Testing Rake in Rails: Multiple Error Raises Silenced In Test - ruby-on-rails

I have a rake task that guards against dangerous Rails rake rasks, based on the environment. It works fine. When I test each individual dangerous method in RSpec, the test passes. When I test multiple in a row, for multiple environments, the test fails after the first one. Even if I run the test multiple times for the same dangerous action, rake db:setup for example, it will only pass the first time. If I run the tests as individual it statements, one for each dangerous action, only the first two will pass (there are 4).
How can I get RSpec to behave correctly here, and pass all the tests when run in a suite?
The rake task
# guard_dangerous_tasks.rake
class InvalidTaskError < StandardError; end
task :guard_dangerous_tasks => :environment do
unless Rails.env == 'development'
raise InvalidTaskError
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task|
Rake::Task[task].enhance ['guard_dangerous_tasks']
The RSpec test
require 'spec_helper'
require 'rake'
load 'Rakefile'
describe 'dangerous_tasks' do
context 'given a production environment' do
it 'prevents dangerous tasks' do
allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('production')
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
context 'given a test environment' do
it 'prevents dangerous tasks' do
allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('test')
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
RSpec Output
# we know the guard task did its job,
# because the rake task didn't actually run.
Failure/Error: expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
expected InvalidTaskError but nothing was raised

I can think about two solution of your problem.
But first we need to find out where is the root of the problem.
Root of the problem
Let's start with a line from your code:
Rake::Task[task].enhance ['guard_dangerous_tasks']
Comparing it with source code of Rake::Task
# File rake/task.rb, line 96
def enhance(deps=nil, &block)
#prerequisites |= deps if deps
#actions << block if block_given?
you can see, that guard_dangerous_tasks should be added to #prerequisites array. It can be easily checked:
p Rake::Task['db:reset'].prerequisites # => ["environment", "load_config", "guard_dangerous_tasks"]
Continuing with you source code.
You use invoke to execute tasks. If we pay close attention to invoke's' documentation, it states:
Invoke the task if it is needed.
Once the task is executed, it could not be invoked again (unless we reenable it).
But why should this to be a problem? We are running different tasks, aren't we? But actually we don't!
We run guard_dangerous_tasks before all tasks in our tasks array! And it's being executed only once.
Solution #1 not the best one
As soon as we know where is our problem we can think about one (not the best solution).
Let's reenable guard_dangerous_tasks after each iteration:
dangerous_task = Rake::Task['guard_dangerous_tasks']
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
Solution #2 guard_dangerous_tasks is not a prerequisite
We get better solution of our problem if we realize, that guard_dangerous_tasks should not be a prerequisite! Prerequisite are supposed to "prepare" stage and be executed only once. But we should never blind our eyes to dangers!
This is why we should extend with guard_dangerous_tasks as an action, which will be executed each time the parent task is run.
According to the source code of Rake::Task (see above) we should pass our logic in a block if we want it to be added as an action.
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task|
Rake::Task[task].enhance do
We can leave our test unchanged now and it passes:
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
But leaving invoke is a ticket for new problems. It's better to be replaced with execute:
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].execute }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
Be careful with invoke!
We said above, that using invoke is a ticket for new problems. What kind of problems?
Let's try to test our code for both test and production environments. If we wrap our tests inside this loop:
['production','test'].each do |env_name|
env = ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.new(env_name)
allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return(env)
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
our test will fail with original reason. You can easily fix this by replacing the line
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].execute }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)
So what was the reason? You probably already guess it.
In failing test we invoked the same two tasks twice. First time they were executed. The second time they should be reenabled before invokation to execute. When we use execute, action is reenable automatically.
Note You can find working example of this project here: https://github.com/dimakura/stackoverflow-projects/tree/master/31821220-testing-rake

Looks like two tasks cannot point to the same task for enhancement so maybe there is a conflict at runtime. So try the block method to handle the situation.
class InvalidTaskError < StandardError; end
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task|
Rake::Task[task].enhance do
unless Rails.env == 'development'
raise InvalidTaskError
and in the spec file, the following modification would create two examples to track the specs properly.
# require 'rails_helper'
require 'spec_helper'
require 'rake'
load 'Rakefile'
describe 'dangerous_tasks' do
context 'given a production environment' do
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
it "prevents dangerous tasks #{task_name}" do
allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('production')
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

Did you try passing in the specific error?:
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(StandardError)


How to test rake task when arguments are passed

I am testing rake task when arguments are passed, I am trying to run a rake task like this
rake do_something_after_n_number_of_days 30
when I run
let(:task) { Rake::Task['do_something_after_n_number_of_days'] }
I get ARGV[1] as nil but when I run the rake task in the shell it works fine.
I have looked in to these answers 1 2 but all of them describe this approach
rake do_something_after_n_number_of_days[30] and I can test that with test.invoke(30) but in some shells I have to escape the brackets like this
rake do_something_after_n_number_of_days\[30\]
It's common practice in commands to use environment variables for configuration. You'll see this used in many different gems. For your needs, you could do something like this instead:
task :do_something_after_n_number_of_days do
raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid DAYS environment setting' if ENV['DAYS'].nil?
puts ENV['DAYS']
Then you can set the ENV in your test, like this:
let(:task) { Rake::Task['do_something_after_n_number_of_days'] }
context "when DAYS is set" do
before { ENV['DAYS'] = '100' }
it "does something" do
expect { task.invoke }.to output("100").to_stdout
context "when DAYS is nil" do
before { ENV['DAYS'] = nil }
it "raises an ArgumentError" do
expect { task.invoke }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Invalid DAYS/)

Make Rake task testable with FactoryGirl user

I have been trying to test a rake task with RSPEC. So far my understanding of the problem is that DB transactions are creating different contexts for each aspects of the test (one in the test context and one in the rake task execution context). Here are the two files I'm using in my test:
One to make rake tasks available in Rspec and be able to call task.execute:
require "rake"
module TaskExampleGroup
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
let(:task_name) { self.class.top_level_description.sub(/\Arake /, "") }
let(:tasks) { Rake::Task }
subject(:task) { tasks[task_name] }
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.define_derived_metadata(:file_path => %r{/spec/tasks/}) do |metadata|
metadata[:type] = :task
config.include TaskExampleGroup, type: :task
config.before(:suite) do
One to properly test my rake task:
require "rails_helper"
describe "rake reengage:unverified_users", type: :task do
let(:confirmed_user){create(:user, :confirmed)}
it "Preloads the Rails environment" do
expect(task.prerequisites).to include "environment"
it "Runs gracefully with no users" do
expect { task.execute }.not_to raise_error
it "Logs to stdout without errors" do
expect { task.execute }.to_not output.to_stderr
it "Reengage confirmed users" do
expect(confirmed_user).to have_attributes(:reactivated_at => DateTime.now)
So far, when the rake task is executed through Rspec, it seems like the user I have created is not available in the context of rake, hence his . reactivated_at remains nil. I though I could use database cleaner to be able to configure DB transactions and preserve the context but I have no idea where to start.
I could end putting all this code in a lib and test it separately but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this. Is there a straightforward way to share the context of execution or to make my FactoryGirl user available when the task is initialized?

Are spies an appropriate approach to see if Resque methods are being fired?

While simple coverage is reporting this as 100% covered I am not satisfied. The spec marked as focus I would like to confirm that all of the Resque methods are being fired. Is a spy or a double the right approach for this?
describe 'resque tasks' do
include_context 'rake'
let(:task_paths) { ['tasks/resque'] }
before do
# rubocop:disable all
describe 'resque' do
context ':setup' do
let(:task_name) { 'resque:setup' }
it 'works' do
expect(Resque.logger.level).to eq(1)
context ':scheduler_setup' do
let(:task_name) { 'resque:scheduler_setup' }
it 'works' do
expect(invoke_task.invoke).to be
context ':clear', focus: true do
let(:task_name) { 'resque:clear' }
it 'works' do
expect(Resque).to receive(:remove_queue).with('queue:default').and_return(true)
expect { invoke_task.invoke }.to output(
"Clearing default...\n"\
"Clearing delayed...\n"\
"Clearing stats...\n"\
"Clearing zombie workers...\n"\
"Clearing failed jobs...\n"\
"Clearing resque workers...\n"
describe 'jobs:work' do
let(:task_name) { 'jobs:work' }
it 'works' do
expect_any_instance_of(Object).to receive(:system).with("bundle exec env rake resque:workers QUEUE='*' COUNT='#{ENV['WEB_WORKERS']}'").and_return(true)
expect(invoke_task.invoke).to be
# rubocop:enable all
Resque Rake Task
require 'resque'
require 'resque/tasks'
require 'resque/scheduler/tasks'
# http://jademind.com/blog/posts/enable-immediate-log-messages-of-resque-workers/
namespace :resque do
desc 'Initialize Resque environment'
task setup: :environment do
ENV['QUEUE'] ||= '*'
Resque.logger.level = Logger::INFO
task scheduler_setup: :environment
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5880962/how-to-destroy-jobs-enqueued-by-resque-workers - old version
# see https://github.com/defunkt/resque/issues/49
# see http://redis.io/commands - new commands
desc 'Clear pending tasks'
task clear: :environment do
queues = Resque.queues
queues.each do |queue_name|
puts "Clearing #{queue_name}..."
puts 'Clearing delayed...'
Resque.redis.keys('delayed:*').each do |key|
Resque.redis.del key.to_s
Resque.redis.del 'delayed_queue_schedule'
puts 'Clearing stats...'
Resque.redis.set 'stat:failed', 0
Resque.redis.set 'stat:processed', 0
puts 'Clearing zombie workers...'
puts 'Clearing failed jobs...'
cleaner = Resque::Plugins::ResqueCleaner.new
puts 'Clearing resque workers...'
desc 'Alias for resque:work'
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10424087/resque-multiple-workers-in-development-mode
task 'jobs:work' do
system("bundle exec env rake resque:workers QUEUE='*' COUNT='#{ENV['WEB_WORKERS']}'")
Shared Context
shared_context 'rake' do
let(:invoke_task) { Rake.application[task_name] }
let(:highline) { instance_double(HighLine) }
before do
task_paths.each do |task_path|
before do
allow(HighLine).to receive(:new).and_return(highline)
The spec marked as focus I would like to confirm that all of the Resque methods are being fired. Is a spy or a double the right approach for this?
Yes. A Spy in this test would only be testing that it received those methods calls, since it is acting as a double stand-in for those tests; meaning you are not testing the behaviour of task in this test, you are testing that the task has an object like Resque receiving those method calls.
Message expectations put an example's expectation at the start, before you've invoked the code-under-test. Many developers prefer using an act-arrange-assert (or given-when-then) pattern for structuring tests. Spies are an alternate type of test double that support this pattern by allowing you to expect that a message has been received after the fact, using have_received.
-- Spies - Basics - RSpec Mocks - RSpec - Relish
An example of what this might look like for your it 'works' test
it 'works' do
expect(Resque).to receive(:remove_queue).with('queue:default').and_return(true)
expect { invoke_task.invoke }.to output(
"Clearing default...\n"\
"Clearing delayed...\n"\
"Clearing stats...\n"\
"Clearing zombie workers...\n"\
"Clearing failed jobs...\n"\
"Clearing resque workers...\n"
Is as follows
RSpec.describe "have_received" do
it 'works' do
invoke_task = Rake.application['resque:clear']
redis_double = double("redis")
allow(redis_double).to receive(:keys).with('delayed:*').and_return([])
allow(redis_double).to receive(:del).with('delayed_queue_schedule').and_return(true)
allow(redis_double).to receive(:set).with('stat:failed', 0).and_return(true)
allow(redis_double).to receive(:set).with('stat:processed', 0).and_return(true)
allow(Resque).to receive(:queues).and_return([])
allow(Resque).to receive(:redis).and_return(redis_double)
# allow(Resque).to receive(:remove_queue).with('queue:default') #.and_return(true)
allow(Resque).to receive(:reset_delayed_queue) #.and_return(true)
allow(Resque).to receive(:workers).and_return([])
cleaner_double = double("cleaner")
allow(Resque::Plugins::ResqueCleaner).to receive(:new).and_return(cleaner_double)
allow(cleaner_double).to receive(:clear).and_return(true)
expect { invoke_task.invoke }.to output(
# "Clearing default...\n"\
"Clearing delayed...\n"\
"Clearing stats...\n"\
"Clearing zombie workers...\n"\
"Clearing failed jobs...\n"\
"Clearing resque workers...\n"
expect(redis_double).to have_received(:keys)
expect(redis_double).to have_received(:del)
expect(redis_double).to have_received(:set).with('stat:failed', 0)
expect(redis_double).to have_received(:set).with('stat:processed', 0)
expect(Resque).to have_received(:queues)
expect(Resque).to have_received(:redis).at_least(4).times
# expect(Resque).to have_received(:remove_queue).with('queue:default')
expect(Resque).to have_received(:reset_delayed_queue)
expect(Resque).to have_received(:workers).twice
expect(Resque::Plugins::ResqueCleaner).to have_received(:new)
expect(cleaner_double).to have_received(:clear)
The allow(Resque).to receive(:remove_queue).with('queue:default') is commented out since allow(redis_double).to receive(:keys).with('delayed:*').and_return([]) returns an empty array in my example code, meaning that queues.each never iterates once, so Resque.remove_queue("queue:#{queue_name}") is never called and "Clearing default...\n"\ is not return for the expected output
Also, there is a lot happening in this one task, and might be worthwhile breaking it down into smaller tasks.
This effectively stubs each of the expected method calls on the Resque object and then accesses after task has been invoked that the doubles receive those expected method calls. It does not test the outcomes of those tasks, only that method calls occurred and confirms those
methods are being fired.
Spies - Basics - RSpec Mocks - RSpec - Relish
Allowing messages - Basics - RSpec Mocks - RSpec - Relish
A Closer Look at Test Spies

A General Method to be invoked before every rake execution

In my rails project (Rails 3.1, Ruby 1.9.3) there are around 40 rake tasks defined. The requirement is that I should be able to create an entry (the rake details) in a database table right when we start each rake. The details I need are the rake name, arguments, start time and end time. For this purpose, I don't want rake files to be updated with the code. Is it possible to do this outside the scope of rake files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Try this
For example in your Rakefile
require 'rake/hooks'
task :say_hello do
puts "Good Morning !"
before :say_hello do
puts "Hi !"
#For multiple tasks
namespace :greetings do
task :hola do puts "Hola!" end ;
task :bonjour do puts "Bonjour!" end ;
task :gday do puts "G'day!" end ;
before "greetings:hola", "greetings:bonjour", "greetings:gday" do
puts "Hello!"
rake greetings:hola # => "Hello! Hola!"
This seems to be a bit awkward, But it may help others.
will return an array of information including Rake name and its arguments.
Reference attached below.
pry(main)> a = Rake.application.top_level_tasks
=> ["import_data[client1,", "data.txt]"]
When you create rake task, you can pass a parent task which will run before your task:
task my_task: :my_parent_task do
# ...
If your task depends from more than 1 task, you can pass an array of parent tasks
task my_task: [:my_prev_task, :my_another_prev_task] do
# ...

Testing a method defined in a rake task

I want to test a method defined in a rake task.
rake file
namespace :xyz do
task :simple_task => :environment do
if task_needs_to_run?
puts "Lets run this..."
#some code which I don't wish to test
def task_needs_to_run?
# code that needs testing
return 2 > 1
Now, I want to test this method, task_needs_to_run? in a test file
How do I do this ?
Additional note: I would ideally want test another private method in the rake task as well... But I can worry about that later.
The usual way to do this is to move all actual code into a module and leave the task implementation to be only:
require 'that_new_module'
namespace :xyz do
task :simple_task => :environment do
If you use environmental variables or command argument, just pass them in:
ThatNewModule.doit!(ENV['SOMETHING'], ARGV[1])
This way you can test and refactor the implementation without touching the rake task at all.
You can just do this:
require 'rake'
load 'simple_task.rake'
=> true
I tried this myself... defining a method inside a Rake namespace is the same as defining it at the top level.
loading a Rakefile doesn't run any of the tasks... it just defines them. So there is no harm in loading your Rakefile inside a test script, so you can test associated methods.
When working within a project with a rake context (something like this) already defined:
describe 'my_method(my_method_argument)' do
include_context 'rake'
it 'calls my method' do
expect(described_class.send(:my_method, my_method_argument)).to eq(expected_results)
