Will caching or background job improve my Rails App performance? - ruby-on-rails

My Rails App syncs calendar events from gmail through the Nylas API. I am storing all the events and associated calendars on my app (either creating new or updating existing). It takes a very long time, in fact, I get timeout errors on my Heroku hosted Rails App whenever I try to sync a calendar. Not sure why it takes a very long time. So to react, I want to either start caching (using Redis or Memcached) the data (still don't know exactly how I will do that) OR run the sync in a background job (using Delayed_Job or Resque).
I wanted to know how others would tackle this problem. Would appreciate some feedback on not only what approach to take, but pointers in how would be appreciated as well.

If you need fast, persistent access within your app to a large set of calendar events that are ultimately sourced from an external system, then I'd create (in fact have already created) models for the calendars and the events. The structure ought to be fairly obvious from the structure of the API, and I would just persist them in your database so you can use ActiveRecord methods to retrieve/sort them.
It's unlikely that you'd need a caching layer on top of the model.
Synchronisation is definitely a background job.

You can use both but majorly background jobs, delayed_job or sidekiq.
You can also run a cron task that periodically update the calendar data in your app.
To fetch data you can fetch from memory store then database, where memcache will be useful.


Interval based API access and processing different DSL

I'm currently working on a small Rails 5 project that needs to access and process an external API. There is a ruby wrapper gem available for the API, so accessing the data is not a problem.
Problem description
There are two parts of the equation that I am currently missing, and hoping someone out there can help me with.
1: I need to call the API, via Rails, every 15 minutes. How can I realize this? I was looking towards Active Job for this, but my research kind of stalled after getting no useful results.
2: The external API has different domain models and a different domain-specific language than my application. How can I map the different models without changes in Active Record?
1: I need to call the API, via Rails, every 15 minutes. How can I realize this? I was looking towards Active Job for this, but my research kind of stalled after getting no useful results.
The first problem you can solve using recurring tasks. The main idea is to run the process that will perform some operations every x minutes (or days or whatever fits your problem.
There are several tools that you can use. One of them is built-in the unix system and it is cron. You can read about it in system's manual. You can easily manage it using whenever gem. The main disadvantage is that you need an access to the system's cron which may be non-trivial on non-bare machines (for example Platform as a Service hosts such as Heroku).
You should also take a look at clockwork which does not rely on the system's cron. It uses approach where you have a separate process running all time and it keeps an eye on defined tasks.
In the second approach (having a separate process) you need to remember that time-consuming instructions may "lock" the process and postpone another tasks. In this case, you may want to use background processing such as sidekiq or delayed_job. The idea is to use one process for scheduling tasks at certain time and another process to process those tasks as soon as they appear in the queue.
2: The external API has different domain models and a different domain-specific language than my application. How can I map the different models without changes in Active Record?
You need to create a client that will consume the API and map its responses into models that you have in your application. This way, you don't need to make your model's scheme dependent on the API scheme. Take a look at resource_kit gem - this is a sample solution that uses this approach.
HI hdauven,
processing the API every 15 minutes will affect your server performance,so done it by using sidekiq, it is a background job and use sidetiq it will help you to perform the task every 15 min automatically
You are accessing API, Then why are you worrying about different domain.

Is there a way to schedule edits to firebase database?

I am trying to create automated edits to the database in firebase. Is there a way to do that on the server-side? I am new to iOS development and swift so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I've tried Zapier but the service is not specific enough for my needs.
Yes - Firebase has quite a flexible set of options for server-side updates and it is simple enough to schedule a cronjob to connect to firebase and perform some scheduled update or edits.
The most generic approach is to use the REST API to perform your updates although there are specific libraries to support Node and other platforms.
It is worth being aware of the recent major upgrade to version 3 of Firebase which introduced quite a few significant changes - it can be easy to confuse the older examples floating around with the new API so be aware of the differences as you put together your first proof of concept examples.
I assume that you are looking to run on your own server although another alternative is to use a container hosting environment ( Google Apps etc ).
If you have your own server and are looking to integrate I would suggest starting with:
Then perhaps a quick look at:
If you are just getting started I would suggest a first task being to authenticate, retrieve and update a Firebase record.
You can configure server auth keys through the FB console and use these as part of you authentication process.
If you are unfamiliar with JWT then it is worth spending a little time getting up to speed on this and working through the examples at https://www.firebase.com/docs/rest/guide/user-auth.html
Further to your comment:
So the first approach that comes to mind is to run some kind of scheduled job in your Cron which would connect using the REST API, perform some kind of query on the existing data to identify those records that require an update and remove or modify them.
Giving a little more though you could extend this approach without having to run at a recurring period less than the minimal anticipated deletion time you could run the scheduler just to clean up at some longer period but filter your results to the client so that you are not including stale data. This approach is discussed a little at Firebase chat - removing old messages
Getting the right solution to your particular scenario will depend a lot on how well you structure your data which can be counter-intuitive; particularly for users who have come from an RDBMS background.
There may be an inclination to keep the data slim and unpolluted with old irrelevant data however Firebase is quite good at managing large minimally structured data and the overhead of this bloat may not be as bad a thing as you may think.
If the filtering itself isn't sufficient and you don't have a server that you can CRON a cleanup process then you can implement a firebase worker process in Node or similar and have this running on a container service such as Heroku or Google Apps. See Firebase push notifications - node worker for some ideas on how to approach this.
When asked Google advised that they didn't advise on where best to host worker services but they did mention both Google App Engine and Heroku.
Another approach if you don't want to implement and host a watcher/worker process is to simply include some code in the client that checks for and removes stale data periodically.
The firebase Queue is very cool but may be a bit of an overkill for simply expiring stale data.

Medium scale repeated tasks in Rails

I'm building a web app that tracks stats for a game. The API for that game (Steam Web API) only allows me to retrieve data from the most recently played match.
When a user requests their stats to be tracked, I need make a call to the Steam Web API every 10 minutes or so to check if they have played another match, then store it in the database if they have. The problem is, I check every 10 minutes for every user...
Is there a way to schedule this efficiently so that the server doesn't get overloaded? This application could potentially server 10,000+ users.
Please feel free to correct anything in this question if I got something obviously wrong.
There are many gems for recurring events in ruby, like:
ice cube
However, if you are going to have lots of users, and you are worried about server load, I would suggest not using your rails app to do this.
Instead, build another service which doesn't run on your rails app to update your database with statistics.
Having an independent service like this decoupled from your main app allows you to easily put it on another server, and/or have it scale independently from your webapp.

Create multiple Rails servers sharing same database

I have a Rails app hosted on Heroku. I have to do long backend calculations and queries against a mySQL database.
My understanding is that using DelayedJob or Whenever gems to invoke backend processes will still have impact on Rails (front-end) server performance. Therefore, I would like to set up two different Rails servers.
The first server is for front-end (responding to users' requests) as in a regular Rails app.
The second server (also a Rails server) is for back-end queries and calculation only. It will only read from mySQL, do calculation then write results into anothers Redis server.
My sense is that not lot of Rails developers do this. They prefer running background jobs on a Rails server and adding more workers as needed. Is my sever structure a good design, or is it an overkill? Is there any pitfall I should be aware of?
Thank you.
I don't see any reason why a background job like DelayedJob would cause any more overhead on your main application than another server would. The DelayedJob runs in it's own process so the dyno's for your main app aren't affected. The only impact could be on the database queries but that will be the same whether from a background job or another app altogether that is accessing the same database.
I would recommend using DelayedJob and workers on your primary app. It keeps things simple and shouldn't be any worse performance wise.
One other thing to consider if you are really worried about performance is to have a database "follower", this is effectively a second database that keeps itself up to date with your primary database but can only be used for reads (not writes). There may be better documentation about it, but you can get the idea here https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/fast-database-changeovers#create_a_follower. You could then have these lengthy background jobs read data from here leaving your main database completely unaffected.

Ruby on Rails: keep collecting data in background and store in DB

Here is my scenario: I have some data coming into serial port. I want to keep collecting this data and store in the database. Then the rails app uses this data from the database and shows some statistics like graphs and stuff.
So my question is how can I keep collecting this data in a separate thread from the rails app, while the rest of the things work like any other rails app on the database.
If there is a better way of doing this please advice.
PS: I dont have any problem in reading from serial port. This is about doing this task from rails app in separate thread.
Use the delayed_job gem.
Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the
common pattern of asynchronously
executing longer tasks in the
Another thing you can check out is the resque gem which github published, it makes use of redis as a working queue, and has a very handy web interface, that helps controlling the working threads. It is very similar to delayed jobs, but may fit your needs in a better way.
