Rails Active Record different association results into one object - ruby-on-rails

I have a Project model.
Project model has "all_users" instance method which returns all users of the project.
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships
has_many :users, through: :memberships, source: :member, source_type: 'User'
has_many :teams, through: :memberships, source: :member, source_type: 'Team'
scope :all_users, -> (project) {
(users.id in (select member_id from memberships where project_id = #{project.id} and member_type = 'User')) OR
(users.id in (select user_id from teams_users where team_id IN (select member_id from memberships where project_id = #{project.id} and member_type = 'Team')))
def all_users
A user has many projects.
I want to make an instance method in User model to return all users of instance's all projects. Such as:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships, as: :member, dependent: :destroy
has_many :projects, through: :memberships
def colleagues
colleagues_of_user = []
projects.each do |project|
project.all_users.each do |user|
colleagues_of_user << user
teams.each do |team|
team.projects.each do |project|
project.all_users.each do |user|
colleagues_of_user << user
The problem is; i want to concatenate all "project.all_users" into one object but i can't. I have to turn them into an array (to_a). But i want the results (colleagues_of_user) in one object ("ActiveRecord::Relation").
UPDATE: Another point that should be noted is;
colleagues_of_user could be:
1. Any user that is member of any projects of the current user.
2. Any user that is member of current user's teams' projects.
I have updated "colleagues" method regarding these notes. How to get all results into one ActiveRecord::Relation object? (Not an array)

Since you want colleagues_of_user to be ActiveRecord::Relation rather than an Array, I think you could do it like this:
def colleagues
colleague_ids = projects_colleague_ids + teams_projects_colleague_ids
colleagues_of_user = User.where(id: colleague_ids.flatten.uniq )
def projects_colleague_ids(projects = nil)
projects ||= self.projects
projects.includes(:users).collect{ |project| project.all_users.pluck(:id) }.flatten.uniq
def teams_projects_colleague_ids
teams.includes(projects: :users).collect do |team|
projects_colleague_ids( team.projects )

I think something like this should work:
def colleagues

You can try this with eager loading also.


Rails join through 2 other tables

I am trying to join tables to get an object.
I have these models:
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :users
class Claim < ApplicationRecord
has_many :uploads, dependent: :destroy
validates :number, uniqueness: true
belongs_to :user, optional: true
class User < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company
has_many :claims
Basically I want to select all claims that belong to users that belong to a company.
Somethings I have tried:
(This works but is terrible and not the rails way)
#claims = []
#company = Company.find(params[:id])
#users = #company.users
#users.each do |u|
u.claims.each do |c|
#claims = #claims.sort_by(&:created_at)
if #claims.count > 10
#claims.shift(#claims.count - 10)
#claims = #claims.reverse
This is close but doesn't have all the claim data because its of the user:
#claims = User.joins(:claims, :company).where("companies.id = users.company_id").where("claims.user_id = users.id").where(company_id: params[:id]).order("created_at DESC").limit(10)
I tried this but keep getting an error:
#claims = Claim.joins(:user, :company).where("companies.id = users.company_id").where("claims.user_id = users.id").where(company_id: params[:id]).order("created_at DESC").limit(10)
error: ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError (Can't join 'Claim' to association named 'company'; perhaps you misspelled it?)
Any ideas what I should do or change?
Based on your relations, you should use
Claim.joins(user: :company)
Because the Company is accessible through the relation Claim <> User.
If you wanted to join/preload/include/eager load another relation, let's say if Claim belongs_to :insurance_company, then you would add it like this:
Claim.joins(:insurance_company, user: :company)
Similar questions:
Join multiple tables with active records
Rails 4 scope to find parents with no children
That being said, if you want to
select all claims that belong to users that belong to a company
Then you can do the following:
.joins(:user) # no need to join on company because company_id is already on users
.where(company_id: params[:id])
.order(claims: { created_at: :desc })

How to detect changes in has_many through association?

I have the following models.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, :through => :company_users
after_update :do_something
def do_something
# check if users of the company have been updated here
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :companies, :through => :company_users
class CompanyUser < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :user
Then I have these for the seeds:
Company.create :name => 'Company 1'
User.create [{:name => 'User1'}, {:name => 'User2'}, {:name => 'User3'}, {:name => 'User4'}]
Let's say I want to update Company 1 users, I will do the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.first, User.second]
This will run as expected and will create 2 new records on CompanyUser model.
But what if I want to update again? Like running the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.third, User.fourth]
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
The thing is I have technically "updated" the Company model so how can I detect these changes using after_update method on Company model?
However, updating an attribute works just fine:
Company.first.update :name => 'New Company Name'
How can I make it work on associations too?
So far I have tried the following but no avail:
Rails: if has_many relationship changed
Detecting changes in a rails has_many :through relationship
How to determine if association changed in ActiveRecord?
Rails 3 has_many changed?
There is a collection callbacks before_add, after_add on has_many relation.
class Project
has_many :developers, after_add: :evaluate_velocity
def evaluate_velocity(developer)
#non persisted developer
For more details: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#label-Association+callbacks
You can use attr_accessor for this and check if it changed.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :user_ids_attribute
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, through: :company_users
after_initialize :assign_attribute
after_update :check_users
def assign_attribute
self.user_ids_attribute = user_ids
def check_users
old_value = user_ids_attribute
puts 'Association was changed' unless old_value == user_ids_attribute
Now after association changed you will see message in console.
You can change puts to any other method.
I have the feelings you are asking the wrong question, because you can't update your association without destroy current associations. As you said:
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
Knowing that I will advice you to try the following code:
Company.first.users << User.third
In this way you will not override current associations.
If you want to add multiple records once try wrap them by [ ] Or ( ) not really sure which one to use.
You could find documentation here : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#has-many-association-reference
Hope it will be helpful.
Ok I thought it wasn't your real issue.
Maybe 2 solutions:
#1 Observer:
what I do it's an observer on your join table that have the responsability to "ping" your Company model each time a CompanyUser is changed.
gem rails-observers
Inside this observer call a service or whatever you like that will do what you want to do with the values
class CompanyUserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(company_user)
user = company_user.user
company = company_user.company
...do what you want
def before_destroy(company_user)
...do what you want
You can user multiple callback in according your needs.
#2 Keep records:
It turn out what you need it keep records. Maybe you should considerate use a gem like PaperTrail or Audited to keep track of your changes.
Sorry for the confusion.

Creating objects with associations in Rails

In my Rails app I have Clients and Users. And Users can have many Clients.
The models are setup as so:
class Client < ApplicationRecord
has_many :client_users, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :client_users
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :client_users, dependent: :destroy
has_many :clients, through: :client_users
class ClientUser < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :client
So if I wanted to create a new client that had the first two users associated with it how would I do it?
Client.create!(name: 'Client1', client_users: [User.first, User.second])
Trying that gives me the error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: ClientUser(#70142396623360) expected, got #<User id: 1,...
I also want to do this for an RSpec test. e.g.
user1 = create(:user)
user2 = create(:user)
client1 = create(:client, client_users: [user1, user2])
How do I create a client with associated users for in both the Rails console and in an RSpec test?
If you do not want to accept_nested_attributes for anything, as documented here you can also pass block to create.
Client.create!(name: 'Client1') do |client1|
client1.users << [User.find(1), User.find(2), User.find(3)]
Try this. It should work
Client.create!(name: 'Client1').client_users.new([{user_id:
User.first},{user_id: User.second}])
You can do this with the following code:
user1 = create(:user)
user2 = create(:user)
client1 = create(:client, users: [user1, user2])
See ClassMethods/has_many for the documentation
Replaces the collections content by deleting and adding objects as
appropriate. If the :through option is true callbacks in the join
models are triggered except destroy callbacks, since deletion is
If you are using factory_girl you can add trait :with_users like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :client do
trait :with_two_users do
after(:create) do |client|
client.users = create_list :user, 2
Now you can create a client with users in test like this:
client = create :client, :with_two_users
accepts_nested_attributes_for :users
and do as so:
Client.create!(name: 'Client1', users_attributes: { ........ })
hope this would work for you.
You can make use of after_create callback
class Client < ApplicationRecord
has_many :client_users, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :client_users
after_create :add_users
private def add_users
sef.users << [User.first, User.second]
Alternatively, A simpler approach would be
Client.create!(name: 'Client1', user_ids: [User.first.id, User.second.id])
The reason you're getting a mismatch is because you're specifying the client_users association that expects ClientUser instances, but you're passing in User instances:
# this won't work
Client.create!(client_users: [User.first, User.second])
Instead, since you already specified a users association, you can do this:
Client.create!(users: [User.first, User.second])
There's a simpler way to handle this, though: ditch the join model and use a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship. You still need a clients_users join table in the database, but you don't need a ClientUser model. Rails will handle this automatically under the covers.
class Client < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
class User
has_and_belongs_to_many :clients
# Any of these work:
client = Client.new(name: "Kung Fu")
user = client.users.new(name: "Panda")
client.users << User.new(name: "Nemo")
client.save # => this will create two users and a client, and add two records to the `clients_users` join table

Make single ActiveRecord query through several associated models

I have the following models and associations:
class Organization
has_many :buildings
class Building
has_many :counters
class Counter
has_many :counter_records
class CounterRecord
belongs_to :counter
I would like to get something like this
organization.counter_records(dimension_day: start_date...end_date)
([dimension_day: start_date...end_date] - it's condition).
How do I get counters records of organization through all these models?
Look into Activerecord Querying guide.
Specifically you're interested in joins:
Organization.joins(buildings: { counters: :counter_records })
.where(counter_records: { dimension_day: start_date...end_date })
You can create a method:
class Organization
def filter_counter_records(start_date, end_date)
.where(id: id)
.joins(buildings: { counters: :counter_records })
.where(counter_records: { dimension_day: start_date...end_date })
Now the following is possible:
organization = Organization.first
organization.filter_counter_records(start_date, end_date)
But more idiomatic/conventional option would be using associations:
class Organization
has_many :buildings
has_many :counters, through: :buildings
has_many :counter_records, through: :counters
Now you can just go with
organization = Organization.first
organization.counter_records.where(dimension_day: start_date..end_date)
The last step here would be setting up the scope in CounterRecord:
class CounterRecord
scope :by_date_range, ->(start_date, end_date) { where(dimension_day: start_date..end_date) }
And now
organization = Organization.first
organization.counter_records.by_date_range(start_date, end_date)

Association not working

I have three models:
class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :patients, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :waitingrooms, :dependent => :destroy
Waitingroom with fields patient_id:integer and department_id:integer
class Waitingroom < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :patient
Patient with department_id:integer
class Patient < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :department
has_many :waitingrooms
I save a waitingroom after a patient was in the waitingroom! So now i tried to retrieve the patients who where in the the waitingroom of the department:
def index
#waited = #current_department.waitingrooms.patients
Somehow it didnt worked it returned this error:
undefined method `patients' for #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy_Waitingroom:0x374c658>
But this worked: What did i wrong? Thanks!
def index
#waited = #current_department.waitingrooms
You can't invoke an association on a collection. You need to invoke it on a specific record. If you want to get all the patients for a set of waiting rooms, you need to do this:
def index
rooms = #current_department.waitingrooms
#waited = rooms.map { |r| r.patients }
If you want a flat array, you could (as a naive first pass) use rooms.map { |r| r.patients }.flatten.uniq. A better attempt would just build a list of patient ids and fetch patients once:
#waited = Patient.where(id: rooms.pluck(:patient_id).uniq)
