Orleans Architecture Design - Silo projects combined or separate? - orleans

There is an IoT data collection project, and an IoT data processing project. They are separately developed and maintained. However, it would be beneficial to share common grains between them in an Orleans silo (or silo cluster). How would the architecture look in a self-hosted scenario - a monolithic silo with references to both projects for communication within the silo or two separate silos communicating externally? If in a single silo, can a silo dynamically discover grain .dll's?

There will probably be better answers, but until then:
There are some trade-offs. Performance-wise, it's better to spread all your grains (of all services) across the cluster. This way every grain communicates with other grains via Orleans infrastructure (I guess that's binary serialized messages through tcp), without any additional overhead. But when every service (or project) has it's own silo, you will need a gateway - HTTP listener maybe - in addition to Orleans. However, in the first example, your services become coupled. You cannot deploy a new version of a service, as long as there is a silo running an older version of it (otherwise, there might be 2 grains of the same entity). But if you shut down that silo, you are shutting down the rest of the services. This is a very non trivial issue.
If in a single silo, can a silo dynamically discover grain .dll's
Not sure what you mean. When a silo boots up, it recursively searches for dlls inside it's folder, and if it finds grains, loads them.


Which part of Orleans is actually distributed?

There is a couple of confusing points in the documentation that make me struggle to understand how exactly distribution across the cluster happens in Orleans. Hence, the questions.
Question #1
Orleans claims to have a built-in distribution capabilities to distribute across multiple servers. To me it sounds that Orleans can act as a load balancer itself and can scale out automatically. Thus, if I deploy Orleans app to several servers, then service discovery and load management should happen automatically, correct?
In this case, why some docs and articles suggest using other tools, like Ocelot or Consul, as a single entry point to Orleans cluster?
Question #2
I would like to use simple but distributed in-memory storage across several servers, like Redis or Apache Ignite, and I would like to know if it's possible to use a simple grain as this kind of a data storage?
Let's say, one grain will store a collection of restaurants and some other grain will keep track of the last 1000 visitors for selected restaurant. Can I activate these 2 grains only once as a singleton collection, add or remove records to each collection, and use these 2 grains as in-memory storage evenly available to all nodes in the cluster? Also, if answer is yes, do I need to add locks to these collections or each grain always exists in a single thread?
Service discovery and load management happen automatically indeed.
Consul is not a strong required. The only external requirement is a Membership table provider - something that is used internally by Orleans Clustering. There are many build in Membership table providers that come already built-in with Orleans. For example, Azure table storage. all you need is to configure Orleans to use it and of course have Azure storage account. Consul is another alternative to Membership table provider and there are more.
Another thing that does not come built-in is infrastructure scaling. If your service demand increases, something need to ask the infrastructure provider (Cloud Provider) to add more Servers. Once servers are added, Orleans will automatically adjust the workload and load balance across the new servers as well. But figuring out that more servers are needed and adding them is not done by Orleans itself (there likely some externally contributed tools to do that. maybe K8 can be configured to do that? I am not completely sure about that).
Yes, you can use those 2 grains as in-memory storage, just like you wrote. And no, you do not need to use locks. All grains are single threaded.

Question regarding Monolithic vs. Microservice Architecture

I'm currently rethinking an architecture I was planning.
So suppose I have a system where there are about 8 different services interacting with a single database. Some services listen and react to database events and do stuff like sending SMS.
Then there's an API layer sitting on top of the database and a frontend connected to this API. So in my understanding this is rather monolithic.
In fact I don't see any advantage of using containers in this scenario. Their real advantage is that they can be swapped out, right? My intuition tells me that there is often no purpose in doing that except maybe some load balancing on API level. Instead many companies just seem to blindly jump on the hype train of containerizing everything.
Now the question arises, is docker the right tool for this context? In each forum people refrain from using docker for the sole purpose of a more resource efficient "VM" aggregating all services within a single container. However this is the only real scenario I'd see any advantages in using docker (the environment, e.g. alpine-linux, is the same on all customer's computers when rolling out the system).
Even docker-compose is not "grouping" containers together as a complete system only exposing port 443 but instead starts an infrastructure of multiple interacting containers. Oftentimes services like Kubernetes are then used for deploying these infrastructures on "nodes", i.e. VMs.
However, in my opinion it would be great to have a single self-contained container without putting them into a VM. This container would include every necessary service only exposing one port, e.g. 443.
Since I'm rather confused now, I'd really appreciate your help here.
Thanks in advance!
Kubernetes does many things and has many useful features. But Kubernetes also require that you architect your apps to follow The Twelve-Factor App principles. An important thing here is that your apps are stateless.
When the app is stateless, it is easy to scale out horizontally - this can also be done automatically when the load increases.
When the app is stateless, it is easy to do Rolling Deployments that upgrade the app to a new version without downtime.
You can run containers on bare metal Linux servers, but this is mostly very big servers. If you use a cloud, you probably want more VM instances, but distributed to 3 Availability Zones - for increased availability.
"Self-contained container - exposing one port". With Kubernetes, you typically use a private network and you only expose services via a single load balancer - typically on a port, but different URLs send traffic to different services.
Some services listen and react to database events and do stuff like sending SMS.
As I said, many things is easier when it is horizontal scalable, but this kind of app - that listen for events and react - is one of few examples where you can not scale horizontally. But it is a good fit for a serverless architecture instead, possibly on Kubernetes using Knative.
Now the question arises, is docker the right tool for this context?
My opinion is that most workload will run in containers. It is more a question about how it should be run in Kubernetes - one or multiple replicas. As stateless Deployments or stateful StatefulSet or some other way.

How do I call Web API from MVC without latency?

I'm thinking about moving my DAL which uses DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage to a separate Web API and host it as a cloud service on Azure.
The primary purpose of doing this is to make sure that I keep a high performance DAL that can scale up easily and independently of my front-end application -- currently ASP.NET MVC 5 running as a cloud service on Azure but I'll definitely add mobile apps as well. With DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage, I'm finding myself doing a lot of data handling in my C# code, therefore, I think it would be a good idea to keep that separate from my front-end application.
However, I'm very concerned about latency issues introduced by HTTP calls from one cloud service to another which would defeat the purpose of separating DAL into its own application/cloud service.
What is the best way to separate my DAL from my front-end application without introducing any latency issues?
I think the trade off between scaling-out/partitioning resources and network latency is unavoidable. That being said, you may find the trade-off well worth it for many reasons (i.e. enabling parallel execution of application tasks, increased reliability, etc.) when working w/ large-scale systems.
Here are some general tips to help you minimize the hit on network latency:
Use caching to avoid cross-service calls whenever possible.
Batch cross-service calls and re-use connections whenever possible to minimize the cost associated w/ traversing the NAT out of one cloud service and through the load balancer into another. Note - your application must also be able to handle dropped connections (inevitable in cloud architecture).
Monitor performance metrics as much as possible to take measurements and identify bottlenecks.
Co-locate your applications layers within the same datacenter to keep cross-service latency to a minimum.
You may also find the following literature useful: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/best-practices-performance/
I recently split out my DAL to a WebAPI that serves data from DocumentDB for both the MVC website and mobile applications for the same reasons stated by the questioner.
The statements from aliuy are valid performance considerations generally accepted as good practice.
But more specifically - in order to call Web API from MVC without latency using Azure cloud services, one should specify same affinity group for each resource (websites, cloud services, etc).
Affinity groups are a way you can group your cloud services by
proximity to each other in the Azure datacenter in order to achieve
optimal performance. When you create an affinity group, it lets Azure
know to keep all of the services that belong to your affinity group as
physically close to each other as possible.

Rails app with multiple subdomains on separate machines

I've got a Rails application that has 3 main parts:
www.example.com: This is the main website
api.example.com: The API
dashboard.example.com: The dashboard interface for signed up users
I've currently got them setup in a single rails app with namespaces, and share models. I recently got accepted on the RackSpace startup program which gives me $2000 (!) worth of FREE cloud storage each month so I thought I'd distribute the app up into smaller pieces, so that the subdomains are hosted on separate servers.
How can I do that without deploying the same code to 3 different servers? I reviewed this related question, but it seemed to imply using a single Git repo for all three "projects" and I wasn't sure how that could would get deployed.
There are two very different goals intertwined here:
One is distributing the load over multiples machines. You don't need to break out your application into multiple apps for that. You could use a load balancer for this (incoming requests are spread across multiple machines running the same app), or split your app up.
The other is more about the logical architecture of your app. In general the bigger an app is, the more complicated it is and it's easier to work on simple apps. Therefore you might want to split your app up into smaller apps. This is orthogonal to the hardware issue - you could choose to split your app up threeways but still run them on the same machine (it does of course give you the flexibility to allocate resources differently to your app)
Coming back to you question, one aspect worth exploring is should there be any shared models? To what extent can (for example) your dashboard query your api (possibly private apis) rather than querying the database directly? Splitting up your application into multiple services makes some things easier, some things harder, but it does help you keep individual applications smaller and keep the boundaries between them clean without any hidden dependencies. This logical split doesn't have to correspond the the physical layout: one server may host several applications
Lastly the most direct answer to your question is to write a rails engine. An engine can contain pretty much anything an app can (applications are special cases of engines), for example models, views, controllers routes etc. You'd create one with your common code, package this up as a gem (doesn't have to be a public one) and add it each app's Gemfile.
Load Balancer
For lack of more experience, I would say what my gut is telling me - simply, you don't need any more servers (unless of course you have massive throughput)
You may be better putting this on the SuperUser community or something - I personally believe you'll be better with a load balancer (although I've never used one before), to give you the capacity to spread the load of your apps across mulitple server instances.
Quite how this will work is beyond me (I've never had to use one), but I would certainly look at that far quicker than trying to split your app between servers:
Load balancing is a computer networking method for distributing
workloads across multiple computing resources, such as computers, a
computer cluster, network links, central processing units or disk
drives. Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize
throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any one of
the resources. Using multiple components with load balancing instead
of a single component may increase reliability through redundancy.
Load balancing is usually provided by dedicated software or hardware,
such as a multilayer switch or a Domain Name System server process.
Load balancing is differentiated from channel bonding in that load
balancing divides traffic between network interfaces on per network
socket (OSI model layer 4) basis, while channel bonding implies a
division of traffic between physical interfaces at a lower level,
either per packet (OSI model Layer 3) or an data link (OSI model Layer
2) basis.

FoundationDB, the layer: Is it hosted on client application or server nodes?

Recently I was reading about concept of layers in FoundationDB. I like their idea, the decomposition of storage from one side and access to it from other.
There are some unclear points regarding implementation of the layers. Especially how they communicate with the storage engine. There are two possible answers: they are parts of server nodes and communicate with the storage by fast native API calls (e.g. as linked modules hosted in the server process) -OR- hosted inside client application and communicate through network protocol. For example, the SQL layer of many RDBMS is hosted on the server. And how are things with FoundationDB?
PS: These two cases are different from the performance view, especially when the clinent-server communication is high-latency.
To expand on what Eonil said: the answer rests on the distinction between two different sense of "client" and "server".
Layers are not run within the database server processes. They use the FDB client API to make requests of the database, and do not (with one exception*) get to pierce the transactional key-value abstraction.
However, there is nothing stopping your from running the layers on the same physical (or virtual) server machines as the database server processes. And, as that post from the community site mentions, there are use cases where you might very much wish to do this in order to minimize latencies.
*The exception is the Locality API, which is mostly useful in exactly those cases where you want to co-locate client-side layers with the data on which they operate.
Layers are on top of client-side library feature.
Cited from http://community.foundationdb.com/questions/153/what-layers-do-you-want-to-see-first
That's a good question. One reason that it doesn't always make sense
to run layers on the server is that in a distributed database, that
data is scattered--the servers themselves are a network hop away from
a random piece of data, just like the client.
Of course, for something like an analytics layer which is aware of
what data each server contains, it makes sense to run a distributed
version co-located with each of the machines in the FDB cluster.
