this clause cannot match because of different types/sizes - erlang

i tried to implement binary_search in erlang :
binary_search(X , List) ->
case {is_number(x) , is_list(List)} of
{false , false} -> {error};
{false , true} -> {error} ;
{true , false} -> {error} ;
{true , true} ->
Length = length(List) ,
case Length of
0 -> {false};
1 -> case lists:member(X , List) of
true -> {true};
false -> {false}
end ;
_ ->
Middle = (Length + 1) div 2 ,
case X >= Middle of
true -> binary_search(X , lists:sublist(List , Middle , Length));
false -> binary_search(X , lists:sublist(List , 1 , Middle))
end .
However when i try to compile it , i get the following error : "this clause cannot match because of different types/sizes" in the two lines :
{true , false} -> {error} ;
{true , true} ->

is_number(x) will always return false since you made a typo: x instead of X, an atom instead of a variable.
BTW, I don't know what you are experiencing, but the whole code can be written as:
binary_search(X , [_|_] = List) when is_number(X) ->
binary_search(_,_) -> {error}.

Context: The OP's post appears to be a learning example -- an attempt to understand binary search in Erlang -- and is treated as one below (hence the calls to io:format/2 each iteration of the inner function). In production lists:member/2 should be used as noted by Steve Vinoski in a comment below, or lists:member/2 guarded by a function head as in Pascal's answer. What follows is a manual implementation of binary search.
Pascal is correct about the typo, but this code has more fundamental problems. Instead of just finding the typo let's see if we can obviate the need for this nested case checking entirely.
(The code as written above won't work anyway because X should not represent the value of an index, but rather the value that is held at that index, so Middle will likely never match X. Also, there is another issue: you don't cover all the base cases (cases in which you should stop recursing). So the inner function below covers them all up front as matches within the function head, so it is more obvious how the search works. Note the Middle + 1 when X > Value, by the way; contemplate why this is necessary.)
Two main notes on Erlang style
First: If you receive the wrong sort of data, just crash, don't return an error. With that in mind, consider using a guard.
Second: If you find yourself doing lots of cases, you can usually simplify your life by making them named functions. This gives you two advantages:
A much better crash report than you will get within nested case expressions.
A named, pure function can be tested and even formally verified rather easily if it is small enough -- which is also pretty cool. (As a side note, the religion of testing tests my patience and sanity at times, but when you have pure functions you actually can test at least those parts of your program -- so distilling out as much of this sort of thing as possible is a big win.)
Below I do both, and this should obviate the issue you ran into as well as make things a bit easier to read/sort through mentally:
%% Don't return errors, just crash.
%% Only check the data on entry.
%% Guarantee the data is sorted, as this is fundamental to binary search.
binary_search(X, List)
when is_number(X),
is_list(List) ->
bs(X, lists:sort(List)).
%% Get all of our obvious base cases out of the way as matches.
%% Note the lack of type checking; its already been done.
bs(_, []) -> false;
bs(X, [X]) -> true;
bs(X, [_]) -> false;
bs(X, List) ->
ok = io:format("bs(~p, ~p)~n", [X, List]),
Length = length(List),
Middle = (Length + 1) div 2,
Value = lists:nth(Middle, List),
% This is one of those rare times I find an 'if' to be more
% clear in meaning than a 'case'.
X == Value -> true;
X > Value -> bs(X, lists:sublist(List, Middle + 1, Length));
X < Value -> bs(X, lists:sublist(List, 1, Middle))


exception error: no match of right hand side value []

I am trying to see if a letter exists in a list, i am currently doing like the following
sortedlist(Text)-> freq(lists:sort(Text)).
freq(List) -> freq (List, [], []).
freq(List, Freq, CheckedLetters) when length(List) > 0 ->
[CurrHead|T]= List,
Checked = lists:member(CurrHead,CheckedLetters),
case Checked of
false -> CheckedLetters++[CurrHead],
freq(T,Freq++[{CurrHead,count(CurrHead, List)}],CheckedLetters);
true -> freq(T,Freq,CheckedLetters)
freq([],Freq,CheckedLetters)-> Freq.
List contains user entered letters
CheckedLetters is an empty list, that will keep track of the already examined letters
But I am receiving the following erlang exception at the case-statement line (the lines with **).
error: no match of right hand side value []
What is the problem here? I am been blindy staring at those lines.
The end condition is missing in your recursive function. So when list become empty (each time you recall the function with the tail it is getting smaller), the match [CurrHead|T]= List, fails with error.
You have to add a clause to manage the end of recursion:
freq([], Freq, CheckedLetters) when length(List) > 0 ->
{Freq, CheckedLetters};
freq(List, Freq, CheckedLetters) when length(List) > 0 ->
[CurrHead|T]= List,
Checked = lists:member(CurrHead,CheckedLetters),
case Checked of
true -> CheckedLetters++[CurrHead],
freq(T,Freq++[{CurrHead,count(CurrHead, List)}],CheckedLetters);
false -> freq(T,Freq,CheckedLetters)
I think you will have also to review the inside operation, I doubt it is doing what you expect. in particular the line CheckedLetters++[CurrHead], has no effect.
Don't forget that variables are not mutable in erlang. So the line CheckedLetters++[CurrHead] simply evaluates a new list and forget the result (in fact I am not sure it does anything since you do not bound this evaluation to any variable, and the compiler knows it).
I guess that what you want to do is:
case Checked of
true ->
freq(T,Freq++[{CurrHead,count(CurrHead, List)}],CheckedLetters++[CurrHead]);
false ->
Next you should have a look at Freq++[{CurrHead,count(CurrHead, List)}], I think it isn't correct.
The only piece of code in that block that could error: no match of right hand side value [] is [CurrHead|T]= List, as Steve Vinoski said. Likely there is some scenario where List is an empty list instead of a list of letters.
Also, the last line in the code block you shared:
case Checked == false of
Can be simplified to:
case Checked of
true ->
false ->
Since Checked is the return value of lists:member/2, and lists:member/2 is guaranteed to return a boolean, you can safely match directly on the true and false atoms.
lists:member/2 documentation:

Head Mismatch in simple argument pattern matching

I have this code:
map_functions() ->
{Mod,_} = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions([H|Tail],A) ->
B = H:mod_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail,A#{H => B});
map_functions([],A) -> A.
However whenever I compile it I get a head mismatch on line 10 which is the
map_funtions([H|Tail],A) ->
I'm sure this is a very basic error but I just cannot get my head around why this does not run. It is a correct pattern match syntax [H|Tail] and the three functions with the same name but different arities are separated by commas.
Your function definition should be
map_functions() ->
{Mod,_} = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions(Mod, #{}).
map_functions([], A) -> A;
map_functions([H|Tail], A) ->
B = H:mod_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail, A#{H => B}).
The name map_functions is the same, but the arity is not. In the Erlang world that means these are two entirely different functions: map_functions/0 and map_functions/2.
Also, note that I put the "base case" first in map_functions/2 (and made the first clause's return value stick out -- breaking that to two lines is more common, but whatever). This is for three reasons: clarity, getting in the habit of writing the base case first (so you don't accidentally write infinite loops), and very often it is necessary to do this so you don't accidentally mask your base case by matching every parameter in a higher-precedence clause.
Some extended discussion on this topic is here (addressing Elixir and Erlang): Specify arity using only or except when importing function on Elixir
Function with same name but different arity are different, they are separated by dots.
code:all_loaded returns a list, so the first function should be written:
map_functions() ->
Mods = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions(Mods, #{}).
The resulting list Mods is a list of tuples of the form {ModName,BeamLocation} so the second function should be written:
map_functions([], A) -> A;
map_functions([{ModName,_}|Tail], A) ->
B = ModName:module_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail, A#{ModName => B}).
Note that you should dig into erlang libraries and try to use more idiomatic forms of code, the whole function, using list comprehension, can be written:
map_functions() ->
maps:from_list([{X,X:module_info(exports)} || {X,_} <- code:all_loaded()]).

Finding if Integer is Even or Odd

I am learning Erlang and one of the problems as per Joe's book states
The function even(X) should return true if X is an even integer and
otherwise false. odd(X) should return true if X is an odd integer.
The way I solve this is
%% API
-export([even/1, odd/1]).
even(Integer) -> (Integer >= 0) and (Integer rem 2 =:= 0).
odd(Integer) -> (Integer >= 1) and (Integer rem 2 =/= 0).
and run this as
Eshell V6.2 (abort with ^G)
1> math_functions:odd(13).
2> math_functions:odd(-13).
3> math_functions:odd(1).
4> math_functions:even(1).
5> math_functions:even(2).
6> math_functions:even(-2).
The question I have is if there are better ways to do this
You could use guards to limit yourself to integers greater than or equal to zero, and then simply check the least-significant bit as suggested in the comment to your question. You can also define odd/1 in terms of even/1:
even(X) when X >= 0 -> (X band 1) == 0.
odd(X) when X > 0 -> not even(X).
The guards are part of the function-head, so if you call even(-1) it will fail to match in exactly the same way as if you called even(1, 2) (i.e. with the wrong number of arguments).
Answer to Daydreamer comment about Steve answer.
When you write a function, a frequent usage in erlang is to code only the "success" cases and let crash the unsuccessful cases (I'll come back later to explain why it is important).
Another criteria, valid for any language, is to avoid surprise when someone use or read your code.
In one of your comment you say that the odd and even functions you want to write are limited to positive or null integers (I won't discuss this choice, and at least the odd and even functions are limited to integers). This means that you have to ask yourself a first question: what is the behavior of my function if it is called with a bad parameter.
First choice: let it crash this the Steve proposition: the function works only with the correct arguments. I always prefer this solution. The only exception is if I do not master the input parameters, for example if they come directly from a file, a user interface ... Then I prefer the third choice.
Second choice: return a result this is your choice: you return false. From a logic point of view, for odd and even function, returning false is valid: is something is not true, it is false :o). I don't like this solution for 2 reasons. The first one is that it is not something you can generalize easily to something else than boolean answer. The second and more important to me, is that it may surprise the user. When the function odd(N) return false, it is reasonable to think that N is even, while in this case odd(-2) and even(-2) will both return false.
third choice: return a tagged result this is something you see very often in erlang: a function return either {ok,Value} or {Error,Term}. doing this you let the choice to the calling function to manage or not a bad arguments errors. the Error variable allows you to have explicit error messages, useful for debug and also user interface. In your example the code becomes:
even(X) when is_integer(X), X >= 0 -> {ok,(X band 1) == 0};
even(X) -> {illegal_param,X}.
odd(X) when is_integer(X), X >= 0 -> {ok,(X band 1) == 1};
odd(X) -> {illegal_param,X}.
When programming, it is important to detect error as soon as possible, in erlang it is even more important. If one process does not detect (and the simplest detection is crash) and error and propagate some invalid information through messages, it may be very difficult to find the root cause of a problem, ignoring which process (maybe died) issued this message. Coding only the success cases is an easy way to detect problems as soon as possible.
Find the no if even
%functions that manipulate functions are called higher-order %functions, and the data type that represents a function in Erlang is %called a fun. here in below example you see FUNCTIONS THAT HAVE %FUNCTIONS AS THEIR ARGUMENTS
% K is an example list
1> K=[4,5,6,8,10].
% Use lisst:filter to perform no/2 and filter if rem=0
2> lists:filter(fun(J)->(J rem 2)=:=0 end, K).
Another way:
% Function to check even
22> Checkeven=fun(U)->(U rem 2)=:=0 end.
23> Checkeven(5).
% Define a test list
25> K=[1,2,3,4,5].
% Use lists filter to apply Checkeven func to all elements of k
26> lists:filter(Checkeven,K).
%Using List comprehension
42> K.
% For all elements of K check remainder of elem/2 is zero
43> [(S rem 2=:=0) || S<-K].

Querying mnesia Fragmentated Tables using QLC returns wrong results

am josh in Uganda. i created a mnesia fragmented table (64 fragments), and managed to populate it upto 9948723 records. Each fragment was a disc_copies type, with two replicas.
Now, using qlc (query list comprehension), was too slow in searching for a record, and was returning inaccurate results.
I found out that this overhead is that qlc uses the select function of mnesia which traverses the entire table in order to match records. i tried something else below.
-record(person,{name,sex,age,address = #address{}}).
match()-> Z = fun(Spec) -> mnesia:match_object(Spec) end,Z.
Match = match(),
Trying this functionality gave me good results. But i found that i have to dynamically build patterns for every search that may be made in my stored procedures.
i decided to go through the havoc of doing this, so i wrote functions which will dynamically build wild patterns for my records depending on which parameter is to be searched.
%% This below gives me the default pattern for all searches ::= {person,'_','_','_'}
N = length(my_record_info(Record_name)) + 1,
%% this finds the position of the provided value and places it in that
%% position while keeping '_' in the other positions.
%% The caller function can use this function recursively until
%% it has built the full search pattern of interest
N = position(Field,my_record_info(element(1,Pattern_sofar))),
case N of
-1 -> Pattern_sofar;
Int when Int >= 1 -> erlang:setelement(N + 1,Pattern_sofar,Value);
_ -> Pattern_sofar
case Record_name of
staff_dynamic -> record_info(fields,staff_dynamic);
person -> record_info(fields,person);
_ -> []
%% These below,help locate the position of an element in a list
%% returned by "-record_info(fields,person)"
position(_,[]) -> -1;
find(false,_,_,_) -> -1;
find(true,V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,X,N + 1).
find(V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,[_|X],N) -> find(V,X,N + 1).
This was working very well though it was computationally intensive.
It could still work even after changing the record definition since at compile time, it gets the new record info
The problem is that when i initiate even 25 processes on a 3.0 GHz pentium 4 processor running WinXP, It hangs and takes a long time to return results.
If am to use qlc in these fragments, to get accurate results, i have to specify which fragment to search in like this.
select(qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(Frag), (X#person.address) == Tel])).
case ?transact(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end) of
{atomic,Val} -> Val;
{aborted,_} = Error -> report_mnesia_event(Error)
Qlc was returning [], when i search for something yet when i use match_object/1 i get accurate results. I found that using match_expressions can help.
where Props is a data structure that defines the match expression, the chunk size of return values e.t.c
I got a problem when i tried building match expressions dynamically.
Function mnesia:read/1 or mnesia:read/2 requires that you have the primary key
Now am asking myself, how can i efficiently use QLC to search for records in a large fragmented table? Please help.
I know that using tuple representation of records makes code hard to upgrade. This is why
i hate using mnesia:select/1, mnesia:match_object/1 and i want to stick to QLC. QLC is giving me wrong results in my queries from a mnesia table of 64 fragments even on the same node.
Has anyone ever used QLC to query a fragmented table?, please help
Do you invoke the qlc in the activity context?
tfn_match(Id) ->
Search = #person{address=#address{tel=Id, _ = '_'}, _ = '_'},
trans(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(Search) end).
tfn_qlc(Id) ->
Q = qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(person), (X#person.address) == Id]),
trans(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end).
trans(Fun) ->
try Res = mnesia:activity(transaction, Fun, mnesia_frag),
{atomic, Res}
catch exit:Error ->
{aborted, Error}

Erlang and run-time record limitations

I'm developing an Erlang system and having reoccurring problems with the fact that records are compile-time pre-processor macros (almost), and that they cant be manipulated at runtime...
basically, I'm working with a property pattern, where properties are added at run-time to objects on the front-end (AS3). Ideally, I would reflect this with a list on the Erlang side, since its a fundamental data type, but then using records in QCL [to query ETS tables] would not be possible since to use them I have to specifically say which record property I want to query over... I have at least 15 columns in the larges table, so listing them all in one huge switch statement (case X of) is just plain ugly.
does anyone have any ideas how to elegantly solve this? maybe some built-in functions for creating tuples with appropriate signatures for use in pattern matching (for QLC)?
It sounds like you want to be able to do something like get_record_field(Field, SomeRecord) where Field is determined at runtime by user interface code say.
You're right in that you can't do this in standard erlang as records and the record_info function are expanded and eliminated at compile time.
There are a couple of solutions that I've used or looked at. My solution is as follows: (the example gives runtime access to the #dns_rec and #dns_rr records from inet_dns.hrl)
%% Retrieves the value stored in the record Rec in field Field.
info(Field, Rec) ->
Fields = fields(Rec),
info(Field, Fields, tl(tuple_to_list(Rec))).
info(_Field, _Fields, []) -> erlang:error(bad_record);
info(_Field, [], _Rec) -> erlang:error(bad_field);
info(Field, [Field | _], [Val | _]) -> Val;
info(Field, [_Other | Fields], [_Val | Values]) -> info(Field, Fields, Values).
%% The fields function provides the list of field positions
%% for all the kinds of record you want to be able to query
%% at runtime. You'll need to modify this to use your own records.
fields(#dns_rec{}) -> fields(dns_rec);
fields(dns_rec) -> record_info(fields, dns_rec);
fields(#dns_rr{}) -> fields(dns_rr);
fields(dns_rr) -> record_info(fields, dns_rr).
%% Turns a record into a proplist suitable for use with the proplists module.
to_proplist(R) ->
Keys = fields(R),
Values = tl(tuple_to_list(R)),
A version of this that compiles is available here: rec_test.erl
You can also extend this dynamic field lookup to dynamic generation of matchspecs for use with ets:select/2 or mnesia:select/2 as shown below:
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ V || #RecordKind{MatchField=V} <- mnesia:table(RecordKind) ]
match(MatchField, RecordKind) ->
MatchTuple = match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind),
{MatchTuple, [], ['$1']}.
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ T || T <- mnesia:table(RecordKind),
%% T#RecordKind.Field =:= MatchValue]
match(MatchField, MatchValue, RecordKind) ->
MatchTuple = match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind),
{MatchTuple, [{'=:=', '$1', MatchValue}], ['$$']}.
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ T#RecordKind.ReturnField
%% || T <- mnesia:table(RecordKind),
%% T#RecordKind.MatchField =:= MatchValue]
match(MatchField, MatchValue, RecordKind, ReturnField)
when MatchField =/= ReturnField ->
MatchTuple = list_to_tuple([RecordKind
| [if F =:= MatchField -> '$1'; F =:= ReturnField -> '$2'; true -> '_' end
|| F <- fields(RecordKind)]]),
{MatchTuple, [{'=:=', '$1', MatchValue}], ['$2']}.
match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind) ->
| [if F =:= MatchField -> '$1'; true -> '_' end
|| F <- fields(RecordKind)]]).
Ulf Wiger has also written a parse_transform, Exprecs, that more or less does this for you automagically. I've never tried it, but Ulf's code is usually very good.
I solve this problem (in development) by use the parse transform tools to read the .hrl files and generate helper functions.
I wrote a tutorial on it at Trap Exit.
We use it all the time to generate match specs. The beauty is that you don't need to know anything about the current state of the record at development time.
However once you are in production things change! If your record is the basis of a table (as opposed to the definition of a field in a table) then changing an underlying record is more difficult (to put it mildly!).
I'm not sure I fully understand your Problem but I have moved from records to proplists in most cases. They are much more flexible and much slower. Using (d)ets I usually use a few record fields for coarse selection and then check the proplists on the remaining records for detailed selection.
