Ignore s3_host_alias in paperclip conditionally? - ruby-on-rails

We use cloudfront for our images hosted on s3 through paperclip; however it has some aggressive caching and we have part of our code that needs fresh data (some image manipulation).
Is there any way of overriding s3_host_alias on calling the url?
Everything I've found so far regarding this topic talks about adding cloudfront, not about ignoring it; and even then, everything is systemwide.
Our paperclip config:
# Paperclip Config
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/"
config.paperclip_defaults = {
storage: :s3,
s3_protocol: :https,
url: ':s3_alias_url',
default_url: "https://#{SETTINGS['s3']['bucket']}.s3.amazonaws.com/missing/:class/:attachment/:style.png",
s3_host_alias: SETTINGS['s3']['cdn_url'],
s3_credentials: {
bucket: SETTINGS['s3']['bucket'],
access_key_id: SETTINGS['s3']['access_key_id'],
secret_access_key: SETTINGS['s3']['secret_access_key']

This might be dirty but you can try this.
#set the value in your controller
Photo.my_custom_attr = "My custom value"
#In your model
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
cattr_accessor :my_custom_attr
Paperclip.interpolates :my_custom_attr do |attachment, style|

I had this same need so I did some digging through the paperclip code and here's what I found:
The s3 storage module has still registered the interpolation you're looking for, it just isn't used when you call #url on the attachment since you probably have set something like url: ':s3_alias_url' set in your call to has_attached_file. So, what you can do is use the Paperclip interpolator manually by calling interpolate.
For example:
Paperclip::Interpolations.interpolate(':s3_path_url', User.first.avatar, :original)
You can also substitute the other interpolations the s3 module defines for ':s3_path_url', e.g. ':s3_domain_url'.


Can I add Shrine upload credentials to the model

I have a multi-tenant site built on rails 5, each of the tenants adds their own s3 credentials, therefore, any uploads that happen on their tenant site get uploaded to their own s3 account.
The problem I have at the moment is that Shrine seems to only let me add s3 credentials in the initializer. This works great but I would like to add it to the model so that I can dynamically populate the s3 credentials depending on which tenant is being used at the time. Does anyone know anyway shrine can help me?
I managed to do this with paperclip but it came with other problems such as background processing etc.
You could define all the storages in the initializer:
Shrine.storages = {
first_storage: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(
bucket: "my-first-bucket", # required
region: "eu-west-1", # required
access_key_id: "abc",
secret_access_key: "xyz"),
second_storage: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(
bucket: "my-second-bucket", # required
region: "eu-east-1", # required
access_key_id: "efg",
secret_access_key: "uvw")
Note: This is not all the storages code - both the :cache and the :store storages should be defined.
And then use them in the models:
class Photo
include ImageUploader::Attachment(:image)
photo = Photo.new
photo.image_attacher.upload(io, :first_storage)
photo.image_attacher.upload(other_io, :second_storage)
See Shrine attacher's doc page and source code

How to specify server-side S3 encryption via ActiveStorage?

Through paperclip I was able to specify server side encryption for S3, and also specify a content type (for a wonky file) like this:
has_attached_file :attachment,
s3_permissions: :private,
s3_server_side_encryption: 'AES256',
s3_headers: lambda { |attachment|
'content-Type' => 'text/csv; charset=utf-16le'
Where would I specify similar when using has_attached_one in ActiveStorage?
As you can see in Active Storage's S3Service, there's upload options are passed transparently from the upload key to the Aws::S3::Object#put method. This is also true for Rails 5.2.
So you just need to specify server_side_encryption key in your storage.yml this way:
service: S3
bucket: mybucket
* other properties *
server_side_encryption: "AES256"

Paperclip custom interpolation (aka custom path for AWS S3)

I have three questions related to paperclip and AWS S3.
1) In my model which has paperclip, I have following code:
has_attached_file :attachment,
:url => "/songs/:user_id/:basename.:extension",
:path => "/songs/:user_id/:basename.:extension"
What's the difference between URL and PATH?
2) What is :basename.:extension?
3) Let's say there are two models: User and File. User has many File. Paperclip path and url are configured in File model.
In config/initializers/paperclip.rb, I put below code:
Paperclip.interpolates :user_id do |attachment, style|
I confirm that above code is working fine. My file gets saved at songs/5/song.mp3. I would like to save the mp3 file at songs/user_id_5/song.mp3. I tried doing below but it doesn't work.
Paperclip.interpolates :user_id do |attachment, style|
'user_id_' + attachment.instance.criteria.user_id
How do I make it as I want to ?
in S3 language path is the Key of your item and url is your s3 endpoint
From docs
url: There are four options for the S3 url. You can choose to have the bucket's name placed domain-style (bucket.s3.amazonaws.com) or
path-style (s3.amazonaws.com/bucket). You can also specify a CNAME
(which requires the CNAME to be specified as :s3_alias_url. You can
read more about CNAMEs and S3 at
Normally, this won't matter in the slightest and you can leave the
default (which is path-style, or :s3_path_url). But in some cases
paths don't work and you need to use the domain-style
(:s3_domain_url). Anything else here will be treated like path-style.
path: This is the key under the bucket in which the file will be stored. The URL will be constructed from the bucket and the path. This is what you will want to interpolate. Keys should be unique, like filenames, and despite the fact that S3 (strictly speaking) does not support directories, you can still use a / to separate parts of your file name.
you can configure the bucket or url in your config and just pass the path (i.e. where to store the file) when you call the method
config.paperclip_defaults = {
storage: :s3,
s3_credentials: {
bucket: 'mybucket'),
access_key_id: ENV.fetch('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
secret_access_key: ENV.fetch('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
s3_region: 'aws_region_id',
I don't know
You need string interpolation
Paperclip.interpolates :user_id do |attachment, style|

AWS-SDK - making sure file paths are unique

I have a Project model which has_many :attachments.
In the attachment model I have the following code:
has_attached_file :document, default_url: "",
storage: :s3,
s3_credentials: {
access_key_id: "...",
secret_access_key: "..."
bucket: "projects",
path: ":id/:filename"
Is path: ":id/:filename" enough to create a uniqe path? I can't find what options are available for path.
If for every record in the attachments table you can have only one AWS key, the :id on its own is sufficient for uniqueness.
You might consider whether you want to obfuscate the URLs for the files with a hash as well, though, or the URLs become predictable. That may not be desirable.

AWS::S3::Errors::InvalidArgument with Paperclip PDF Upload

I'm trying to upload a PDF to AWS S3 that is generated in a background process. The error I'm getting is a little cryptic and I was hoping someone had run into this or might be able to lead me in the right direction. I am using paperclip in other parts of the application, but these are taking form data where as this is creating a PDF and saving it to a local temp directory before uploading.
Relevant gems:
Rails 3.0.9
paperclip 2.7.0
aws-sdk 1.3.9
MyDownload < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :download,
storage: :s3,
default_style: :original,
s3_permissions: 'authenticated_read',
s3_credentials: "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
bucket: S3_BUCKET,
path: ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename",
s3_protocol: 'https'
validates_attachment_content_type :download, content_type: [/application\/(x\-)?pdf/i]
validates_attachment_presence :download
During my background process I know the PDF is generated and can be viewed at tmp_path. Here is a little bit of the code I'm using:
obj = MyDownload.new(date: Date.today)
obj.download = File.new(tmp_path)
obj.valid? # returns true
But it fails when I do:
(eval):3:in `put_object'
It turns out that switching to the aws-sdk gem requires the s3_permissions option to be a symbol. Changing 'authenticated_read' to :authenticated_read fixes the issue.
