How to discount auto-renewable subscription AFTER user has subscribed? - ios

Our app that is in development will have the following 2 IAPs set up:
$12.99/mo as an auto-renewable subscription.
$9.99/mo as an auto-renewable subscription (if you've entered an invite code).
Obviously if the user enters the invite code BEFORE subscribing, we can ping the Apple servers with the lower-price IAP.
But our issue is: We're (planning on) allowing users to enter the invite code whenever they want, including AFTER they're already a paying subscriber. That way we can offer the discount for any future months they're a subscriber within our app.
Has anyone done this? Is this possible? Etc...
Update 8/30/2015:
Unless someone provides us with the knowledge / ability to do otherwise, we've come to the conclusion that it's NOT possible. We even reached out to Apple and they said there's no API for such thing on their end.
That being said, we're going with the following approach:
If a user subscribes BEFORE an invite code is entered, they're charged the higher of the 2 prices.
If a user enters a code while ALREADY subscribed, they must unsubscribe, then re-subscribe to obtain the lower price point.
If a user subscribes AFTER an invite code is entered, they're charged the lower of the 2 prices.
UPDATE 9/23/2016
there's something called Subscription Groups in iTunes Connect that Apple recently introduced with Auto-Renew subscriptions. A user is only allowed to subscribe to 1 of the subscriptions within a group at a time. Thereby allowing a user to shift between "tiers". This is a possible solution to those coming across this question in the future.


How to handle multiple users purchasing a subscription from a single Apple ID, or group them based on subscription group?

Currently, we want to implement auto-renewable subscriptions on iOS. We face a problem where users can purchase multiple subscriptions on a single Apple ID linked to the device. We are having 3 subscription plans as Regular (Monthly), Regular (Yearly), and Special (Yearly). Now, we have decided that Regular plans will be configured in a separate subscription group and special plan on the other since we don't want the Regular users to know that there is a special plan that is less costly than theirs. (Through Manage Subscription Settings on the device)
Scenario 1: If User A subscribes to the Special plan on his Apple Id, his subscription gets active. Now, if on the same Apple ID, user B logs in to the app and is a Regular user then he can purchase any of the Regular plans. But the issue is User A's receipt and User B's receipt cause problems sometime later since their receipts are created on the same Apple ID. We are not able to restrict User B to purchase from User A's device in this case, since the original_transaction_id of the subscription are different as they are from the different subscription groups.
Scenario 2: If we do keep both the Special and Regular subscription plans in the same group, we don't want the regular users to get access to the Special plan as it is cheaper and will affect the profit that we get.
Has anyone come across these scenarios, what would be the ideal way to handle these scenarios?

Google Play store cancels every subscription

If a user subscribes in-app, it is always refunded exactly three days later. Like this:
Intended behaviour is for the subscription to remain activated and payment not to be refunded.
Why might this happen?
Google has updated its In-App payment policies a while back and you'd need to acknowledge the payment within three days in order to retain the payment. Otherwise, your payment would get automatically refunded.
There is a new acknowledge() method available so you'd need to acknowledge your purchase.
Google states that the acknowledgement should only place after processing and granting the said features that come with In-App purchase.
See more information here.
If you do not acknowledge a purchase within three days, the user automatically receives a refund, and Google Play revokes the purchase.

How to support / offer iOS subscriptions with a free trial period?

I am working on shifting my existing iOS 10+ app to offer auto-renewing subscriptions.
While "normal" subscriptions (no introductory offer) work fine both within my app and on my server (receipt validation and user account handling) I am having a hard time to understand how a free trial period can be offered.
Setting up the free trial period in App Store Connect is no problem, but I do not understand how to implement it in my app and on my server.
Problem 1 : Understanding eligibility
From the Apple docs:
You can make introductory offers to customers who haven’t previously
received an introductory offer for the given product, or for any
products in the same subscription group (...)
Before offering introductory price, you must first determine if the
user is eligible to receive it (...)
To determine if a user is eligible for an introductory offer, check their receipt...
Assume I have setup a subscription with a 7 day free trial. A user purchases this subscriptions, uses the free trial and continues the paid subscriptions for a while before the subscription is canceled. Some time later the wants to continue the subscriptions
What happens if the user purchases the same subscription product again?
Will fail because he has already used the free trial? ("... who haven’t previously received an introductory offer...")
Will it start with another free trial period? (== Store does not check the eligibility at all)
Will it start with no free trial but directly with a payed period
In other words:
Is checking the eligibility only necessary to show the right UI (= grant offer yes/no is checked by store) or to make sure the user does not benefits from the same offer (= grant offer yes/no is checked by app)?
Problem 2 : How to check eligibility?
As described in the apple docs the best way to check the eligibility is to validate the app receipt and to check whether an introductory offer has been received or not. This should be done as early as possible, at app start at best.
Fine, but as far as I know the receipt is not guaranteed to be available. If no receipt can be found the user has to first provide his app store credentials to download the receipt...
It would be quite annoying if the first thing the app does on the the first start would be to ask the user to login to the store.
Is this really the intended implementation?
Problem 3 : How to handle eligibility?
Assume that I have successfully check whether the user is eligible to receive an offer or not: How to provide the offer?
Do I have to setup two different subscription products in App Store Connect (one with free trial and one without) to let the user purchase the one or the other?
Or the eligibility check only necessary to display the correct UI ("Purchase now with free trial" vs "Purchase now") while I can use the same product in both cases?
Problem 1 : Understanding eligibility
He will be charged for the subscription immediately. Free-trial can be availed only once
Problem 3 : How to handle eligibility?
Do I have to setup two different subscription products in App Store Connect (one with free trial and one without) to let the user
purchase the one or the other?
No. You only need to setup one product and add Introductory offer (free trial or intro offer)
Or the eligibility check only necessary to display the correct UI ("Purchase now with free trial" vs "Purchase now") while I can use the same product in both cases?
It is only for showing correct CTA and messaging. At the end of the day, Store(Apple) is the one who is taking the decision if user will get free-trial or not
To check eligibility of the user you need to pass the receipt to your server. Your server can then query Apple for the decoded receipt (/verifyReceipt endpoint). In decoded receipt, check all the txn in latest_renewal_info list. if you find is_in_free_trial field to be true for any product in same subscription group then you can safely assume that user has used free trial before and show right messaging to the user.
Also, user can get free trial only once per subscription group even if all the products under that have free trial enabled.
I agree that Apple would have provided eligibility in the app itself while querying the product. But trust me none of the App stores provide this information including Google.
As far as login is concerned, the receipt is always present at a sandbox location and can be retrieved from there. (Also, do consider that user anyway can't buy the subscription if he is not logged in)

Preventing Trial Period Fraudulent in iOS In App purchases

We have a app with a auto renewable IAP for which we offer a initial trial period to the user and charge once the trial period has expired. Our app maintains user account management(user login) and all features (including the IAP) are accessible only when the user is logged in.
There are two scenarios to consider:
Case 1: A new user(app user) opts to purchase the subscription for trial period on a device where she's logged in with her apple id. She later(post expiry of the trial period) installs the app on another device and signs up with a different app account but uses the same Apple Id. Since Apple Ids are opaque to the app, the app has no way to know that this user has already purchased trial, so the app UI presents them an option to start with a trial period. Since the Apple Id used is same, the user will be charged.
Although, this scenario is rare and can be justified on the pretext that the same Apple Id is used so the user is supposed to be charged, but it is fallacious on part of the app to suggest that trial period is available for the new app user(different login id)
Also, the user might not be intentionally doing it to avail a second trial period, but might have forgotten about the previous purchase and may use an alternate email next time they sign up.
How do you prevent the user to be charged if they have already used up the trial for the same Apple ID, or if there's a way to know if the current user(Apple ID user) has already made this purchase in the past, so that you do not show them trial option anymore. Would restore purchases help in that regard?
Case 2: The same app user may intentionally change the apple id on the new/same device to avail multiple trials. While your app will detect the user has already purchased the trial, you may choose to let the user not show the subscription purchasing UI but if you do the purchase workflow on part of Apple would still consider it to be trial period(new apple id) and not remit you the payment for the same.
How do you circumvent these conditions or if there's a flaw in my understanding where these situations would not occur at all.
For case 1: maybe the following may work, but not sure:
Whenever there's a new login to the app, the app should either refresh receipt or ask to restore transactions to the user(this can be frustrating for actual first time users) and the receipt validation should be performed to check if the user had previous purchase and if the transaction id is linked to some previous user. This is basically a kind of self managed restore. But still in this case, the new user will not be able to get the trial period, you can just prompt that the current apple id is already used for trial.
Please suggest if my understanding is correct.

Handle Auto Renew Subscription iOS SDK

I am developing an app which requires auto renew subscription monthly and I want to maintain that on per user basis who logged into my app. is it possible anyhow with in app purchase. Also how can we handle cancelation of subscriptions ?
I want to maintain all this on my own server.
In the StoreKit documentation, it mentioned in Cancellation section:
A subscription is paid for in full when it’s purchased and can be
refunded only by contacting Apple customer service. For example, if
the user accidentally buys the wrong product, customer support can
cancel the subscription and issue a refund. It’s not possible for
customers to change their mind in the middle of a subscription period
and decide they don’t want to pay for the rest of the subscription.
To check whether a purchase has been canceled, look for the
Cancellation Date field in the receipt. If the field has a date in it,
regardless of the subscription’s expiration date, the purchase has
been canceled—treat a canceled receipt the same as if no purchase had
ever been made.
Depending on the type of product, you may be able to check only the
currently active subscription, or you may need to check all past
subscriptions. For example, a magazine app would need to check all
past subscriptions to determine which issues the user had access to.
Bear in mind that users can cancel the subscription anytime without opening your App. Therefore, you have to check the status of subscription every time the user logs into your App.
