:1),"Select * skipping 2"))
Maybe a bit more verbose, but very understandable IMO.
Consider something of the format:
The 2 in the formula means remove the 2nd item in the part of the row. (so the 999 is dropped)
So the formula =SUM(BZ10:ZZ10)-INDEX(BZ10:ZZ10,2) drops CA10 from the sum, etc.(a similar formula can be constructed for columns)
google sheets:
IFERROR(A1:H3*ISODD(COLUMN(A:H)), 0)), 1^ROW(A1:A3))), ))

Fetching data from other Spreadsheet by comparing some values

I have a sample Spreadsheet such as
And I want to import data from this spreadsheet to another spreadsheet, but after comparing some data, such as
My noob formula for the selected cell name in the second image:
=Query(ImportRange("URL of first spreadsheet","sheet!B:D"),"Select Col2 where Col2=A.....(what to add here? this column 'A' is not working for comparing the names)
My Approach:
I will compare the values from the import range with the existing column i.e. and compare every name and SELECT values accordingly for the next three columns (in yellow). I hope I'm clear.
What should I add here? Is my approach right? If not, What are the alternatives to achieve this?
(following OP's request)
Also, can I compare two cols with one? such as where LOWER(Col2)='"&LOWER(A2)&"' or '"&F2&"' or Col2=A2 || F2 something like this? for comparing two cols with one?
If you start using more than one names as variables, you may want to consider using other alternatives for the where clause, like matches
=Query(ImportRange("URL of first spreadsheet","sheet!B:D"),
"Select Col2 where Lower(Col2) matches'"&LOWER({A2&"|"&F2})&"'")
Original answer
Please use
=Query(ImportRange("URL of first spreadsheet","sheet!B:D"),"Select Col2 where Col2='"&A2&"'")
(where A2 is the name you need)
Pay notice to the syntax referring the cell: single quotes ' double quotes" ampersand & cell A2 and again &"'.
No spaces in between

How to use substitute function with query function in google spreadsheet

I am trying to use substitute function inside a query function but not able to find the correct syntax to do that. My use case is as follows.
I have two columns Name and Salary. Values in these columns have comas ',' in them. I want to import these two columns to a new spreadsheet but replace comas in "Salary" column with empty string and retain comas in "Name" column. I also want to apply value function to "Salary" column after removing comas to do number formatting.
I tried with the following code but it is replacing comas in both the columns. I want a code which can apply the substitute function only to a subset of columns.
=arrayformula(SUBSTITUTE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!A2:B5"),"Select *"),",",""))
Converted v/s Expected Result
Note :
I have almost 10 columns to import and comas should be removed from 3 of them.
Based on your suggestions, I was able to achieve the objective by treating columns separately. Below is the code.
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!A3:A5"),arrayformula(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!B3:B5"),",","")))},"Select * where Col2 is not null")
Basically, two IMPORTRANGE functions side by side for each column.
The same query on the actual data with 10 columns will look like this.
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!A3:C"),arrayformula(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!D3:H"),",",""))),IMPORTRANGE(Address,"Sheet1!I3:J")},"Select * where Col2 is not null")
I used 3 IMPORTRANGE functions so that I can format the columns D to H by removing comas and changing them to number.
My suggestion is to use 2 formulas and more space in your sheets.
Formula #1: get the data and replace commas:
Formula #2: to convert text into numbers:
=arrayformula (range_of_text_to_convert * 1)
using 2 formulas will need extra space, but will speed up formulas (importrange is slow)
the second formula uses math operation (*1) which is the same as value formula.
Try this. I treats the columns separately.
=arrayformula(QUERY({Sheet1!A2:A5,SUBSTITUTE(Sheet1!B2:B5,",","")},"Select *"))
Thanks to Ed Nelson, I was able to figure out this:
=arrayformula(QUERY({'Accepted Connections'!A:R,SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE('Accepted Connections'!A:R,"AIF®",""),"APA",""),"APMA®",""),"ASA",""),"C(k)P®",""),"C(k)PS",""),"CAIA",""),"CBA",""),"CBI",""),"CCIM",""),"","")},"Select *"))
That removed all the text I didn't need in specific columns.

How to definitely use column names in Google Sheet Query

query function doesn't let you use column names; you have instead to use letters if you refer to a cell range or ColN if you refer to an array.
This is very annoying, most of all when you alter the queried table adding, deleting or exchanging columns.
I would like to use column names, like in a standard SQL query.
You can actually get around this by splitting the Query formula and using other formula's to automatically get the desired column names from a list.
For example if you have a table in range A1:E15 with headers "H1, H2, H3, H4, H5", and you'd like to only get columns H3 & H5:
Store the desired headers (H3 & H5) in another table/range as a list - lets say this range is G1:G2
Use MATCH formula along with TextJoin formula to generate an concatenated string like Col3, Col5
=TextJoin(", ",TRUE,ArrayFormula(IFERROR("Col"&MATCH(G1:G6,$A$1:$E$1,0),"")))
Lets say this was in cell H1
You can refer to this cell in your Query formula like below
=QUERY({A1:E20},"SELECT "&H1&" WHERE Col2='w'")
You can see it in action in below screenshot:
One solution could be recurring to some custom function created by a script, but when you have a not so small table you surely will incur in some error due to the exceeding computation time.
The most efficient solution (using only native functions) I found is as follows.
Suppose you are working on a sheet range, your column names are in row 1 and you want to refer to the column "salary"; you can obtain the column letter by
Instead, if you are querying arrays, it is simpler; the string you need is
The final query could be not so elegant, but the efficiency is guaranteed:
"select "&substitute(address(1,match("salary",employeessheet!A1:1,0),4),"1","")&" where ...",
