XCode Build Artifacts Showing Up Elsewhere - ios

I have an iOS project that sat in development directory for years. Didn't think much of it. While doing some cleanup I added a development/mobile/ directory and moved the project into there.
The next time I built, I noticed a build directory in development/build. This was causing all kinds of weirdness where changes to my code weren't be run on the target device, breakpoints weren't hitting, etc. In hindsight I see why but I'm surprised XCode didn't throw an error.
Is this a known XCode issue that I need to move the build artifacts directory if I move my project?

I figured it was tied to this project being created by XCode 3 and this setting was causing it.
It should be Xcode Default. However now I'm getting, previously unseen, linker errors.


error: Unable to resolve build file: XCBCore.BuildFile

error: Unable to resolve build file: XCBCore.BuildFile (missingTargetProductReference("3bf83096e50de72a94699e9afc1133ebe3512682230d04680075c283a974e273")) (in target 'MyTarget')
Xcode 10 is giving this error immediately when trying to build our project. It's not immediately clear what is causing it.
How can I resolve it?
For XCode 10 Beta: Problem occurs when I have two workspaces open that share the same project directories. Solution was
Short version
Shut down all but one workspaces
exit XCode and reopen XCode
XCode > Product > Clean Build Folder
Longer version
Shut down all but one workspace
XCode > Preferences > Locations > Derived Data > goto directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Clear out subdirectories from DerivedData
exit XCode and reopen XCode
XCode > Product > Clean Build Folder
Thanks to #aferriss answer for the clue.
I came across this same error while using openframeworks 0.10 with xcode 10 recently. It seems like it was caused by having multiple openframeworks projects opened at a time. If you close them all one by one, and then reopen the one you'd like to work on, it should resolve the error. Hoping this is just an xcode-beta thing.
Xcode used to tell you that there as a workspace integrity problem, and you could just ignore it. But it seems like it's returned. There's some discussion about this issue here.
For me, XCode > Product > Clean Build Folder and restart Xcode then worked.
This was the culprit for my experience of the same error:
After setting the correct version of Command Line Tools (i.e., Xcode 10.2.1; see below) on my system, the error went away!
Just Restarted my Xcode and the problem went away
The key here is missingTargetProductReference, or you might get namedReferencesCannotBeResolved. Xcode can't find something.
This happened after upgrading to Swift5/Xcode10.
I found that removing linked frameworks and then re-adding them fixed the issue.
I had an embedded Xcode project that was not found (light blue). Deleting it and dropping it in again solved the issue.
In case this helps, I had a new repo and the Libraries weren't correctly linked.
I opened Xcode, cleaned, and went through, one by one, through Libraries on the menu. I clicked on it, which opened the info panel on the right, and pressed the small folder button, and found the path designated and clicked and opened, to make Xcode recognize those Libraries. Path names were often
In my case, after trying all solutions in this question and some more (including updating Xcode 10.2 beta and even macOS), the only thing that worked was accessing the project bundle (right click > Show Package Contents) and remove everything except project.pbxproj:
If you have a File Group which is backed by a physical folder and that physical folder has been deleted then you will get the same error "Unable to resolve build file: XCBCore.BuildFile".
In my case the physical folder has been removed (because I removed all "real" files from it) and in XCode group there was still one external project linked.
- created a new group (without a folder) in XCode
- Moved external project reference there.
- rebuilt the project
Error gone.
For me there was a different solution after none of the above worked.
The problem started after using unlink for one of my packages.
Then for some reason, the Package was still there under Libraries, but it was greyed. After deleting the greyed Library, everything started working again.
My solution was that I was using the wrong Xcode version for the project I was working with. It still required 10.1 and I was attempting to run in 10.2. I instead opened it in 10.1 and the error went away while successfully compiling.
The problem is that on new xcode 10.2 there is a new BUILD Configuration, you need to change to LEGACY.
You can check how to change it here: https://medium.com/xcblog/five-things-you-must-know-about-xcode-10-new-build-system-41676cd5fd6c . CHECK THE GIF
So if you have a newer version of xcode different than the one used when the project was working probably this is what is causing the issue.
I have the same problem. Because a folder not upload to Git server, git not allow upload empty folder, then I create a folder in project folder, and it work well.
missing folder
In my case, it was a simple issue of a missing file.
Checked all secondary error messages. Error report said that my bridging-header.h file was not being found. Checked the path of the missing file from the target settings (just search for .h to get the right setting key). Fixed the new path and error went away.
The cause:
I had reorganized my folders after a system crash and added a second level to my project location.
I've faced the problem in Xcode 10.1.2. Xcode restarting and the clean project solve it in my case.
Seems like there are a number of reasons for which one runs into the same error. For my case, it was not having the Submodule checked out locally. After I made sure all my Submodules were downloaded, the error went away.
I had correct Command Line Tools and cleaning did nothing for me.
While resolving a merge conflict, A Group named "Recovered References" had appeared in my project navigator. Probably due to a mistake I made during merging. The Group was empty and deleting it fixed my problem.

After changing file locations, project can't recognize some of my classes

First off, I know this is a config issue because my code was building and running just fine before I synced my project to GitHub. Xcode's internal source control seems to be having trouble recognizing some of my files and I'm getting Use of unresolved identifier... errors where these files' initializers are in use, and were working before. I'm running the latest versions of Xcode and OS X, and these are the steps I was taking before and after the issue started...
After several rounds of implementation and committing with the default local repository, I built and ran the app multiple times with no issues.
I created a new repository on GitHub, committed (w/push to remotes) and everything made it to GitHub just fine and was building and running in the simulator.
In order to organize the repository (to match the 'groups' I had created in Xcode) I did some brief research and then added nested directories to my project folder. I re-opened Xcode and repaired the file paths. Some took, but several kept showing ? (although I could still access the code just fine) and I got the corresponding Missing Files... warnings.
Because I couldn't get the new hierarchy to work (the files w/?s, not being recognized, were not able to be committed to GitHub), I tried to move the files back. This worked for most, but for a few (which seem to be the effected files) I had to rename them, recreate a new file and then paste their contents over (this is where I think the problem lies). I was able to commit everything to GitHub (even the problem files went up) but all the warnings remained.
To clear out the warnings I attempted to run my tests, and that's when the Use of unresolved identifier... errors popped up, and of course the build failed.
I verified all the paths and target memberships were correct.
When that didn't work, I built an entirely new project (although I did add it to the same workspace; not sure if that matters) and copy/pasted all my code over to new files. I didn't drag / reference the files and I didn't link the new project to GitHub. When I went to build, same errors in the same places...
I exited the workspace and opened the new project separately. Still no joy.
Any help or points in the right direction would be much appreciated.
After some help, I tried deleting the reference and dragging the file in manually but that didn't resolve the issue.
I also checked Build Phases -> Compile Sources and everything was listed fine with no compiler flags. I removed and re-added from Compile Sources, issue persists.
You can try removing referencer for the missing class file in Xcode,then add same file to folder (right click add file ) from physical workspace location this might help.
After rebuilding an entirely new app a third time, with all new files, I copied the files over and this time everything seems to be working fine. Had to repair a bunch of provisioning issues to make sure it worked (maybe that was part of the problem, but I doubt it), but everything is back to normal with the app. The only thing I did differently this time was not adding the new project to the same workspace.

Get lost Xcode binary from archive in organizer?

Alright, so I had been having issues with this and never resolved them, finished my app and published it before this caused major problems -
I have pods installed for my Xcode project so I had been working off a workspace. I had always backed up in the past by copy pasting my project folder then renaming, however more recently something happened that cause every change to my workspace to affect all previous versions.
I tried everything - saving to external hard drive, github, etc but I just ended up going on working on the workspace and making sure I didn't screw anything up. Along with this issue whenever I clicked on the Xcode project that is in the project folder, none of my new code would be there.
That Xcode project version was from several months back and the only way to see my new code was to click on the workspace. I asked a question about this but no one had an answer.
A week ago I finished the app, archived and uploaded to App store. It is now published, however I want to update so today I went to my workspace and the project file above the pods file was RED meaning not there.
I have no idea why this would have happened. Dragging the Xcode project i the folder to the workspace again, just runs the very old version.
I need to get my binary back and solve this problem. Im desperate. I have this:
One of the export options is save for development and such.. Is there a way to get my binary back from this archive? How can I fix this problem?

Xcode 7.3 library project compiles every time

I have a library project that used to build just fine in Xcode 7.2. If I just compiled it, it would rebuild it on subsequent builds. After upgrading to Xcode 7.3, Xcode recompiles all the files on every build even if I make no changes to any file.
I did a deep clean and also deleted the derived data folder to make sure that was not the cause. The dependent library projects build fine (they don't recompile everything) when I compile them independently. I have looked through all the settings but couldn't figure out why this is happening.
I stumbled upon 2 things that "fixed" the problem but I don't want to use any of these "solutions"
I changed the Optimization Level (for LLVM) from None [-O0] to Fastest, Smallest [-Os] and that did the trick. Im not sure why without the optimization it recompiled all the files, all the time (even if it was not changed).
I have a pre-processor flag (DEBUG=1) for debug builds and if I remove that flag then it stops recompiling all the files, all the time
The above 2 options don't work for me.
Has anyone seen similar behavior?
I figured out the problem. In Xcode one of the Build Settings was not set correctly.
The "C Language Dialect" was set to "GNU99" instead of "Compiler Default". Previously the standard was GNU99 but now its not. At some point Xcode did not migrate the library project settings correctly and so it was set to GNU99. Once I changed it to GNU99 it stopped recompiling all my code every time !

Cordova-2.1.0 Couldn't load CordovaLib.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace

I have recently upgraded to cordova 2.1.0 and previously each Xcode project referenced its own cordovalib folder.
I thought I understood that if you want an Xcode to use a cordovalib on its own and not share it with any other projects, then you can run
and that if you don't run the update script with its parameters then you can share the CordovaLib.xcodeproj file across many projects. However if I open two Xcode projects that reference the same Xcode project I get this error:
Cordova-2.1.0-global/lib/ios/CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj Couldn't load CordovaLib.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace
and if I try opening the CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj file I get this error:
The file couldn’t be opened.
However all projects run without any problems.
Quitting xcode and reopening the project without any others that reference the same cordovalib open removes the error.
Does this mean that:
I cannot share a CordovaLib.xcodeproj file across many projects and each project has to have its own cordovalib that it references, otherwise I could run into serious problems in the long run? Or
I can share a cordovalib across many projects but can only have one Xcode project open at any point in time and that I will not run into any serious problems in the near future?
Is there something I am overlooking?
I have tried googling the problem but most of the questions refer to previous versions of cordova whereby the method of referencing the CordovaLib was different.
Thanks in advance.
You can reuse the subproject, but you can only have it open in one app at a time.
Not a problem if you only work on one thing at a time like most people, but since my current preferred development setup involves 18 desktops and never closing anything, I work around it with git submodules - each app gets its own fully independent copy of Cordova without actually keeping a separate copy in source control.
