iOS Dropbox error loading thumbnails - ios

I wanna get thumbnails for dropbox files that I display on a view. I know that I've to use the loadThumbnail method, but I don't get exactly how to do it.
I wrote this :
for file in dropboxMetadata.contents {
dbRestClient.loadThumbnail(file.path, ofSize: "s", intoPath: "")
but I get some errors like this :
error making request to /1/thumbnails/dropbox/star.jpg - (4) Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
Thanks for your help !

Petesh has the right idea. intoPath is the destination directory for those thumbnails.
Try this:
func createTempDirectory() -> String? {
let tempDirectoryTemplate = NSTemporaryDirectory().stringByAppendingPathComponent("XXXXX")
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
var err: NSErrorPointer = nil
// remove any previous temporary folder that's there, in case it's there
if fileManager.createDirectoryAtPath(tempDirectoryTemplate, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil, error: err) {
return tempDirectoryTemplate
} else {
print("can't create temporary directory at \(tempDirectoryTemplate)")
return nil
The above code for which I found in this question
Then you could change your own code to do something like:
let temporaryDirectory = createTempDirectory()
for file in dropboxMetadata.contents {
dbRestClient.loadThumbnail(file.path, ofSize: "s", intoPath: temporaryDirectory)
If this works, then you could change the "intoPath" parameter into any directory you think is more appropriate.


MLUpdateContext is empty when updating CoreML model

My problem is the following - In the method below the variable finalContext seem to not contain anything. I get error message : Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Foundation._GenericObjCError error 0.) when calling the function. I need help how to debug this issue or what could be the possible cause for this. EDIT - finalContext does not contain the model that I am trying to access.
func updateModel(){
//Configuration for when update is performed
let modelConfig = MLModelConfiguration()
modelConfig.computeUnits = .cpuAndGPU
let fileManager = FileManager.default
//Image batch for updating the model
//Might need to change from a batch to a single image
let updateImages: [UIImage] = [theImage!]
let imageBatch = createTrainingData(imageArray: updateImages, outputLabel: "dog") // temp outputLabel
do {
let updateTask = try MLUpdateTask(forModelAt: globalCompiledModel!, trainingData: imageBatch, configuration: modelConfig,
progressHandlers: MLUpdateProgressHandlers(forEvents: [.trainingBegin,.epochEnd],
progressHandler: { (contextProgress) in
// you can check the progress here, after each epoch
}) { (finalContext) in
do {
// Save the updated model to temporary filename.
let documentDirectory = try fileManager.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor:nil, create:true)
let fileURL = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("CatDog.mlmodelc")
print("Updated temp model URL: \(fileURL)")
try finalContext.model.write(to: fileURL)
} catch(let error) {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} catch {
print("Error while updating: \(error.localizedDescription)")
I found the issue here. MLArrayBatchProvider was not properly configured by me so the updateTask was not properly completed.
Es domaj, ka vajag panemt iepist al un paprovet velreiz
For me the issue was resolved by abandoning using a UpdatableTrainingInput class that conformed to id<MLFeatureProvider>, but instead creating a MLDictionaryFeatureProvider as shown here:

"The file “command.cgi” couldn’t be opened."

FlashAir W-04 Fourth Generation SD memory card
In my iOS app directory listing api not working.
Response :
Task .<0> HTTP load failed (error code: -1003 [12:8])
2019-05-21 23:32:40.267572+0530 Razzo[10489:87069] NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1003
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file “command.cgi” couldn’t be opened." UserInfo={NSURL=http://flashair/command.cgi?op=100&DIR=/DCIM}
Please help me what was wrong
below code snippet
private func getdata() {
let url100 = URL(string: "http://flashair/command.cgi?op=100&DIR=/DCIM")
var dirStr: String? = nil
do {
if let url100 = url100 {
dirStr = try String(contentsOf: url100, encoding: String.Encoding(rawValue: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue))
if let dir = dirStr {
arrayfiles = dir.components(separatedBy: "\n")
} catch {
self.displayAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
Config file below
contentsOf: url100 would be for a local file URL. You are not providing a valid file URL.
If your file is remote you need to download the file as data with URLSession. If it is local you need to work out its file URL.

How do I write a file in iOS using FileManager?

I have the following code with the results of the print statements in comments beside the statements:
let myImageData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: myURL.absoluteString)
var mySaveToURL: URL = FileManager.default.url(forUbiquityContainerIdentifier: nil)!
print("mySaveToURL=", mySaveToURL) // mySaveToURL= file:///Users/shinehah/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/693D4940-1B91-43E1-B5AD-88E9763046C7/data/Library/Mobile%20Documents/iCloud~us~gnolaum~TrialNotifications/ABF236AE-A6E7-403E-ADC4-5BAA5DC734B3.jpeg
let resultCreateFile = FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: mySaveToURL.absoluteString, contents: myImageData, attributes: nil)
print("resultCreateFile=", resultCreateFile) // resultCreateFile= false
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: myURL, to: mySaveToURL)
print("copy success!") // copy success!
} catch {
As you can see I am not able to successfully execute the createFile() method of FileManager but was able to successfully execute the copyItem() method to the same URL.
What do I check to be able to figure out how to get the createFile() method to work?
The error occurs because you are using the wrong API. To get the path of a file system URL you have to use path.
let resultCreateFile = FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: mySaveToURL.path, contents: myImageData, attributes: nil)
However there is no reason to create the file explicitly. Just copy the other file.

NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath unable to overwrite existing file in Swift 2

Hello I'm upgrading my existing code to Swift 2, and I need some help with the copy of a file inside the DocumentDirectoy.
This is converted code I'm using to check if the file exists, and if it does, we should copy it either way, but it keeps returning an error saying the file exists, which it is true, but we need to overwrite it.
func copyXMLFile()
// Get a reference for the Document directory
let rootPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0]
// Get a reference for the data.xml file
xmlPathInDocument = rootPath.stringByAppendingString("data.xml")
if NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(xmlPathInDocument){
print("xml file exists")
let xmlPathInBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("data", ofType: "xml")!
do {
// copy file from main bundle to documents directory
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().copyItemAtPath(xmlPathInBundle, toPath: xmlPathInDocument)
} catch let error as NSError {
// Catch fires here, with an NSErrro being thrown
print("error occurred, here are the details:\n \(error)")
// copy the file either way
let xmlPathInBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("data", ofType: "xml")!
do {
// copy file from main bundle to documents directory
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().copyItemAtPath(xmlPathInBundle, toPath: xmlPathInDocument)
} catch let error as NSError {
// Catch fires here, with an NSErrro being thrown
print("error occurred, here are the details:\n \(error)")
error occurred, here are the details:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=516 "The operation couldn’t be
completed. (Cocoa error 516.)" UserInfo=0x7a67b680
Copy ), NSFilePath=/Users/User1/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0E591E5B-2E2F-4CCB-9099-95CE1EA3F557/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E3C8FAE4-703D-46CA-AC37-A1C96A74E6BE/,
NSUnderlyingError=0x7a67dd80 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
File exists"}
Please HELP!
Implement NSFileManagerDelegate and the delegate method
optional func fileManager(_ fileManager: NSFileManager,
shouldProceedAfterError error: NSError,
copyingItemAtURL srcURL: NSURL,
toURL dstURL: NSURL) -> Bool
and return true
Alternatively you could use
func replaceItemAtURL(_ originalItemURL: NSURL,
withItemAtURL newItemURL: NSURL,
backupItemName backupItemName: String?,
options options: NSFileManagerItemReplacementOptions,
resultingItemURL resultingURL: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSURL?>) throws

Swift: copying files gives Cocoa Error 262

I'm trying to move my files up a level in some random directory in the default Documents directory. But when copying, Swift gave me the error Cocoa Error 262: NSFileReadUnsupportedSchemeError. Why did I get this error? I ran a quick search and pretty much everyone who'd encountered this problem was trying to copy files out of the camera roll, but I'm not. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Code here:
private func copyFilesInDirectory(fromDir: String, toDirectory toDir: String, withCompletionHandler handler: ()->()){
println("from: \(fromDir)\nto: \(toDir)")
var error: NSError?
var contents = fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(fromDir, error: &error)
if let dirContents = contents{
let enumerator = (dirContents as NSArray).objectEnumerator()
while let file = enumerator.nextObject() as? String{
let filePath = fromDir.stringByAppendingString("/\(file)")
println("copying \(filePath)")
if(fileManager.copyItemAtURL(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)!, toURL: NSURL(string: toDir)!, error: &error)){
println("COPY ERROR: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
and here's the log if anyone's interested:
from: /Users/dolce/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05566649-BABB-44BE-BE6F-AFF7B41E3065/data/Containers/Data/Application/F5A83C94-C177-4826-BDD5-3A50E7508239/Documents/Hello/tmp
to: /Users/dolce/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05566649-BABB-44BE-BE6F-AFF7B41E3065/data/Containers/Data/Application/F5A83C94-C177-4826-BDD5-3A50E7508239/Documents/Hello
copying /Users/dolce/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05566649-BABB-44BE-BE6F-AFF7B41E3065/data/Containers/Data/Application/F5A83C94-C177-4826-BDD5-3A50E7508239/Documents/Hello/tmp/test.png
COPY ERROR: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 262.)
The toURL parameter of copyItemAtURL() must not be the destination
directory, but the URL of the destination file. This can be
created with
let destPath = toDir.stringByAppendingPathComponent(file)
You should also replace
let filePath = fromDir.stringByAppendingString("/\(file)")
let filePath = fromDir.stringByAppendingPathComponent(file)
There is also a copyItemAtPath() method which saves you from
converting the paths to URLs.
On an iOS device, the simple answer is you can't do that. On the simulator things are little different. What you're probably dealing with is file permissions on the directory you're trying to write to.
As a general rule on iOS, you can write to the designated directories like the documents/caches and nothing else.
