What is correct implementation of LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis)? - machine-learning

I found that the result of LDA in OpenCV is different from other libraries. For example, the input data was
DATA (13 data samples with 4 dimensions)
7 26 6 60
1 29 15 52
11 56 8 20
11 31 8 47
7 52 6 33
11 55 9 22
3 71 17 6
1 31 22 44
2 54 18 22
21 47 4 26
1 40 23 34
11 66 9 12
10 68 8 12
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0
The OpenCV code is
Mat data = (Mat_<float>(13, 4) <<\
7, 26, 6, 60,\
1, 29, 15, 52,\
11, 56, 8, 20,\
11, 31, 8, 47,\
7, 52, 6, 33,\
11, 55, 9, 22,\
3, 71, 17, 6,\
1, 31, 22, 44,\
2, 54, 18, 22,\
21, 47, 4, 26,\
1, 40, 23, 34,\
11, 66, 9, 12,\
10, 68, 8, 12);
Mat mean;
reduce(data, mean, 0, CV_REDUCE_AVG);
mean.convertTo(mean, CV_64F);
Mat label(data.rows, 1, CV_32SC1);
for (int i=0; i<label.rows; i++)
label.at<int>(i) = i%3;
LDA lda(data, label);
Mat projection = lda.subspaceProject(lda.eigenvectors(), mean, data);
The matlab code is (used Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction)
cd drtoolbox\techniques\
load hald
label=[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]
[projection, trainedlda] = lda(ingredients, label)
The eigenvalues are
OpenCV (lda.eigenvectors())
0.4457 4.0132
0.4880 3.5703
0.5448 3.3466
0.5162 3.5794
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction (trainedlda.M)
0.5613 0.7159
0.6257 0.6203
0.6898 0.5884
0.6635 0.6262
Then the projections of data are
1.3261 7.1276
0.8892 -4.7569
-1.8092 -6.1947
-0.0720 1.1927
0.0768 3.3105
-0.7200 0.7405
-0.3788 -4.7388
1.5490 -2.8255
-0.3166 -8.8295
-0.8259 9.8953
1.3239 -3.1406
-0.5140 4.2194
-0.5285 4.0001
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction
1.8030 1.3171
1.2128 -0.8311
-2.3390 -1.0790
-0.0686 0.3192
0.1583 0.5392
-0.9479 0.1414
-0.5238 -0.9722
1.9852 -0.4809
-0.4173 -1.6266
-1.1358 1.9009
1.6719 -0.5711
-0.6996 0.7034
-0.6993 0.6397
The eigenvectors and projections are different even though these LDAs have the same data. I believe there are 2 possibilities.
One of the libraries is wrong.
I am doing it wrong.
Thank you!

The difference is because eigenvectors are not normalized.
The normalized (L2 norm) eigenvectors are
0.44569 0.55196
0.48798 0.49105
0.54478 0.46028
0.51618 0.49230
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction
0.44064 0.55977
0.49120 0.48502
0.54152 0.46008
0.52087 0.48963
They look simliar now, although they have quite different eigenvalues.
Even though the PCA in OpenCV returns normalized eigenvectors, LDA does not. My next question is 'Is normalizing eigenvectors in LDA not necessary?'


Yolov5 model not able to train

I'm making a model to detect potholes in an image. I've done everything right or so it seems to me, but I can't train the model for some reason. What might be the problem here?
!python train.py --img 640 --cfg yolov5m.yaml --hyp data/hyps/hyp.scratch-med.yaml --batch 20 --epochs 300 --data data/potholeData.yaml --weights yolov5m.pt --workers 4 --name yolo_pothole_det_m
This is the final line of the code, which outputs the following.
train: weights=yolov5m.pt, cfg=yolov5m.yaml, data=data/potholeData.yaml, hyp=data/hyps/hyp.scratch-med.yaml, epochs=300, batch_size=20, imgsz=640, rect=False, resume=False, nosave=False, noval=False, noautoanchor=False, noplots=False, evolve=None, bucket=, cache=None, image_weights=False, device=, multi_scale=False, single_cls=False, optimizer=SGD, sync_bn=False, workers=4, project=runs/train, name=yolo_pothole_det_m, exist_ok=False, quad=False, cos_lr=False, label_smoothing=0.0, patience=100, freeze=[0], save_period=-1, seed=0, local_rank=-1, entity=None, upload_dataset=False, bbox_interval=-1, artifact_alias=latest
github: up to date with https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5 ✅
YOLOv5 🚀 v7.0-23-g5dc1ce4 Python-3.9.13 torch-1.13.0 CPU
hyperparameters: lr0=0.01, lrf=0.1, momentum=0.937, weight_decay=0.0005, warmup_epochs=3.0, warmup_momentum=0.8, warmup_bias_lr=0.1, box=0.05, cls=0.3, cls_pw=1.0, obj=0.7, obj_pw=1.0, iou_t=0.2, anchor_t=4.0, fl_gamma=0.0, hsv_h=0.015, hsv_s=0.7, hsv_v=0.4, degrees=0.0, translate=0.1, scale=0.9, shear=0.0, perspective=0.0, flipud=0.0, fliplr=0.5, mosaic=1.0, mixup=0.1, copy_paste=0.0
ClearML: run 'pip install clearml' to automatically track, visualize and remotely train YOLOv5 🚀 in ClearML
Comet: run 'pip install comet_ml' to automatically track and visualize YOLOv5 🚀 runs in Comet
TensorBoard: Start with 'tensorboard --logdir runs/train', view at http://localhost:6006/
Overriding model.yaml nc=80 with nc=1
from n params module arguments
0 -1 1 5280 models.common.Conv [3, 48, 6, 2, 2]
1 -1 1 41664 models.common.Conv [48, 96, 3, 2]
2 -1 2 65280 models.common.C3 [96, 96, 2]
3 -1 1 166272 models.common.Conv [96, 192, 3, 2]
4 -1 4 444672 models.common.C3 [192, 192, 4]
5 -1 1 664320 models.common.Conv [192, 384, 3, 2]
6 -1 6 2512896 models.common.C3 [384, 384, 6]
7 -1 1 2655744 models.common.Conv [384, 768, 3, 2]
8 -1 2 4134912 models.common.C3 [768, 768, 2]
9 -1 1 1476864 models.common.SPPF [768, 768, 5]
10 -1 1 295680 models.common.Conv [768, 384, 1, 1]
11 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
12 [-1, 6] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
13 -1 2 1182720 models.common.C3 [768, 384, 2, False]
14 -1 1 74112 models.common.Conv [384, 192, 1, 1]
15 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
16 [-1, 4] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
17 -1 2 296448 models.common.C3 [384, 192, 2, False]
18 -1 1 332160 models.common.Conv [192, 192, 3, 2]
19 [-1, 14] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
20 -1 2 1035264 models.common.C3 [384, 384, 2, False]
21 -1 1 1327872 models.common.Conv [384, 384, 3, 2]
22 [-1, 10] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]
23 -1 2 4134912 models.common.C3 [768, 768, 2, False]
24 [17, 20, 23] 1 24246 models.yolo.Detect [1, [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]], [192, 384, 768]]
Isn't it supposed to train the model after that? What am I doing wrong for it to stop it right here?
in cmd you can see that it didn't read any images dataset. make sure that your potholedata.yaml file true located. in this file you have to write this code:
train: ../train/images #path to train images
val: ../valid/images #path to valid images
nc: 1 #number of classes
names: ['Weapon'] #name of classes
After this you can run and your train will continue

Z3 vZ - Adding constraint improves optimum

I'm new to using Z3 and am trying to model an ILP, which I have already successfully done using the MILP Solver PuLP. I now implemented the same objective function (which is to be minimized) and the same constraints in Z3 and am experiencing strange behaviour. Mainly, that adding a constraint decreases the minimum.
My question is: How can that be? Is it a bug or can it be explained somehow?
More detail, in case needed:
I'm trying to solve a Teacher Assignment Problem. Courses are scheduled before a year and the teachers get the list of the courses. They then can select which courses they want to teach, with which priority they want to teach it, how many workdays (each course lasts several days) they desire to teach and a max and min number of courses they definitly want to teach. The program gets as input a list of possible teacher-assignments. A teacher-assignment is a tuple consisting of:
priority of teacher towards event
the distance between teacher and course
The goal of the program to find a combination of assignments that minimize:
the average relative deviation 'desired workdays <-> assigned workdays' of all teachers
the maximum relative deviation 'desired workdays <-> assigned workdays' of any teacher
the overall distance of courses to assigned teachers
the sum of priorities (higher priority means less willingness to teach)
Main Constraints:
number of teachers assigned to course must match needed amount of teachers
the number of assigned courses to a teacher must be within the specified min/max range
the courses to which a teacher is assigned may not overlap in time (a list of overlap-sets are given)
To track the average relative deviation and the maximum deviation of workdays two more 'helper-constraints' are introduced:
for each teacher: overload (delta_plus) - underload (delta_minus) = assigned workdays - desired workdays
for each teacher: delta_plus + delta_minus <= max relative deviation (DELTA)
Here you have this as Python code:
from z3 import *
def compute_optimum(a1, a2, a3, a4, worst_case_distance=0):
Find the optimum solution with weights a1, a2, a3, a4
(average workday deviation, maximum workday deviation, cummulative linear distance, sum of priority 2 assignments)
Higher weight = More optimized (value minimized)
Returns all assignment-tuples which occur in the calculated optimal model.
print("Powered by Z3")
print(f"\n\n\n\n ------- FINDING OPTIMUM TO WEIGHTS: a1={a1}, a2={a2}, a3={a3}, a4={a4} -------\n")
# key: assignment tuple value: z3-Bool
x = {assignment : Bool('e%i_%s' % (assignment[1], assignment[0])) for assignment in possible_assignments}
delta_plus = {teacher : Int('d+_%s' % teacher) for teacher in teachers}
delta_minus = {teacher : Int('d-_%s' % teacher) for teacher in teachers}
opt = Optimize()
# constraint1: number of teachers needed per event
num_available_per_event = {event : len(list(filter(lambda assignment: assignment[1] == event, possible_assignments))) for event in events}
for event in events:
num_teachers_to_assign = min(event_size[event], num_available_per_event[event])
opt.add(Sum( [If(x[assignment], 1, 0) for assignment in x.keys() if assignment[1] == event] ) == num_teachers_to_assign)
for teacher in teachers:
# constraint2: max and min number of events for each teacher
max_events = len(events)
min_events = 0
num_assigned_events = Sum( [If(x[assignment], 1, 0) for assignment in x.keys() if assignment[0] == teacher] )
opt.add(num_assigned_events >= min_events, num_assigned_events <= max_events)
# constraint3: teacher can't work in multiple overlapping events
for overlapping_events in event_overlap_sets:
opt.add(Sum( [If(x[assignment], 1, 0) for assignment in x.keys() if assignment[1] in overlapping_events and assignment[0] == teacher] ) <= 1)
# constraint4: delta (absolute over and underload of teacher)
num_teacher_workdays = Sum( [If(x[assignment], event_durations[assignment[1]], 0) for assignment in x.keys() if assignment[0] == teacher])
opt.add(delta_plus[teacher] >= 0, delta_minus[teacher] >= 0)
opt.add(delta_plus[teacher] - delta_minus[teacher] == num_teacher_workdays - desired_workdays[teacher])
# constraint5: DELTA (maximum relative deviation of wished to assigned workdays)
opt.add(DELTA >= ToReal(delta_plus[teacher] + delta_minus[teacher]) / desired_workdays[teacher])
#opt.add(DELTA <= 1) # adding this results in better optimum
average_rel_workday_deviation = Sum( [ToReal(delta_plus[teacher] + delta_minus[teacher]) / desired_workdays[teacher] for teacher in teachers]) / len(teachers)
overall_distance = Sum( [If(x[assignment], assignment[3], 0) for assignment in x.keys()])
num_prio2 = Sum( [If(x[assignment], assignment[2]-1, 0) for assignment in x.keys()])
obj_fun = opt.minimize(
a1 * average_rel_workday_deviation
+ a2 * DELTA
+ a3 * overall_distance
+ a4 * num_prio2
if opt.check() == sat:
m = opt.model()
optimal_assignments = []
for assignment in x.keys():
if m.evaluate(x[assignment]):
for teacher in teachers:
print(f"{teacher}: d+ {m.evaluate(delta_plus[teacher])}, d- {m.evaluate(delta_minus[teacher])}")
print("DELTA:::", m.evaluate(DELTA))
print("min value:", obj_fun.value().as_decimal(2))
return optimal_assignments
print("Not satisfiable")
return []
Sample input:
teachers = ['fr', 'hö', 'pf', 'bo', 'jö', 'sti', 'bi', 'la', 'he', 'kl', 'sc', 'str', 'ko', 'ba']
events = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
event_overlap_sets = [{5, 6}, {8, 9}, {10, 11}, {11, 12}, {12, 13}]
desired_workdays = {'fr': 36, 'hö': 50, 'pf': 30, 'bo': 100, 'jö': 80, 'sti': 56, 'bi': 20, 'la': 140, 'he': 5.0, 'kl': 50, 'sc': 38, 'str': 42, 'ko': 20, 'ba': 20}
event_size = {5: 2, 6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 3, 9: 2, 10: 2, 11: 3, 12: 2}
event_durations = {5: 5.0, 6: 5.0, 7: 5.0, 8: 16, 9: 7.0, 10: 5.0, 11: 16, 12: 5.0}
# assignment: (teacher, event, priority, distance)
possible_assignments = [('he', 5, 1, 11), ('sc', 5, 1, 48), ('str', 5, 1, 199), ('ko', 6, 1, 53), ('jö', 7, 1, 317), ('bo', 9, 1, 56), ('sc', 10, 1, 25), ('ba', 11, 1, 224), ('bo', 11, 1, 312), ('jö', 11, 1, 252), ('kl', 11, 1, 248), ('la', 11, 1, 303), ('pf', 11, 1, 273), ('str', 11, 1, 228), ('kl', 5, 2, 103), ('la', 5, 2, 16), ('pf', 5, 2, 48), ('bi', 6, 2, 179), ('la', 6, 2, 16), ('pf', 6, 2, 48), ('sc', 6, 2, 48), ('str', 6, 2, 199), ('sc', 7, 2, 354), ('sti', 7, 2, 314), ('bo', 8, 2, 298), ('fr', 8, 2, 375), ('hö', 9, 2, 95), ('jö', 9, 2, 119), ('sc', 9, 2, 37), ('sti', 9, 2, 95), ('bi', 10, 2, 211), ('hö', 11, 2, 273), ('bi', 12, 2, 408), ('bo', 12, 2, 318), ('ko', 12, 2, 295), ('la', 12, 2, 305), ('sc', 12, 2, 339), ('str', 12, 2, 218)]
Output (just the delta+ and delta-):
------- FINDING OPTIMUM TO WEIGHTS: a1=1, a2=1, a3=1, a4=1 -------
fr: d+ 17, d- 37
hö: d+ 26, d- 69
pf: d+ 0, d- 25
bo: d+ 41, d- 120
jö: d+ 0, d- 59
sti: d+ 27, d- 71
bi: d+ 0, d- 15
la: d+ 0, d- 119
he: d+ 0, d- 0
kl: d+ 0, d- 50
sc: d+ 0, d- 33
str: d+ 0, d- 32
ko: d+ 0, d- 20
ba: d+ 10, d- 14
DELTA::: 19/10
min value: 3331.95?
What I observe that does not make sense to me:
often, neither delta_plus nor delta_minus for a teacher equals 0, DELTA is bigger than 1
adding constraint 'DELTA <= 1' results in a smaller objective function value, faster computation and observation 1 cannot be observed anymore
Also: the computation takes forever (although this is not the point of this)
I am happy for any sort of help!
Like suggested by alias, changing the delta+/- variables to Real and removing the two ToReal() statements yields the desired result. If you look at the generated expressions of my sample input, there are in fact slight differences (also besides the different datatype and missing to_real statements).
For example, when looking at the constraint, which is supposed to constrain that delta_plus - delta_minus of 'fri' is equals to 16 - 36 if he works for event 8, 0 - 36 if he doesn't.
My old code using integers and ToReal-conversions produces this expression:
(assert (= (- d+_fr d-_fr) (- (+ (ite e8_fr 16 0)) 36)))
The code using Reals and no type-conversions produces this:
(assert (let ((a!1 (to_real (- (+ (ite e8_fr 16 0)) 36))))
(= (- d+_fr d-_fr) a!1)))
Also the minimization expressions are slightly different:
My old code using integers and ToReal-conversions produces this expression:
(minimize (let (
(a!1 ...)
(a!2 (...))
(a!3 (...))
(+ (* 1.0 (/ a!1 14.0)) (* 1.0 DELTA) a!2 a!3)))
The code using Reals and no type-conversions produces this:
(minimize (let (
(a!1 (/ ... 14.0))
(a!2 (...))
(a!3 (...))
(+ (* 1.0 a!1) (* 1.0 DELTA) a!2 a!3)))
Sadly I don't know really know how to read this but it seems quite the same to me.

Use a custom kernel / image filter to find a specific pattern in a 2d array

Given an image im,
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> im = np.random.randint(0, 100, (10,5))
>>> im
array([[44, 47, 64, 67, 67],
[ 9, 83, 21, 36, 87],
[70, 88, 88, 12, 58],
[65, 39, 87, 46, 88],
[81, 37, 25, 77, 72],
[ 9, 20, 80, 69, 79],
[47, 64, 82, 99, 88],
[49, 29, 19, 19, 14],
[39, 32, 65, 9, 57],
[32, 31, 74, 23, 35]])
what is the best way to find a specific segment of this image, for instance
>>> im[6:9, 2:5]
array([[82, 99, 88],
[19, 19, 14],
[65, 9, 57]])
If the specific combination does not exist (maybe due to noise), I would like to have a similarity measure, which searches for segments with a similar distribution and tells me for each pixel of im, how good the agreement is. For instance something like
array([[0.03726647, 0.14738364, 0.04331007, 0.02704363, 0.0648282 ],
[0.02993497, 0.04446428, 0.0772978 , 0.1805197 , 0.08999 ],
[0.12261269, 0.18046972, 0.01985607, 0.19396181, 0.13062801],
[0.03418192, 0.07163043, 0.15013723, 0.12156613, 0.06500945],
[0.00768509, 0.12685481, 0.19178985, 0.13055806, 0.12701177],
[0.19905991, 0.11637007, 0.08287372, 0.0949395 , 0.12470202],
[0.06760152, 0.13495046, 0.06344035, 0.1556691 , 0.18991421],
[0.13250537, 0.00271433, 0.12456922, 0.97 , 0.194389 ],
[0.17563869, 0.10192488, 0.01114294, 0.09023184, 0.00399753],
[0.08834218, 0.19591735, 0.07188889, 0.09617871, 0.13773224]])
The example code is python.
I think there should be a solution correlating a kernel with im. This will have the issue though, that a segment with the same value but scaled, will give a sharper response.
Template matching would be one of the ways to go about it. Of course deep learning/ML can also be used for more complicated matching.
Most image processing libraries support some sort of matching function which compares a set of 2 image - reference and the one to match. In OpenCV it returns a score which can used to determine a match. The matching method uses various functions that support scale and/or rotation invariant matching. Beware of licensing constraints in the method you plan to use.
In case the images may not always be exact, you can use standard deviation (StdDev) to allow for permissible deviation and yet classify them into buckets. Histogram matching may also be used depending on the condition of image to be matched (lighting, color can be important, unless you use specific channels). Use of histogram will avoid matching template in its entirety.
Ref for Template Matching:
OpenCV - https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/dc6/tutorial_py_template_matching.html
SciPy - https://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/features_detection/plot_template.html
Thanks to banerjk for the great answer - template matching is exactly the solution!
some backup method
Considering my correlating-with-a-kernel idea, there is some progress:
When one correlates the image with the template (i.e. what I called target segment in the question), chances are high, that the most intense point in the correlated image (relative to the mean intensity) matches the template position (see im and m in the example). Seems like I am not the first, who comes up with this idea, as can be see in these lecture notes on page 39.
However, this is not always true. This method, more or less, just detects weight at the largest values in the template. In the example, im2 is constructed such, that it tricks this concept.
Maybe it gets more reliable if one applies some filter (for instance median) on the image beforehand.
I just wanted to mention it here, as it might have advantages for certain situations (it should be more performant compared to the Wikipedia-implementation of template_matching).
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
im = np.random.randint(0, 100, (10,5))
t = im[6:9, 2:5]
print('t', t, sep='\n')
m = ndimage.correlate(im, t) / ndimage.correlate(im, np.ones(t.shape))
m /= np.amax(m)
print('im', im, sep='\n')
print('m', m, sep='\n')
print("this can be 'tricked', however")
im2 = im.copy()
im2[6:9, :3] = 0
im2[6,1] = 1
m2 = ndimage.correlate(im2, t) / ndimage.correlate(im2, np.ones(t.shape))
m2 /= np.amax(m2)
print('im2', im2, sep='\n')
print('m2', m2, sep='\n')
[[82 99 88]
[19 19 14]
[65 9 57]]
[[44 47 64 67 67]
[ 9 83 21 36 87]
[70 88 88 12 58]
[65 39 87 46 88]
[81 37 25 77 72]
[ 9 20 80 69 79]
[47 64 82 99 88]
[49 29 19 19 14]
[39 32 65 9 57]
[32 31 74 23 35]]
[[0.73776208 0.62161208 0.74504705 0.71202601 0.66743979]
[0.70809611 0.70617161 0.70284942 0.80653741 0.67067733]
[0.55047727 0.61675268 0.5937487 0.70579195 0.74351706]
[0.7303857 0.77147963 0.74809273 0.59136392 0.61324214]
[0.70041161 0.7717032 0.69220064 0.72463532 0.6957257 ]
[0.89696894 0.69741108 0.64136612 0.64154719 0.68621613]
[0.48509474 0.60700037 0.65812918 0.68441118 0.68835903]
[0.73802038 0.83224745 0.87301124 1. 0.92272565]
[0.72708573 0.64909142 0.54540817 0.60859883 0.52663327]
[0.72061572 0.70357846 0.61626289 0.71932261 0.75028955]]
this can be 'tricked', however
[[44 47 64 67 67]
[ 9 83 21 36 87]
[70 88 88 12 58]
[65 39 87 46 88]
[81 37 25 77 72]
[ 9 20 80 69 79]
[ 0 1 0 99 88]
[ 0 0 0 19 14]
[ 0 0 0 9 57]
[32 31 74 23 35]]
[[0.53981867 0.45483201 0.54514907 0.52098765 0.48836403]
[0.51811216 0.51670401 0.51427317 0.59014141 0.49073293]
[0.40278285 0.4512764 0.43444444 0.51642621 0.54402958]
[0.5344214 0.56448972 0.54737758 0.43269951 0.44870774]
[0.51248943 0.56465331 0.50648148 0.53021386 0.50906076]
[0.78923691 0.56633529 0.51641414 0.44336403 0.50210263]
[0.88137788 0.89779614 0.63552189 0.55070797 0.50367059]
[0.88888889 1. 0.75544508 0.75694003 0.67515605]
[0.43965976 0.48492221 0.37490287 0.48511085 0.38533625]
[0.30754918 0.32478065 0.27066895 0.46685032 0.548985 ]]
Maybe someone can contribute on the background of the lecture notes.
update: It is discussed in J. P. Lewis, “Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation”, Industrial Light and Magic. on the very first page.

OpenCV - detect components of certain width

I have an image with detected components. From this I need to detect components that form "polyline" of certain width (white and red in the image below).
What algorithm is best for this in OpenCV? I have tried separate all components one by one and use morphological operations but that was quite slow and not entirely accurate.
Note: the image below is downsampled. Original image has resolution 8K and border thickness is approx. 30-40px.
I like your question - it is kind of like granulometry of lines instead of grains.
My approach is to find the unique colours in your image and then, for each colour:
isolate that colour as white on black
repeatedly erode by 3 pixels till nothing is left
Note that 20-30% of the code below is just for debug and explanation, and also that it could be speeded up with multi-processing and a little tweaking.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage.morphology import medial_axis, erosion, disk
def getColoursAndCounts(im):
"""Returns list of unique colours in an image and their counts."""
# Make a single 24-bit number for each pixel - it's faster
f = np.dot(im.astype(np.uint32), [1,256,65536])
# Count unique colours in image and how often they occur
colours, counts = np.unique(f, return_counts=1)
# Convert found colours back from 24-bit number to BGR
return np.dstack((colours&255,(colours>>8)&255,colours>>16)).reshape((-1,3)), counts
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load image and get colours present and their counts
im = cv2.imread('classes_fs.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
colours, counts = getColoursAndCounts(im)
# Iterate over unique colours/classes - this could easily be multi-processed
for index, colour in enumerate(colours):
b, g, r = colour
count = counts[index]
print(f'DEBUG: Processing class {index}, colour ({b},{g},{r}), area {count}')
# Generate this class in white on a black background for processing
m = np.where(np.all(im==[colour], axis=-1), 255, 0).astype(np.uint8)
# Create debug image - can be omitted
cv2.imwrite(f'class-{index}.png', m)
# DEBUG only - show progression of erosion
out = m.copy()
# You could trim the excess black around the shape here to speed up morphology
# Erode, repeatedly with disk of radius 3 to determine line width
radius = 3
selem = disk(radius)
for j in range(1,7):
# Erode again, see what's left
m = erosion(m,selem)
c = cv2.countNonZero(m)
percRem = int(c*100/count)
print(f' Iteration: {j}, nonZero: {c}, %remaining: {percRem}')
# DEBUG only
out = np.hstack((out, m))
if c==0:
# DEBUG only
cv2.imwrite(f'erosion-{index}.png', out)
So, the 35 unique colours in your image give rise to these classes once isolated:
Here is the output:
DEBUG: Processing class 0, colour (0,0,0), area 629800
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 390312, %remaining: 61
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 206418, %remaining: 32
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 123643, %remaining: 19
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 73434, %remaining: 11
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 40059, %remaining: 6
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 21975, %remaining: 3
DEBUG: Processing class 1, colour (10,14,0), area 5700
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 2024, %remaining: 35
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 38, %remaining: 0
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 3, %remaining: 0
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 22, colour (174,41,180), area 3600
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 1501, %remaining: 41
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 222, %remaining: 6
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 17, %remaining: 0
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 23, colour (241,11,185), area 200
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 56, %remaining: 28
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 24, colour (247,23,185), area 44800
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 38666, %remaining: 86
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 32982, %remaining: 73
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 27904, %remaining: 62
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 23364, %remaining: 52
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 19267, %remaining: 43
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 15718, %remaining: 35
DEBUG: Processing class 25, colour (165,142,185), area 33800
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 30506, %remaining: 90
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 27554, %remaining: 81
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 24970, %remaining: 73
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 22603, %remaining: 66
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 20351, %remaining: 60
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 18206, %remaining: 53
DEBUG: Processing class 26, colour (26,147,198), area 2100
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 913, %remaining: 43
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 152, %remaining: 7
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 12, %remaining: 0
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 27, colour (190,39,199), area 18500
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 6265, %remaining: 33
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 28, colour (149,210,201), area 2200
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 598, %remaining: 27
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 0, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 29, colour (188,169,216), area 10700
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 9643, %remaining: 90
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 8664, %remaining: 80
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 7763, %remaining: 72
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 6932, %remaining: 64
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 6169, %remaining: 57
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 5460, %remaining: 51
DEBUG: Processing class 30, colour (100,126,217), area 5624300
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 5565713, %remaining: 98
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 5511150, %remaining: 97
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 5464286, %remaining: 97
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 5420125, %remaining: 96
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 5377851, %remaining: 95
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 5337091, %remaining: 94
DEBUG: Processing class 31, colour (68,238,237), area 2100
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 1446, %remaining: 68
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 922, %remaining: 43
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 589, %remaining: 28
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 336, %remaining: 16
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 151, %remaining: 7
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 38, %remaining: 1
DEBUG: Processing class 32, colour (131,228,240), area 4000
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 3358, %remaining: 83
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 2788, %remaining: 69
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 2290, %remaining: 57
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 1866, %remaining: 46
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 1490, %remaining: 37
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 1154, %remaining: 28
DEBUG: Processing class 33, colour (0,0,255), area 8500
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 6046, %remaining: 71
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 3906, %remaining: 45
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 2350, %remaining: 27
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 1119, %remaining: 13
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 194, %remaining: 2
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 18, %remaining: 0
DEBUG: Processing class 34, colour (255,255,255), area 154300
Iteration: 1, nonZero: 117393, %remaining: 76
Iteration: 2, nonZero: 82930, %remaining: 53
Iteration: 3, nonZero: 51625, %remaining: 33
Iteration: 4, nonZero: 24842, %remaining: 16
Iteration: 5, nonZero: 6967, %remaining: 4
Iteration: 6, nonZero: 2020, %remaining: 1
If we look at class 34 - the one you are interested in. The successive erosions look like this - you can see the shape disappearing completely by a radius of around 15 pixels, which corresponds to losing 15 pixels on the left and 15 pixels on the right of your 30 pixel wide shape:
If you plot the percentage of pixels remaining after each successive erosion, you can easily see the difference between class 34 where it goes to zero after 5-6 erosions of 3 pixels each (i.e. 15-18 pixels) and class 25 where it doesn't:
For anyone wishing to run my code, note that I up-scaled the input image (nearest-neighbour resampling) to 10x its current size with ImageMagick:
magick classes.png -scale 1000%x classes_fs.png
I mentioned this concept in my comment. One inelegant way to achieve this could be something like this:
_, ctrs, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
out = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
epsilon = 1.0
desired_width = 30.0
for i in range(len(ctrs)):
if(hierarchy[0][i][3] != -1):
a = cv2.contourArea(ctrs[i])
p = cv2.arcLength(ctrs[i], True)
print(a, p)
if a != 0 and p != 0 and abs(a/((p-2*desired_width)/2) - desired_width) < epsilon:
cv2.drawContours(out, [ctrs[i]], -1, 255, -1)
A few parameters might need adjusting based on how opencv calculates area and perimeter.
EDIT: Adding a test image which has 4 squiggly lines with 14-16px width. Of course these are way too simplistic as compared to images you are dealing with.
You can try this:
Convert the image to bicolor. Objects are white, borders are black.
Erosion of all objects by 15-20 pixels. We get the marker.
Morphological reconstruction of the original image with a marker. You get an image without narrow lines.
Bitwise XOR paragraph 1 and 3.

iOS Swift Mi Scale 2 Bluetooth Get Weight

I am writing an app that can get weight measurement from Xiaomi mi scale 2. After reading all available uuid's, only "181B" connection, specifically "2A9C" characteristic (Body weight measurement in bluetooth gatt) gets notifications.
Value data is [2, 164, 178, 7, 1, 1, 2, 58, 56, 253, 255, 240, 60]. Only last two values vary, the rest is time and date, witch is not set currently (253, 255 are zeroes when the weight varies on the scale until it stabilizes).
Can someone help me get only persons weight, should i be getting data maybe in a different way, from other uuid's (like custom ones: 00001530-0000-3512-2118-0009AF100700, 00001542-0000-3512-2118-0009AF100700), and how do i retrieve them.
Correct answer by Paulw11: You need to look at bit 0 of the first byte to determine if the weight is in imperial or SI; the bit is 0 so the data is SI. The to get the weight, convert the last two bytes to a 16 bit integer (60*256+240 = 15,600) and multiply by 0.005 = 78kg
In my case, it was a little different:
I got data like this [207, 0, 0, 178, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 127] (6.9 KG) and the solution is:
let bytesArray = [207, 0, 0, 178, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 127]
let weight = (( bytesArray[4] * 256 + bytesArray[3] ) * 10.0) / 1000
And now I have my 6.9 kg.
I was using Mi Smart scale and i had the following byte array.
02-A4-B2-07-02-13-06-33-35-FD-FF-EC-09" received - 12.7 KG
02-A4-B2-07-02-13-06-3B-17-FD-FF-C8-3C" - 77.8 KG
I used the last two bytes to get the weights in KG.
(09*256 + EC)/200 = 12.7
(3C*256+C8)/200 = 77.8
My byte array was 13 bytes long.
bytes 0 and 1: control bytes
bytes 2 and 3: year
byte 4: month
byte 5: day
byte 6: hours
byte 7: minutes
byte 8: seconds
bytes 9 and 10: impedance
bytes 11 and 12: weight (divide by 100 for pounds and catty, divide by 200 for kilograms)
