User suddenly can't get past launch image screen - ios

A user has reported that my app suddenly won't launch on their device. They sent me a video, and they launch the app, the launch image screen shows for a split second, but then crashes back to the iOS home screen.
The user tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no benefit.
I use Crashlytics, and am not getting any reports of crashes from them (or any other user- although I've seen them in prior versions so I know it's working correctly). I'm also not seeing any crashes in iTunes connect.
I asked the user to send me any crash reports in the Settings Diagnostics section and they said there are none listed for my app.
I have confirmed that their iOS version is supported by my app. (iOS 8.4).
I'm not sure where to go next, and would appreciate any pointers. Sorry for the vague question but I have posted everything that I know about the situation.

Just wanted to provide some closure on this. The user ended up wiping and restoring their device, and it solved the problem. It seems extreme to me but it was their own suggestion and didn't take them long to do. So I'm not sure what caused this but that's one (albeit brute force) way to fix it.


How to debug react-native iOS app crashing on startup after a week or so

I started messing around with react-native. I've built a small application and it seems to work fine (package.json). I can work on it in Debug or Release mode, using the simulator or my iPhone 6S device, and all is well.
This app is just for me so I don't pay for the Apple Developer thing, and I just run the app in Release mode on my device, and it...seems to be fine? I can quit xcode and go places and the app works fine.
After a week or so, it's hard to tell, the app stops loading. It'll display the splash screen for a split second and then it's gone back to the home screen.
I setup Rollbar, but it doesn't catch anything. I look in the Privacy -> Analytics area and don't see anything there either.
I'm not really looking for an answer to my exact problem since various SO questions and other places suggest it's probably something weird and specific. My main problem is I don't know even where to look/how to debug this kind of thing. If I build the app and run it on device again, it'll run fine. I need to try to debug without loading new code, and have no idea how that works on iOS. I've tried poking around at the Debug -> Attach to Process by Name, but the app never gets far enough to do anything with that.
Alternatively, I throw react-native in the garbage and use something that works...
App provisioning with a free developer license (?) is 7 days. See: Why does my free XCode Provisioning Profile only last 7 days?
You can likely verify this by looking at error messages in the console window. Connect your device, and in Xcode go to Window/Devices and Simulators/Open Console, then launch your app.

TestFlight vs Live - app crashing on load when Live but not in TestFlight

I have a strange problem with a number of my app users that I’m struggling to figure out.
I’ve had reports from a small portion of my app users that their app starts to crash when they open it. It shows the splash screen but as soon as it is about to engage the main form it crashes back to the home screen of the phone.
The strange thing is that the exact same build prior to submitting to Apple, if installed through TestFlight opens fine. As soon as an affected user then installs the exact same build from the Live Store over it, the app crashes on load again 100%
I’d like to understand what happens technically to an app binary when it transitions from TestFlight to Production in the Apple App Store and wonder if anyone knows?
This may be a red herring and no doubt it’s a bug in my code but I’m suspicious that TestFlight builds behave differently and I’d like to determine if it’s related.

iPhone App Close immediately after launching

I have an iPhone app and working fine . But some of(2 or 3) my customers arises a complaint that they are having issue opening the app in the iPhone . They have installed the app and when open the app it just closes out right away. Also tried restarting phone but it still does this.Also tried to delete the app and then reinstall it but this still happens.
Is this any thing i can do in my app to prevent this ? Or how they can solve this problem ?
Is there any more information you could give regarding the nature of the crash? Have you recreated this scenario in Xcode and gotten an error message?
The best I can think to tell you is to look in the app delegate. That is where your app looks first, so there is some kind of uncaught error happening.
Maybe the app is trying to use some piece of data right at launch and it's not there. Maybe you are trying to use something before it is initialized.
Is your app using any 3rd party frameworks right at launch? If so, maybe something changed with the library.
If it is happening on some iPhones and not others, perhaps you are using some framework or function that is not compatible with an older version of iOS.
Perhaps there is something in common among the kind of devices the app crashes on.
Another thought, does your app ask for any permissions? Such as using the user's location. If it does, and there is a spot in your code where you assume you have permission and you don't perhaps that could cause a crash.
Hope this helps.
P.S. just read the comments to your question. They have some good advice. I would try what they are suggesting.

My iOS app every now and then refuses to launch until I reinstall it

I've got an app that uses Core Data that sporadically stops launching so I have to reinstall it using XCode and then it launches again like normal for a while, with all the Core Data information still preserved.
I have seen that an app often stops launching when the target of an app is too low in comparison to the device software version, however this is not so for this app and device (iPhone 6s).
Have you had such an issue before? What do you think could be causing this problem?
There are many, many, many things that could cause an app to fail to launch. You need to narrow things down and collect some data so that you can find out what the problem is and do something about it. Right now you don't even know that it's related to Core Data, you're just guessing.
For a crash on launch, look at the device console and see what messages appear when you try to launch the app and it fails. You can get the device console messages by
Connecting your device to your Mac
Opening Xcode's "Devices" window (cmd-shift-2)
Looking in the bottom half of the window
A better way to watch the console is to use the free iOS Console app.
The problem was that, as mentioned by dan in the comments, the code was being signed for a short period of time (7 days) and so I had to keep re-installing it on the iOS device to keep it working. Thus to keep the app working indefinitely a paid developer account is needed.
Also mentioned in this reddit forum:

How to debug an iOS app that does not make it past launch for certain users?

I have hundreds of people using my app, but a handful are reporting that the app does not make it past the black launch screen (it immediately closes, before entering into my app). I'm using Crittercism but it's not even getting far enough to catch any exception, which makes it sound like a springboard / backboard problem.
Here's what I've asked the users to do:
Reinstall the app
Delete some apps (to free some space)
Restart the device
None of the above worked. I'm completely at a loss as to what's wrong. The app is in the AppStore and works fine for most users. Furthermore, I can't find anything unique about these users (they're using recent versions of iOS with fairly modern hardware).
Crittercism doesn't show anything, because after the crash - log will be send only at the next launch, so if user doesn't open your app anymore (or can't do it, because he has constant crash).
I advice your to try next ideas:
Do use use keychain or store smth there? It's not cleared after uninstall
Maybe your data is backed up in icloud
Did it begin with the new iOs version (9.0 for example)
Maybe it's some cache problem after installing one version on another,
Can it be the problem of different timezones
Can it be a crash with local settings
If you have feedback with users with crash - contact them and ask about device, iOs version and other
your have crash sections in your itunesconnect profile, maybe there you'll get some information
