I have a relative camera pose estimation problem where I am looking at a scene with differently oriented cameras spaced a certain distance apart. Initially, I am computing the essential matrix using the 5 point algorithm and decomposing it to get the R and t of camera 2 w.r.t camera 1.
I thought it would be a good idea to do a check by triangulating the two sets of image points into 3D, and then running solvePnP on the 3D-2D correspondences, but the result I get from solvePnP is way off. I am trying to do this to "refine" my pose as the scale can change from one frame to another. Anyway, In one case, I had a 45 degree rotation between camera 1 and camera 2 along the Z axis, and the epipolar geometry part gave me this answer:
Relative camera rotation is [1.46774, 4.28483, 40.4676]
Translation vector is [-0.778165583410928; -0.6242059242696293; -0.06946429947410336]
solvePnP, on the other hand..
Camera1: rvecs [0.3830144497209735; -0.5153903947692436; -0.001401186630803216]
tvecs [-1777.451836911453; -1097.111339375749; 3807.545406775675]
Euler1 [24.0615, -28.7139, -6.32776]
Camera2: rvecs [1407374883553280; 1337006420426752; 774194163884064.1] (!!)
tvecs[1.249151852575814; -4.060149502748567; -0.06899980661249146]
Euler2 [-122.805, -69.3934, 45.7056]
Something is troublingly off with the rvecs of camera2 and tvec of camera 1. My code involving the point triangulation and solvePnP looks like this:
points1.convertTo(points1, CV_32F);
points2.convertTo(points2, CV_32F);
// Homogenize image points
points1.col(0) = (points1.col(0) - pp.x) / focal;
points2.col(0) = (points2.col(0) - pp.x) / focal;
points1.col(1) = (points1.col(1) - pp.y) / focal;
points2.col(1) = (points2.col(1) - pp.y) / focal;
points1 = points1.t(); points2 = points2.t();
cv::triangulatePoints(P1, P2, points1, points2, points3DH);
cv::Mat points3D;
convertPointsFromHomogeneous(Mat(points3DH.t()).reshape(4, 1), points3D);
cv::solvePnP(points3D, points1.t(), K, noArray(), rvec1, tvec1, 1, CV_ITERATIVE );
cv::solvePnP(points3D, points2.t(), K, noArray(), rvec2, tvec2, 1, CV_ITERATIVE );
And then I am converting the rvecs through Rodrigues to get the Euler angles: but since rvecs and tvecs themselves seem to be wrong, I feel something's wrong with my process. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks!
I have two calibrated cameras, with very different lenses and FOVs.
I have a chessboard visible in both.
What i need is to calculate very accurately (within 0.1 of a degree, ideally), the relative rotation between the cameras.
Using the following:
bool found_chessboard = cv::findChessboardCorners(imageGray, cv::Size(grid_size_x, grid_size_y), corners1, 0);// cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH + cv::CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE + cv::CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK);
bool found_chessboard2 = cv::findChessboardCorners(imageGray2, cv::Size(grid_size_x, grid_size_y), corners2, 0);// cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH + cv::CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE + cv::CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK);
if (found_chessboard && found_chessboard2)
cv::cornerSubPix(imageGray, corners1, cv::Size(3, 3), cv::Size(-1, -1), cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 50, 0.01));
cv::cornerSubPix(imageGray2, corners2, cv::Size(3, 3), cv::Size(-1, -1), cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 50, 0.01));
// Calculate the homography
cv::Mat h = cv::findHomography(corners1, corners2);
// Warp source image to destination
warpPerspective(img_src, img_dst, h, cv::Size(img_dst.cols, img_dst.rows));
I can calculate the homography matrix, and remap one image to another. This looks good.
Using the decompose with the intrinsic matrix:
std::vector<cv::Mat> Rs, Ts;
Rs, Ts,
Prints 4 possible solutions, but they all look wrong.
As it is being run on raw images, I imagine that lens distortion would effect the results, is this correct?
I have also tried stereo calibration to solve this problem, but the results are variable, and I can only seem to get to within 2 degrees or so of the ground truth.
How can I accurately calculate the rotational difference between two very different cameras?
I am using opencv::solvePnP to return a camera pose. I run PnP, and it returns the rvec and tvec values.(rotation vector and position).
I then run this function to convert the values to the camera pose:
void GetCameraPoseEigen(cv::Vec3d tvecV, cv::Vec3d rvecV, Eigen::Vector3d &Translate, Eigen::Quaterniond &quats)
Mat R;
Mat tvec, rvec;
tvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(tvecV);
rvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(rvecV);
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
R = R.t(); // rotation of inverse
tvec = -R*tvec; // translation of inverse
Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
cv2eigen(R, mat);
Eigen::Quaterniond EigenQuat(mat);
quats = EigenQuat;
double x_t = tvec.at<double>(0, 0);
double y_t = tvec.at<double>(1, 0);
double z_t = tvec.at<double>(2, 0);
Translate.x() = x_t * 10;
Translate.y() = y_t * 10;
Translate.z() = z_t * 10;
This works, yet at some rotation angles, the converted rotation values flip randomly between positive and negative values. Yet, the source rvecV value does not. I assume this means I am going wrong with my conversion. How can i get a stable Quaternion from the PnP returned cv::Vec3d?
EDIT: This seems to be Quaternion flipping, as mentioned here:
Quaternion is flipping sign for very similar rotations?
Based on that, i have tried adding:
if(quat.w() < 0)
quat = quat.Inverse();
But I see the same flipping.
Both quat and -quat represent the same rotation. You can check that by taking a unit quaternion, converting it to a rotation matrix, then doing
quat.coeffs() = -quat.coeffs();
and converting that to a rotation matrix as well.
If for some reason you always want a positive w value, negate all coefficients if w is negative.
The sign should not matter...
... rotation-wise, as long as all four fields of the 4D quaternion are getting flipped. There's more to it explained here:
Quaternion to EulerXYZ, how to differentiate the negative and positive quaternion
Think of it this way:
Angle/axis both flipped mean the same thing
and mind the clockwise to counterclockwise transition much like in a mirror image.
There may be convention to keep the quat.w() or quat[0] component positive and change other components to opposite accordingly. Assume w = cos(angle/2) then setting w > 0 just means: I want angle to be within the (-pi, pi) range. So that the -270 degrees rotation becomes +90 degrees rotation.
Doing the quat.Inverse() is probably not what you want, because this creates a rotation in the opposite direction. That is -quat != quat.Inverse().
Also: check that both systems have the same handedness (chirality)! Test if your rotation matrix determinant is +1 or -1.
(sry for the image link, I don't have enough reputation to embed them).
How can I calculate distance from camera to a point on a ground plane from an image?
I have the intrinsic parameters of the camera and the position (height, pitch).
Is there any OpenCV function that can estimate that distance?
You can use undistortPoints to compute the rays backprojecting the pixels, but that API is rather hard to use for your purpose. It may be easier to do the calculation "by hand" in your code. Doing it at least once will also help you understand what exactly that API is doing.
Express your "position (height, pitch)" of the camera as a rotation matrix R and a translation vector t, representing the coordinate transform from the origin of the ground plane to the camera. That is, given a point in ground plane coordinates Pg = [Xg, Yg, Zg], its coordinates in camera frame are given by
Pc = R * Pg + t
The camera center is Cc = [0, 0, 0] in camera coordinates. In ground coordinates it is then:
Cg = inv(R) * (-t) = -R' * t
where inv(R) is the inverse of R, R' is its transpose, and the last equality is due to R being an orthogonal matrix.
Let's assume, for simplicity, that the the ground plane is Zg = 0.
Let K be the matrix of intrinsic parameters. Given a pixel q = [u, v], write it in homogeneous image coordinates Q = [u, v, 1]. Its location in camera coordinates is
Qc = Ki * Q
where Ki = inv(K) is the inverse of the intrinsic parameters matrix. The same point in world coordinates is then
Qg = R' * Qc + Cg
All the points Pg = [Xg, Yg, Zg] that belong to the ray from the camera center through that pixel, expressed in ground coordinates, are then on the line
Pg = Cg + lambda * (Qg - Cg)
for lambda going from 0 to positive infinity. This last formula represents three equations in ground XYZ coordinates, and you want to find the values of X, Y, Z and lambda where the ray intersects the ground plane. But that means Zg=0, so you have only 3 unknowns. Solve them (you recover lambda from the 3rd equation, then substitute in the first two), and you get Xg and Yg of the solution to your problem.
I'm working on a 3D Pose estimation system. I used OpenCVs function cvPosit to calculate the rotation matrix and the translation vector.
I also need the angles of the rotation matrix, but no algorithms seem to be working.
The function cv::RQDecomp3x3(), which was the answer of topic "in opencv : how to get yaw, roll, pitch from POSIT rotation matrix" cannot work, because the function needs the 3x3 matrix of the projection matrix.
Furthermore I tried to use algorithms from the links below, but nothing worked.
I used the most common Posit Tutorial and an own example with Blender, so I could render an image to retreive the image points and to know the exact angles. The object's Z-Axis in Blender was rotated by 10 degrees - And I checked all the degrees of all 3 Axis due to changes in Axis between Blender and OpenCV.
double focalLength = 700.0;
CvPOSITObject* positObject;
std::vector<CvPoint3D32f> modelPoints;
modelPoints.push_back(cvPoint3D32f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
modelPoints.push_back(cvPoint3D32f(CUBE_SIZE, 0.0f, 0.0f));
modelPoints.push_back(cvPoint3D32f(0.0f, CUBE_SIZE, 0.0f));
modelPoints.push_back(cvPoint3D32f(0.0f, 0.0f, CUBE_SIZE));
std::vector<CvPoint2D32f> imagePoints;
imagePoints.push_back( cvPoint2D32f( 157,372) );
imagePoints.push_back( cvPoint2D32f(423,386 ));
imagePoints.push_back( cvPoint2D32f( 157,108 ));
imagePoints.push_back( cvPoint2D32f(250,337));
// Moving the points to the image center as described in the tutorial
for (int i = 0; i < imagePoints.size();i++) {
imagePoints[i] = cvPoint2D32f(imagePoints[i].x -320, 240 - imagePoints[i].y);
CvVect32f translation_vector = new float[3];
CvTermCriteria criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,iterations, 0.1f);
positObject = cvCreatePOSITObject( &modelPoints[0], static_cast<int>(modelPoints.size()));
CvMatr32f rotation_matrix = new float[9];
cvPOSIT( positObject, &imagePoints[0], focalLength, criteria, rotation_matrix, translation_vector );
algorithms to get angles...
I already tried to calculate the results from radian to degree and clockwise but I already get bad results using the rotation matrix of cvPosit from OpenCV. I also changed matrix format to check wrong formatting...
I used simple rotation matrices - like only doing a rotation of the x-axis, y and z-axis and some algorithm worked. The rotation matrix of cvPosit didn't work with that algorithm.
I appreciate any support.
I've two images captured from two cameras of same make placed some distance apart, capturing the same scene. I want to calculate the real world rotation and translation among the two cameras. In order to achieve this, I first extracted the SIFT features of both of the images and matched them.
I now have fundamental matrix as well as homography matrix. However unable to proceed further, lots of confusion. Can anybody help me to estimate the rotation and translation in between two cameras?
I'm using OpenCV for feature extraction and matching, homography calculations.
If you have the Homography then you also have the rotation. Once you have homography it is easy to get rotation and translation matrix.
For example, if you are using OpenCV c++:
param[in] H
param[out] pose
void cameraPoseFromHomography(const Mat& H, Mat& pose)
pose = Mat::eye(3, 4, CV_32FC1); // 3x4 matrix, the camera pose
float norm1 = (float)norm(H.col(0));
float norm2 = (float)norm(H.col(1));
float tnorm = (norm1 + norm2) / 2.0f; // Normalization value
Mat p1 = H.col(0); // Pointer to first column of H
Mat p2 = pose.col(0); // Pointer to first column of pose (empty)
cv::normalize(p1, p2); // Normalize the rotation, and copies the column to pose
p1 = H.col(1); // Pointer to second column of H
p2 = pose.col(1); // Pointer to second column of pose (empty)
cv::normalize(p1, p2); // Normalize the rotation and copies the column to pose
p1 = pose.col(0);
p2 = pose.col(1);
Mat p3 = p1.cross(p2); // Computes the cross-product of p1 and p2
Mat c2 = pose.col(2); // Pointer to third column of pose
p3.copyTo(c2); // Third column is the crossproduct of columns one and two
pose.col(3) = H.col(2) / tnorm; //vector t [R|t] is the last column of pose
This function calculates de camera pose from homography, in which rotation is contained. For further theoretical info follow this thread.