Merging / copying different Core Data contexts - ios

I've been reading several posts related to this, but I'm still not sure of how should I handle my scenario: I have a "root" context (the provided in AppDelegate by default) where I insert the objects I use and show throughout the app (this context is intended for read-only operations). My object's data come from several Web Services I periodically call, and whenever I need to call them and update my objects, I create a new context in a private queue to request and parse them:
NSManagedObjectContext *privateContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
AppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
privateContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = appDelegate.persistentStoreCoordinator;
[privateContext performBlock: ^{
// Call services and parse results
// Insert objects in context
// Save context
When this finishes, I need to transfer the updates to my "root" context to keep showing it thoughout the app. I don't know how should I do this, I've been thiking about some options:
To "clean" the root context and fetch again all the objects.
To "clean" the root context and copy/duplicate somehow the private context to it
To manage some kind of merge policy
This last point sounds to be the most appropriate one, if there is not a better one... is there? Could somebody give me a clear example / tutorial / sample code of a similar scenario? I don't fully understand yet concurrency in Core Data.
Thanks in advance


When to init the NSManagedObjectContext?

I have an iOS app with master and detail layout.
In master, I managed my own NSManagedObjectContext, and also detail is, by this way:
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *psc = ((AppDelegate *)UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate).persistentStoreCoordinator;
_context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
[_context setPersistentStoreCoordinator:psc];
In master, I display list that can be clicked by user to show the detail in detail layout.
Upon filling the detail by user, user can save the detail by clicking on button there.
However, I am trying to understand this:
Since there is a save button in detail, the save method will save the detail with detail's context and call the load list in master
Load list will remove all the NSMutableArray of the list [_activities removeAllObjects]; and re-fetch the data from Core Data and reload the tableview
Done that but the the re-fetch function seems to use old data and not the latest.
Why does re-fetch the data doesn't work if I use same context?
You are using outdated APIs to create your managed object contexts. After creating a context, instead of assigning the persistent store, you should set the parentContext.
If you display a "list", you should be using a context that is of type NSMainQueueConcurrencyType. The best way is a NSFetchedResultsController which will also help you manage memory and performance, and greatly simplify the updates you need for your UI. (You would avoid the verbosity and complexity of merging the data "manually" via NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification.)
NB: Resetting the context is a crude and inefficient method for the task you are trying to accomplish. Due to the fact that it affects the entire context, it could change the behavior in other parts of your app.
You have two contexts going on here which is why the data is not being refreshed. If you call [context reset] then you will find that the data will refresh.
An NSManagedObjedctContext is a "scratchpad" which manages the Objective-C representation of SQLite (or XML) data in memory. When you fetch data the context retains the managed objects that are created by the fetch. If you then fetch from another context that context reads the data from the persistent store and creates new managed objects based on what it finds.
ALSO: When you perform a fetch the context checks to see if a managed object representation is ALREADY in existence and then returns it if it is. This means that two contexts can get out of sync quite quickly.
There are several ways around this:
1) Calling reset on a context returns it to it's "baseState" which means all the managed objects are "forgotten" or released by the context. Therefore, another fetch will force the context to read the data directly from the store.
2) Implementing the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification (see here) will allow you to incorporate changes between contexts.
I have found this article very useful in the past.

Merging main and private contexts with Core Data

I'm creating temportary contexts in a private queue to asynchronously update the data I persist with Core Data:
NSManagedObjectContext *privateContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
AppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
privateContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = appDelegate.persistentStoreCoordinator;
[privateContext performBlock: ^{
// Parse files and/or call services and parse
// their responses
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Notify update to user
Then, once I've got the new data, I need to merge the changes with my main context. I know this is a common scenario, but I'm not sure how should I proceed... This Apple's Core Data documentation section talks about setting a merge policy and I don't fully understand the way to handle that. On the other hand, I found this link, where my scenario is described in its "Stack #2" section and what it says looks simpler, and it doesn't talk about merge policies at all...
Which the correct or most appropriate way should be? I'd really appreciate an explanation and/or simple example of how to manage this scenario.
Thanks in advance.
What you have there looks pretty good.
You are using a private queue to do your work, and it's being saved to the persistent store.
If you only have a small number of changes, then you will be fine. In that case, you want to handle the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification for your context, and merge the changes into your other context with
[context mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:notification];
However, if you are really doing a lot of changes, you probably want a separate persistent store coordinator (attached to the same store). By doing this, you can write to the store, while MOCs on the other PSC are reading. If you share the PSC with other readers, only one will get access at a time and you could cause the readers to block until your write has finished.
Also, if you are doing lots of changes, make sure you do them in small batches, inside an autoreleasepool, saving after each batch. Take a look at this similar question: Where should NSManagedObjectContext be created?
Finally, if you are doing lots of changes, it may be more efficient to just refetch your data than it will be to process all the merges. In that case, you don't need to observe the notification, and you don't need to do the merge. It's pretty easy. Note, that if you do this, you really should have a separate PSC... especially if you want to save and notify in small-ish batches.
[privateContext performBlock: ^{
// Parse files and/or call services and parse
// their responses
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Refetch the data you want... if on iOS, this is likely as simple
// as telling the fetched results controller to refetch, and
// reloading your table view (or whatever else is using the data).

Core Data Concurrency with parent/child relationship and NSInvocationOperation done right?

I've been using Core Data to store iOS app data in a SQLite DB. Data is also synchronized to a central server during login or after n minutes have passed and as the app grew, synchronization got slower and needed a background process to prevent freezing of the main thread.
For this I rewrote my Synchronization class to use NSInvocationOperation class for each process in the synchronization method. I'm using dependencies as the data being imported/synchronized has several dependent relationships.
Then I add all operations into an NSOperationQueue and let it run.
There are two additional important elements:
When I generate the operations to execute I also create a new UUID NSString, which represents a synchronization ID. This is used to track which Entities in Core Data have been synchronized, therefore, every Entity has an attribute that stores this synchronization ID. It is only used during the synchronization process and is accesses by each method passed to NSInvocationOperation.
The import and synchronization methods are the actual methods that access Core Data. Inside each of those methods I create a new instance of NSManagedObjectContext as follows:
PHAppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSManagedObjectContext *privateContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[privateContext setParentContext:[appDelegate mainManagedObjectContext]];
using NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType as opposed to NSMainQueueConcurrencyType which is used in the AppDelegate for the main MOC. Then I create the parent/child relationship using the MOC from the main thread and that's that. When saving the child MOC, I understand that changes propagate back to the main MOC and to the store (SQLite).
I'm fairly new to concurrency in iOS and used this to guide me: (see Strategy #2). Different from this article and many other sources that I've seen, I do not subclass NSOperation. Instead, my approach uses NSInvocationOperation in order to pass each method that I want to run concurrently.
My question: Can you take a look at my code and see if you find something that I'm doing wrong or do you think that this will work? So far, I've had no problems running the code. But concurrency is tough to debug, so before we ship this code, I'd like to have more experienced eyes on this.
Thanks in advance!
Synchronization class code on
(not everything is in the code paste, but it should be enough to evaluate the process, let me know if you need more)

iOS 6 What is the standard way to deal with background saving of managed objects (in 2013)?

Last year I used RestKit 0.10 to seamlessly download and save core data objects in background. However, when I tried to use restkit in 2013, I noticed that they have taken out the ActiveRecord pattern, which I relied upon to abstract away all the unpleasantness of background saving.
I found that the ActiveRecord pattern exists in MagicalRecord framework, but most of the documentation I could find is for version 2.x, while my cocoapods install 3.x.
I spent the last 2 hours searching, and find a lot of answers that are really out of date and no longer work for these new frameworks.
This poses the question: what the standard/easiest way to deal with saving core data objects in background using frameworks available in 2013? Should I try some other framework?
If you don't use any external library like Magical Record or RestKit, but simply go for the all manual stuff, you can take advantage of the new NSManagedObjectContext APIs.
You can now have contexts nested with a parent-child relationship and you can also tell each context to perform a block in it's own thread. My advice, therefore is to have the following structure for your application:
1) A background saving context. This will be the only context that saves and reads data directly to/from the database.
2) A context initalized on the main thread that will be your point of access for everything you need to do in the application, especially updating the UI. This context will be a child of the saving context.
3) As needed, you'll create background contextes that perform work on background threads, e.g. loading data from the network and serialize this data in NSManagedObject instances. This contextes will be children of the main context.
4) Every time you call -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] on a context, you should also call the same method on it's parentContext. To do this you could have a convenience method in a category on NSManagedObjectContext that reads something like this:
- (void)saveSelfAndParent {
[self save:NULL];
[self.parentContext performBlock:^{
[self.parentContext saveSelfAndParent];
This is already a thread safe configuration and your changes will propagate the changes up to the database. Note that as the saving context will have no parent (and thus self.parentContext will be nil), the performBlock: won't crash the app.
Here's an example what you need to do to create a new entity assuming you kick off your background work using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD):
dispatch_async(dispatch_async_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType: NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
context.parentContext = mainContext;
// do some expensive job
// initialize a new NSManagedObject instance using the information we calculated
NSManagedObject *myObject = ...;
// once we're done, let's save the context
[context saveSelfAndParent];
Note that we initialized the context with a private queue concurrency type (NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) which tells the context that he's a background context. That is very important!
That's all! :)
For more information refer to the NSManagedObjectContext Class Reference.

Core Data multi thread application

I'm trying to use core data in a multi thread way.
I simply want to show the application with the previously downloaded data while downloading new data in background.
This should let the user access the application during update process.
I have a NSURLConnection which download the file asyncronously using delegate (and showing the progress), then i use an XMLParser to parse the new data and create new NSManagedObjects in a separate context, with its own persistentStore and using a separate thread.
The problem is that creating new objects in the same context of the old one while showing it can throws BAD_INSTRUCTION exception.
So, I decided to use a separate context for the new data, but I can't figure out a way to move all the objects to the other context once finished.
Paolo aka SlowTree
The Apple Concurrency with Core Data documentation is the place to start. Read it really carefully... I was bitten many times by my misunderstandings!
Basic rules are:
Use one NSPersistentStoreCoordinator per program. You don't need them per thread.
Create one NSManagedObjectContext per thread.
Never pass an NSManagedObject on a thread to the other thread.
Instead, get the object IDs via -objectID and pass it to the other thread.
More rules:
Make sure you save the object into the store before getting the object ID. Until saved, they're temporary, and you can't access them from another thread.
And beware of the merge policies if you make changes to the managed objects from more than one thread.
NSManagedObjectContext's -mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: is helpful.
But let me repeat, please read the document carefully! It's really worth it!
Currently [May 2015] the Apple Concurrency with Core Data documentation is, at best, very misleading as it doesn't cover any of the enhancements in iOS 5 and hence no longer shows the best ways to use core data concurrently. There are two very important changes in iOS 5 - parent contexts and new concurrency/threading types.
I have not yet found any written documentation that comprehensively covers these new features, but the WWDC 2012 video "Session 214 - Core Data Best Practices" does explain it all very well.
Magical Record uses these new features and may be worth a look.
The real basics are still the same - you can still only use managed objects the thread their managed object context was created on.
You can now use [moc performBlock:] to run code on the right thread.
There's no need to use mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: anymore; instead create a child context to make the changes, then save the child context. Saving the child context will automatically push the changes up into the parent context, and to save the changes to disk just perform a save on the parent context in it's thread.
For this to work you must create the parent context with a concurrent type, eg:
mainManagedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
Then on the background thread:
context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSConfinementConcurrencyType];
[context setParentContext:mainManagedObjectContext];
<... perform actions on context ...>
NSError *error;
if (![context save:&error])
<... handle error ...>
[mainManagedObjectContext performBlock:^{
NSError *e = nil;
if (![mainContext save:&e])
<... handle error ...>
I hope this can help all the peoples that meet problems using core data in a multithread environment.
Take a look at "Top Songs 2" in apple documentation. With this code i took the "red pill" of Matrix, and discovered a new world, without double free error, and without faults. :D
Hope this helps.
Many thanks to Yuji, in the documentation you described above I found that example.
