Why is my program reporting more captured packets than Wireshark? - wireshark

I am writing a packet sniffer using pcap and visual studio. I've taken sample code for offline capturing and combined it with code that looks for an interface and captures packets live. This is what I have to display the packets information gotten from 1.
while (int returnValue = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, &data) >= 0)
// Print using printf. See printf reference:
// http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/printf/
// Show the packet number
printf("Packet # %i\n", ++packetCount);
// Show the size in bytes of the packet
printf("Packet size: %d bytes\n", header->len);
// Show a warning if the length captured is different
if (header->len != header->caplen)
printf("Warning! Capture size different than packet size: %ld bytes\n", header->len);
// Show Epoch Time
printf("Epoch Time: %d:%d seconds\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec);
// loop through the packet and print it as hexidecimal representations of octets
// We also have a function that does this similarly below: PrintData()
for (u_int i=0; (i < header->caplen ) ; i++)
// Start printing on the next after every 16 octets
if ( (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n");
// Print each octet as hex (x), make sure there is always two characters (.2).
printf("%.2x ", data[i]);
// Add two lines between packets
The problem I'm having is that if I run a WireShark live capture and also run my program, both capture packets live, but WireShark will show that it's capturing packet 20 and VS will show packetCount = 200.(Note: arbitrary numbers chosen to show Wireshark hasn't captured many packets, but VS is counting extremely fast.)
From what I understand, it seems the while loop is just running much faster than the packets are coming in and so it's just printing information from the last packet it received over and over again until a new one comes in.
How can I get VS to only capture packets as they come in?

I was unaware that Visual Studio included a packet sniffer; did you mean "how can I get my application, which I'm building with Visual Studio, to only capture packets as they come in?"
If that's what you meant, then that's what your code is doing.
Unfortunately, what it's not doing is "checking whether a packet has actually come in".
To quote the man page for pcap_next_ex() (yeah, UN*X, but this applies to Windows and WinPcap as well):
pcap_next_ex() returns 1 if the packet was read without problems,
0 if packets are being read from a live capture, and the timeout
expired, -1 if an error occurred while reading the packet, and -2
if packets are being read from a ``savefile'', and there are no
more packets to read from the savefile. If -1 is returned,
pcap_geterr() or pcap_perror() may be called with p as an argument
to fetch or display the error text.
Emphasis on "0 if packets are being read from a live capture, and the timeout expired"; 0 means that you did not get a packet.
Do not act as if a packet were captured if pcap_next_ex() returned 0, only do so if it returned 1:
while (int returnValue = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, &data) >= 0)
if (returnValue == 1) {
// Print using printf. See printf reference:
// http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/printf/
// Show the packet number
printf("Packet # %i\n", ++packetCount);
// Add two lines between packets

SOLUTION: So apparently, adding parentheses around the argument fixes the issue.
while ( (( int returnValue = pcap_next_ex(pcap, &header, &data) ) >= 0 ) )


Dropped packets even if rte_eth_rx_burst do not return a full burst

I have a weird drop problem, and to understand my question the best way is to have a look at this simple snippet:
while( 1 )
if( config->running == false ) {
num_of_pkt = rte_eth_rx_burst( config->port_id,
if( unlikely( num_of_pkt == MAX_BURST_DEQ_SIZE ) ) {
rx_ring_full = true; //probably not the best name
if( likely( num_of_pkt > 0 ) )
pk_captured += num_of_pkt;
num_of_enq_pkt = rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(config->incoming_pkts_ring,
//if num_of_enq_pkt == 0 free the mbufs..
This loop is retrieving packets from the device and pushing them into a queue for further processing by another lcore.
When I run a test with a Mellanox card sending 20M (20878300) packets at 2.5M p/s the loop seems to miss some packets and pk_captured is always like 19M or similar.
rx_ring_full is never true, which means that num_of_pkt is always < MAX_BURST_DEQ_SIZE, so according to the documentation I shall not have drops at HW level. Also, num_of_enq_pkt is never 0 which means that all the packets are enqueued.
Now, if from that snipped I remove the rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk call (and make sure to release all the mbufs) then pk_captured is always exactly equal to the amount of packets I've send to the NIC.
So it seems (but I cant deal with this idea) that rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk is somehow too slow and between one call to rte_eth_rx_burst and another some packets are dropped due to full ring on the NIC, but, why num_of_pkt (from rte_eth_rx_burst) is always smaller than MAX_BURST_DEQ_SIZE (much smaller) as if there was always sufficient room for the packets?
Note, MAX_BURST_DEQ_SIZE is 512.
edit 1:
Perhaps this information might help: the drops seems to be visible also by rte_eth_stats_get, or to be more correct, no drops are reported (imissed and ierrors are 0) but the value of ipackets equals my counter pk_captured (are the missing packets just disappeared??)
edit 2:
According to ethtools rx_crc_errors_phy is zero and all the packets are received at PHY level (rx_packets_phy is updated with the correct amount of transferred packets).
The value from rx_nombuf from rte_eth_stats seems to contain trash (this is a print from our test application):
OUT(4): Port 1 stats: ipkt:19439285,opkt:0,ierr:0,oerr:0,imiss:0, rxnobuf:2061021195718
For a transfer of 20M packets, as you can see rxnobuf is garbage OR it has a meaning which I do not understand. The log is generated by:
log("Port %"PRIu8" stats: ipkt:%"PRIu64",opkt:%"PRIu64",ierr:%"PRIu64",oerr:%"PRIu64",imiss:%"PRIu64", rxnobuf:%"PRIu64,
stats.ipackets, stats.opackets,
stats.ierrors, stats.oerrors,
stats.imissed, stats.rx_nombuf);
where stats came from rte_eth_stats_get.
The packets are not generated on the fly but replayed from an existing PCAP.
edit 3
After the answer from Adriy (Thanks!) I've included the xstats output for the Mellanox card, while reproducing the same problem with a smaller set of packets I can see that rx_mbuf_allocation_errors get's updated, but it seems to contain trash:
OUT(4): rx_good_packets = 8094164
OUT(4): tx_good_packets = 0
OUT(4): rx_good_bytes = 4211543077
OUT(4): tx_good_bytes = 0
OUT(4): rx_missed_errors = 0
OUT(4): rx_errors = 0
OUT(4): tx_errors = 0
OUT(4): rx_mbuf_allocation_errors = 146536495542
Also those counters seems interesting:
OUT(4): tx_errors_phy = 0
OUT(4): rx_out_of_buffer = 257156
OUT(4): tx_packets_phy = 9373
OUT(4): rx_packets_phy = 8351320
Where rx_packets_phy is the exact amount of packets I've been sending, and summing up rx_out_of_buffer with rx_good_packets I get that exact amount. So it seems that the mbufs get depleted and some packets are dropped.
I made a tweak in the original code and now I'm making a copy of the mbuf from the RX ring using link and them releasing immediately the memory, further processing is done on the copy by another lcore. This do not fix the problem sadly, it turns out that to solve the problem I've to disable the packet processing and release also the packet copy (on the other lcore), which make no sense.
Well, will do a bit more investigation, but at least rx_mbuf_allocation_errors seems to need a fix here.
I guess, debugging rx_nombuf counter is a way to go. It might look like a garbage, but in fact this counter does not reflect the number of dropped packets (like ierrors or imissed do), but rather number of failed RX attempts.
Here is a snippet from MLX5 PMD:
mlx5_rx_burst(void *dpdk_rxq, struct rte_mbuf **pkts, uint16_t pkts_n)
while (pkts_n) {
rep = rte_mbuf_raw_alloc(rxq->mp);
if (unlikely(rep == NULL)) {
if (!pkt) {
* no buffers before we even started,
* bail out silently.
So, the plausible scenario for the issue is as follow:
There is a packet in RX queue.
There are no buffers in the corresponding mempool.
The application polls for new packets, i.e. calls in a loop: num_of_pkt = rte_eth_rx_burst(...)
Each time we call rte_eth_rx_burst(), the rx_nombuf counter gets increased.
Please also have a look at rte_eth_xstats_get(). For MLX5 PMD there is a hardware rx_out_of_buffer counter, which might confirm this theory.
The solution to missing packets will be in changing ring API from bulk to burst. In dpdk there are 2 modes ring operation bulk and burst. In bulk dequeue mode if the requested elements are 32, and there are 31 elements the API returns 0.
I have faced similar issue too.

SNMP out or in octets (Network Traffic)

I am writing software in C# measuring or utilizing out or in octets (bytes) via SNMP. I need to do how many bytes pass in 1000 secs?
According to my research, its value gets timed out or reset sometimes because some results give a negative value.
. for input stream in .139
In 1024 secs it gives result of -2,1 MBytes.
How can I get accurate measurement of traffic (in or out) ?
EDIT : This code I use for calculations. It takes value in everysec and gets result.
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
SnmpObject objSnmpObject, objSnmpIfSpeed;
objSnmpObject = (SnmpObject)objSnmpManager.Get(".");
objSnmpIfSpeed = (SnmpObject)objSnmpManager.Get(".");
if (GetResult() == 0)
float value = Int64.Parse(objSnmpObject.Value);
float ifSpeed = Int64.Parse(objSnmpIfSpeed.Value);
float Bytes = (value * 8 * 100 / ifSpeed);
// float megaBytes = Bytes / 1024;
sum += Bytes;
tb_calc.Text = (sum.ToString() + " Bytes");
lb_timer.Text = _gv_timeSec.ToString();
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
} is the OID for IF-MIB::ifInOctets which is described by MIB as a Counter32 which has a upper limit of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal).
"The total number of octets received on the interface,
including framing characters.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as
indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
Quoting this SO answer :
a Counter32 has no defined initial value, so a single reading of
Counter32 has no information content. This is why you have to take two
(or more) readings to make sense of it. An example of this would be
the number of packets received on an ethernet interface. If you take a
reading and get back 4 million packets, you haven't learned anything:
the wire could have been pulled out of the interface for the past
year, or it could be passing millions of packets per second. You have
to take multiple readings to know anything.
I'd recommend ifHCInOctets . and ifHCOutOctets . which are 64 bit versions of OIDs mentioned by #k1eran
Those counters don't rotate so quickly when dealing with higher speeds.

lua dissector for custom protocol

I have written several Lua Dissectors for custom protocols we use and they work fine. In order to spot problems with missing packets I need to check the custom protocol sequence numbers against older packets.
The IP source and Destination addresses are always the same for device A to device B.
Inside this packet we have one custom ID.
Each ID has a sequence number so device B can determine if a packet is missing. The sequence number increments by 256 and rolls over when it reaches 65k
I have tried using global dictionary but when you scroll up and down the trace the decoder is rerun and the values change.
a couple of lines below show where the information is stored.
ID = buffer(0,6):bitfield(12,12)
SeqNum = buffer(0,6):bitfield(32,16)
Ideally I would like to list in each decoded frame if the previous sequence number is more than 256 away and to produce a table lists all these bad frames.
Src IP; Dst IP; ID; Seq
1;; 10; 0
2;; 11; 0
3;; 12; 0
4;; 11; 255
5;; 12; 255
6;; 10; 511 Packet with seq 255 is missing
I have now managed to get the dissector to check the current packet against previous packets by using a global array, where I store specific information about each frame. In the current packet being dissected I recheck the most recent packet and work my way back to the start to find a suitable packet.
dict[pinfo.number] = {frame = pinfo.number, dID = ID, dSEQNUM = SeqNum}
local frameCount = 0
local frameFound = false
while frameFound == false do
if pinfo.number > frameCount then
frameCount = frameCount + 1
if dict[(pinfo.number - frameCount)] ~= nil then
if dict[(pinfo.number - frameCount)].dID == dict[pinfo.number].dID then
seq_difference = (dict[(pinfo.number)].dSEQNUM - dict[(pinfo.number - frameCount)].dSEQNUM)
if seq_difference > 256 then
pinfo.cols.info = string.format('ID-%d SeqNum-%d missing packet(s) %d last frame %d ', ID,SeqNum, seq_difference, dict[(pinfo.number - frameCount)].frame)
frameFound = true
frameFound = true
I'm not sure I see a question to answer? If you're asking "how can I avoid having to deal with the dissector being invoked multiple times and screwing up the previous decoding of the values" - the answer to that is using the pinfo.visited boolean. It will be false the first time a given packet is dissected, and true thereafter no matter how much clicking around the user does - until the file is reloaded or a new one loaded.
To handle the reloading/new-file case, you'd hook into the init() function call for your proto, by defining a function myproto.init() function, and in that you'd clear your entire array table.
Also, you might want to google for related questions/answer on ask.wireshark.org, as that site is more frequently used for wireshark Lua API questions. For example this question/answer is similar and related to your case.

serial data flow: How to ensure completion

I have a device that sends serial data over a USB to COM port to my program at various speeds and lengths.
Within the data there is a chunk of several thousands bytes that starts and ends with special distinct code ('FDDD' for start, 'FEEE' for end).
Due to the stream's length, occasionally not all data is received in one piece.
What is the recommended way to combine all bytes into one message BEFORE parsing it?
(I took care of the buffer size, but have no control over the serial line quality, and can not use hardware control with USB)
One possible way to accomplish this is to have something along these lines:
# variables
# buffer: byte buffer
# buffer_length: maximum number of bytes in the buffer
# new_char: char last read from the UART
# prev_char: second last char read from the UART
# n: index to the buffer
new_char := 0
loop forever:
prev_char := new_char
new_char := receive_from_uart()
# start marker
if prev_char = 0xfd and new_char = 0xdd
# set the index to the beginning of the buffer
n := 0
# end marker
else if prev_char = 0xfe and new_char = 0xee
# the frame is ready, do whatever you need to do with a complete message
# the length of the payload is n-1 bytes
handle_complete_message(buffer, n-1)
# otherwise
if n < buffer_length - 1
n := n + 1
buffer[n] := new_char
A few tips/comments:
you do not necessarily need a separate start and end markers (you can the same for both purposes)
if you want to have two-byte markers, it would be easier to have them with the same first byte
you need to make sure the marker combinations do no occur in your data stream
if you use escape codes to avoid the markers in your payload, it is convenient to take care of them in the same code
see HDLC asynchronous framing (simply to encode, simple to decode, takes care of the escaping)
handle_complete_message usually either copies the contents of buffer elsewhere or swaps another buffer instead of buffer if in hurry
if your data frames do not have integrity checking, you should check if the payload length is equal to buffer_length- 1, because then you may have an overflow
After several tests, I came up with the following simple solution to my own question (for c#).
Shown is a minimal simplified solution. Can add length checking, etc.
'Start' and 'End' are string markers of any length.
public void comPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
SerialPort port = (SerialPort)sender;
inData = port.ReadExisting();
if (inData.Contains("start"))
//Loop to collect all message parts
while (!inData.Contains("end"))
inData += port.ReadExisting();
//Complete by adding the last data chunk
inData += port.ReadExisting();
//Use your collected message

Reassembling packets in a Lua Wireshark Dissector

I'm trying to write a dissector for the Safari Remote Debug protocol which is based on bplists and have been reasonably successful (current code is here: https://github.com/andydavies/bplist-dissector).
I'm running into difficultly with reassembling packets though.
Normally the protocol sends a packet with 4 bytes containing the length of the next packet, then the packet with the bplist in.
Unfortunately some packets from the iOS simulator don't follow this convention and the four bytes are either tagged onto the front of the bplist packet, or onto the end of the previous bplist packet, or the data is multiple bplists.
I've tried reassembling them using desegment_len and desegment_offset as follows:
function p_bplist.dissector(buf, pkt, root)
-- length of data packet
local dataPacketLength = tonumber(buf(0, 4):uint())
local desiredPacketLength = dataPacketLength + 4
-- if not enough data indicate how much more we need
if desiredPacketLen > buf:len() then
pkt.desegment_len = dataPacketLength
pkt.desegment_offset = 0
-- have more than needed so set offset for next dissection
if buf:len() > desiredPacketLength then
pkt.desegment_len = DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT
pkt.desegment_offset = desiredPacketLength
-- copy data needed
buffer = buf:range(4, dataPacketLen)
What I'm attempting to do here is always force the size bytes to be the first four bytes of a packet to be dissected but it doesn't work I still see a 4 bytes packet, followed by a x byte packet.
I can think of other ways of managing the extra four bytes on the front, but the protocol contains a lookup table thats 32 bytes from the end of the packet so need a way of accurately splicing the packet into bplists.
Here's an example cap: http://www.cloudshark.org/captures/2a826ee6045b #338 is an example of a packet where the bplist size is at the start of the data and there are multiple plists in the data.
Am I doing this right (looking other questions on SO, and examples around the web I seem to be) or is there a better way?
TCP Dissector packet-tcp.c has tcp_dissect_pdus(), which
Loop for dissecting PDUs within a TCP stream; assumes that a PDU
consists of a fixed-length chunk of data that contains enough information
to determine the length of the PDU, followed by rest of the PDU.
There is no such function in lua api, but it is a good example how to do it.
One more example. I used this a year ago for tests:
local slicer = Proto("slicer","Slicer")
function slicer.dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree)
local offset = pinfo.desegment_offset or 0
local len = get_len() -- for tests i used a constant, but can be taken from tvb
while true do
local nxtpdu = offset + len
if nxtpdu > tvb:len() then
pinfo.desegment_len = nxtpdu - tvb:len()
pinfo.desegment_offset = offset
tree:add(slicer, tvb(offset, len))
offset = nxtpdu
if nxtpdu == tvb:len() then
local tcp_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port")
tcp_table:add(2506, slicer)
