Learning Doorkeeper - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to set up APIs for a broker application (users can buy/sell items when they are logged in). Developers should be able to build on top of my app. Aiming to use Devise and Doorkeeper gems. I have already set up Devise (so my users have to log in/log out of their accounts). But I am having problems understanding how to use Doorkeeper gem.
I have read through the following so far
RFC 6749
Doorkeeper wiki
Tutorial for Oauth 2 on Rails (Wasn't very helpful as I got stuck while following the steps)
Oauth with Doorkeeper railscast
Problem is - I still don't quite get how to set up my servers, create pages which other developers can register their app on, attain their keys,etc.
What am I missing, is there any comprehensive tutorial which I can learn from to set up my API for developers to register their app on, login on behalf of users and execute buy/sell orders?

Registering applications
Doorkeeper comes with integrated controllers/views to manage oauth applications, request access tokens and authorizations.
If you installed and configured doorkeeper correctly, these routes are defined in your rails application :
GET /oauth/authorize/:code
GET /oauth/authorize
POST /oauth/authorize
DELETE /oauth/authorize
POST /oauth/token
POST /oauth/revoke
resources /oauth/applications
GET /oauth/authorized_applications
DELETE /oauth/authorized_applications/:id
GET /oauth/token/info
(See https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper#routes)
When you go to /oauth/applications, you can add or remove oauth applications. This might help for your problem
create pages which other developers can register their app on, attain their keys
However, these are made for backend or quick setup purposes. It's not recommanded to use that in production. You can create controllers/views based on these to start with.
If you want to learn more about customizing these controllers/views, check these links :
Setting up your API
If you don't use the Rails API mode, I recommend you use the grape gem, which is a framework for building APIs in Ruby. You can then mount your Grape::API application to a route of your Rails application.
Then, when users will register their applications, they will be asking for access grants (authorization code) for each individual user of their own applications. The /oauth/authorize routes are exactly that. They will use an OAuth2 client to build the authorize_url properly and setup their applications.
All this flow is compliant with the OAuth2 framework (RFC 6749). But as you said; you read it, so you should understand what's going on behind the scene.
All you have to do is provide your API endpoints :
# in your API class that extends Grape::API
post 'orders/:id/buy' do
# authorize a specific scope, this is just an example,
# this might not suit your app design
doorkeeper_authorize! :buy_order
# you can get the resource owner id with and other token infos,
# or put that in a helper method
current_user = User.find(doorkeeper_token.resource_owner_id)
# buy order logic goes here...
post 'orders/:id/sell' do
doorkeeper_authorize! :sell_order
current_user = User.find(doorkeeper_token.resource_owner_id)
# sell order logic goes here...
Hope that can help!


How to validate that a user owns the requested resource through Rails API when using devise_token_auth

I am building an API-only (for now) Rails app to serve as the back end for an Android app I'm building. I was previously using Firebase but wanted to do more processing on application data and I didn't want to bloat the mobile client with all the logic, so I am moving away from Firebase's real-time database and backing the application data using Rails. I was also using Firebase's authentication which is very straightforward. But it seems less complex for the overall system to keep all of this functionality in one place, so I'd like to perform auth and user management in the Rails app as well.
I have installed devise_token_auth (seen here) and finished the basic configuration. The /auth route works correctly if params are provided and creates a user. sign_in and sign_out both successfully create sessions and return some header information. The important parts returned are client, access-token, and uid, which I need to use in future calls to the API. I believe these are invalidated and replaced with each subsequent call. At this part of the flow is where I'm not sure how to proceed. I don't understand how the data in these headers is associated with the user who signed in and how I can validate that they own a resource they request. To summarize the question another way:
How can I sign a user into the API and then validate which user is making subsequent API calls?
My Android app is a task manager, so I need to be able to validate for example that if user 1 requests task 3, that they own that resource. I'm also unsure how to direct index calls using the API. That is, when the index endpoint is hit (/tasks), how can I identify from the data in the API headers which user's tasks I should retrieve.
I haven't been able to find any solid tutorials or samples using devise_token_auth so I'm having trouble stitching together the interaction between the pieces I have now. I know this is a meaty question - thanks in advance for any guidance.
How can I [...] validate which user is making subsequent API calls?
With the current_user method. This is a built-in feature to the devise_token_auth gem.
I need to be able to validate for example that if user 1 requests task 3, that they own that resource
There are many different approaches you could take. You could just write some custom logic in each controller action, using the current_user method (and return 403 forbidden if necessary).
Or, you could use a popular "framework" solution for this such as CanCanCan or Pundit. I, and probably most of the modern community, would recommend Pundit.
I highly advise you to read that library's README, as it's extremely helpful. But for the example above, you could write something like this:
class TasksController
def show
task = Task.find(params[:id])
authorize(task) # !!!
render task
# app/policies/task_policy.rb
class TaskPolicy
def show?
record.user == user
(Note that by default, the "user" in Pundit policies calls the method: current_user. This is all explained in the project's README.)
when the index endpoint is hit (/tasks), how can I identify from the data in the API headers which user's tasks I should retrieve
Again, this is all handled as part of Pundit's standard features. You just need to define a TaskPolicy::Scope and call policy_scope(Task) in the controller - as explained here.

Using the new Devise for authentication for a mobile app

I am trying to implement user authentication using Devise for my Rails/iOS app. I am having trouble since I've mostly been a "user" of Devise and was using it for pure web apps so didn't need to bother so much with what goes on behind the scenes. Now that I have to build authentication for an API based app, it's entirely a different world.
I've read every single tutorial on the web that deals with this topic (most of them are outdated due to the fact that token_authenticatable has been deprecated) but still having trouble understanding what I need to do.
I also read the original GitHub gist talking about this issue and still don't understand what they are talking about.
I'm sure there are people out there just like me who've been just a "user" of Devise so don't really know what goes on behind the scenes.
Can anyone provide a concise solution to implementing an API based authentication system for a mobile app? I mean it can't be that complex, Devise used to be so awesome since all i needed to do was run rails generate, but this has been nightmare for me.
I am working on same things as you want,
for this you have to use token authentication rather than simple
Devise, add following gem in gemfile
# Use device for authentication
gem 'devise'
gem 'simple_token_authentication'
follow documention simple_token_authentication
Use Api like this
curl -v https://example.com/users/sign_in -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"login": "7838712847" ,"password": "8489", "mobile_type": "ios", "mobile_key": "APA91bG6G4UvjeCWvb8mMAH1ZO3I-8FB3nkRPyCHnwZiXgd16HK18GgoV5n7gjJtZNs038iaFGutzdxnhes3WyaXEX52-xmOyvuEK8S1abBdpuhD9AD5bzLWeu-1Ow_yZRTVg3Nypz1z"}}'
I am using mobile number to login so customize gem according your need
please let me know if it is not working (mail me: er.mukeshsharma.rj21#gmail.com)
Here is an approach that works excellent for me, when using Devise for authentication in a Rails app. If tests for a token first (you can set the token by any iOS, Android, ... app) and falls back to the default authentication method for your web users.
Add your own token to the user model, by adding an :api_token string column and fill that with a unique value per user. Using a Digest::SHA1 of some user data (like id + email) is a good starting point, but you can (and should) go as crazy as you like when it comes to generating a unique token.
Create a method for authentication over that token. You can add it to your main ApplicationController for easy access (don't forget to put the method in your private section of the controller);
def authenticate_user_by_token
#api_token = request.headers['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
if #api_token.present? && #user = User.find_by_api_token(#api_token)
sign_in #user
return #user
return false
Next create a (private) method and chain this method to the devise before filter method you are using (like :authenticate_user! for example). Put it in the same controller as the method above for easy access;
def authenticate_by_token_or_devise!
return authenticate_user! unless authenticate_user_by_token
Now Replace your current before_filter call from :authenticate_user! to the newly created one; :authenticate_by_token_or_devise!, like so;
before_filter :authenticate_by_token_or_devise!
Or, starting from rails 4 (Rails 4: before_filter vs. before_action), use before_action;
before_action :authenticate_by_token_or_devise!
Now all you have to do is add that token to your iOS app. Depending on the framework that you use in your app, this might be different then the code below.
I use AFNetworking (https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking) in this example. This is how you set the Authorisation header token in your AFHTTPRequestOperationManager so it gets added to every request you make.
NSString *apiToken = #"your-token-here";
[[_manager requestSerializer] setValue:apiToken forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
Additionally, you can create a before filter method that allows access to token-based authentication only (e.g. if you have a set of /api routes that you only want to be accessed using the token) like this;
def authenticate_user_by_token!
if !authenticate_user_by_token
render nothing: true, status: :unauthorized and return
Recently, we also had to set up token based authentication for our webapp (for API access) - and we also stumbled upon the fact that it has been removed from Devise.
We went with Simple Token Authentication which worked just beautifully.
When I recently implemented an API, I grudgingly followed a suggestion to use Warden, a rack-based authentication gem. My sense was that an authentication gem that required you to write your own authentication was broken. But this gem provides just the right level of control. My only complaint is that the gem don't handle POST parameters well. I was able to work around it, but that kind of concern should be (IMO) handled by the gem.
Having used it, I highly recommend this gem for any scenario requiring non-generic authentication. Rolling your own authentication strategies is a joy because (a) it's pretty simple and (b) you aren't bound by other devs' assumptions.
To help you get started, here is my config/initializers/warden.rb file.
You can use a combination of the devise gem and doorkeeper gem to support web and mobile authentication.
For example, I used devise for signing up users and handling forget password and email confirmation flow. For mobile clients, I used the doorkeeper gem as a oauth2 provider to protect my apis. There are many oauth2 grant flows supported by the doorkeeper gem and I suggest you can take a look at those.
Here's a link! to get started

Allowing rails api to return json

I'm lost here- don't even really know what questions to ask.
I built an api as described here : http://railscasts.com/episodes/350-rest-api-versioning?view=asciicast
It's on a site that requires login.
I can access the api through the browser when I am logged in, no problem. Here are my routes:
## API
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :users, :sessions
What I've been asked to do is to make it so that an outside party can request the json with a Api key and optional query parameters and userId
I've tried to curl the site (https) and get redirected to a logout, even with username and password.
My boss suggested a public form on the root url that accepts the userId, apikey and params, and can be curled and will return the data via the parameters posted from curl.
I have no idea how to do this, or even to allow the data to be called without loggin in. I looked at this other screen cast http://railscasts.com/episodes/353-oauth-with-doorkeeper (it's a paid version) but his interactions are allowing another rails app to interact with his original app.
Basically, where should I look for information on how to accomplish this? Any other suggestions, or more information that I could give to make my question more clear?
Thank you for your time.
More RailsCasts! Ryan Bates has you covered in http://railscasts.com/episodes/352-securing-an-api?view=asciicast
So to boil it down:
you need to determine if the clients calling your API need to identify themselves, or if they also need to authenticate somehow
you need to determine if the users of the client (that's calling your API) need to authenticate with your system -- that is, are there "users"?
Some APIs allow callers to pass an API Key as part of the query; others require a more sophisticated process of authenticating, typically OAuth, which is a little trickier.
Some APIs provide user-specific information, in which case you'll need a way to make sure the user can log in, change their password, recall a forgotten password and so on. There's a good RailsCast for that, too (or you can use the Devise gem, although I wouldn't recommend it if you're mainly implementing an API -- not Devise's strong suit).
I am guessing you know this part, but all curl does is simulate the HTTP requests your clients will be making to your API, and (with the --include option) can show you the information about the response returned -- headers, cookies, and so on.
Google "rails api authentication" for more.

Building an api as a service

I am building an api for others to use. This is a simple enough Json request the user passes as some data and we pass some back.
What I would love is to secure our api and have some sort of user system where we can turn users on and off and we can log how many requests each user makes.
What would be the best way to do this in Rails? I don't want it to slow down the request. I can see ways of doing it using devise maybe but would be great to hear other people's opinions.
Another way is to use 3scale (http://www.3scale.net) - it's free up to a traffic cap but handles all the key management, users, documentation etc. and there's a ruby library which you can drop into your code if you're using rails. (other libs are here: https://support.3scale.net/libraries).
I've done this before using the Token Authentication capabilities of devise (see https://github.com/plataformatec/devise ).
I found the following setup works:
Create a user account for each api user.
Configure devise for token authentication
Set the Token Authentication configuration to require the token to be submitted with each request.
This will allow you to enable and disable individual users as well as to track every request back to the api user that made the call.
If you're really interested in tracking usage you may want to consider also creating a database table where you track all api requests. This can be setup to belong_to the users table so that you easily find all requests from different users (e.g., #user.api_requests).
The count of all requests made by a user would be:
# or use a where clause to find how many of each type
#user.api_requests.where("api_request_type = ?", 'SomeAPICallType').count
One final note -- I recently used the Grape library for building out an API. I thought it was pretty well done and it worked great for our needs. I especially like the ability it provided to version APIs. Details are here: https://github.com/intridea/grape/wiki

How to use omniauth to make authenticated calls to services?

I've received a token / secret from a service using OmniAuth and can store it for users, but I'm stuck as to how to actually use these to call a service.
The closest thing I've seen to this question is here but the way he's solved that there doesn't feel right. I feel like OmniAuth likely does this all for you if you know what you're doing.
Netflix has a pretty involved auth process, so I was hoping to skirt all of this by using OmniAuth to abstract me from all of this.
Given that I have a token and secret for a user, how to use these in calling a service like Netflix?
Many thanks :)
Hey, I'm the author of the OmniAuth gem. OmniAuth is meant to be used for the authentication process. In the case of OAuth providers like Netflix, this means exchanging a request token for an access token which is then used to pull user information from the API. These one-off calls are specifically designed for each provider and are not meant to be a generic API client for the given provider.
What you can do it use OmniAuth to obtain the credentials and then use another specific library for the site itself (such as ruby-netflix or anything else, I'm not sure what the best one is) to make calls. You can retrieve the access token and secret that is obtained in the authentication dance by accessing env['omniauth.auth']['credentials'], then use those to initialize the API client.
You can also use the OAuth library directly to make these calls, but I would strongly recommend just using an existing library, it will be much faster and easier. Does all of that make sense?
OmniAuth is all about authentication; you should probably look at another gem for making actual calls to the service. E.g., for Facebook, I use the OAuth2 gem and code like the following:
module Facebook
class Client < OAuth2::Client
# Return a new OAuth2::Client object specific to the app.
def initialize
:site => 'https://graph.facebook.com',
:parse_json => true
class Token < OAuth2::AccessToken
# Return a new OAuth2::AccessToken specific to the app
# and the user with the given token.
def initialize(token)
access_token = Facebook::Token.new(users_fb_token)
url = "https://graph.facebook.com/#{user_fb_id}/feed"
response = access_token.post(url, :message => "My update")
Note that there are gems for popular services, like Facebook and Twitter, that can manage the behind-the-scenes things like creating tokens, managing URLs, etc. For Netflix, you might check the following:
Also keep in mind that OmniAuth just returns the service data to you; you're free to store it and use it how you will (Devise has it's own pattern for OmniAuth that you might butt heads with if you try to go outside the lines). The other question you linked doesn't look too far fetched to me.
